#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright(C) 2010-2021 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of woob. # # woob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # woob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with woob. If not, see . import importlib import inspect import optparse import os import re import sys import time from datetime import datetime from textwrap import dedent from woob.tools.application.base import Application BASE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir) DEST_DIR = 'man' COMP_PATH = 'tools/woob_bash_completion' class ManpageHelpFormatter(optparse.HelpFormatter): def __init__(self, app, indent_increment=0, max_help_position=0, width=80, short_first=1): optparse.HelpFormatter.__init__(self, indent_increment, max_help_position, width, short_first) self.app = app def format_heading(self, heading): return ".SH %s\n" % heading.upper() def format_usage(self, usage): txt = '' for line in usage.split('\n'): line = line.lstrip().split(' ', 1) if len(txt) > 0: txt += '.br\n' txt += '.B %s\n' % line[0] arg_re = re.compile(r'([\[\s])([\w_]+)') args = re.sub(arg_re, r"\1\\fI\2\\fR", line[1]) txt += args txt += '\n' return '.SH SYNOPSIS\n%s' % txt def format_description(self, description): desc = '.SH DESCRIPTION\n.LP\n\n%s\n' % description if hasattr(self.app, 'CAPS'): self.app.woob.modules_loader.load_all() caps = self.app.CAPS if isinstance(self.app.CAPS, tuple) else (self.app.CAPS,) modules = [] for name, module in self.app.woob.modules_loader.loaded.items(): if module.has_caps(*caps): modules.append('* %s (%s)' % (name, module.description)) if len(modules) > 0: desc += '\n.SS Supported websites:\n' desc += '\n.br\n'.join(sorted(modules)) return desc def format_commands(self, commands): s = '' for section, cmds in commands.items(): if len(cmds) == 0: continue s += '.SH %s COMMANDS\n' % section.upper() for cmd in sorted(cmds): s += '.TP\n' h = cmd.split('\n') if ' ' in h[0]: cmdname, args = h[0].split(' ', 1) arg_re = re.compile(r'([A-Z_]+)') args = re.sub(arg_re, r"\\fI\1\\fR", args) s += '\\fB%s\\fR %s' % (cmdname, args) else: s += '\\fB%s\\fR' % h[0] s += '%s\n' % '\n.br\n'.join(h[1:]) return s def format_option_strings(self, option): opts = optparse.HelpFormatter.format_option_strings(self, option).split(", ") return ".TP\n" + ", ".join("\\fB%s\\fR" % opt for opt in opts) def main(): # TODO rename when apps have changed folder scripts_path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'woob', 'applications') files = sorted(os.listdir(scripts_path)) completions = {} for fname in files: fpath = os.path.join(scripts_path, fname) if os.path.isdir(fpath) and not fname.startswith('_'): try: module = importlib.import_module(f'woob.applications.{fname}') except OSError as e: print(f"Unable to load the {fname} application ({e})", file=sys.stderr) else: print(f"Loaded {fname}") # Find the applications we can handle for klass in module.__dict__.values(): if inspect.isclass(klass) and issubclass(klass, Application) and klass.VERSION: completions[klass.APPNAME] = analyze_application(klass, 'woob-' + klass.APPNAME) write_completions(completions) def format_title(title): return re.sub(r'^(.+):$', r'.SH \1\n.TP', title.group().upper()) # XXX useful because the PyQt QApplication destructor crashes sometimes. By # keeping every applications until program end, it prevents to stop before # every manpages have been generated. If it crashes at exit, it's not a # really a problem. applications = [] def analyze_application(app, script_name): application = app() applications.append(application) formatter = ManpageHelpFormatter(application) # patch the application application._parser.prog = "%s" % script_name.replace('woob-', 'woob ') application._parser.formatter = formatter helptext = application._parser.format_help(formatter) cmd_re = re.compile(r'^.+ Commands:$', re.MULTILINE) helptext = re.sub(cmd_re, format_title, helptext) helptext = helptext.replace("-", r"\-") coding = r'.\" -*- coding: utf-8 -*-' comment = r'.\" This file was generated automatically by tools/make_man.sh.' header = '.TH %s 1 "%s" "%s %s"' % (script_name.upper(), time.strftime("%d %B %Y"), script_name, app.VERSION.replace('.', '\\&.')) name = ".SH NAME\n%s \- %s" % (script_name, application.SHORT_DESCRIPTION) condition = """.SH CONDITION The \-c and \-\-condition is a flexible way to filter and get only interesting results. It supports conditions on numerical values, dates, durations and strings. Dates are given in YYYY\-MM\-DD or YYYY\-MM\-DD HH:MM format. Durations look like XhYmZs where X, Y and Z are integers. Any of them may be omitted. For instance, YmZs, XhZs or Ym are accepted. The syntax of one expression is "\\fBfield operator value\\fR". The field to test is always the left member of the expression. .LP The field is a member of the objects returned by the command. For example, a bank account has "balance", "coming" or "label" fields. .SS The following operators are supported: .TP = Test if object.field is equal to the value. .TP != Test if object.field is not equal to the value. .TP > Test if object.field is greater than the value. If object.field is date, return true if value is before that object.field. .TP < Test if object.field is less than the value. If object.field is date, return true if value is after that object.field. .TP | This operator is available only for string fields. It works like the Unix standard \\fBgrep\\fR command, and returns True if the pattern specified in the value is in object.field. .SS Expression combination .LP You can make a expression combinations with the keywords \\fB" AND "\\fR, \\fB" OR "\\fR an \\fB" LIMIT "\\fR. .LP The \\fBLIMIT\\fR keyword can be used to limit the number of items upon which running the expression. \\fBLIMIT\\fR can only be placed at the end of the expression followed by the number of elements you want. .SS Examples: .nf .B woob bank ls \-\-condition 'label=Livret A' .fi Display only the "Livret A" account. .PP .nf .B woob bank ls \-\-condition 'balance>10000' .fi Display accounts with a lot of money. .PP .nf .B woob bank history account@backend \-\-condition 'label|rewe' .fi Get transactions containing "rewe". .PP .nf .B woob bank history account@backend \-\-condition 'date>2013\-12\-01 AND date<2013\-12\-09' .fi Get transactions betweens the 2th December and 8th December 2013. .PP .nf .B woob bank history account@backend \-\-condition 'date>2013\-12\-01 LIMIT 10' .fi Get transactions after the 2th December in the last 10 transactions """ footer = """.SH COPYRIGHT %s .LP For full copyright information see the COPYING file in the woob package. .LP .RE .SH FILES "~/.config/woob/backends" """ % application.COPYRIGHT.replace('YEAR', '%d' % datetime.today().year) if len(app.CONFIG) > 0: footer += '\n\n "~/.config/woob/%s"' % app.APPNAME # Skip internal applications. footer += "\n\n.SH SEE ALSO\nHome page: https://woob.tech/applications/%s" % application.APPNAME mantext = u"%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (coding, comment, header, name, helptext, condition, footer) with open(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, DEST_DIR, "%s.1" % script_name), 'w+') as manfile: for line in mantext.split('\n'): manfile.write('%s\n' % line.lstrip()) print("wrote %s/%s.1" % (DEST_DIR, script_name)) return application._shell_completion_items() def write_completions(completions): compscript = dedent(''' # Woob completion for Bash (automatically generated by tools/make_man.sh) # # vim: filetype=sh expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 # # This file is part of woob. # # This script can be distributed under the same license as the # woob or bash packages. _woob() {{ local cur prev cur=${{COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}} prev=${{COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}} case ${{COMP_CWORD}} in 1) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "{0}" -- ${{cur}})) ;; 2) case ${{prev}} in ''').format(' '.join(completions.keys())).strip() for name, items in completions.items(): compscript += ''' {0}) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o default -W "{1}" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; '''.format(name, ' '.join(sorted(items))).rstrip() compscript += dedent(''' esac ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o filenames -A file) ) ;; esac } complete -F _woob woob ''') with open(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, COMP_PATH), 'w') as f: f.write(compscript) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())