# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2014 Roger Philibert # # This file is part of a woob module. # # This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this woob module. If not, see . import datetime from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from dateutil.tz import tzlocal from woob.capabilities.messages import CapMessages, CapMessagesPost, Thread, Message from woob.capabilities.dating import CapDating, Optimization from woob.tools.backend import Module, BackendConfig from woob.tools.value import Value, ValueBackendPassword from woob.tools.log import getLogger from .browser import TinderBrowser, FacebookBrowser __all__ = ['TinderModule'] class ProfilesWalker(Optimization): def __init__(self, sched, storage, browser): self._sched = sched self._storage = storage self._browser = browser self._logger = getLogger('walker', browser.logger) self._view_cron = None def start(self): self._view_cron = self._sched.schedule(1, self.view_profile) return True def stop(self): self._sched.cancel(self._view_cron) self._view_cron = None return True def set_config(self, params): pass def is_running(self): return self._view_cron is not None def view_profile(self): next_try = 1 try: next_try = self._browser.like_profile() for thread in self._browser.get_threads(): if 'person' not in thread: continue other_name = thread['person']['name'] if len(thread['messages']) == 0 and \ parse_date(thread['created_date']) < (datetime.datetime.now(tzlocal()) - relativedelta(hours=1)): self._browser.post_message(thread['_id'], u'Coucou %s :)' % other_name) self._logger.info(u'Welcome message sent to %s' % other_name) finally: if self._view_cron is not None: self._view_cron = self._sched.schedule(next_try, self.view_profile) class TinderModule(Module, CapMessages, CapMessagesPost, CapDating): NAME = 'tinder' DESCRIPTION = u'Tinder dating mobile application' MAINTAINER = u'Roger Philibert' EMAIL = 'roger.philibert@gmail.com' LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+' VERSION = '3.6' CONFIG = BackendConfig(Value('username', label='Facebook email'), ValueBackendPassword('password', label='Facebook password'), Value('location', label='Location (example: 49.6008457,6.129709)', default='')) BROWSER = TinderBrowser STORAGE = {'contacts': {}, } def create_default_browser(self): facebook = self.create_browser(klass=FacebookBrowser) facebook.login(self.config['username'].get(), self.config['password'].get()) return self.create_browser(facebook, self.config['location'].get()) # ---- CapDating methods ----------------------- def init_optimizations(self): self.add_optimization('PROFILE_WALKER', ProfilesWalker(self.woob.scheduler, self.storage, self.browser)) # ---- CapMessages methods --------------------- def fill_thread(self, thread, fields): return self.get_thread(thread) def iter_threads(self): for thread in self.browser.get_threads(): if 'person' not in thread: # The account has been removed, probably because it was a # spammer. continue t = Thread(thread['_id']) t.flags = Thread.IS_DISCUSSION t.title = u'Discussion with %s' % thread['person']['name'] contact = self.storage.get('contacts', t.id, default={'lastmsg': 0}) birthday = parse_date(thread['person']['birth_date']).date() signature = u'Age: %d (%s)' % ((datetime.date.today() - birthday).days / 365.25, birthday) signature += u'\nLast ping: %s' % parse_date(thread['person']['ping_time']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') signature += u'\nPhotos:\n\t%s' % '\n\t'.join([photo['url'] for photo in thread['person']['photos']]) signature += u'\n\n%s' % thread['person'].get('bio', '') t.root = Message(thread=t, id=1, title=t.title, sender=str(thread['person']['name']), receivers=[self.browser.my_name], date=parse_date(thread['created_date']), content=u'Match!', children=[], signature=signature, flags=Message.IS_UNREAD if int(contact['lastmsg']) < 1 else 0) parent = t.root for msg in thread['messages']: flags = 0 if int(contact['lastmsg']) < msg['timestamp']: flags = Message.IS_UNREAD msg = Message(thread=t, id=msg['timestamp'], title=t.title, sender=str(self.browser.my_name if msg['from'] == self.browser.my_id else thread['person']['name']), receivers=[str(self.browser.my_name if msg['to'] == self.browser.my_id else thread['person']['name'])], date=parse_date(msg['sent_date']), content=str(msg['message']), children=[], parent=parent, signature=signature if msg['to'] == self.browser.my_id else u'', flags=flags) parent.children.append(msg) parent = msg yield t def get_thread(self, _id): for t in self.iter_threads(): if t.id == _id: return t def iter_unread_messages(self): for thread in self.iter_threads(): for message in thread.iter_all_messages(): if message.flags & message.IS_UNREAD: yield message def set_message_read(self, message): contact = self.storage.get('contacts', message.thread.id, default={'lastmsg': 0}) if int(contact['lastmsg']) < int(message.id): contact['lastmsg'] = int(message.id) self.storage.set('contacts', message.thread.id, contact) self.storage.save() # ---- CapMessagesPost methods --------------------- def post_message(self, message): self.browser.post_message(message.thread.id, message.content) OBJECTS = {Thread: fill_thread, }