#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ft=python et softtabstop=4 cinoptions=4 shiftwidth=4 ts=4 ai # Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import locale import time import logging from weboob.core import Weboob, CallErrors from weboob.capabilities.bank import CapBank from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword class BoobankMuninPlugin(object): def __init__(self): if 'weboob_path' in os.environ: self.weboob = Weboob(os.environ['weboob_path']) else: self.weboob = Weboob() self.monitored_accounts = None if 'boobank_monitored' in os.environ: self.monitored_accounts = os.environ['boobank_monitored'].split(' ') self.cache_expire = long(os.environ.get('boobank_cache_expire', 3600)) self.add_coming = int(os.environ.get('boobank_add_coming', 1)) self.cumulate = int(os.environ.get('boobank_cumulate', 1)) self.cache = None def display_help(self): print('boobank-munin is a plugin for munin') print('') print('Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Romain Bignon') print('') print('To use it, create a symlink /etc/munin/plugins/boobank to this script') print('and add this section in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:') print('') print('[boobank]') print('user romain') print('group romain') print('env.HOME /home/romain') print('# The weboob directory path.') print('env.weboob_path /home/romain/.config/weboob/') print('# Monitored accounts. If this parameter is missing, all accounts') print('# will be displayed.') print('env.boobank_monitored 0125XXXXXXXXXXXX@bnporc 0125XXXXXXXXXXXX@bnporc') print('# To prevent mass connections to bank websites, results are cached.') print('# You can set here the expiration delay (in seconds).') print('env.boobank_cache_expire 7200') print('# If enabled, coming operations are added to the value of accounts\'') print('# balance.') print('env.boobank_add_coming 1') print('# Cumulate accounts values') print('env.boobank_cumulate 1') print('') print('When you change configuration, you can use this command to reset cache:') print('$ boobank-munin --reset') def clear_cache(self): for name in ('boobank-munin', 'boobank-munin-config'): try: os.unlink(self.cachepath(name)) except IOError: pass def cachepath(self, name): tmpdir = os.path.join(self.weboob.workdir, "munin") if not os.path.isdir(tmpdir): os.makedirs(tmpdir) return os.path.join(tmpdir, name) def check_cache(self, name): return self.print_cache(name, check=True) def print_cache(self, name, check=False): try: f = open(self.cachepath(name), 'r') except IOError: return False try: last = int(f.readline().strip()) except ValueError: return False if check and (last + self.cache_expire) < time.time(): return False for line in f: sys.stdout.write(line) return True def new_cache(self, name): os.umask(0o077) new_name = '%s.new' % name filename = self.cachepath(new_name) try: f = open(filename, 'w') except IOError as e: print('Unable to create the cache file %s: %s' % (filename, e), file=sys.stderr) return self.cache = f self.cache.write('%d\n' % time.time()) def flush_cache(self): old_name = self.cache.name new_name = self.cache.name[:-4] self.cache.close() os.rename(old_name, new_name) def write_output(self, line): sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % line) if self.cache: self.cache.write('%s\n' % line) def config(self): if self.check_cache('boobank-munin-config'): return self.new_cache('boobank-munin-config') self.weboob.load_backends(CapBank) self.write_output('graph_title Bank accounts') self.write_output('graph_vlabel balance') self.write_output('graph_category weboob') self.write_output('graph_args -l 0') try: accounts = [] if self.monitored_accounts is not None: d = {} for account in self.weboob.do('iter_accounts'): if self.monitored(account): d['%s@%s' % (account.id, account.backend)] = account for id in self.monitored_accounts: try: accounts.append(d[id]) except KeyError: pass else: accounts = reversed([a for a in self.weboob.do('iter_accounts')]) first = True for account in accounts: id = self.account2id(account) type = 'STACK' if first: type = 'AREA' first = False self.write_output('%s.label %s' % (id, account.label.encode('iso-8859-15'))) if self.cumulate: self.write_output('%s.draw %s' % (id, type)) except CallErrors as errors: self.print_errors(errors) self.print_cache('boobank-munin-config') else: self.flush_cache() def monitored(self, account): return not self.monitored_accounts or ('%s@%s' % (account.id, account.backend)) in self.monitored_accounts def account2id(self, account): return '%s_%s' % (account.backend, account.id) def print_errors(self, errors): for backend, err, backtrace in errors: print((u'%s(%s): %s' % (type(err).__name__, backend.name, err)).encode(sys.stdout.encoding or locale.getpreferredencoding(), 'replace'), file=sys.stderr) if isinstance(err, BrowserIncorrectPassword): self.weboob.backends_config.edit_backend(backend.name, backend.NAME, {'_enabled': 'false'}) def execute(self): if self.check_cache('boobank-munin'): return self.new_cache('boobank-munin') self.weboob.load_backends(CapBank) try: for account in self.weboob.do('iter_accounts'): if self.monitored(account): balance = account.balance if account.coming and self.add_coming: balance += account.coming self.write_output('%s.value %d' % (self.account2id(account), balance)) except CallErrors as errors: self.print_errors(errors) self.print_cache('boobank-munin') else: self.flush_cache() def run(self): cmd = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or "execute" if cmd == 'execute': self.execute() elif cmd == 'config': self.config() elif cmd == 'autoconf': print('no') sys.exit(1) elif cmd == 'suggest': sys.exit(1) elif cmd == 'help' or cmd == '-h' or cmd == '--help': self.display_help() elif cmd == 'reload' or cmd == '--reload' or \ cmd == 'reset' or cmd == '--reset': self.clear_cache() if self.cache: self.cache.close() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig() BoobankMuninPlugin().run()