# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012 Roger Philibert # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . import re from datetime import datetime from weboob.tools.browser import BasePage from weboob.tools.ordereddict import OrderedDict from weboob.capabilities.contact import ProfileNode from weboob.tools.misc import local2utc, html2text class LoginPage(BasePage): def login(self, username, password): self.browser.select_form(name='loginf') self.browser['username'] = username.encode(self.browser.ENCODING) self.browser['password'] = password.encode(self.browser.ENCODING) self.browser.submit(id='login_btn', nologin=True) class ThreadPage(BasePage): def get_threads(self): li_elems = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//div[@id='page_content']//li", method= 'xpath') threads = [] for elem in li_elems: _class = elem.get('class', '') if 'clearfix' in _class.split(): threads.append({ u'username' : unicode(elem.getchildren()[0].get('href').split('/')[-1].split('?')[0]), u'id' : unicode(elem.get('id', '').split('_')[1]), u'date' : unicode(elem.find('.//p[@class="date"]').text) }) return threads class MessagesPage(BasePage): def get_thread_mails(self): mails = { 'member' : {}, 'messages' : [], } try: mails['member']['pseudo'] = self.parser.tocleanstring(self.document.getroot().cssselect('div#message_heading div.username span.name')[0]) except IndexError: mails['member']['pseudo'] = 'Unknown' for li in reversed(self.document.xpath('//ul[@id="thread"]//li[contains(@id, "message_")]')): try: txt = self.parser.tostring(li.xpath('.//div[@class="message_body"]')[0]) except IndexError: continue # 'Match' message txt = html2text(txt).strip() m = re.search(r'(\d+), ', li.xpath('.//span[@class="timestamp"]//script')[0].text) assert m date = local2utc(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(m.group(1)))) id_from = li.find('a').attrib['href'].split('/')[-1].split('?')[0] mails['messages'].append({ 'date' : date, 'message' : unicode(txt), 'id_from' : unicode(id_from), }) return mails def get_post_params(self): # http://m.okcupid.com/mailbox # Paramètresapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded # ajax 1 # authcode 1,0,1332766806,0x154df106d5af5993;51e1fa019f3423831e5b95c9c91346e5138f99cf # body Ah bah ça y'est, ça marche ?! # r1 jeanneplop # reply 1 # sendmsg 1 # subject # threadid 154028265985080112 # ajax=1&sendmsg=1&r1=jeanneplop&subject=&body=Ah%20bah%20%C3%A7a%20y'est%2C%20%C3%A7a%20marche%20%3F!&threadid=154028265985080112&authcode=1%2C0%2C1332766806%2C0x154df106d5af5993%3B51e1fa019f3423831e5b95c9c91346e5138f99cf&reply=1 js = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//script", method='xpath') for script in js: script = script.text if script is None: continue for line in script.splitlines(): match = re.match(".*Message\.initialize\([^,]*, '([^']*)', \"\", '([^']*)',.*", line) if match is not None: return match.groups() raise Exception('Unexpected reply page') class ProfilePage(BasePage): def get_visit_button_params(self): links = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//a", method='xpath') for a in links: # Premium users can browse anonymusly, need to click on a button to let the other person her profile was visited onclick = a.get("onclick") if onclick is None: continue for line in onclick.splitlines(): match = re.match("^Profile\.action\({stalk:(\d*),u:'(\w*)',tuid:'(\d+)'}", line) if match is not None: return match.groups() # Default case : no premium, profile already visited return None, None, None def get_profile(self): title = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'title', 1) if title.text == 'OkCupid: Account Not Found': return None profile = {} profile['id'] = unicode(title.text[len('OkCupid: '):]) profile['data'] = OrderedDict() profile_p = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//div[@id='page_content']//p", method='xpath') profile['data']['infos'] = ProfileNode('infos', u'Informations', OrderedDict(), flags=ProfileNode.SECTION) info = { 'age' : unicode(profile_p[1].text.split(' / ')[0]), 'sex' : unicode(profile_p[1].text.split(' / ')[1]), 'orientation' : unicode(profile_p[1].text.split(' / ')[2]), 'relationship' : unicode(profile_p[1].text.split(' / ')[3]), } for key, val in info.iteritems(): profile['data']['infos'].value[key] = ProfileNode(key, key.capitalize(), val) div_essays = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//div[@class='essay']", method='xpath') h3_essays = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//div[@id='page_content']//h3", method='xpath') essays = OrderedDict(zip(h3_essays, div_essays)) profile['data']['look_for'] = ProfileNode('look_for', u'Look for', OrderedDict(), flags=ProfileNode.SECTION) profile['data']['details'] = ProfileNode('details', u'Details', OrderedDict(), flags=ProfileNode.SECTION) profile['data']['essays'] = ProfileNode('essays', u'Essays', OrderedDict(), flags=ProfileNode.SECTION) for label, val in essays.iteritems(): label = unicode(label.text).strip() txt = self.parser.tocleanstring(val) if 'looking for' in label: for i, li in enumerate(val.xpath('.//li')): profile['data']['look_for'].value['look_for_%s' % i] = ProfileNode('look_for_%s' % i, '', li.text.strip()) elif 'summary' in label and not 'summary' in profile: profile['summary'] = txt else: key = label.replace(' ', '_') profile['data']['essays'].value[key] = ProfileNode(key, label, txt) details_div = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//div[@id='details']//li", method='xpath') for elem in details_div: label = unicode(elem.getchildren()[0].text.strip()) val = unicode(elem.getchildren()[1].text.strip()) key = label.lower().replace(' ', '_') profile['data']['details'].value[key] = ProfileNode(key, label, val) return profile class PhotosPage(BasePage): def get_photos(self): imgs = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//div[@class='pic clearfix']//img", method='xpath') return [unicode(img.get('src')) for img in imgs] class PostMessagePage(BasePage): def post_mail(self, id, content): self.browser.select_form(name='f2') self.browser['r1'] = id.encode('utf-8') self.browser['body'] = content.encode('utf-8') self.browser.submit() class VisitsPage(BasePage): def get_visits(self): ul_item = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), '//*[@id="page_content"]/ul[3]', method='xpath')[0] visitors = [] for li in ul_item: visitor_id = unicode(li.get('id')[4:]) visitor_timestamp = unicode(self.parser.select(li, './/div/span', method='xpath')[0].text.strip()) visitors.append({ 'who': { 'id': visitor_id }, 'date': visitor_timestamp }) return visitors class QuickMatchPage(BasePage): def get_id(self): element = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), '//*[@id="sn"]', method='xpath')[0] visitor_id = unicode(element.get('value')) return visitor_id def get_rating_params(self): # initialization userid = None tuid = None # looking for CURRENTUSERID js = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), "//script", method='xpath') for script in js: script = script.text if script is None: continue for line in script.splitlines(): match = re.match('.*var\s*CURRENTUSERID\s*=\s*"(\d+)"', line) if match is not None: (userid,) = match.groups() # Looking for target userid (tuid) element = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), '//*[@id="star_5_top"]', method='xpath')[0] onclick = element.get("onclick") if onclick is None: pass for line in onclick.splitlines(): match = re.match("^Quickmatch\.vote\(\d,\s*'(\w*)'*", line) if match is not None: (tuid,) = match.groups() # Building params hash if userid and tuid: params = { 'voterid': userid, 'target_userid': tuid, 'target_objectid': 0, 'type': 'vote', 'vote_type': 'personality', 'score': 5, } return '/vote_handler', 1,params else: raise Exception('Unexpected reply page') # VoteHandler.process('vote', 'personality', stars, tuid, pass.succeed, pass.failure); # var params = {voterid: CURRENTUSERID,target_userid: tuid,target_objectid: 0,type: vote_or_note,vote_type: vote_type,score: rating} class SentPage(BasePage): pass