# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012-2013 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import ssl from datetime import timedelta, date from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError from collections import OrderedDict from weboob.tools.date import LinearDateGuesser from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, AccountNotFound from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.transactions import sorted_transactions, keep_only_card_transactions from weboob.tools.compat import parse_qsl, urlparse from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword from weboob.browser import LoginBrowser, URL, need_login from weboob.browser.exceptions import HTTPNotFound from weboob.capabilities.base import find_object from .pages.account_pages import ( AccountsPage, OwnersListPage, CBOperationPage, CPTOperationPage, LoginPage, AppGonePage, RibPage, UnavailablePage, OtherPage, FrameContainer, ProfilePage, ) from .pages.life_insurances import ( LifeInsurancesPage, LifeInsurancePortal, LifeInsuranceMain, LifeInsuranceUseless, LifeNotFound, ) from .pages.investments import ( LogonInvestmentPage, ProductViewHelper, RetrieveAccountsPage, RetrieveInvestmentsPage, RetrieveLiquidityPage, RetrieveUselessPage, ScpiInvestmentPage, ) from .pages.landing_pages import JSMiddleFramePage, JSMiddleAuthPage, InvestmentFormPage __all__ = ['HSBC'] class HSBC(LoginBrowser): BASEURL = 'https://client.hsbc.fr' app_gone = False scpi_investment_page = URL(r'https://www.hsbc.fr/1/[0-9]/.*', ScpiInvestmentPage) connection = URL(r'https://www.hsbc.fr/1/2/hsbc-france/particuliers/connexion', LoginPage) login = URL(r'https://www.hsbc.fr/1/*', LoginPage) cptPage = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi.*\&Cpt=.*', r'/cgi-bin/emcgi.*\&Epa=.*', r'/cgi-bin/emcgi.*\&CPT_IdPrestation.*', r'/cgi-bin/emcgi.*\&Ass_IdPrestation.*', # FIXME are the previous patterns relevant in POST nav? r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', CPTOperationPage) cbPage = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi.*[\&\?]Cb=.*', r'/cgi-bin/emcgi.*\&CB_IdPrestation.*', # FIXME are the previous patterns relevant in POST nav? r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', CBOperationPage) appGone = URL(r'/.*_absente.html', r'/pm_absent_inter.html', '/appli_absente_MBEL.html', '/pm_absent_inter_MBEL.html', AppGonePage) rib = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', RibPage) accounts = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', AccountsPage) owners_list = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', OwnersListPage) life_insurance_useless = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', LifeInsuranceUseless) profile = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', ProfilePage) unavailable = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', UnavailablePage) frame_page = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', r'https://clients.hsbc.fr/cgi-bin/emcgi', FrameContainer) # other site life_insurance_portal = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', LifeInsurancePortal) life_insurance_main = URL('https://assurances.hsbc.fr/fr/accueil/b2c/accueil.html\?pointEntree=PARTIEGENERIQUEB2C', LifeInsuranceMain) life_insurances = URL('https://assurances.hsbc.fr/navigation', LifeInsurancesPage) life_not_found = URL(r'https://assurances.hsbc.fr/fr/404.html', LifeNotFound) # investment pages middle_frame_page = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', JSMiddleFramePage) middle_auth_page = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', JSMiddleAuthPage) investment_form_page = URL( r'https://www.hsbc.fr/1/[0-9]/authentication/sso-cwd\?customerFullName=.*', InvestmentFormPage ) logon_investment_page = URL(r'https://investissements.clients.hsbc.fr/group-wd-gateway-war/gateway/LogonAuthentication', LogonInvestmentPage) retrieve_accounts_view = URL( r'https://investissements.clients.hsbc.fr/group-wd-gateway-war/gateway/wd/RetrieveProductView', RetrieveAccountsPage ) retrieve_investments_page = URL( r'https://investissements.clients.hsbc.fr/group-wd-gateway-war/gateway/wd/RetrieveProductView', RetrieveInvestmentsPage ) retrieve_liquidity_page = URL( r'https://investissements.clients.hsbc.fr/group-wd-gateway-war/gateway/wd/RetrieveProductView', RetrieveLiquidityPage ) retrieve_useless_page = URL( r'https://investissements.clients.hsbc.fr/group-wd-gateway-war/gateway/wd/RetrieveProductView', RetrieveUselessPage ) # catch-all other_page = URL(r'/cgi-bin/emcgi', OtherPage) def __init__(self, username, password, secret, *args, **kwargs): super(HSBC, self).__init__(username, password, *args, **kwargs) self.accounts_list = OrderedDict() self.unique_accounts_list = dict() self.secret = secret self.PEA_LISTING = {} self.owners = [] def load_state(self, state): return def prepare_request(self, req): preq = super(HSBC, self).prepare_request(req) conn = self.session.adapters['https://'].get_connection(preq.url) conn.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 return preq def do_login(self): self.session.cookies.clear() self.app_gone = False self.connection.go() self.page.login(self.username) no_secure_key_link = self.page.get_no_secure_key() if not no_secure_key_link: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() self.location(no_secure_key_link) self.page.login_w_secure(self.password, self.secret) for _ in range(3): if self.login.is_here(): self.page.useless_form() # This shitty website has 2 baseurl with only one difference: the 's' at the end of 'client' new_base_url = 'https://clients.hsbc.fr/' if new_base_url in self.url: self.BASEURL = new_base_url if self.frame_page.is_here(): home_url = self.page.get_frame() self.js_url = self.page.get_js_url() if not home_url or not self.page.logged: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() self.location(home_url) def go_post(self, url, data=None): # most of HSBC accounts links are actually handled by js code # which convert a GET query string to POST data. # not doing so often results in logout by the site q = dict(parse_qsl(urlparse(url).query)) if data: q.update(data) url = url[:url.find('?')] self.location(url, data=q) def go_to_owner_accounts(self, owner): """ The owners URLs change all the time so we must refresh them. If we try to go to a person's accounts page while we are already on this page, the website returns an empty page with the message "Pas de TIERS", so we must always go to the owners list before going to the owner's account page. """ if not self.owners_list.is_here(): self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'OPTIONS_TIE'}) if not self.owners_list.is_here(): # Sometimes when we fetch info from a PEA account, the first POST # fails and we are blocked on some owner's AccountsPage. self.logger.warning('The owners list redirection failed, we must try again.') self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'OPTIONS_TIE'}) # Refresh owners URLs in case they changed: self.owners = self.page.get_owners_urls() self.go_post(self.owners[owner]) @need_login def iter_account_owners(self): """ Some connections have a "Compte de Tiers" section with several people each having their own accounts. We must fetch the account for each person and store the owner of each account. """ if self.unique_accounts_list: for account in self.unique_accounts_list.values(): yield account else: self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'OPTIONS_TIE'}) if self.owners_list.is_here(): self.owners = self.page.get_owners_urls() # self.accounts_list will be a dictionary of owners each # containing a dictionary of the owner's accounts. for owner in range(len(self.owners)): self.accounts_list[owner] = {} self.update_accounts_list(owner, True) # We must set an "_owner" attribute to each account. for a in self.accounts_list[owner].values(): a._owner = owner # go on cards page if there are cards accounts for a in self.accounts_list[owner].values(): if a.type == Account.TYPE_CARD: self.location(a.url) break # get all couples (card, parent) on cards page all_card_and_parent = [] if self.cbPage.is_here(): all_card_and_parent = self.page.get_all_parent_id() self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'COMPTES_PAN'}) # update cards parent and currency for a in self.accounts_list[owner].values(): if a.type == Account.TYPE_CARD: for card in all_card_and_parent: if a.id in card[0].replace(' ', ''): a.parent = find_object(self.accounts_list[owner].values(), id=card[1]) if a.parent and not a.currency: a.currency = a.parent.currency # We must get back to the owners list before moving to the next owner: self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'OPTIONS_TIE'}) # Fill a dictionary will all accounts without duplicating common accounts: for owner in self.accounts_list.values(): for account in owner.values(): if account.id not in self.unique_accounts_list.keys(): self.unique_accounts_list[account.id] = account for account in self.unique_accounts_list.values(): yield account @need_login def update_accounts_list(self, owner, iban=True): # Go to the owner's account page in case we are not there already: self.go_to_owner_accounts(owner) for a in self.page.iter_spaces_account(): try: self.accounts_list[owner][a.id].url = a.url except KeyError: self.accounts_list[owner][a.id] = a if iban: self.location(self.js_url, params={'debr': 'COMPTES_RIB'}) if self.rib.is_here(): self.page.get_rib(self.accounts_list[owner]) @need_login def _quit_li_space(self): if self.life_insurances.is_here(): self.page.disconnect() self.session.cookies.pop('ErisaSession', None) self.session.cookies.pop('HBFR-INSURANCE-COOKIE-82', None) if self.life_not_found.is_here(): # likely won't avoid having to login again anyway self.location(self.js_url) if self.frame_page.is_here(): home_url = self.page.get_frame() self.js_url = self.page.get_js_url() self.location(home_url) if self.life_insurance_useless.is_here(): data = {'debr': 'COMPTES_PAN'} self.go_post(self.js_url, data=data) @need_login def _go_to_life_insurance(self, account): self._quit_li_space() self.go_post(account.url) if self.accounts.is_here() or self.frame_page.is_here() or self.life_insurance_useless.is_here() or self.life_not_found.is_here(): self.logger.warning('cannot go to life insurance %r', account) return False data = {'url_suivant': 'SITUATIONCONTRATB2C', 'strNumAdh': ''} data.update(self.page.get_lf_attributes(account.id)) self.life_insurances.go(data=data) return True @need_login def get_history(self, account, coming=False, retry_li=True): self._quit_li_space() self.update_accounts_list(account._owner, False) account = self.accounts_list[account._owner][account.id] if account.url is None: return [] if account.url.startswith('javascript') or '&Crd=' in account.url or account.type == Account.TYPE_LOAN: raise NotImplementedError() if account.type in (Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION): if coming is True: return [] try: if not self._go_to_life_insurance(account): self._quit_li_space() return [] except (XMLSyntaxError, HTTPNotFound): self._quit_li_space() return [] except AccountNotFound: self.go_post(self.js_url) # often if we visit life insurance subsite multiple times too quickly, the site just returns an error # so we just retry (we might relogin...) # TODO find out how to avoid the error, or avoid relogin if retry_li: self.logger.warning('life insurance seems unavailable for account %s', account.id) return self.get_history(account, coming, False) self.logger.error('life insurance seems unavailable for account %s', account.id) return [] self.life_insurances.go(data={'url_suivant': 'HISTORIQUECONTRATB2C', 'strMonnaie': 'EURO'}) history = [t for t in self.page.iter_history()] self._quit_li_space() return history try: self.go_post(self.accounts_list[account._owner][account.id].url) # sometime go to hsbc life insurance space do logout except HTTPNotFound: self.app_gone = True self.do_logout() self.do_login() # If we relogin on hsbc, all links have changed if self.app_gone: self.app_gone = False self.update_accounts_list(account._owner, False) self.location(self.accounts_list[account._owner][account.id].url) if self.page is None: return [] # for 'fusion' space if hasattr(account, '_is_form') and account._is_form: # go on accounts page to get account form self.go_to_owner_accounts(account._owner) self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'COMPTES_PAN'}) self.page.go_history_page(account) if self.cbPage.is_here(): guesser = LinearDateGuesser(date_max_bump=timedelta(45)) history = list(self.page.get_history(date_guesser=guesser)) for tr in history: if tr.type == tr.TYPE_UNKNOWN: tr.type = tr.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD if account.parent: # Fetching the card summaries from the parent account using the card id in the transaction labels: def match_card(tr): return (account.id in tr.label.replace(' ', '')) history.extend(keep_only_card_transactions(self.get_history(account.parent), match_card)) history = [tr for tr in history if (coming and tr.date > date.today()) or (not coming and tr.date <= date.today())] history = sorted_transactions(history) return history elif not coming: return self._get_history() else: raise NotImplementedError() def _get_history(self): for tr in self.page.get_history(): yield tr def get_investments(self, account, retry_li=True): if not account.url: raise NotImplementedError() if account.type in (Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION): return self.get_life_investments(account, retry_li=retry_li) elif account.type == Account.TYPE_PEA: return self.get_pea_investments(account) elif account.type == Account.TYPE_MARKET: # 'BOURSE_INV' need more security to get invest page if 'BOURSE_INV' in account.url: return self.get_pea_investments(account) return self.get_scpi_investments(account) else: raise NotImplementedError() def get_scpi_investments(self, account): if not account.url: raise NotImplementedError() # Clean account url m = re.search(r"'(.*)'", account.url) if m: account_url = m.group(1) else: account_url = account.url # Need to be on accounts page to go on scpi page self.go_to_owner_accounts(account._owner) self.accounts.go() # Go on scpi page self.location(account_url) # Go on scpi details page self.page.go_scpi_detail_page() # If there is more details page, go on that page self.page.go_more_scpi_detail_page() return self.page.iter_scpi_investment() def get_pea_investments(self, account): self.go_to_owner_accounts(account._owner) assert account.type in (Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_MARKET) # When invest balance is 0, there is not link to go on market page if not account.balance: return [] if not self.PEA_LISTING: # _go_to_wealth_accounts returns True if everything went well. if not self._go_to_wealth_accounts(account): self.logger.warning('Unable to connect to wealth accounts.') return [] # Get account number without "EUR" account_id = re.search(r'\d{4,}', account.id).group(0) pea_invests = [] account = None if 'accounts' in self.PEA_LISTING: for acc in self.PEA_LISTING['accounts']: # acc.id is like XXX if account_id in acc.id: account = acc break # Account should be found assert account if 'liquidities' in self.PEA_LISTING: for liquidity in self.PEA_LISTING['liquidities']: if liquidity._invest_account_id == account.number: pea_invests.append(liquidity) if 'investments' in self.PEA_LISTING: for invest in self.PEA_LISTING['investments']: if invest._invest_account_id == account.id: pea_invests.append(invest) return pea_invests def get_life_investments(self, account, retry_li=True): self._quit_li_space() self.update_accounts_list(account._owner, False) account = self.accounts_list[account._owner][account.id] try: if not self._go_to_life_insurance(account): self._quit_li_space() return [] except (XMLSyntaxError, HTTPNotFound): self._quit_li_space() return [] except AccountNotFound: self.go_post(self.js_url) # often if we visit life insurance subsite multiple times too quickly, the site just returns an error # retry (we might relogin...) if retry_li: self.logger.warning('life insurance seems unavailable for account %s', account.id) return self.get_investments(account, False) self.logger.error('life insurance seems unavailable for account %s', account.id) return [] investments = [i for i in self.page.iter_investments()] self._quit_li_space() return investments def _go_to_wealth_accounts(self, account): if not hasattr(self.page, 'get_middle_frame_url'): # if we can catch the URL, we go directly, else we need to browse # the website self.update_accounts_list(account._owner, False) self.location(self.page.get_middle_frame_url()) if self.page.get_patrimoine_url(): self.location(self.page.get_patrimoine_url()) self.page.go_next() if self.login.is_here(): self.logger.warning('Connection to the Logon page failed, we must try again.') self.do_login() self.update_accounts_list(account._owner, False) self.investment_form_page.go() # If reloggin did not help accessing the wealth space, # there is nothing more we can do to get there. if not self.investment_form_page.is_here(): return False self.page.go_to_logon() helper = ProductViewHelper(self) # we need to go there to initialize the session self.PEA_LISTING['accounts'] = list(helper.retrieve_accounts()) self.PEA_LISTING['liquidities'] = list(helper.retrieve_liquidity()) self.PEA_LISTING['investments'] = list(helper.retrieve_invests()) self.connection.go() return True @need_login def get_profile(self): if not self.owners: self.go_post(self.js_url, data={'debr': 'OPTIONS_TIE'}) if self.owners_list.is_here(): self.owners = self.page.get_owners_urls() # The main owner of the connection is always the first of the list: self.go_to_owner_accounts(0) data = {'debr': 'PARAM'} self.go_post(self.js_url, data=data) return self.page.get_profile()