# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of a weboob module. # # This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this weboob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import datetime import json from decimal import Decimal from dateutil import parser from weboob.browser import LoginBrowser, need_login, StatesMixin from weboob.browser.switch import SiteSwitch from weboob.browser.url import URL from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, AddRecipientStep, Recipient, TransferBankError, Transaction, TransferStep from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, find_object from weboob.capabilities.profile import Profile from weboob.browser.exceptions import BrowserHTTPNotFound, ClientError, ServerError from weboob.exceptions import ( BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserUnavailable, BrowserHTTPError, BrowserPasswordExpired, ActionNeeded ) from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.transactions import ( sorted_transactions, FrenchTransaction, keep_only_card_transactions, omit_deferred_transactions, ) from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.investments import create_french_liquidity from weboob.tools.compat import urljoin, urlparse from weboob.tools.value import Value from weboob.tools.decorators import retry from .pages import ( IndexPage, ErrorPage, MarketPage, LifeInsurance, GarbagePage, MessagePage, LoginPage, TransferPage, ProTransferPage, TransferConfirmPage, TransferSummaryPage, ProTransferConfirmPage, ProTransferSummaryPage, ProAddRecipientOtpPage, ProAddRecipientPage, SmsPage, SmsPageOption, SmsRequest, AuthentPage, RecipientPage, CanceledAuth, CaissedepargneKeyboard, TransactionsDetailsPage, LoadingPage, ConsLoanPage, MeasurePage, NatixisLIHis, NatixisLIInv, NatixisRedirectPage, SubscriptionPage, CreditCooperatifMarketPage, UnavailablePage, CardsPage, CardsComingPage, CardsOldWebsitePage, ) from .linebourse_browser import LinebourseAPIBrowser __all__ = ['CaisseEpargne'] class CaisseEpargne(LoginBrowser, StatesMixin): BASEURL = "https://www.caisse-epargne.fr" STATE_DURATION = 5 HISTORY_MAX_PAGE = 200 LINEBOURSE_BROWSER = LinebourseAPIBrowser login = URL('/authentification/manage\?step=identification&identifiant=(?P.*)', 'https://.*/login.aspx', LoginPage) account_login = URL('/authentification/manage\?step=account&identifiant=(?P.*)&account=(?P.*)', LoginPage) loading = URL('https://.*/CreditConso/ReroutageCreditConso.aspx', LoadingPage) cons_loan = URL('https://www.credit-conso-cr.caisse-epargne.fr/websavcr-web/rest/contrat/getContrat\?datePourIe=(?P)', ConsLoanPage) transaction_detail = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', TransactionsDetailsPage) recipient = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', RecipientPage) transfer = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', TransferPage) transfer_summary = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', TransferSummaryPage) transfer_confirm = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', TransferConfirmPage) pro_transfer = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', ProTransferPage) pro_transfer_confirm = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', ProTransferConfirmPage) pro_transfer_summary = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', ProTransferSummaryPage) pro_add_recipient_otp = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', ProAddRecipientOtpPage) pro_add_recipient = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', ProAddRecipientPage) measure_page = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', MeasurePage) cards_old = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', CardsOldWebsitePage) cards = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', CardsPage) cards_coming = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', CardsComingPage) authent = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', AuthentPage) subscription = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx\?tache=(?P).*', SubscriptionPage) home = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx.*', IndexPage) home_tache = URL('https://.*/Portail.aspx\?tache=(?P).*', IndexPage) error = URL('https://.*/login.aspx', 'https://.*/Pages/logout.aspx.*', 'https://.*/particuliers/Page_erreur_technique.aspx.*', ErrorPage) market = URL('https://.*/Pages/Bourse.*', 'https://www.caisse-epargne.offrebourse.com/ReroutageSJR', r'https://www.caisse-epargne.offrebourse.com/fr/6CE.*', MarketPage) unavailable_page = URL('https://www.caisse-epargne.fr/.*/au-quotidien', UnavailablePage) creditcooperatif_market = URL('https://www.offrebourse.com/.*', CreditCooperatifMarketPage) # just to catch the landing page of the Credit Cooperatif's Linebourse natixis_redirect = URL(r'/NaAssuranceRedirect/NaAssuranceRedirect.aspx', r'https://www.espace-assurances.caisse-epargne.fr/espaceinternet-ce/views/common/routage-itce.xhtml\?windowId=automatedEntryPoint', NatixisRedirectPage) life_insurance = URL('https://.*/Assurance/Pages/Assurance.aspx', 'https://www.extranet2.caisse-epargne.fr.*', LifeInsurance) natixis_life_ins_his = URL('https://www.espace-assurances.caisse-epargne.fr/espaceinternet-ce/rest/v2/contratVie/load-operation/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P)', NatixisLIHis) natixis_life_ins_inv = URL('https://www.espace-assurances.caisse-epargne.fr/espaceinternet-ce/rest/v2/contratVie/load/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P)', NatixisLIInv) message = URL('https://www.caisse-epargne.offrebourse.com/DetailMessage\?refresh=O', MessagePage) garbage = URL('https://www.caisse-epargne.offrebourse.com/Portefeuille', 'https://www.caisse-epargne.fr/particuliers/.*/emprunter.aspx', 'https://.*/particuliers/emprunter.*', 'https://.*/particuliers/epargner.*', GarbagePage) sms = URL('https://www.icgauth.caisse-epargne.fr/dacswebssoissuer/AuthnRequestServlet', SmsPage) sms_option = URL('https://www.icgauth.caisse-epargne.fr/dacstemplate-SOL/index.html\?transactionID=.*', SmsPageOption) request_sms = URL('https://www.icgauth.caisse-epargne.fr/dacsrest/api/v1u0/transaction/(?P)', SmsRequest) __states__ = ('BASEURL', 'multi_type', 'typeAccount', 'is_cenet_website', 'recipient_form', 'is_send_sms') # Accounts managed in life insurance space (not in linebourse) insurance_accounts = ('AIKIDO', 'ASSURECUREUIL', 'ECUREUIL PROJET', 'GARANTIE RETRAITE EU', 'INITIATIVES PLUS', 'INITIATIVES TRANSMIS', 'LIVRET ASSURANCE VIE', 'OCEOR EVOLUTION', 'PATRIMONIO CRESCENTE', 'PEP TRANSMISSION', 'PERP', 'PERSPECTIVES ECUREUI', 'POINTS RETRAITE ECUR', 'RICOCHET', 'SOLUTION PERP', 'TENDANCES', 'YOGA', ) def __init__(self, nuser, *args, **kwargs): self.BASEURL = kwargs.pop('domain', self.BASEURL) if not self.BASEURL.startswith('https://'): self.BASEURL = 'https://%s' % self.BASEURL self.is_cenet_website = False self.new_website = True self.multi_type = False self.accounts = None self.loans = None self.typeAccount = None self.inexttype = 0 # keep track of index in the connection type's list self.nuser = nuser self.recipient_form = None self.is_send_sms = None self.weboob = kwargs['weboob'] self.market_url = kwargs.pop( 'market_url', 'https://www.caisse-epargne.offrebourse.com', ) super(CaisseEpargne, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) dirname = self.responses_dirname if dirname: dirname += '/bourse' self.linebourse = self.LINEBOURSE_BROWSER( self.market_url, logger=self.logger, responses_dirname=dirname, weboob=self.weboob, proxy=self.PROXIES, ) def deleteCTX(self): # For connection to offrebourse and natixis, we need to delete duplicate of CTX cookie if len([k for k in self.session.cookies.keys() if k == 'CTX']) > 1: del self.session.cookies['CTX'] def load_state(self, state): if state.get('expire') and parser.parse(state['expire']) < datetime.datetime.now(): return self.logger.info('State expired, not reloading it from storage') # Reload session only for add recipient step transfer_states = ('recipient_form', 'is_send_sms') for transfer_state in transfer_states: if transfer_state in state and state[transfer_state] is not None: super(CaisseEpargne, self).load_state(state) self.logged = True break # need to post to valid otp when adding recipient. def locate_browser(self, state): if 'is_send_sms' in state and state['is_send_sms']: super(CaisseEpargne, self).locate_browser(state) def do_login(self): """ Attempt to log in. Note: this method does nothing if we are already logged in. """ # Among the parameters used during the login step, there is # a connection type (called typeAccount) that can take the # following values: # WE: espace particulier # WP: espace pro # WM: personnes protégées # EU: Cenet # # A connection can have one connection type as well as many of # them. There is an issue when there is many connection types: # the connection type to use can't be guessed in advance, we # have to test all of them until the login step is successful # (sometimes all connection type can be used for the login, sometimes # only one will work). # # For simplicity's sake, we try each connection type from first to # last (they are returned in a list by the first request) # # Examples of connection types combination that have been seen so far: # [WE] # [WP] # [WE, WP] # [WE, WP, WM] # [WP, WM] # [EU] # [EU, WE] (EU tends to come first when present) if not self.username or not self.password: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() # Retrieve the list of types: can contain a single type or more # - when there is a single type: all the information are available # - when there are several types: an additional request is needed try: connection = self.login.go(login=self.username) # The website crash sometime when the module is not on caissedepargne (on linebourse, for exemple). # The module think is not connected anymore, so we go to the home logged page. If there are no error # that mean we are already logged and now, on the good website except ValueError: self.home.go() if self.home.is_here(): return # If that not the case, that's an other error that we have to correct raise data = connection.get_response() if data is None: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() accounts_types = data.get('account', []) if not self.nuser and 'WE' not in accounts_types: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword("Utilisez Caisse d'Épargne Professionnels et renseignez votre nuser pour connecter vos comptes sur l'epace Professionels ou Entreprises.") if len(accounts_types) > 1: # Additional request when there is more than one connection type # to "choose" from the list of connection types self.multi_type = True if self.inexttype < len(accounts_types): if accounts_types[self.inexttype] == 'EU' and not self.nuser: # when EU is present and not alone, it tends to come first # if nuser is unset though, user probably doesn't want 'EU' self.inexttype += 1 self.typeAccount = accounts_types[self.inexttype] else: assert False, 'should have logged in with at least one connection type' self.inexttype += 1 data = self.account_login.go(login=self.username, accountType=self.typeAccount).get_response() assert data is not None if data.get('authMode', '') == 'redirect': # the connection type EU could also be used as a criteria raise SiteSwitch('cenet') typeAccount = data['account'][0] if self.multi_type: assert typeAccount == self.typeAccount id_token_clavier = data['keyboard']['Id'] vk = CaissedepargneKeyboard(data['keyboard']['ImageClavier'], data['keyboard']['Num']['string']) newCodeConf = vk.get_string_code(self.password) playload = { 'idTokenClavier': id_token_clavier, 'newCodeConf': newCodeConf, 'auth_mode': 'ajax', 'nuusager': self.nuser.encode('utf-8'), 'codconf': '', # must be present though empty 'typeAccount': typeAccount, 'step': 'authentification', 'ctx': 'typsrv={}'.format(typeAccount), 'clavierSecurise': '1', 'nuabbd': self.username } try: res = self.location(data['url'], params=playload) except ValueError: raise BrowserUnavailable() if not res.page: raise BrowserUnavailable() response = res.page.get_response() assert response is not None if response['error'] == 'Veuillez changer votre mot de passe': raise BrowserPasswordExpired(response['error']) if not response['action']: # the only possible way to log in w/o nuser is on WE. if we're here no need to go further. if not self.nuser and self.typeAccount == 'WE': raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(response['error']) # we tested all, next iteration will throw the assertion if self.inexttype == len(accounts_types) and 'Temporairement votre abonnement est bloqué' in response['error']: raise ActionNeeded(response['error']) if self.multi_type: # try to log in with the next connection type's value self.do_login() return raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(response['error']) self.BASEURL = urljoin(data['url'], '/') try: self.home.go() except BrowserHTTPNotFound: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() def loans_conso(self): days = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun') month = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec') now = datetime.datetime.today() # for non-DST # d = '%s %s %s %s %s:%s:%s GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale)' % (days[now.weekday()], now.day, month[now.month - 1], now.year, now.hour, format(now.minute, "02"), now.second) # TODO use babel library to simplify this code d = '%s %s %s %s %s:%s:%s GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)' % (days[now.weekday()], now.day, month[now.month - 1], now.year, now.hour, format(now.minute, "02"), now.second) if self.home.is_here(): msg = self.page.loan_unavailable_msg() if msg: self.logger.warning('%s' % msg) return None self.cons_loan.go(datepourie=d) return self.page.get_conso() # On home page there is a list of "measure" links, each one leading to one person accounts list. # Iter over each 'measure' and navigate to it to get all accounts @need_login def get_measure_accounts_list(self): self.home.go() # Make sure we are on list of measures page if self.measure_page.is_here(): self.page.check_no_accounts() measure_ids = self.page.get_measure_ids() self.accounts = [] for measure_id in measure_ids: self.page.go_measure_accounts_list(measure_id) if self.page.check_measure_accounts(): for account in list(self.page.get_list()): account._info['measure_id'] = measure_id self.accounts.append(account) self.page.go_measure_list() for account in self.accounts: if 'acc_type' in account._info and account._info['acc_type'] == Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE: self.page.go_measure_list() self.page.go_measure_accounts_list(account._info['measure_id']) self.page.go_history(account._info) if self.message.is_here(): self.page.submit() self.page.go_history(account._info) balance = self.page.get_measure_balance(account) account.balance = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(balance)) account.currency = account.get_currency(balance) return self.accounts def update_linebourse_token(self): assert self.linebourse is not None, "linebourse browser should already exist" self.linebourse.session.cookies.update(self.session.cookies) # It is important to fetch the domain dynamically because # for caissedepargne the domain is 'www.caisse-epargne.offrebourse.com' # whereas for creditcooperatif it is 'www.offrebourse.com' domain = urlparse(self.url).netloc self.linebourse.session.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = self.session.cookies.get('XSRF-TOKEN', domain=domain) @need_login @retry(ClientError, tries=3) def get_accounts_list(self): if self.accounts is None: self.accounts = self.get_measure_accounts_list() if self.accounts is None: if self.home.is_here(): self.page.check_no_accounts() self.page.go_list() else: self.home.go() self.accounts = list(self.page.get_list()) for account in self.accounts: self.deleteCTX() if account.type in (Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA): self.home_tache.go(tache='CPTSYNT0') self.page.go_history(account._info) if self.message.is_here(): self.page.submit() self.page.go_history(account._info) # Some users may not have access to this. if not self.market.is_here(): continue self.page.submit() if 'offrebourse.com' in self.url: # Some users may not have access to this. if self.page.is_error(): continue self.update_linebourse_token() page = self.linebourse.go_portfolio(account.id) assert self.linebourse.portfolio.is_here() # We must declare "page" because this URL also matches MarketPage account.valuation_diff = page.get_valuation_diff() else: assert False, "new domain that hasn't been seen so far ?" """ Card cases are really tricky on the new website. There are 2 kinds of page where we can find cards information - CardsPage: List some of the PSU cards - CardsComingPage: On the coming transaction page (for a specific checking account), we can find all cards related to this checking account. Information to reach this CC is in the home page We have to go through this both kind of page for those reasons: - If there is no coming yet, the card will not be found in the home page and we will not be able to reach the CardsComingPage. But we can find it on CardsPage - Some cards are only on the CardsComingPage and not the CardsPage - In CardsPage, there are cards (with "Business" in the label) without checking account on the website (neither history nor coming), so we skip them. - Some card on the CardsPage that have a checking account parent, but if we follow the link to reach it with CardsComingPage, we find an other card that not in CardsPage. """ if self.new_website: for account in self.accounts: # Adding card's account that we find in CardsComingPage of each Checking account if account._card_links: self.home.go() self.page.go_history(account._card_links) for card in self.page.iter_cards(): card.parent = account card._coming_info = self.page.get_card_coming_info(card.number, card.parent._card_links.copy()) self.accounts.append(card) self.home.go() self.page.go_list() self.page.go_cards() # We are on the new website. We already added some card, but we can find more of them on the CardsPage if self.cards.is_here(): for card in self.page.iter_cards(): card.parent = find_object(self.accounts, number=card._parent_id) assert card.parent, 'card account parent %s was not found' % card # If we already added this card, we don't have to add it a second time if find_object(self.accounts, number=card.number): continue info = card.parent._card_links # If card.parent._card_links is not filled, it mean this checking account # has no coming transactions. card._coming_info = None if info: self.page.go_list() self.page.go_history(info) card._coming_info = self.page.get_card_coming_info(card.number, info.copy()) if not card._coming_info: self.logger.warning('Skip card %s (not found on checking account)', card.number) continue self.accounts.append(card) # We are on the old website. We add all card that we can find on the CardsPage elif self.cards_old.is_here(): for card in self.page.iter_cards(): card.parent = find_object(self.accounts, number=card._parent_id) assert card.parent, 'card account parent %s was not found' % card.number self.accounts.append(card) # Some accounts have no available balance or label and cause issues # in the backend so we must exclude them from the accounts list: self.accounts = [account for account in self.accounts if account.label and account.balance != NotAvailable] for account in self.accounts: yield account @need_login def get_loans_list(self): if self.loans is None: self.loans = [] if self.home.is_here(): if self.page.check_no_accounts() or self.page.check_no_loans(): return [] for trial in range(5): for _ in range(3): self.home_tache.go(tache='CRESYNT0') if self.home.is_here(): break if self.home.is_here(): if not self.page.is_access_error(): # The server often returns a 520 error (Undefined): try: self.loans = list(self.page.get_real_estate_loans()) self.loans.extend(self.page.get_loan_list()) except ServerError: self.logger.warning('Access to loans failed, we try again') else: # We managed to reach the Loans JSON break for _ in range(3): try: self.home_tache.go(tache='CPTSYNT0') if self.home.is_here(): self.page.go_list() except ClientError: pass else: break return iter(self.loans) # For all account, we fill up the history with transaction. For checking account, there will have # also deferred_card transaction too. # From this logic, if we send "account_card", that mean we recover all transactions from the parent # checking account of the account_card, then we filter later the deferred transaction. @need_login def _get_history(self, info, account_card=None): # Only fetch deferred debit card transactions if `account_card` is not None if isinstance(info['link'], list): info['link'] = info['link'][0] if not info['link'].startswith('HISTORIQUE'): return if 'measure_id' in info: self.page.go_measure_list() self.page.go_measure_accounts_list(info['measure_id']) elif self.home.is_here(): self.page.go_list() else: self.home_tache.go(tache='CPTSYNT0') self.page.go_history(info) # ensure we are on the correct history page if 'netpro' in self.page.url and not self.page.is_history_of(info['id']): self.page.go_history_netpro(info) # In this case, we want the coming transaction for the new website # (old website return coming directly in `get_coming()` ) if account_card and info and info['type'] == 'HISTORIQUE_CB': self.page.go_coming(account_card._coming_info['link']) info['link'] = [info['link']] for i in range(self.HISTORY_MAX_PAGE): assert self.home.is_here() # list of transactions on account page transactions_list = [] card_and_forms = [] for tr in self.page.get_history(): transactions_list.append(tr) if tr.type == tr.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY: if account_card: if self.card_matches(tr.card, account_card.number): card_and_forms.append((tr.card, self.page.get_form_to_detail(tr))) else: self.logger.debug('will skip summary detail (%r) for different card %r', tr, account_card.number) # For deferred card history only : # # Now that we find transactions that have TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY on the checking account AND the account_card number we want, # we browse deferred card transactions that are resume by that list of TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY transaction. # Checking account transaction: # - 01/01 - Summary 5134XXXXXX103 - 900.00€ - TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY <-- We have to go in the form of this tr to get # cards details transactions. for card, form in card_and_forms: form.submit() if self.home.is_here() and self.page.is_access_error(): self.logger.warning('Access to card details is unavailable for this user') continue assert self.transaction_detail.is_here() for tr in self.page.get_detail(): tr.type = Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD if account_card: tr.card = card transactions_list.append(tr) if self.new_website: self.page.go_newsite_back_to_summary() else: self.page.go_form_to_summary() # going back to summary goes back to first page for j in range(i): assert self.page.go_next() #  order by date the transactions without the summaries transactions_list = sorted_transactions(transactions_list) for tr in transactions_list: yield tr assert self.home.is_here() if not self.page.go_next(): return assert False, 'More than {} history pages'.format(self.HISTORY_MAX_PAGE) @need_login def _get_history_invests(self, account): if self.home.is_here(): self.page.go_list() else: self.home.go() self.page.go_history(account._info) if account.type in (Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_PERP): if self.page.is_account_inactive(account.id): self.logger.warning('Account %s %s is inactive.' % (account.label, account.id)) return [] if "MILLEVIE" in account.label: self.page.go_life_insurance(account) label = account.label.split()[-1] try: self.natixis_life_ins_his.go(id1=label[:3], id2=label[3:5], id3=account.id) except BrowserHTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 500: error = json.loads(e.response.text) raise BrowserUnavailable(error["error"]) raise return sorted_transactions(self.page.get_history()) if account.label.startswith('NUANCES ') or account.label in self.insurance_accounts: self.page.go_life_insurance(account) if 'JSESSIONID' in self.session.cookies: # To access the life insurance space, we need to delete the JSESSIONID cookie to avoid an expired session del self.session.cookies['JSESSIONID'] try: if not self.life_insurance.is_here() and not self.message.is_here(): # life insurance website is not always available raise BrowserUnavailable() self.page.submit() self.location('https://www.extranet2.caisse-epargne.fr%s' % self.page.get_cons_histo()) except (IndexError, AttributeError) as e: self.logger.error(e) return [] return self.page.iter_history() @need_login def get_history(self, account): self.home.go() self.deleteCTX() if account.type == account.TYPE_CARD: def match_cb(tr): return self.card_matches(tr.card, account.number) hist = self._get_history(account.parent._info, account) hist = keep_only_card_transactions(hist, match_cb) return hist if not hasattr(account, '_info'): raise NotImplementedError if account.type is Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE and 'measure_id' not in account._info: return self._get_history_invests(account) if account.type in (Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA): self.page.go_history(account._info) if "Bourse" in self.url: self.page.submit() if 'offrebourse.com' in self.url: # Some users may not have access to this. if self.page.is_error(): return [] self.linebourse.session.cookies.update(self.session.cookies) self.update_linebourse_token() return self.linebourse.iter_history(account.id) hist = self._get_history(account._info, False) return omit_deferred_transactions(hist) @need_login def get_coming(self, account): if account.type != account.TYPE_CARD: return [] trs = [] if not hasattr(account.parent, '_info'): raise NotImplementedError() # We are on the old website if hasattr(account, '_coming_eventargument'): if not self.cards_old.is_here(): self.home.go() self.page.go_list() self.page.go_cards() self.page.go_card_coming(account._coming_eventargument) return sorted_transactions(self.page.iter_coming()) # We are on the new website. info = account.parent._card_links # if info is empty, that mean there are no coming yet if info: for tr in self._get_history(info.copy(), account): tr.type = tr.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD trs.append(tr) return sorted_transactions(trs) @need_login def get_investment(self, account): self.deleteCTX() if account.type not in (Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION, Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA) or 'measure_id' in account._info: raise NotImplementedError() if account.type == Account.TYPE_PEA and account.label == 'PEA NUMERAIRE': yield create_french_liquidity(account.balance) return if self.home.is_here(): self.page.go_list() else: self.home.go() self.page.go_history(account._info) if account.type in (Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA): # Some users may not have access to this. if not self.market.is_here(): return self.page.submit() if 'offrebourse.com' in self.url: # Some users may not have access to this. if self.page.is_error(): return self.update_linebourse_token() for investment in self.linebourse.iter_investments(account.id): yield investment return elif account.type in (Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION): if self.page.is_account_inactive(account.id): self.logger.warning('Account %s %s is inactive.' % (account.label, account.id)) return if "MILLEVIE" in account.label: self.page.go_life_insurance(account) label = account.label.split()[-1] self.natixis_life_ins_inv.go(id1=label[:3], id2=label[3:5], id3=account.id) for tr in self.page.get_investments(): yield tr return try: self.page.go_life_insurance(account) if not self.market.is_here() and not self.message.is_here(): # life insurance website is not always available raise BrowserUnavailable() self.page.submit() self.location('https://www.extranet2.caisse-epargne.fr%s' % self.page.get_cons_repart()) except (IndexError, AttributeError) as e: self.logger.error(e) return if self.garbage.is_here(): self.page.come_back() return for i in self.page.iter_investment(): yield i if self.market.is_here(): self.page.come_back() @need_login def get_advisor(self): raise NotImplementedError() @need_login def get_profile(self): from weboob.tools.misc import to_unicode profile = Profile() if len([k for k in self.session.cookies.keys() if k == 'CTX']) > 1: del self.session.cookies['CTX'] elif 'username=' in self.session.cookies.get('CTX', ''): profile.name = to_unicode(re.search('username=([^&]+)', self.session.cookies['CTX']).group(1)) elif 'nomusager=' in self.session.cookies.get('headerdei'): profile.name = to_unicode(re.search('nomusager=(?:[^&]+/ )?([^&]+)', self.session.cookies['headerdei']).group(1)) return profile @need_login def iter_recipients(self, origin_account): if origin_account.type in [Account.TYPE_LOAN, Account.TYPE_CARD]: return [] if 'pro' in self.url: # If transfer is not yet allowed, the next step will send a sms to the customer to validate it self.home.go() self.page.go_pro_transfer_availability() if not self.page.is_transfer_allowed(): return [] # Transfer unavailable try: self.pre_transfer(origin_account) except TransferBankError: return [] go_transfer_errors = ( # redirected to home page because: # - need to relogin, see `self.page.need_auth()` # - need more security, see `self.page.transfer_unavailable()` # - transfer is not available for this connection, see `self.page.go_transfer_via_history()` # TransferPage inherit from IndexPage so self.home.is_here() is true, check page type to avoid this problem type(self.page) is IndexPage, # check if origin_account have recipients self.transfer.is_here() and not self.page.can_transfer(origin_account), ) if any(go_transfer_errors): return [] return self.page.iter_recipients(account_id=origin_account.id) def pre_transfer(self, account): if self.home.is_here(): if 'measure_id' in account._info: self.page.go_measure_list() self.page.go_measure_accounts_list(account._info['measure_id']) else: self.page.go_list() else: self.home.go() self.page.go_transfer(account) @need_login def init_transfer(self, account, recipient, transfer): self.is_send_sms = False self.pre_transfer(account) self.page.init_transfer(account, recipient, transfer) if self.sms_option.is_here(): self.is_send_sms = True raise TransferStep( transfer, Value( 'otp_sms', label='Veuillez renseigner le mot de passe unique qui vous a été envoyé par SMS dans le champ réponse.' ) ) if 'netpro' in self.url: return self.page.create_transfer(account, recipient, transfer) self.page.continue_transfer(account.label, recipient.label, transfer.label) return self.page.update_transfer(transfer, account, recipient) @need_login def otp_sms_continue_transfer(self, transfer, **params): self.is_send_sms = False assert 'otp_sms' in params, 'OTP SMS is missing' self.otp_sms_validation(params['otp_sms']) if self.transfer.is_here(): self.page.continue_transfer(transfer.account_label, transfer.recipient_label, transfer.label) return self.page.update_transfer(transfer) @need_login def execute_transfer(self, transfer): self.page.confirm() return self.page.populate_reference(transfer) def get_recipient_obj(self, recipient): r = Recipient() r.iban = recipient.iban r.id = recipient.iban r.label = recipient.label r.category = u'Externe' r.enabled_at = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) r.currency = u'EUR' r.bank_name = NotAvailable return r def otp_sms_validation(self, otp_sms): tr_id = re.search(r'transactionID=(.*)', self.page.url) if tr_id: transaction_id = tr_id.group(1) else: assert False, 'Transfer transaction id was not found in url' self.request_sms.go(param=transaction_id) key = self.page.validate_key() data = { 'validate': { key: [{ 'id': self.page.validation_id(key), 'otp_sms': otp_sms, 'type': 'SMS' }] } } headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} self.location(self.url + '/step', json=data, headers=headers) saml = self.page.get_saml() action = self.page.get_action() self.location(action, data={'SAMLResponse': saml}) def post_sms_password(self, otp, otp_field_xpath): data = {} for k, v in self.recipient_form.items(): if k != 'url': data[k] = v data[otp_field_xpath] = otp self.location(self.recipient_form['url'], data=data) self.recipient_form = None def facto_post_recip(self, recipient): self.page.post_recipient(recipient) self.page.confirm_recipient() return self.get_recipient_obj(recipient) def end_sms_recipient(self, recipient, **params): self.post_sms_password(params['sms_password'], 'uiAuthCallback__1_') self.page.post_form() self.page.go_on() self.facto_post_recip(recipient) def end_pro_recipient(self, recipient, **params): self.post_sms_password(params['pro_password'], 'MM$ANR_WS_AUTHENT$ANR_WS_AUTHENT_SAISIE$txtReponse') return self.facto_post_recip(recipient) @retry(CanceledAuth) @need_login def new_recipient(self, recipient, **params): if 'sms_password' in params: return self.end_sms_recipient(recipient, **params) if 'otp_sms' in params: self.otp_sms_validation(params['otp_sms']) if self.authent.is_here(): self.page.go_on() return self.facto_post_recip(recipient) if 'pro_password' in params: return self.end_pro_recipient(recipient, **params) self.pre_transfer(next(acc for acc in self.get_accounts_list() if acc.type in (Account.TYPE_CHECKING, Account.TYPE_SAVINGS))) # This send sms to user. self.page.go_add_recipient() if self.sms_option.is_here(): self.is_send_sms = True raise AddRecipientStep( self.get_recipient_obj(recipient), Value( 'otp_sms', label='Veuillez renseigner le mot de passe unique qui vous a été envoyé par SMS dans le champ réponse.' ) ) # pro add recipient. elif self.page.need_auth(): self.page.set_browser_form() raise AddRecipientStep(self.get_recipient_obj(recipient), Value('pro_password', label=self.page.get_prompt_text())) else: self.page.check_canceled_auth() self.page.set_browser_form() raise AddRecipientStep(self.get_recipient_obj(recipient), Value('sms_password', label=self.page.get_prompt_text())) @need_login def iter_subscription(self): self.home.go() # CapDocument is not implemented for professional accounts yet if any(x in self.url for x in ["netpp", "netpro"]): raise NotImplementedError() self.home_tache.go(tache='CPTSYNT1') if self.unavailable_page.is_here(): # some users don't have checking account self.home_tache.go(tache='EPASYNT0') self.page.go_subscription() if not self.subscription.is_here(): # if user is not allowed to have subscription we are redirected to IndexPage assert self.home.is_here() and self.page.is_subscription_unauthorized() return [] if self.page.has_subscriptions(): return self.page.iter_subscription() return [] @need_login def iter_documents(self, subscription): self.home.go() self.home_tache.go(tache='CPTSYNT1') if self.unavailable_page.is_here(): # some users don't have checking account self.home_tache.go(tache='EPASYNT0') self.page.go_subscription() assert self.subscription.is_here() sub_id = subscription.id self.page.go_document_list(sub_id=sub_id) for doc in self.page.iter_documents(sub_id=sub_id): yield doc @need_login def download_document(self, document): self.home.go() self.home_tache.go(tache='CPTSYNT1') if self.unavailable_page.is_here(): # some users don't have checking account self.home_tache.go(tache='EPASYNT0') self.page.go_subscription() assert self.subscription.is_here() sub_id = document.id.split('_')[0] self.page.go_document_list(sub_id=sub_id) return self.page.download_document(document).content def card_matches(self, a, b): # For the same card, depending where we scrape it, we have # more or less visible number. `X` are visible number, `*` hidden one's. # tr.card: XXXX******XXXXXX, account.number: XXXXXX******XXXX return (a[:4], a[-4:]) == (b[:4], b[-4:])