# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2014 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from functools import wraps import re import requests from weboob.tools.compat import basestring, unquote from weboob.tools.regex_helper import normalize from weboob.tools.misc import to_unicode class UrlNotResolvable(Exception): """ Raised when trying to locate on an URL instance which url pattern is not resolvable as a real url. """ class URL(object): """ A description of an URL on the PagesBrowser website. It takes one or several regexps to match urls, and an optional Page class which is instancied by PagesBrowser.open if the page matches a regex. """ _creation_counter = 0 def __init__(self, *args): self.urls = [] self.klass = None self.browser = None for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, basestring): self.urls.append(arg) if isinstance(arg, type): self.klass = arg self._creation_counter = URL._creation_counter URL._creation_counter += 1 def is_here(self, **kwargs): """ Returns True if the current page of browser matches this URL. If arguments are provided, and only then, they are checked against the arguments that were used to build the current page URL. """ assert self.klass is not None, "You can use this method only if there is a Page class handler." if len(kwargs): params = self.match(self.build(**kwargs)).groupdict() else: params = None # XXX use unquote on current params values because if there are spaces # or special characters in them, it is encoded only in but not in kwargs. return self.browser.page and isinstance(self.browser.page, self.klass) \ and (params is None or params == dict([(k,unquote(v)) for k,v in self.browser.page.params.items()])) def stay_or_go(self, headers=None, **kwargs): """ Request to go on this url only if we aren't already here. Arguments are optional parameters for url. >>> url = URL('http://exawple.org/(?P).html') >>> url.stay_or_go(pagename='index') """ if self.is_here(**kwargs): return self.browser.page return self.go(headers=headers, **kwargs) def go(self, params=None, data=None, json=None, method=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """ Request to go on this url. Arguments are optional parameters for url. >>> url = URL('http://exawple.org/(?P).html') >>> url.stay_or_go(pagename='index') """ r = self.browser.location(self.build(**kwargs), params=params, data=data, json=json, method=method, headers=headers or {}) return r.page or r def open(self, params=None, data=None, method=None, headers=None, is_async=False, callback=lambda response: response, **kwargs): """ Request to open on this url. Arguments are optional parameters for url. :param data: POST data :type url: str or dict or None >>> url = URL('http://exawple.org/(?P).html') >>> url.open(pagename='index') """ r = self.browser.open(self.build(**kwargs), params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers or {}, is_async=is_async, callback=callback) if hasattr(r, 'page') and r.page: return r.page return r def build(self, **kwargs): """ Build an url with the given arguments from URL's regexps. :param param: Query string parameters :rtype: :class:`str` :raises: :class:`UrlNotResolvable` if unable to resolve a correct url with the given arguments. """ browser = kwargs.pop('browser', self.browser) params = kwargs.pop('params', None) patterns = [] for url in self.urls: patterns += normalize(url) for pattern, _ in patterns: url = pattern # only use full-name substitutions, to allow % in URLs args = kwargs.copy() for key in list(args.keys()): # need to use keys() because of pop() search = '%%(%s)s' % key if search in pattern: url = url.replace(search, to_unicode(args.pop(key))) # if there are named substitutions left, ignore pattern if re.search('%\([A-z_]+\)s', url): continue # if not all args were used if len(args): continue url = browser.absurl(url, base=True) if params: p = requests.models.PreparedRequest() p.prepare_url(url, params) url = p.url return url raise UrlNotResolvable('Unable to resolve URL with %r. Available are %s' % (kwargs, ', '.join([pattern for pattern, _ in patterns]))) def match(self, url, base=None): """ Check if the given url match this object. """ if base is None: assert self.browser is not None base = self.browser.BASEURL for regex in self.urls: if not re.match(r'^[\w\?]+://.*', regex): regex = re.escape(base).rstrip('/') + '/' + regex.lstrip('/') m = re.match(regex, url) if m: return m def handle(self, response): """ Handle a HTTP response to get an instance of the klass if it matches. """ if self.klass is None: return if response.request.method == 'HEAD': return m = self.match(response.url) if m: page = self.klass(self.browser, response, m.groupdict()) if hasattr(page, 'is_here'): if callable(page.is_here): if page.is_here(): return page else: assert isinstance(page.is_here, basestring) if page.doc.xpath(page.is_here): return page else: return page def id2url(self, func): r""" Helper decorator to get an URL if the given first parameter is an ID. """ @wraps(func) def inner(browser, id_or_url, *args, **kwargs): if re.match('^https?://.*', id_or_url): if not self.match(id_or_url, browser.BASEURL): return else: id_or_url = self.build(id=id_or_url, browser=browser) return func(browser, id_or_url, *args, **kwargs) return inner def normalize_url(url): """Normalize URL by lower-casing the domain and other fixes. Lower-cases the domain, removes the default port and a trailing dot. >>> normalize_url('http://EXAMPLE:80') 'http://example' """ def norm_domain(m): port = m.group(3) or '' if (port == ':80' and m.group(1) == 'http://') or (port == ':443' and m.group(1) == 'https://'): port = '' return '%s%s%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2).lower(), port) return re.sub(r'(https?://)([^/]+?)\.?(:\d+)?(?=/|$)', norm_domain, url)