# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import ast from decimal import Decimal from io import BytesIO from datetime import date as da from lxml import html import re from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, LoggedPage, JsonPage from weboob.browser.elements import method, ItemElement, TableElement from weboob.browser.filters.standard import CleanText, Date, CleanDecimal, Regexp, Format, Field, Eval from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict from weboob.browser.filters.html import Attr, TableCell from weboob.exceptions import ActionNeeded, BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserUnavailable, BrowserPasswordExpired from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, Investment from weboob.capabilities.profile import Profile from weboob.capabilities.base import Currency, find_object from weboob.capabilities import NotAvailable from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.transactions import FrenchTransaction from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.investments import is_isin_valid from weboob.tools.captcha.virtkeyboard import GridVirtKeyboard from weboob.tools.compat import quote, unicode from weboob.tools.json import json def MyDecimal(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable) return CleanDecimal(*args, **kwargs) def MyStrip(x, xpath='.'): if isinstance(x, unicode): return CleanText(xpath)(html.fromstring("


" % x)) elif isinstance(x, bytes): x = x.decode('utf-8') return CleanText(xpath)(html.fromstring("


" % x)) else: return CleanText(xpath)(html.fromstring(CleanText('.')(x))) class CDNVirtKeyboard(GridVirtKeyboard): symbols = {'0': '3de2346a63b658c977fce4da925ded28', '1': 'c571018d2dc267cdf72fafeeb9693037', '2': '72d7bad4beb833d85047f6912ed42b1d', '3': 'fbfce4677a8b2f31f3724143531079e3', '4': '54c723c5b0b5848a0475b4784100b9e0', '5': 'd00164307cacd4ca21b930db09403baa', '6': '101adc6f5d03df0f512c3ec2bef88de9', '7': '3b48f598209718397eb1118d81cf07ba', '8': '881f0acdaba2c44b6a5e64331f4f53d3', '9': 'a47d9a0a2ebbc65a0e625f20cb07822b', } margin = 1 color = (0xff,0xf7,0xff) nrow = 4 ncol = 4 def __init__(self, browser, crypto, grid): f = BytesIO(browser.open('/sec/vk/gen_ui?modeClavier=0&cryptogramme=%s' % crypto).content) super(CDNVirtKeyboard, self).__init__(range(16), self.ncol, self.nrow, f, self.color) self.check_symbols(self.symbols, browser.responses_dirname) self.codes = grid def check_color(self, pixel): for p in pixel: if p > 0xd0: return False return True def get_string_code(self, string): res = [] ndata = self.nrow * self.ncol for nbchar, c in enumerate(string): index = self.get_symbol_code(self.symbols[c]) res.append(self.codes[(nbchar * ndata) + index]) return ','.join(res) class RedirectPage(HTMLPage): def on_load(self): for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'): self.browser.location(re.search(r'href="([^"]+)"', script.text).group(1)) class EntryPage(HTMLPage): pass class LoginPage(HTMLPage): VIRTUALKEYBOARD = CDNVirtKeyboard def login(self, username, password): login_selector = self.doc.xpath('//input[@id="codsec"]') if login_selector: if not password.isdigit() or not len(password) == 6: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword('The credentials have changed on website %s. Please update them.' % self.browser.BASEURL) self.vk_login(username, password) else: self.classic_login(username,password) def vk_login(self, username, password): res = self.browser.open('/sec/vk/gen_crypto?estSession=0').text crypto = re.search(r"'crypto': '([^']+)'", res).group(1) grid = re.search(r"'grid': \[([^\]]+)]", res).group(1).split(',') vk = self.VIRTUALKEYBOARD(self.browser, crypto, grid) data = {'user_id': username, 'codsec': vk.get_string_code(password), 'cryptocvcs': crypto, 'vk_op': 'auth', } self.browser.location('/swm/redirectCDN.html', data=data) def classic_login(self, username, password): m = re.match('www.([^\.]+).fr', self.browser.BASEURL) if not m: bank_name = 'credit-du-nord' self.logger.error('Unable to find bank name for %s' % self.browser.BASEURL) else: bank_name = m.group(1) data = {'bank': bank_name, 'pagecible': 'vos-comptes', 'password': password.encode(self.browser.ENCODING), 'pwAuth': 'Authentification+mot+de+passe', 'username': username.encode(self.browser.ENCODING), } self.browser.location('/saga/authentification', data=data) def get_error(self): return CleanText('//b[has-class("x-attentionErreurLigneHaut")]', default="")(self.doc) class AccountTypePage(LoggedPage, JsonPage): def get_account_type(self): account_type = CleanText(Dict('donnees/id'))(self.doc) if account_type == "menu_espace_perso_part": return "particuliers" elif account_type == "menu_espace_perso_pro": return "professionnels" elif account_type == "menu_espace_perso_ent": return "entreprises" class LabelsPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage): def on_load(self): if Dict('commun/statut', default='')(self.doc) == 'nok': reason = Dict('commun/raison')(self.doc) assert reason == 'GDPR', 'Labels page is not available with message %s' % reason raise ActionNeeded() def get_labels(self): synthesis_labels = ["Synthèse"] loan_labels = ["Crédits en cours", "Crédits perso et immo", "Crédits"] for element in Dict('donnees/0/submenu')(self.doc): if CleanText(Dict('label'))(element) in synthesis_labels: synthesis_label = CleanText(Dict('link'))(element).split("/")[-1] if CleanText(Dict('label'))(element) in loan_labels: loan_label = CleanText(Dict('link'))(element).split("/")[-1] return (synthesis_label, loan_label) class ProfilePage(LoggedPage, JsonPage): def get_profile(self): profile = Profile() profile.name = Format('%s %s', CleanText(Dict('donnees/nom')), CleanText(Dict('donnees/prenom'), default=''))(self.doc) return profile class CDNBasePage(HTMLPage): def get_from_js(self, pattern, end_pattern, is_list=False): """ find a pattern in any javascript text """ for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'): txt = script.text if txt is None: continue start = txt.find(pattern) if start < 0: continue values = [] while start >= 0: start += len(pattern) end = txt.find(end_pattern, start) values.append(txt[start:end]) if not is_list: break start = txt.find(pattern, end) return ','.join(values) def get_execution(self): return self.get_from_js("name: 'execution', value: '", "'") def iban_go(self): return '%s%s' % ('/vos-comptes/IPT/cdnProxyResource', self.get_from_js('C_PROXY.StaticResourceClientTranslation( "', '"')) class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, CDNBasePage): COL_HISTORY = 2 COL_FIRE_EVENT = 3 COL_ID = 4 COL_LABEL = 5 COL_BALANCE = -1 TYPES = { u'CARTE': Account.TYPE_CARD, u'COMPTE COURANT': Account.TYPE_CHECKING, u'CPT COURANT': Account.TYPE_CHECKING, u'CONSEILLE RESIDENT': Account.TYPE_CHECKING, u'PEA': Account.TYPE_PEA, u'P.E.A': Account.TYPE_PEA, u'COMPTE ÉPARGNE': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u'COMPTE EPARGNE': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u'COMPTE SUR LIVRET': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u'LDDS': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u'LIVRET': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u"PLAN D'EPARGNE": Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u'PLAN ÉPARGNE': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, u'ASS.VIE': Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, u'BONS CAPI': Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION, u'ÉTOILE AVANCE': Account.TYPE_LOAN, u'ETOILE AVANCE': Account.TYPE_LOAN, u'PRÊT': Account.TYPE_LOAN, u'CREDIT': Account.TYPE_LOAN, u'FACILINVEST': Account.TYPE_LOAN, u'TITRES': Account.TYPE_MARKET, u'COMPTE TIT': Account.TYPE_MARKET, u'PRDTS BLOQ. TIT': Account.TYPE_MARKET, u'PRODUIT BLOQUE TIT': Account.TYPE_MARKET, u'COMPTE A TERME': Account.TYPE_DEPOSIT, } def make__args_dict(self, line): return {'_eventId': 'clicDetailCompte', '_ipc_eventValue': '', '_ipc_fireEvent': '', 'execution': self.get_execution(), 'idCompteClique': line[self.COL_ID], } def get_password_expired(self): error = CleanText('//div[@class="x-attentionErreur"]/b')(self.doc) if "vous devez modifier votre code confidentiel à la première connexion" in error: return error def get_account_type(self, label): for pattern, actype in sorted(self.TYPES.items()): if label.startswith(pattern) or label.endswith(pattern): return actype return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN def get_history_link(self): return CleanText().filter(self.get_from_js(",url: Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode('", "'")).replace('&', '&') def get_av_link(self): return self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(text(), "Consultation")]')[0].attrib['href'] def get_list(self): accounts = [] previous_account = None noaccounts = self.get_from_js('_js_noMvts =', ';') if noaccounts is not None: assert 'avez aucun compte' in noaccounts return [] txt = self.get_from_js('_data = new Array(', ');', is_list=True) if txt is None: raise BrowserUnavailable('Unable to find accounts list in scripts') data = json.loads('[%s]' % txt.replace("'", '"')) for line in data: a = Account() a.id = line[self.COL_ID].replace(' ', '') if re.match(r'Classement=(.*?):::Banque=(.*?):::Agence=(.*?):::SScompte=(.*?):::Serie=(.*)', a.id): a.id = str(CleanDecimal().filter(a.id)) a._acc_nb = a.id.split('_')[0] if len(a.id.split('_')) > 1 else None a.label = MyStrip(line[self.COL_LABEL], xpath='.//div[@class="libelleCompteTDB"]') # This account can be multiple life insurance accounts if a.label == 'ASSURANCE VIE-BON CAPI-SCPI-DIVERS *': continue a.balance = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(line[self.COL_BALANCE])) a.currency = a.get_currency(line[self.COL_BALANCE]) a.type = self.get_account_type(a.label) # The parent account must be created right before if a.type == Account.TYPE_CARD: # duplicate if find_object(accounts, id=a.id): self.logger.warning('Ignoring duplicate card %r', a.id) continue a.parent = previous_account if line[self.COL_HISTORY] == 'true': a._inv = False a._link = self.get_history_link() a._args = self.make__args_dict(line) else: a._inv = True a._args = {'_ipc_eventValue': line[self.COL_ID], '_ipc_fireEvent': line[self.COL_FIRE_EVENT], } a._link = self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="changePageForm"]')[0].attrib['action'] if a.type is Account.TYPE_CARD: a.coming = a.balance a.balance = Decimal('0.0') accounts.append(a) previous_account = a return accounts def iban_page(self): form = self.get_form(name="changePageForm") form['_ipc_fireEvent'] = 'V1_rib' form['_ipc_eventValue'] = 'bouchon=bouchon' form.submit() @method class get_profile(ItemElement): klass = Profile obj_name = CleanText('//p[@class="nom"]') def get_strid(self): return re.search(r'(\d{4,})', Attr('//form[@name="changePageForm"]', 'action')(self.doc)).group(0) class ProIbanPage(CDNBasePage): pass class AVPage(LoggedPage, CDNBasePage): COL_LABEL = 0 COL_BALANCE = 3 ARGS = ['IndiceClassement', 'IndiceCompte', 'Banque', 'Agence', 'Classement', 'Serie', 'SScompte', 'Categorie', 'IndiceSupport', 'NumPolice', 'LinkHypertext'] def get_params(self, text): url = self.get_from_js('document.detail.action="', '";') args = {} l = [] for sub in re.findall("'([^']*)'", text): l.append(sub) for i, key in enumerate(self.ARGS): args[key] = l[self.ARGS.index(key)] return url, args def get_av_accounts(self): for table in self.doc.xpath('//table[@class="datas"]'): head_cols = table.xpath('./tr[@class="entete"]/td') for tr in table.xpath('./tr[not(@class)]'): cols = tr.findall('td') if len(cols) != 4: continue a = Account() # get acc_nb like on accounts page a._acc_nb = Regexp( CleanText('//div[@id="v1-cadre"]//b[contains(text(), "Compte N")]', replace=[(' ', '')]), r'(\d+)' )(self.doc)[5:] a.label = CleanText('.')(cols[self.COL_LABEL]) a.type = Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE a.balance = MyDecimal('.')(cols[self.COL_BALANCE]) a.currency = a.get_currency(CleanText('.')(head_cols[self.COL_BALANCE])) a._link, a._args = self.get_params(cols[self.COL_LABEL].find('span/a').attrib['href']) a.id = '%s%s%s' % (a._acc_nb, a._args['IndiceSupport'], a._args['NumPolice']) a._inv = True yield a class PartAVPage(AVPage): pass class ProAccountsPage(AccountsPage): COL_ID = 0 COL_BALANCE = 1 ARGS = ['Banque', 'Agence', 'Classement', 'Serie', 'SSCompte', 'Devise', 'CodeDeviseCCB', 'LibelleCompte', 'IntituleCompte', 'Indiceclassement', 'IndiceCompte', 'NomClassement'] def on_load(self): if self.doc.xpath('//h1[contains(text(), "Erreur")]'): raise BrowserUnavailable(CleanText('//h1[contains(text(), "Erreur")]//span')(self.doc)) msg = CleanText('//div[@class="x-attentionErreur"]/b')(self.doc) if 'vous devez modifier votre code confidentiel' in msg: raise BrowserPasswordExpired(msg) def params_from_js(self, text): l = [] for sub in re.findall("'([^']*)'", text): l.append(sub) if len(l) <= 1: #For account that have no history return None, None url = '/vos-comptes/IPT/appmanager/transac/' + self.browser.account_type + '?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=portletInstance_18&_pageLabel=page_synthese_v1' + '&_cdnCltUrl=' + "/transacClippe/" + quote(l.pop(0)) args = {} for input in self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="detail"]/input'): args[input.attrib['name']] = input.attrib.get('value', '') for i, key in enumerate(self.ARGS): args[key] = unicode(l[self.ARGS.index(key)]).encode(self.browser.ENCODING) args['PageDemandee'] = 1 args['PagePrecedente'] = 1 return url, args def get_list(self): no_accounts_message = self.doc.xpath(u'//span/b[contains(text(),"Votre abonnement est clôturé. Veuillez contacter votre conseiller.")]/text()') if no_accounts_message: raise ActionNeeded(no_accounts_message[0]) previous_checking_account = None # Several deposit accounts ('Compte à terme') have the same id and the same label # So a number is added to distinguish them previous_deposit_account = None deposit_count = 1 for tr in self.doc.xpath('//table[has-class("datas")]//tr'): if tr.attrib.get('class', '') == 'entete': continue cols = tr.findall('td') a = Account() a.label = unicode(cols[self.COL_ID].xpath('.//span[@class="left-underline"] | .//span[@class="left"]/a')[0].text.strip()) a.type = self.get_account_type(a.label) balance = CleanText('.')(cols[self.COL_BALANCE]) if balance == '': continue a.balance = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(balance) a.currency = a.get_currency(balance) if cols[self.COL_ID].find('a'): a._link, a._args = self.params_from_js(cols[self.COL_ID].find('a').attrib['href']) # There may be a href with 'javascript:NoDetail();' # The _link and _args should be None else: a._link, a._args = None, None a._acc_nb = cols[self.COL_ID].xpath('.//span[@class="right-underline"] | .//span[@class="right"]')[0].text.replace(' ', '').strip() a.id = a._acc_nb if hasattr(a, '_args') and a._args: if a._args['IndiceCompte'].isdigit(): a.id = '%s%s' % (a.id, a._args['IndiceCompte']) if a._args['Indiceclassement'].isdigit(): a.id = '%s%s' % (a.id, a._args['Indiceclassement']) # This account can be multiple life insurance accounts if (any(a.label.startswith(lab) for lab in ['ASS.VIE-BONS CAPI-SCPI-DIVERS', 'BONS CAPI-SCPI-DIVERS']) or (u'Aucun d\\351tail correspondant pour ce compte' in tr.xpath('.//a/@href')[0]) and 'COMPTE A TERME' not in tr.xpath('.//span[contains(@class, "left")]/text()')[0]): continue if a.type is Account.TYPE_CARD: a.coming = a.balance a.balance = Decimal('0.0') # Take the predecessiong checking account as parent if previous_checking_account: a.parent = previous_checking_account else: self.logger.warning('The card account %s has no parent account' % a.id) a._inv = True if a.type == Account.TYPE_CHECKING: previous_checking_account = a if previous_deposit_account and previous_deposit_account.id == a.id: a.id = a.id + '_%s' % deposit_count deposit_count += 1 previous_deposit_account = a if a.type == Account.TYPE_DEPOSIT: previous_deposit_account = a yield a def iban_page(self): self.browser.location(self.doc.xpath('.//a[contains(text(), "Impression IBAN")]')[0].attrib['href']) def has_iban(self): return not bool(CleanText('//*[contains(., "pas de compte vous permettant l\'impression de RIB")]')(self.doc)) @method class get_profile(ItemElement): klass = Profile obj_name = CleanText('//p[@class="nom"]') class IbanPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage): def get_iban(self): try: return unicode(self.doc.xpath('.//td[@width="315"]/font')[0].text.replace(' ', '').strip()) except AttributeError: return NotAvailable class Transaction(FrenchTransaction): PATTERNS = [(re.compile(r'^(?PRET DAB \w+ .*?) LE (?P
\d{2})(?P\d{2})$'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL), (re.compile(r'^VIR(EMENT)?( INTERNET)?(\.| )?(DE)? (?P.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER), (re.compile(r'^PRLV (SEPA )?(DE )?(?P.*?)( Motif :.*)?$'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER), (re.compile(r'^CB (?P.*) LE (?P
\d{2})\.?(?P\d{2})$'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD), (re.compile(r'^CHEQUE.*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK), (re.compile(r'^(CONVENTION \d+ )?COTISATION (?P.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK), (re.compile(r'^REM(ISE)?\.?( CHQ\.)? .*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT), (re.compile(r'^(?P.*?)( \d{2}.*)? LE (?P
\d{2})\.?(?P\d{2})$'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD), (re.compile(r'^(?P.*?) LE (?P
\d{2}) (?P\d{2}) (?P\d{2})$'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD), ] class TransactionsPage(LoggedPage, CDNBasePage): TRANSACTION = Transaction COL_ID = 0 COL_DATE = -5 COL_DEBIT_DATE = -4 COL_LABEL = -3 COL_VALUE = -1 def on_load(self): msg = CleanText('//h1[contains(text(), "Avenant")]')(self.doc) if msg: raise ActionNeeded(msg) def get_next_args(self, args): if self.is_last(): return None args['_eventId'] = 'clicChangerPageSuivant' args['execution'] = self.get_execution() args.pop('idCompteClique', None) return args def is_last(self): for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'): txt = script.text if txt is None: continue if txt.find('clicChangerPageSuivant') >= 0: return False return True def condition(self, t, acc_type): if t.date is NotAvailable: return True t._is_coming = t.date > da.today() if t.raw.startswith('TOTAL DES') or t.raw.startswith('ACHATS CARTE'): t.type = t.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY elif acc_type is Account.TYPE_CARD: t.type = t.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD return False def get_history(self, acc_type): txt = self.get_from_js('ListeMvts_data = new Array(', ');\n') if txt is None: no_trans = self.get_from_js('js_noMvts = new Ext.Panel(', ')') if no_trans is not None: # there is no transactions for this account, this is normal. return else: # No history on this account return data = ast.literal_eval('[%s]' % txt.replace('"', '\\"')) for line in data: t = self.TRANSACTION() if acc_type is Account.TYPE_CARD and MyStrip(line[self.COL_DEBIT_DATE]): date = vdate = Date(dayfirst=True).filter(MyStrip(line[self.COL_DEBIT_DATE])) else: date = Date(dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable).filter(MyStrip(line[self.COL_DATE])) if not date: continue vdate = MyStrip(line[self.COL_DEBIT_DATE]) if vdate != '': vdate = Date(dayfirst=True).filter(vdate) raw = MyStrip(line[self.COL_LABEL]) t.parse(date, raw, vdate=vdate) t.set_amount(line[self.COL_VALUE]) if t.amount == 0 and t.label.startswith('FRAIS DE '): m = re.search(r'(\b\d+,\d+)E\b', t.label) if m: t.amount = -CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(m.group(1)) self.logger.info('parsing amount in transaction label: %r', t) if self.condition(t, acc_type): continue yield t def can_iter_investments(self): return 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les fonctions de bourse.' not in CleanText('//div[@id="contenusavoir"]')(self.doc) def not_restrained(self): return not CleanText('//div[contains(text(), "restreint aux fonctions de bourse")]')(self.doc) @method class get_market_investment(TableElement): # Fetch the tables with at least 5 head columns (browser adds a missing a ) item_xpath = '//div[not(@id="PortefeuilleCV")]/table[@class="datas"][tr[@class="entete"][count(td)>4]]//tr[position()>1]' head_xpath = '//div[not(@id="PortefeuilleCV")]/table[@class="datas"][tr[@class="entete"][count(td)>4]]//tr[@class="entete"]/td' col_label = 'Valeur' col_quantity = 'Quantité' col_unitvalue = 'Cours' col_valuation = 'Estimation' col_portfolio_share = '%' class item(ItemElement): klass = Investment obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label', colspan=True)) obj_valuation = MyDecimal(TableCell('valuation', colspan=True)) obj_quantity = MyDecimal(TableCell('quantity', colspan=True)) obj_unitvalue = MyDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue', colspan=True)) obj_portfolio_share = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, MyDecimal(TableCell('portfolio_share'))) def obj_code(self): for code in Field('label')(self).split(): if is_isin_valid(code): return code return NotAvailable def obj_code_type(self): if is_isin_valid(Field('code')(self)): return Investment.CODE_TYPE_ISIN return NotAvailable def condition(self): return "Sous-total" not in Field('label')(self) @method class get_deposit_investment(TableElement): item_xpath = '//table[@class="datas"]//tr[position()>1]' head_xpath = '//table[@class="datas"]//tr[@class="entete"]/td/b' col_label = u'Libellé' col_quantity = u'Quantité' col_unitvalue = re.compile(u"Valeur liquidative") col_valuation = re.compile(u"Montant") class item(ItemElement): klass = Investment obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label')) obj_quantity = MyDecimal(CleanText(TableCell('quantity'))) obj_valuation = MyDecimal(TableCell('valuation')) obj_unitvalue = MyDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue')) def obj_vdate(self): if Field('unitvalue') is NotAvailable: vdate = Date(dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)\ .filter(Regexp(CleanText('.'), '(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})', '\\3-\\2-\\1', default=NotAvailable)(TableCell('unitvalue')(self))) or \ Date(dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)\ .filter(Regexp(CleanText('//tr[td[span[b[contains(text(), "Estimation du contrat")]]]]/td[2]'), '(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})', '\\3-\\2-\\1', default=NotAvailable)(TableCell('unitvalue')(self))) return vdate def fill_diff_currency(self, account): valuation_diff = CleanText(u'//td[span[contains(text(), "dont +/- value : ")]]//b', default=None)(self.doc) #NC == Non communiqué if valuation_diff and "NC" not in valuation_diff: account.valuation_diff = MyDecimal().filter(valuation_diff) account.currency = account.get_currency(valuation_diff) class ProTransactionsPage(TransactionsPage): TRANSACTION = Transaction def get_next_args(self, args): if len(self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(text(), "Suivant")]')) > 0: args['PageDemandee'] = int(args.get('PageDemandee', 1)) + 1 return args return None def parse_transactions(self): transactions = {} for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'): txt = script.text if txt is None: continue for i, key, value in re.findall('listeopecv\[(\d+)\]\[\'(\w+)\'\]="(.*)";', txt): i = int(i) if i not in transactions: transactions[i] = {} transactions[i][key] = value.strip() return sorted(transactions.items()) def detect_currency(self, t, raw): matches = [] for currency in Currency.CURRENCIES: if ' ' + currency + ' ' in raw: m = re.search(r'(\d+[,.]\d{1,2}? ' + currency + r')', raw) if m: matches.append((m, currency)) assert len(matches) in [0,1] if matches: match = matches[0][0] currency = matches[0][1] t.original_currency = currency t.original_amount = abs(MyDecimal().filter(match.group())) if (t.amount < 0): t.original_amount = -t.original_amount def get_history(self, acc_type): for i, tr in self.parse_transactions(): t = self.TRANSACTION() if acc_type is Account.TYPE_CARD: date = vdate = Date(dayfirst=True, default=None).filter(tr['dateval']) else: date = Date(dayfirst=True, default=None).filter(tr['date']) vdate = Date(dayfirst=True, default=None).filter(tr['dateval']) or date raw = MyStrip(' '.join([tr['typeope'], tr['LibComp']])) t.parse(date, raw, vdate) t.set_amount(tr['mont']) self.detect_currency(t, raw) if self.condition(t, acc_type): continue yield t