# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012 Johann Broudin # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from weboob.capabilities.bank import CapBank, AccountNotFound from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, Transaction from weboob.tools.backend import Module, BackendConfig from weboob.tools.value import ValueBackendPassword from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserHTTPError, ParseError from weboob.browser import Browser from re import match, compile, sub from decimal import Decimal from lxml import etree from datetime import date from StringIO import StringIO __all__ = ['CmbModule'] class CmbModule(Module, CapBank): NAME = 'cmb' MAINTAINER = u'Johann Broudin' EMAIL = 'Johann.Broudin@6-8.fr' VERSION = '1.2' LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+' DESCRIPTION = u'Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne' CONFIG = BackendConfig( ValueBackendPassword('login', label='Identifiant', masked=False), ValueBackendPassword('password', label='Mot de passe', masked=True)) LABEL_PATTERNS = [ ( # card compile('^CARTE (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_CARD, '%(text)s' ), ( # order compile('^PRLV (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_ORDER, '%(text)s' ), ( # withdrawal compile('^RET DAB (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL, '%(text)s' ), ( # loan payment compile('^ECH (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_LOAN_PAYMENT, '%(text)s' ), ( # transfer compile('^VIR (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_TRANSFER, '%(text)s' ), ( # payback compile('^ANN (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_PAYBACK, '%(text)s' ), ( # bank compile('^F (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_BANK, '%(text)s' ), ( # deposit compile('^VRST (?P.*)'), Transaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT, '%(text)s' ) ] BROWSER = Browser islogged = False def login(self): data = { 'codeEspace': 'NO', 'codeEFS': '01', 'codeSi': '001', 'noPersonne': self.config['login'].get(), 'motDePasse': self.config['password'].get() } try: self.browser.open("https://www.cmb.fr/domiweb/servlet/Identification", data=data) self.browser.open("https://www.cmb.fr/domiweb/prive/espacesegment/selectionnerAbonnement/0-selectionnerAbonnement.act") except BrowserHTTPError: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() else: self.islogged=True # Go on pro space when there is one. self.browser.open("https://www.cmb.fr/domiweb/prive/espacesegment/selectionnerAbonnement/1-selectionnerAbonnement.act?espace=PR&indice=0") def iter_accounts(self): if not self.islogged: self.login() data = self.browser.open("https://www.cmb.fr/domiweb/prive/particulier/releve/0-releve.act").content parser = etree.HTMLParser() tree = etree.parse(StringIO(data), parser) table = tree.xpath('/html/body/table') if len(table) == 0: title = tree.xpath('/html/head/title')[0].text if title == u"Utilisateur non identifié": self.login() data = self.browser.open("https://www.cmb.fr/domiweb/prive/particulier/releve/0-releve.act").content parser = etree.HTMLParser() tree = etree.parse(StringIO(data), parser) table = tree.xpath('/html/body/table') if len(table) == 0: raise ParseError() else: raise ParseError() for tr in tree.xpath('/html/body//table[contains(@class, "Tb")]/tr'): if tr.get('class', None) not in ('LnTit', 'LnTot', 'LnMnTiers', None): account = Account() td = tr.xpath('td') a = td[1].xpath('a') account.label = unicode(a[0].text).strip() href = a[0].get('href') m = match(r"javascript:releve\((.*),'(.*)','(.*)'\)", href) if not m: continue account.id = unicode(m.group(1) + m.group(2) + m.group(3)) account._cmbvaleur = m.group(1) account._cmbvaleur2 = m.group(2) account._cmbtype = m.group(3) balance = u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in td[2].itertext()]) balance = balance.replace(',', '.').replace(u"\xa0", '') account.balance = Decimal(balance) span = td[4].xpath('a/span') if len(span): coming = span[0].text.replace(' ', '').replace(',', '.') coming = coming.replace(u"\xa0", '') account.coming = Decimal(coming) else: account.coming = NotAvailable yield account def get_account(self, _id): for account in self.iter_accounts(): if account.id == _id: return account raise AccountNotFound() def iter_history(self, account): if not self.islogged: self.login() page = "https://www.cmb.fr/domiweb/prive/particulier/releve/" if account._cmbtype == 'D': page += "10-releve.act" else: page += "2-releve.act" page +="?noPageReleve=1&indiceCompte=" page += account._cmbvaleur page += "&typeCompte=" page += account._cmbvaleur2 page += "&deviseOrigineEcran=EUR" data = self.browser.open(page).content parser = etree.HTMLParser() tree = etree.parse(StringIO(data), parser) tables = tree.xpath('/html/body/table') if len(tables) == 0: title = tree.xpath('/html/head/title')[0].text if title == u"Utilisateur non identifié": self.login() data = self.browser.open(page).content parser = etree.HTMLParser() tree = etree.parse(StringIO(data), parser) tables = tree.xpath('/html/body/table') if len(tables) == 0: raise ParseError() else: raise ParseError() i = 0 for table in tables: if table.get('id') != "tableMouvements": continue for tr in table.getiterator('tr'): if (tr.get('class') != 'LnTit' and tr.get('class') != 'LnTot'): operation = Transaction() td = tr.xpath('td') div = td[1].xpath('div') d = div[0].text.split('/') operation.date = date(*reversed([int(x) for x in d])) div = td[2].xpath('div') label = div[0].xpath('a')[0].text.replace('\n', '') operation.raw = unicode(' '.join(label.split())) for pattern, _type, _label in self.LABEL_PATTERNS: mm = pattern.match(operation.raw) if mm: operation.type = _type operation.label = sub('[ ]+', ' ', _label % mm.groupdict()).strip() break amount = td[3].text if amount.count(',') != 1: amount = td[4].text amount = amount.replace(',', '.').replace(u'\xa0', '') operation.amount = Decimal(amount) else: amount = amount.replace(',', '.').replace(u'\xa0', '') operation.amount = - Decimal(amount) i += 1 yield operation