# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of a weboob module. # # This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this weboob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import re from uuid import uuid4 from datetime import datetime from collections import OrderedDict from functools import wraps from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserUnavailable from weboob.browser.exceptions import HTTPNotFound, ClientError, ServerError from weboob.browser import LoginBrowser, URL, need_login from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, AccountOwnership, Loan from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, find_object from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.investments import create_french_liquidity from weboob.tools.compat import urlparse, parse_qs from .pages import ( LoggedOut, LoginPage, IndexPage, AccountsPage, AccountsFullPage, CardsPage, TransactionsPage, UnavailablePage, RedirectPage, HomePage, Login2Page, ErrorPage, IbanPage, AdvisorPage, TransactionDetailPage, TransactionsBackPage, NatixisPage, EtnaPage, NatixisInvestPage, NatixisHistoryPage, NatixisErrorPage, NatixisDetailsPage, NatixisChoicePage, NatixisRedirect, LineboursePage, AlreadyLoginPage, InvestmentPage, NewLoginPage, JsFilePage, AuthorizePage, LoginTokensPage, VkImagePage, AuthenticationMethodPage, AuthenticationStepPage, CaissedepargneVirtKeyboard, AccountsNextPage, GenericAccountsPage, InfoTokensPage, ) from .document_pages import BasicTokenPage, SubscriberPage, SubscriptionsPage, DocumentsPage from .linebourse_browser import LinebourseAPIBrowser __all__ = ['BanquePopulaire'] class BrokenPageError(Exception): pass def retry(exc_check, tries=4): """Decorate a function to retry several times in case of exception. The decorated function is called at max 4 times. It is retried only when it raises an exception of the type `exc_check`. If the function call succeeds and returns an iterator, a wrapper to the iterator is returned. If iterating on the result raises an exception of type `exc_check`, the iterator is recreated by re-calling the function, but the values already yielded will not be re-yielded. For consistency, the function MUST always return values in the same order. """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(browser, *args, **kwargs): cb = lambda: func(browser, *args, **kwargs) for i in range(tries, 0, -1): try: ret = cb() except exc_check as exc: browser.logger.debug('%s raised, retrying', exc) continue if not (hasattr(ret, '__next__') or hasattr(ret, 'next')): return ret # simple value, no need to retry on items return iter_retry(cb, value=ret, remaining=i, exc_check=exc_check, logger=browser.logger) raise BrowserUnavailable('Site did not reply successfully after multiple tries') return wrapper return decorator def no_need_login(func): # indicate a login is in progress, so LoggedOut should not be raised def wrapper(browser, *args, **kwargs): browser.no_login += 1 try: return func(browser, *args, **kwargs) finally: browser.no_login -= 1 return wrapper class BanquePopulaire(LoginBrowser): login_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/auth/UI/Login.*', LoginPage) new_login = URL(r'https://[^/]+/.*se-connecter/sso', NewLoginPage) js_file = URL(r'https://[^/]+/.*se-connecter/main-.*.js$', JsFilePage) authorize = URL(r'https://www.as-ex-ath-groupe.banquepopulaire.fr/api/oauth/v2/authorize', AuthorizePage) login_tokens = URL(r'https://www.as-ex-ath-groupe.banquepopulaire.fr/api/oauth/v2/consume', LoginTokensPage) info_tokens = URL(r'https://www.as-ex-ano-groupe.banquepopulaire.fr/api/oauth/token', InfoTokensPage) user_info = URL(r'https://www.rs-ex-ano-groupe.banquepopulaire.fr/bapi/user/v1/users/identificationRouting', InfoTokensPage) authentication_step = URL( r'https://www.icgauth.banquepopulaire.fr/dacsrest/api/v1u0/transaction/(?P[^/]+)/step', AuthenticationStepPage ) authentication_method_page = URL( r'https://www.icgauth.banquepopulaire.fr/dacsrest/api/v1u0/transaction/(?P)', AuthenticationMethodPage, ) vk_image = URL( r'https://www.icgauth.banquepopulaire.fr/dacs-rest-media/api/v1u0/medias/mappings/[a-z0-9-]+/images', VkImagePage, ) index_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/Login.do', IndexPage) accounts_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=mesComptes.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=maSyntheseGratuite.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=accueilSynthese.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=equipementComplet.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=VUE_COMPLETE.*', AccountsPage) accounts_next_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/Page.do\?.*', AccountsNextPage) iban_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=cyberIBAN.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=DETAIL_IBAN_RIB.*', IbanPage) accounts_full_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=EQUIPEMENT_COMPLET.*', AccountsFullPage) cards_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=ENCOURS_COMPTE.*', CardsPage) transactions_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=SOLDE.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=CONTRAT.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*ConsultationDetail.*ActionPerformed=BACK.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=ordreBourseCTJ.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/Page.do\?.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/Sort.do\?.*', TransactionsPage) investment_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/ibp/ate/skin/internet/pages/webAppReroutingAutoSubmit.jsp', InvestmentPage) transactions_back_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*ActionPerformed=BACK.*', TransactionsBackPage) transaction_detail_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do\?.*dialogActionPerformed=DETAIL_ECRITURE.*', TransactionDetailPage) error_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', r'https://[^/]+/_layouts/error.aspx', r'https://[^/]+/portailinternet/_layouts/Ibp.Cyi.Administration/RedirectPageError.aspx', ErrorPage) unavailable_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/s3f-web/.*', r'https://[^/]+/static/errors/nondispo.html', r'/i-RIA/swc/1.0.0/desktop/index.html', UnavailablePage) redirect_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/portailinternet/_layouts/Ibp.Cyi.Layouts/RedirectSegment.aspx.*', RedirectPage) home_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/portailinternet/Catalogue/Segments/.*.aspx(\?vary=(?P.*))?', r'https://[^/]+/portailinternet/Pages/.*.aspx\?vary=(?P.*)', r'https://[^/]+/portailinternet/Pages/[dD]efault.aspx', r'https://[^/]+/portailinternet/Transactionnel/Pages/CyberIntegrationPage.aspx', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/ShowPortal.do\?token=.*', HomePage) already_login_page = URL( r'https://[^/]+/dacswebssoissuer.*', r'https://[^/]+/WebSSO_BP/_(?P\d+)/index.html\?transactionID=(?P.*)', AlreadyLoginPage ) login2_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/WebSSO_BP/_(?P\d+)/index.html\?transactionID=(?P.*)', Login2Page) # natixis natixis_redirect = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/views/common/routage.xhtml.*?windowId=[a-f0-9]+$', NatixisRedirect) natixis_choice = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/views/contrat/list.xhtml\?.*', NatixisChoicePage) natixis_page = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/views/common.*', NatixisPage) etna = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/etna-ihs-bp/#/contratVie/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+).*', r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/views/contrat/detail/vie/view.xhtml\?windowId=.*&reference=(?P\d+)&codeSociete=(?P[^&]*)&codeProduit=(?P[^&]*).*', EtnaPage) natixis_error_page = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/error-redirect.*', r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/etna-ihs-bp/#/equipement;codeEtab=.*\?windowId=.*', NatixisErrorPage) natixis_invest = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/rest/v2/contratVie/load/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)', NatixisInvestPage) natixis_history = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/rest/v2/contratVie/load-operation/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)', NatixisHistoryPage) natixis_pdf = URL(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/espaceinternet-bp/rest/v2/contratVie/load-releve/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\w+)/(?P\d+)', NatixisDetailsPage) linebourse_home = URL(r'https://www.linebourse.fr', LineboursePage) advisor = URL(r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=accueil.*', r'https://[^/]+/cyber/internet/StartTask.do\?taskInfoOID=contacter.*', AdvisorPage) basic_token_page = URL(r'/SRVATE/context/mde/1.1.5', BasicTokenPage) subscriber_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/api-bp/wapi/2.0/abonnes/current/mes-documents-electroniques', SubscriberPage) subscription_page = URL(r'https://[^/]+/api-bp/wapi/2.0/abonnes/current/contrats', SubscriptionsPage) documents_page = URL(r'/api-bp/wapi/2.0/abonnes/current/documents/recherche-avancee', DocumentsPage) def __init__(self, website, *args, **kwargs): self.retry_login_without_phase = False # used to manage re-login cases, DO NOT set to False elsewhere (to avoid infinite recursion) self.website = website self.BASEURL = 'https://%s' % website # this url is required because the creditmaritime abstract uses an other url if 'cmgo.creditmaritime' in self.BASEURL: self.redirect_url = 'https://www.icgauth.creditmaritime.groupe.banquepopulaire.fr/dacsrest/api/v1u0/transaction/' else: self.redirect_url = 'https://www.icgauth.banquepopulaire.fr/dacsrest/api/v1u0/transaction/' self.token = None self.weboob = kwargs['weboob'] super(BanquePopulaire, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) dirname = self.responses_dirname if dirname: dirname += '/bourse' self.linebourse = LinebourseAPIBrowser('https://www.linebourse.fr', logger=self.logger, responses_dirname=dirname, weboob=self.weboob, proxy=self.PROXIES) self.documents_headers = None def deinit(self): super(BanquePopulaire, self).deinit() self.linebourse.deinit() no_login = 0 def follow_back_button_if_any(self, params=None, actions=None): """ Look for a Retour button and follow it using a POST :param params: Optional form params to use (default: call self.page.get_params()) :param actions: Optional actions to use (default: call self.page.get_button_actions()) :return: None """ if not self.page: return data = self.page.get_back_button_params(params=params, actions=actions) if data: self.location('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', data=data) @no_need_login def do_login(self): try: self.location(self.BASEURL) except (ClientError, HTTPNotFound) as e: if e.response.status_code in (403, 404): # Sometimes the website makes some redirections that leads # to a 404 or a 403 when we try to access the BASEURL # (website is not stable). raise BrowserUnavailable(e.message) raise # avoids trying to relog in while it's already on home page if self.home_page.is_here(): return if self.new_login.is_here(): if not self.password.isnumeric(): # Vk from new login only accepts numeric characters raise BrowserIncorrectPassword('Le mot de passe doit être composé de chiffres uniquement') return self.do_new_login() return self.do_old_login() def do_old_login(self): assert self.login2_page.is_here(), 'Should be on login2 page' self.page.set_form_ids() try: self.page.login(self.username, self.password) except BrowserUnavailable as ex: # HACK: some accounts with legacy password fails (legacy means not only digits). # The website crashes, even on a web browser. # So, if we get a specific exception AND if we have a legacy password, # we raise WrongPass instead of BrowserUnavailable. if 'Cette page est indisponible' in ex.message and not self.password.isdigit(): raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() raise if not self.password.isnumeric(): self.logger.warning('Password with non numeric chararacters still works') if self.login_page.is_here(): raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() if 'internetRescuePortal' in self.url: # 1 more request is necessary data = {'integrationMode': 'INTERNET_RESCUE'} self.location('/cyber/internet/Login.do', data=data) def get_bpcesta(self, cdetab): return { 'csid': str(uuid4()), 'typ_app': 'rest', 'enseigne': 'bp', 'typ_sp': 'out-band', 'typ_act': 'auth', 'snid': '123456', 'cdetab': cdetab, 'typ_srv': self.user_type, } def do_new_login(self): # Same login as caissedepargne url_params = parse_qs(urlparse(self.url).query) cdetab = url_params['cdetab'][0] continue_url = url_params['continue'][0] main_js_file = self.page.get_main_js_file_url() self.location(main_js_file) client_id = self.page.get_client_id() nonce = self.page.get_nonce() # Hardcoded in their js... data = { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': self.page.get_user_info_client_id(), 'scope': '', } # The 2 followings requests are needed in order to get # user type (part, ent and pro) self.info_tokens.go(data=data) headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.page.get_access_token()} data = { 'characteristics': { 'iTEntityType': { 'code': '03', # 03 for BP and 02 for CE 'label': 'BP', }, 'userCode': self.username.upper(), 'bankId': cdetab, 'subscribeTypeItems': [], } } self.user_info.go(headers=headers, json=data) self.user_type = self.page.get_user_type() # On the website, this sends back json because of the header # 'Accept': 'applcation/json'. If we do not add this header, we # instead have a form that we can directly send to complete # the login. bpcesta = self.get_bpcesta(cdetab) claims = { 'userinfo': { 'cdetab': None, 'authMethod': None, 'authLevel': None }, 'id_token': { 'auth_time': { 'essential': True, }, 'last_login': None, }, } # We need to avoid to add "phase":"1" for some sub-websites # The phase information seems to be in js file and the value is not hardcoded # Consequently we try the login twice with and without phase param # The problem may occur before/during do_redirect() if not self.retry_login_without_phase: bpcesta['phase'] = '1' params = { 'nonce': nonce, 'scope': '', 'response_type': 'id_token token', 'response_mode': 'form_post', 'cdetab': cdetab, 'login_hint': self.username.upper(), 'display': 'page', 'client_id': client_id, 'claims': json.dumps(claims), 'bpcesta': json.dumps(bpcesta), } self.authorize.go(params=params) self.page.send_form() self.page.check_errors(feature='login') validation_id = self.page.get_validation_id() validation_unit_id = self.page.validation_unit_id vk_info = self.page.get_authentication_method_info() vk_id = vk_info['id'] if vk_info.get('virtualKeyboard') is None: # no VK, password to submit code = self.password else: vk_images_url = vk_info['virtualKeyboard']['externalRestMediaApiUrl'] self.location(vk_images_url) images_url = self.page.get_all_images_data() vk = CaissedepargneVirtKeyboard(self, images_url) code = vk.get_string_code(self.password) headers = { 'Referer': self.BASEURL, 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', } self.authentication_step.go( validation_id=validation_id, json={ 'validate': { validation_unit_id: [{ 'id': vk_id, 'password': code, 'type': 'PASSWORD', }], }, }, headers=headers, ) assert self.authentication_step.is_here() if self.need_relogin_before_redirect(): return self.do_login() self.page.check_errors(feature='login') self.do_redirect(headers) access_token = self.page.get_access_token() expires_in = self.page.get_expires_in() self.location( continue_url, params={ 'access_token': access_token, 'token_type': 'Bearer', 'grant_type': 'implicit flow', 'NameId': self.username.upper(), 'Segment': self.user_type, 'scopes': '', 'expires_in': expires_in, }, ) url_params = parse_qs(urlparse(self.url).query) validation_id = url_params['transactionID'][0] self.authentication_method_page.go(validation_id=validation_id) # Need to do the redirect a second time to finish login self.do_redirect(headers) ACCOUNT_URLS = ['mesComptes', 'mesComptesPRO', 'maSyntheseGratuite', 'accueilSynthese', 'equipementComplet'] def need_relogin_before_redirect(self): """ Just after having logged in with phase parameter, user may have an 'AUTHENTICATION_LOCKED' status right away. Retry login without phase can avoid that. WARNING: doing so can serves as a backdoor to avoid 2FA, but we don't know for how long. Logger here to have a trace. If 2FA still happens, it is catched in 'self.page.check_errors(feature='login')' """ redirect_data = self.page.get_redirect_data() status = self.page.get_status() if redirect_data and status == 'AUTHENTICATION_LOCKED': assert not self.retry_login_without_phase, 'the login failed with and without phase 1 param' # avoid infinite loop at login self.retry_login_without_phase = True self.session.cookies.clear() self.logger.warning("'AUTHENTICATION_LOCKED' status at first login, trying second login, whitout phase parameter") return True def do_redirect(self, headers): redirect_data = self.page.get_redirect_data() if not redirect_data and self.page.is_new_login(): # assert to avoid infinite loop assert not self.retry_login_without_phase, 'the login failed with and without phase 1 param' self.retry_login_without_phase = True self.session.cookies.clear() return self.do_login() self.location( redirect_data['action'], data={'SAMLResponse': redirect_data['samlResponse']}, headers=headers, ) @retry(BrokenPageError) @need_login def go_on_accounts_list(self): for taskInfoOID in self.ACCOUNT_URLS: # 4 possible URLs but we stop as soon as one of them works data = OrderedDict([('taskInfoOID', taskInfoOID), ('token', self.token)]) # Go from AdvisorPage to AccountsPage self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/StartTask.do', base=True), params=data) if not self.page.is_error(): if self.page.pop_up(): self.logger.debug('Popup displayed, retry') data = OrderedDict([('taskInfoOID', taskInfoOID), ('token', self.token)]) self.location('/cyber/internet/StartTask.do', params=data) # Set the valid ACCOUNT_URL and break the loop self.ACCOUNT_URLS = [taskInfoOID] break else: raise BrokenPageError('Unable to go on the accounts list page') if self.page.is_short_list(): # Go from AccountsPage to AccountsFullPage to get the full accounts list form = self.page.get_form(nr=0) form['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'EQUIPEMENT_COMPLET' form['token'] = self.page.build_token(form['token']) form.submit() # In case of prevAction maybe we have reached an expanded accounts list page, need to go back self.follow_back_button_if_any() def get_loan_from_account(self, account): loan = Loan.from_dict(account.to_dict()) loan._prev_debit = account._prev_debit loan._next_debit = account._next_debit loan._params = account._params loan._coming_params = account._coming_params loan._coming_count = account._coming_count loan._invest_params = account._invest_params loan._loan_params = account._loan_params if account._invest_params and account._invest_params['taskInfoOID'] == 'mesComptes': form = self.page.get_form(id='myForm') form.update(account._invest_params) form['token'] = self.page.build_token(form['token']) form.submit() self.page.fill_loan(obj=loan) self.follow_back_button_if_any() return loan @retry(LoggedOut) @need_login def iter_accounts(self, get_iban=True): # We have to parse account list in 2 different way depending if # we want the iban number or not thanks to stateful website next_pages = [] accounts = [] profile = self.get_profile() if profile: if profile.name: name = profile.name else: name = profile.company_name # Handle names/company names without spaces if ' ' in name: owner_name = re.search(r' (.+)', name).group(1).upper() else: owner_name = name.upper() else: # AdvisorPage is not available for all users owner_name = None self.go_on_accounts_list() for a in self.page.iter_accounts(next_pages): if owner_name: self.set_account_ownership(a, owner_name) if a.type == Account.TYPE_LOAN: a = self.get_loan_from_account(a) accounts.append(a) if not get_iban: yield a while len(next_pages) > 0: next_with_params = None next_page = next_pages.pop() if not self.accounts_full_page.is_here(): self.go_on_accounts_list() # If there is an action needed to go to the "next page", do it. if 'prevAction' in next_page: params = self.page.get_params() params['dialogActionPerformed'] = next_page.pop('prevAction') params['token'] = self.page.build_token(self.token) self.location('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', data=params) # Go to next_page with params and token next_page['token'] = self.page.build_token(self.token) self.location('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', data=next_page) secure_iteration = 0 while secure_iteration == 0 or (next_with_params and secure_iteration < 10): # The first condition allows to do iter_accounts with less than 20 accounts secure_iteration += 1 # If we have more than 20 accounts of a type # The next page is reached by params found in the current page if isinstance(self.page, GenericAccountsPage): next_with_params = self.page.get_next_params() else: # Can be ErrorPage next_with_params = None for a in self.page.iter_accounts(next_pages, accounts_parsed=accounts, next_with_params=next_with_params): self.set_account_ownership(a, owner_name) accounts.append(a) if not get_iban: yield a if next_with_params: self.location('/cyber/internet/Page.do', params=next_with_params) if get_iban: for a in accounts: a.iban = self.get_iban_number(a) yield a # TODO: see if there's other type of account with a label without name which # is not ATTORNEY (cf. 'COMMUN'). Didn't find one right now. def set_account_ownership(self, account, owner_name): if not account.ownership: label = account.label.upper() if account.parent: if not account.parent.ownership: self.set_account_ownership(account.parent, owner_name) account.ownership = account.parent.ownership elif owner_name in label: if re.search(r'(m|mr|me|mme|mlle|mle|ml)\.? (.*)\bou (m|mr|me|mme|mlle|mle|ml)\b(.*)', label, re.IGNORECASE): account.ownership = AccountOwnership.CO_OWNER else: account.ownership = AccountOwnership.OWNER elif 'COMMUN' in label: account.ownership = AccountOwnership.CO_OWNER else: account.ownership = AccountOwnership.ATTORNEY @need_login def get_iban_number(self, account): url = self.absurl('/cyber/internet/StartTask.do?taskInfoOID=cyberIBAN&token=%s' % self.page.build_token(self.token), base=True) self.location(url) # Sometimes we can't choose an account if account.type in [Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_MARKET] or (self.page.need_to_go() and not self.page.go_iban(account)): return NotAvailable return self.page.get_iban(account.id) @retry(LoggedOut) @need_login def get_account(self, id): return find_object(self.iter_accounts(get_iban=False), id=id) def set_gocardless_transaction_details(self, transaction): # Setting references for a GoCardless transaction data = self.page.get_params() data['validationStrategy'] = self.page.get_gocardless_strategy_param(transaction) data['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'DETAIL_ECRITURE' attribute_key, attribute_value = self.page.get_transaction_table_id(transaction._ref) data[attribute_key] = attribute_value data['token'] = self.page.build_token(data['token']) self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', base=True), data=data) ref = self.page.get_reference() transaction.raw = '%s %s' % (transaction.raw, ref) # Needed to preserve navigation. self.follow_back_button_if_any() @retry(LoggedOut) @need_login def iter_history(self, account, coming=False): def get_history_by_receipt(account, coming, sel_tbl1=None): account = self.get_account(account.id) if account is None: raise BrowserUnavailable() if account._invest_params or (account.id.startswith('TIT') and account._params): if not coming: for tr in self.get_invest_history(account): yield tr return if coming: params = account._coming_params else: params = account._params if params is None: return params['token'] = self.page.build_token(params['token']) if sel_tbl1 is not None: params['attribute($SEL_$tbl1)'] = str(sel_tbl1) self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', base=True), data=params) if not self.page or self.error_page.is_here() or self.page.no_operations(): return # Sort by operation date if len(self.page.doc.xpath('//a[@id="tcl4_srt"]')) > 0: # The first request sort might transaction by oldest. If this is the case, # we need to do the request a second time for the transactions to be sorted by newest. for _ in range(2): form = self.page.get_form(id='myForm') form.url = self.absurl('/cyber/internet/Sort.do?property=tbl1&sortBlocId=blc2&columnName=dateOperation') params['token'] = self.page.build_token(params['token']) form.submit() if self.page.is_sorted_by_most_recent(): break transactions_next_page = True while transactions_next_page: assert self.transactions_page.is_here() transaction_list = self.page.get_history(account, coming) for tr in transaction_list: # Add information about GoCardless if 'GoCardless' in tr.label and tr._has_link: self.set_gocardless_transaction_details(tr) yield tr next_params = self.page.get_next_params() # Go to the next transaction page only if it exists: if next_params is None: transactions_next_page = False else: self.location('/cyber/internet/Page.do', params=next_params) if coming and account._coming_count: for i in range(account._coming_start, account._coming_start + account._coming_count): for tr in get_history_by_receipt(account, coming, sel_tbl1=i): yield tr else: for tr in get_history_by_receipt(account, coming): yield tr @need_login def go_investments(self, account, get_account=False): if not account._invest_params and not (account.id.startswith('TIT') or account.id.startswith('PRV')): raise NotImplementedError() if get_account: account = self.get_account(account.id) if account._params: params = { 'taskInfoOID': 'ordreBourseCTJ', 'controlPanelTaskAction': 'true', 'token': self.page.build_token(account._params['token']), } self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/StartTask.do', base=True), params=params) else: params = account._invest_params params['token'] = self.page.build_token(params['token']) try: self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', base=True), data=params) except BrowserUnavailable: return False if self.error_page.is_here(): raise NotImplementedError() if self.page.go_investment(): url, params = self.page.get_investment_page_params() if params: try: self.location(url, data=params) except BrowserUnavailable: return False if 'linebourse' in self.url: self.linebourse.session.cookies.update(self.session.cookies) self.linebourse.session.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = self.session.cookies.get('XSRF-TOKEN') if self.natixis_error_page.is_here(): self.logger.warning('Natixis site does not work.') return False if self.natixis_redirect.is_here(): url = self.page.get_redirect() if re.match(r'https://www.assurances.natixis.fr/etna-ihs-bp/#/equipement;codeEtab=\d+\?windowId=[a-f0-9]+$', url): self.logger.warning('There may be no contract associated with %s, skipping', url) return False return True @need_login def iter_investments(self, account): if account.type not in (Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PERP): return # Add "Liquidities" investment if the account is a "Compte titres PEA": if account.type == Account.TYPE_PEA and account.id.startswith('CPT'): yield create_french_liquidity(account.balance) return if self.go_investments(account, get_account=True): # Redirection URL is https://www.linebourse.fr/ReroutageSJR if 'linebourse' in self.url: self.logger.warning('Going to Linebourse space to fetch investments.') # Eliminating the 3 letters prefix to match IDs on Linebourse: linebourse_id = account.id[3:] for inv in self.linebourse.iter_investments(linebourse_id): yield inv return if self.etna.is_here(): self.logger.warning('Going to Etna space to fetch investments.') params = self.page.params elif self.natixis_redirect.is_here(): self.logger.warning('Going to Natixis space to fetch investments.') # the url may contain a "#", so we cannot make a request to it, the params after "#" would be dropped url = self.page.get_redirect() self.logger.debug('using redirect url %s', url) m = self.etna.match(url) if not m: # URL can be contratPrev which is not investments self.logger.warning('Unable to handle this kind of contract.') return params = m.groupdict() if self.natixis_redirect.is_here() or self.etna.is_here(): try: self.natixis_invest.go(**params) except ServerError: # Broken website... nothing to do. return for inv in self.page.iter_investments(): yield inv @need_login def iter_market_orders(self, account): if account.type not in (Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_MARKET): return if account.type == Account.TYPE_PEA and account.id.startswith('CPT'): # Liquidity PEA have no market orders return if self.go_investments(account, get_account=True): # Redirection URL is https://www.linebourse.fr/ReroutageSJR if 'linebourse' in self.url: self.logger.warning('Going to Linebourse space to fetch investments.') # Eliminating the 3 letters prefix to match IDs on Linebourse: linebourse_id = account.id[3:] for order in self.linebourse.iter_market_orders(linebourse_id): yield order @need_login def get_invest_history(self, account): if not self.go_investments(account): return if "linebourse" in self.url: for tr in self.linebourse.iter_history(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', account.id)): yield tr return if self.etna.is_here(): params = self.page.params elif self.natixis_redirect.is_here(): url = self.page.get_redirect() self.logger.debug('using redirect url %s', url) m = self.etna.match(url) if not m: # url can be contratPrev which is not investments self.logger.debug('Unable to handle this kind of contract') return params = m.groupdict() else: return self.natixis_history.go(**params) items_from_json = list(self.page.get_history()) items_from_json.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda item: item.date) years = list(set(item.date.year for item in items_from_json)) years.sort(reverse=True) for year in years: try: self.natixis_pdf.go(year=year, **params) except HTTPNotFound: self.logger.debug('no pdf for year %s, fallback on json transactions', year) for tr in items_from_json: if tr.date.year == year: yield tr except ServerError: return else: history = list(self.page.get_history()) history.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda item: item.date) for tr in history: yield tr @need_login def get_profile(self): self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/StartTask.do?taskInfoOID=accueil&token=%s' % self.token, base=True)) # For some user this page is not accessible if not self.page.is_profile_unavailable(): return self.page.get_profile() @retry(LoggedOut) @need_login def get_advisor(self): for taskInfoOID in ['accueil', 'contacter']: data = OrderedDict([('taskInfoOID', taskInfoOID), ('token', self.token)]) self.location(self.absurl('/cyber/internet/StartTask.do', base=True), params=data) if taskInfoOID == "accueil": advisor = self.page.get_advisor() if not advisor: break else: self.page.update_agency(advisor) return iter([advisor]) @need_login def iter_subscriptions(self): self.location('/SRVATE/context/mde/1.1.5') headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % self.page.get_basic_token()} response = self.location('/as-bp/as/2.0/tokens', method='POST', headers=headers) self.documents_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % response.json()['access_token']} self.location('/api-bp/wapi/2.0/abonnes/current/mes-documents-electroniques', headers=self.documents_headers) if self.page.get_status_dematerialized() == 'CGDN': # A status different than 1 means either the demateralization isn't enabled # or not available for this connection return [] subscriber = self.page.get_subscriber() params = {'type': 'dematerialisationEffective'} self.location('/api-bp/wapi/2.0/abonnes/current/contrats', params=params, headers=self.documents_headers) return self.page.get_subscriptions(subscriber=subscriber) @need_login def iter_documents(self, subscription): now = datetime.now() # website says we can't get documents more than one year range, even if we can get 5 years # but they tell us this overload their server first_date = now - relativedelta(years=1) start_date = first_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000+00:00') end_date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000+00:00') body = { 'inTypeRecherche': {'type': 'typeRechercheDocument', 'code': 'DEMAT'}, 'inDateDebut': start_date, 'inDateFin': end_date, 'inListeIdentifiantsContrats': [ {'identifiantContrat': {'identifiant': subscription.id, 'codeBanque': subscription._bank_code}} ], 'inListeTypesDocuments': [ {'typeDocument': {'code': 'EXTRAIT', 'label': 'Extrait de compte', 'type': 'referenceLogiqueDocument'}}, {'typeDocument': {'code': 'RLVCB ', 'label': 'Relevé Carte Bancaire', 'type': 'referenceLogiqueDocument'}} # space at the end of 'RLVCB ' is mandatory else => error 500 ] } self.documents_page.go(json=body, headers=self.documents_headers) return self.page.iter_documents(subid=subscription.id) @retry(ClientError) def download_document(self, document): return self.open(document.url, headers=self.documents_headers).content class iter_retry(object): # when the callback is retried, it will create a new iterator, but we may already yielded # some values, so we need to keep track of them and seek in the middle of the iterator def __init__(self, cb, remaining=4, value=None, exc_check=Exception, logger=None): self.cb = cb self.it = value self.items = [] self.remaining = remaining self.exc_check = exc_check self.logger = logger def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.remaining <= 0: raise BrowserUnavailable('Site did not reply successfully after multiple tries') if self.it is None: self.it = self.cb() # recreated iterator, consume previous items try: nb = -1 for nb, sent in enumerate(self.items): new = next(self.it) if hasattr(new, 'to_dict'): equal = sent.to_dict() == new.to_dict() else: equal = sent == new if not equal: # safety is not guaranteed raise BrowserUnavailable('Site replied inconsistently between retries, %r vs %r', sent, new) except StopIteration: raise BrowserUnavailable('Site replied fewer elements (%d) than last iteration (%d)', nb + 1, len(self.items)) except self.exc_check as exc: if self.logger: self.logger.info('%s raised, retrying', exc) self.it = None self.remaining -= 1 return next(self) # return one item try: obj = next(self.it) except self.exc_check as exc: if self.logger: self.logger.info('%s raised, retrying', exc) self.it = None self.remaining -= 1 return next(self) else: self.items.append(obj) return obj next = __next__