# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2009-2014 Florent Fourcot # # This file is part of a weboob module. # # This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this weboob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import hashlib import time import json from decimal import Decimal from requests.exceptions import SSLError from weboob.browser import LoginBrowser, URL, need_login from weboob.exceptions import BrowserUnavailable from weboob.browser.exceptions import ServerError from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, AccountNotFound from weboob.capabilities.base import find_object, NotAvailable from .web import ( AccountsList, NetissimaPage, TitrePage, TitreHistory, BillsPage, StopPage, TitreDetails, TitreValuePage, ASVHistory, ASVInvest, DetailFondsPage, IbanPage, ActionNeededPage, ReturnPage, ProfilePage, LoanTokenPage, LoanDetailPage, ApiRedirectionPage, ) __all__ = ['IngBrowser'] def start_with_main_site(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): browser = args[0] if browser.url and browser.url.startswith('https://bourse.ing.fr/'): for i in range(3): try: browser.location('https://bourse.ing.fr/priv/redirectIng.php?pageIng=CC') except ServerError: pass else: break browser.where = 'start' elif browser.url and browser.url.startswith('https://ingdirectvie.ing.fr/'): browser.lifeback.go() browser.where = 'start' elif browser.url and browser.url.startswith('https://subscribe.ing.fr/'): browser.return_from_loan_site() return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class IngBrowser(LoginBrowser): BASEURL = 'https://secure.ing.fr' TIMEOUT = 60.0 DEFERRED_CB = 'deferred' IMMEDIATE_CB = 'immediate' # avoid relogin every time lifeback = URL(r'https://ingdirectvie.ing.fr/b2b2c/entreesite/EntAccExit', ReturnPage) # Login and error errorpage = URL(r'.*displayCoordonneesCommand.*', StopPage) actioneeded = URL(r'/general\?command=displayTRAlertMessage', r'/protected/pages/common/eco1/moveMoneyForbidden.jsf', ActionNeededPage) # CapBank accountspage = URL(r'/protected/pages/index.jsf', r'/protected/pages/asv/contract/(?P.*).jsf', AccountsList) titredetails = URL(r'/general\?command=display.*', TitreDetails) ibanpage = URL(r'/protected/pages/common/rib/initialRib.jsf', IbanPage) loantokenpage = URL(r'general\?command=goToConsumerLoanCommand&redirectUrl=account-details', LoanTokenPage) loandetailpage = URL(r'https://subscribe.ing.fr/consumerloan/consumerloan-v1/consumer/details', LoanDetailPage) # CapBank-Market netissima = URL(r'/data/asv/fiches-fonds/fonds-netissima.html', NetissimaPage) starttitre = URL(r'/general\?command=goToAccount&zone=COMPTE', TitrePage) titrepage = URL(r'https://bourse.ing.fr/priv/portefeuille-TR.php', TitrePage) titrehistory = URL(r'https://bourse.ing.fr/priv/compte.php\?ong=3', TitreHistory) titrerealtime = URL(r'https://bourse.ing.fr/streaming/compteTempsReelCK.php', TitrePage) titrevalue = URL(r'https://bourse.ing.fr/priv/fiche-valeur.php\?val=(?P.*)&pl=(?P.*)&popup=1', TitreValuePage) asv_history = URL(r'https://ingdirectvie.ing.fr/b2b2c/epargne/CoeLisMvt', r'https://ingdirectvie.ing.fr/b2b2c/epargne/CoeDetMvt', ASVHistory) asv_invest = URL(r'https://ingdirectvie.ing.fr/b2b2c/epargne/CoeDetCon', ASVInvest) detailfonds = URL(r'https://ingdirectvie.ing.fr/b2b2c/fonds/PerDesFac\?codeFonds=(.*)', DetailFondsPage) # CapDocument billpage = URL(r'/protected/pages/common/estatement/eStatement.jsf', BillsPage) # CapProfile profile = URL(r'/protected/pages/common/profil/(?P\w+).jsf', ProfilePage) # New website redirection api_redirection_url = URL(r'/general\?command=goToSecureUICommand&redirectUrl=transfers', ApiRedirectionPage) # Old website redirection from bourse website return_from_titre_page = URL(r'https://bourse.ing.fr/priv/redirectIng\.php\?pageIng=CC') __states__ = ['where'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.where = None LoginBrowser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.cache = {} self.cache["investments_data"] = {} self.only_deferred_cards = {} # will contain a list of the spaces # (the parameters needed to check and change them) # if not, it is an empty list self.multispace = None self.current_space = None # ing website is stateful, so we need to store the current subscription when download document to be sure # we download file for the right subscription self.current_subscription = None def do_login(self): pass def redirect_to_api_browser(self): # get form to be redirected on transfer page self.api_redirection_url.go() self.page.go_new_website() @need_login def set_multispace(self): self.where = 'start' if not self.page.is_multispace_page(): self.page.load_space_page() self.multispace = self.page.get_multispace() # setting the current_space depending on the current state of the page for space in self.multispace: if space['is_active']: self.current_space = space break @need_login def change_space(self, space): if self.multispace and not self.is_same_space(space, self.current_space): self.logger.info('Change spaces') self.accountspage.go() self.where = 'start' self.page.load_space_page() self.page.change_space(space) self.current_space = space else: self.accountspage.go() def is_same_space(self, a, b): return ( a['name'] == b['name'] and a['id'] == b['id'] and a['form'] == b['form'] ) @start_with_main_site def get_market_balance(self, account): if self.where != 'start': self.accountspage.go() self.where = 'start' if account.balance == Decimal('0'): # some market accounts link with null balance redirect to logout page # avoid it because it can crash iter accounts return self.change_space(account._space) data = self.get_investments_data(account) for i in range(5): if i > 0: self.logger.debug("Can't get market balance, retrying in %s seconds...", (2**i)) time.sleep(2**i) if self.accountspage.go(data=data).has_link(): break self.starttitre.go() self.where = 'titre' self.titrepage.go() self.titrerealtime.go() account.balance = self.page.get_balance() or account.balance self.cache["investments_data"][account.id] = self.page.doc or None @need_login def fill_account(self, account): if account.type in [Account.TYPE_CHECKING, Account.TYPE_SAVINGS]: self.go_account_page(account) account.iban = self.ibanpage.go().get_iban() if account.type in (Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA): self.get_market_balance(account) @need_login def get_accounts_on_space(self, space, fill_account=True): accounts_list = [] self.change_space(space) for acc in self.page.get_list(): acc._space = space if fill_account: try: self.fill_account(acc) except ServerError: pass assert not find_object(accounts_list, id=acc.id), 'There is a duplicate account.' accounts_list.append(acc) yield acc for loan in self.iter_detailed_loans(): loan._space = space assert not find_object(accounts_list, id=loan.id), 'There is a duplicate loan.' accounts_list.append(loan) yield loan @need_login @start_with_main_site def get_accounts_list(self, space=None, fill_account=True): self.accountspage.go() self.where = 'start' self.set_multispace() if space: for acc in self.get_accounts_on_space(space, fill_account=fill_account): yield acc elif self.multispace: for space in self.multispace: for acc in self.get_accounts_on_space(space, fill_account=fill_account): yield acc else: for acc in self.page.get_list(): acc._space = None if fill_account: try: self.fill_account(acc) except ServerError: pass yield acc for loan in self.iter_detailed_loans(): loan._space = None yield loan @need_login @start_with_main_site def iter_detailed_loans(self): self.accountspage.go() self.where = 'start' for loan in self.page.get_detailed_loans(): data = {'AJAXREQUEST': '_viewRoot', 'index': 'index', 'autoScroll': '', 'javax.faces.ViewState': loan._jid, 'accountNumber': loan._id, 'index:goToConsumerLoanUI': 'index:goToConsumerLoanUI'} self.accountspage.go(data=data) self.loantokenpage.go(data=data) try: self.loandetailpage.go() except ServerError as exception: json_error = json.loads(exception.response.text) if json_error['error']['code'] == "INTERNAL_ERROR": raise BrowserUnavailable(json_error['error']['message']) raise else: self.page.getdetails(loan) yield loan self.return_from_loan_site() def return_from_loan_site(self): data = {'context': '{"originatingApplication":"SECUREUI"}', 'targetSystem': 'INTERNET'} self.location('https://subscribe.ing.fr/consumerloan/consumerloan-v1/sso/exit', data=data) self.location('https://secure.ing.fr/', data={'token': self.response.text}) def get_account(self, _id, space=None): return find_object(self.get_accounts_list(fill_account=False, space=space), id=_id, error=AccountNotFound) def go_account_page(self, account): data = {"AJAX:EVENTS_COUNT": 1, "AJAXREQUEST": "_viewRoot", "ajaxSingle": "index:setAccount", "autoScroll": "", "index": "index", "index:setAccount": "index:setAccount", "javax.faces.ViewState": account._jid, "cptnbr": account._id } self.accountspage.go(data=data) card_list = self.page.get_card_list() if card_list: self.only_deferred_cards[account._id] = all( [card['kind'] == self.DEFERRED_CB for card in card_list] ) self.where = 'history' @need_login @start_with_main_site def get_coming(self, account): self.change_space(account._space) # checking accounts are handled on api website if account.type != Account.TYPE_SAVINGS: return [] account = self.get_account(account.id, space=account._space) self.go_account_page(account) jid = self.page.get_history_jid() if jid is None: self.logger.info('There is no history for this account') return [] return self.page.get_coming() @need_login @start_with_main_site def get_history(self, account): self.change_space(account._space) if account.type in (Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE): for result in self.get_history_titre(account): yield result return # checking accounts are handled on api website elif account.type != Account.TYPE_SAVINGS: return account = self.get_account(account.id, space=account._space) self.go_account_page(account) jid = self.page.get_history_jid() if jid is None: self.logger.info('There is no history for this account') return index = 0 hashlist = set() while True: i = index for transaction in AccountsList.get_transactions_others(self.page, index=index): transaction.id = hashlib.md5(transaction._hash).hexdigest() while transaction.id in hashlist: transaction.id = hashlib.md5((transaction.id + "1").encode('ascii')).hexdigest() hashlist.add(transaction.id) i += 1 yield transaction # if there is no more transactions, it is useless to continue if self.page.islast() or i == index: return if index >= 0: index = i data = {"AJAX:EVENTS_COUNT": 1, "AJAXREQUEST": "_viewRoot", "autoScroll": "", "index": "index", "index:%s:moreTransactions" % jid: "index:%s:moreTransactions" % jid, "javax.faces.ViewState": account._jid } self.accountspage.go(data=data) def go_on_asv_detail(self, account, link): try: if self.page.asv_is_other: jid = self.page.get_asv_jid() data = {'index': "index", 'javax.faces.ViewState': jid, 'index:j_idcl': 'index:asvInclude:goToAsvPartner'} self.accountspage.go(data=data) else: self.accountspage.go(asvpage='manageASVContract') self.page.submit() self.page.submit() self.location(link) return True except SSLError: return False def get_investments_data(self, account): return {"AJAX:EVENTS_COUNT": 1, "AJAXREQUEST": "_viewRoot", "ajaxSingle": "index:setAccount", "autoScroll": "", "index": "index", "index:setAccount": "index:setAccount", "javax.faces.ViewState": account._jid, "cptnbr": account._id } def go_investments(self, account): account = self.get_account(account.id, space=account._space) data = self.get_investments_data(account) # On ASV pages, data maybe not available. for i in range(5): if i > 0: self.logger.debug('Investments list empty, retrying in %s seconds...', (2**i)) time.sleep(2**i) if i > 1: self.do_logout() self.do_login() account = self.get_account(account.id, space=account._space) data['cptnbr'] = account._id data['javax.faces.ViewState'] = account._jid self.accountspage.go(data=data) if not self.page.has_error(): break else: self.logger.warning('Unable to get investments list...') if self.page.is_asv: return self.starttitre.go() self.where = 'titre' self.titrepage.go() @need_login @start_with_main_site def get_investments(self, account): if account.type not in (Account.TYPE_MARKET, Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE): raise NotImplementedError() self.go_investments(account) if self.where == 'titre': if self.cache['investments_data'].get(account.id) is None: self.titrerealtime.go() for inv in self.page.iter_investments(account): yield inv self.return_from_titre_page.go() elif self.page.asv_has_detail or account._jid: self.accountspage.stay_or_go() shares = {} for asv_investments in self.page.iter_asv_investments(): shares[asv_investments.label] = asv_investments.portfolio_share if self.go_on_asv_detail(account, '/b2b2c/epargne/CoeDetCon') is not False: self.where = 'asv' for inv in self.page.iter_investments(): inv.portfolio_share = shares[inv.label] yield inv # return on old ing website assert self.asv_invest.is_here(), "Should be on ING generali website" self.lifeback.go() def get_history_titre(self, account): self.go_investments(account) if self.where == 'titre': self.titrehistory.go() elif self.page.asv_has_detail or account._jid: if self.go_on_asv_detail(account, '/b2b2c/epargne/CoeLisMvt') is False: return iter([]) else: return iter([]) transactions = list() # In order to reduce the amount of requests just to get ISIN codes, we fill # a dictionary with already visited investment pages and store their ISIN codes: isin_codes = {} for tr in self.page.iter_history(): transactions.append(tr) self.return_from_titre_page.go() if self.asv_history.is_here(): for tr in transactions: page = tr._detail.result().page if tr._detail else None if page and 'numMvt' in page.url: investment_list = list() for inv in page.get_investments(): if inv._code_url in isin_codes: inv.code = isin_codes.get(inv._code_url) else: # Fonds en euros (Eurossima) have no _code_url so we must set their code to None if inv._code_url: self.location(inv._code_url) if self.detailfonds.is_here(): inv.code = self.page.get_isin_code() isin_codes[inv._code_url] = inv.code else: # In case the page is not available or blocked: inv.code = NotAvailable else: inv.code = None investment_list.append(inv) tr.investments = investment_list self.lifeback.go() return iter(transactions) ############# CapDocument ############# @start_with_main_site @need_login def get_subscriptions(self): self.billpage.go() subscriptions = list(self.page.iter_subscriptions()) self.cache['subscriptions'] = {} for sub in subscriptions: self.cache['subscriptions'][sub.id] = sub return subscriptions def _go_to_subscription(self, subscription): # ing website is not stateless, make sure we are on the correct documents page before doing anything else if self.current_subscription and self.current_subscription.id == subscription.id: return self.billpage.go() data = { "AJAXREQUEST": "_viewRoot", "accountsel_form": "accountsel_form", subscription._formid: subscription._formid, "autoScroll": "", "javax.faces.ViewState": subscription._javax, "transfer_issuer_radio": subscription.id } self.billpage.go(data=data) self.current_subscription = subscription @need_login def get_documents(self, subscription): self._go_to_subscription(subscription) return self.page.iter_documents(subid=subscription.id) def download_document(self, bill): subid = bill.id.split('-')[0] # make sure we are on the right page to not download a document from another subscription self._go_to_subscription(self.cache['subscriptions'][subid]) self.page.go_to_year(bill._year) return self.page.download_document(bill)