# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2015 Matthieu Weber # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from datetime import date from itertools import imap, ifilter from weboob.browser.pages import JsonPage, HTMLPage from weboob.browser.elements import ItemElement, ListElement, method from weboob.capabilities.weather import Forecast, Current, City, Temperature from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict from weboob.browser.filters.standard import Filter, CleanText class Id(Filter): def filter(self, txt): return txt.split(", ")[0] class SearchCitiesPage(JsonPage): @method class iter_cities(ListElement): ignore_duplicate = True def find_elements(self): for el in self.el: yield el class item(ItemElement): klass = City obj_id = Id(Dict('id')) obj_name = Dict('value') class WeatherPage(HTMLPage): @method class iter_forecast(ListElement): item_xpath = ('//div[contains(@class, "mid") and contains(@class, "local-weather-forecast")]//' 'tr[@class="meteogram-dates"]/td') class item(ItemElement): klass = Forecast obj_id = CleanText('.//span/@title') def obj_date(self): months = [u'tammikuuta', u'helmikuuta', u'maaliskuuta', u'huhtikuuta', u'toukokuuta', u'kesäkuuta', u'heinäkuuta', u'elokuuta', u'syyskuuta', u'lokakuuta', u'marraskuuta', u'joulukuuta'] d = CleanText('.//span/@title')(self).split() return date(int(d[2]), months.index(d[1])+1, int(d[0].strip("."))) def temperatures(self): offset = int(CleanText('string(sum(./preceding-sibling::td/@colspan))')(self)) length = int(CleanText('@colspan')(self)) temps = CleanText('../../../tbody/tr[@class="meteogram-temperatures"]/td[position() > %d ' 'and position() <= %d]/div' % (offset, offset+length))(self) return [float(_.strip(u'\xb0')) for _ in temps.split()] def obj_low(self): return Temperature(min(self.temperatures()), u'C') def obj_high(self): return Temperature(max(self.temperatures()), u'C') def obj_text(self): offset = int(CleanText('string(sum(./preceding-sibling::td/@colspan))')(self)) length = int(CleanText('@colspan')(self)) hour_test = ('../../tr[@class="meteogram-times"]/td[position() > %d and position() <= %d ' 'and .//text() = "%%s"]' % (offset, offset+length)) hour_offset = 'string(count(%s/preceding-sibling::td)+1)' % (hour_test) values = [ '../../../tbody/tr[@class="meteogram-weather-symbols"]/td[position() = %d]/div/@title', '../../../tbody/tr[@class="meteogram-apparent-temperatures"]/td[position() = %d]/div/@title', '../../../tbody/tr[@class="meteogram-wind-symbols"]/td[position() = %d]/div/@title', '../../../tbody/tr[@class="meteogram-probabilities-of-precipitation"]/td[position() = %d]' + '/div/@title', '../../../tbody/tr[@class="meteogram-hourly-precipitation-values"]/td[position() = %d]/span/@title', ] def descriptive_text_for_hour(hour): hour_exists = CleanText(hour_test % hour)(self) == hour if hour_exists: offset = int(CleanText(hour_offset % hour)(self)) def info_for_value(value): return CleanText(value % offset)(self).replace(u'edeltävän tunnin ', u'') return ("klo %s: " % hour) + ", ".join(ifilter(bool, imap(info_for_value, values))) return u'\n' + u'\n'.join(ifilter(bool, imap(descriptive_text_for_hour, ["02", "03", "14", "15"]))) def get_station_id(self): return CleanText(u'//select[@id="observation-station-menu"]/option[@selected="selected"]/@value')(self.doc) class ObservationsPage(JsonPage): WINDS = ['N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'] def get_current(self): obj = Current() obj.id = date.today() obj.date = date.fromtimestamp(self.doc['latestObservationTime']/1000) obj.temp = Temperature(max(self.doc['t2m'])[1], u'C') last_hour_precipitations = int(max(self.doc['Precipitation1h'])[1]) nebulosity = int(max(self.doc['TotalCloudCover'])[1]) wind_speed = int(max(self.doc['WindSpeedMS'])[1]) wind_direction = self.WINDS[int(max(self.doc['WindDirection'])[1] / 22.5)] obj.text = u'1h precipitations %d mm, wind %d m/s (%s), nebulosity %d/8' % ( last_hour_precipitations, wind_speed, wind_direction, nebulosity) return obj