# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2013 Julien Veyssier # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from weboob.capabilities.recipe import Recipe from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, NotLoaded from weboob.tools.browser import BasePage class FourOFourPage(BasePage): pass class ResultsPage(BasePage): """ Page which contains results as a list of recipies """ def iter_recipes(self): for div in self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'div.recipe-info'): thumbnail_url = NotAvailable short_description = NotAvailable imgs = self.parser.select(div.getparent(), 'img') if len(imgs) > 0: url = unicode(imgs[0].attrib.get('src', '')) if url.startswith('http://'): thumbnail_url = url link = self.parser.select(div, 'a.title', 1) title = unicode(link.text) id = unicode(link.attrib.get('href', '').split('/')[2]) recipe = Recipe(id, title) recipe.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url recipe.short_description = short_description recipe.instructions = NotLoaded recipe.ingredients = NotLoaded recipe.nb_person = NotLoaded recipe.cooking_time = NotLoaded recipe.preparation_time = NotLoaded recipe.author = NotLoaded yield recipe class RecipePage(BasePage): """ Page which contains a recipe """ def get_recipe(self, id): title = NotAvailable preparation_time = NotAvailable cooking_time = NotAvailable author = NotAvailable nb_person = NotAvailable ingredients = NotAvailable picture_url = NotAvailable instructions = NotAvailable comments = NotAvailable title = unicode(self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'h1#itemTitle', 1).text) imgillu = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'img#imgPhoto') if len(imgillu) > 0: picture_url = unicode(imgillu[0].attrib.get('src', '')) ingredients = [] l_ing = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'li#liIngredient') for ing in l_ing: ingtxt = unicode(ing.text_content().strip()) if ingtxt != '': ingredients.append(ingtxt) instructions = u'' l_divinst = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'div.directLeft li') num_instr = 1 for inst in l_divinst: instructions += '%s: %s\n' % (num_instr, inst.text_content()) num_instr += 1 prepmin = 0 emprep = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'span#prepHoursSpan em') if len(emprep) > 0: prepmin += int(emprep[0].text) * 60 emprep = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'span#prepMinsSpan em') if len(emprep) > 0: prepmin += int(emprep[0].text) if prepmin != 0: preparation_time = prepmin cookmin = 0 emcooktime = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'span#cookHoursSpan em') if len(emcooktime) > 0: cookmin += int(emcooktime[0].text) * 60 emcooktime = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'span#cookMinsSpan em') if len(emcooktime) > 0: cookmin += int(emcooktime[0].text) if cookmin != 0: cooking_time = cookmin l_nbpers = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'span#lblYield[itemprop=recipeYield]') if len(l_nbpers) > 0 and 'servings' in l_nbpers[0].text: nb_person = [int(l_nbpers[0].text.split()[0])] recipe = Recipe(id, title) recipe.preparation_time = preparation_time recipe.cooking_time = cooking_time recipe.nb_person = nb_person recipe.ingredients = ingredients recipe.instructions = instructions recipe.picture_url = picture_url recipe.comments = comments recipe.author = author recipe.thumbnail_url = NotLoaded return recipe