# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2010-2012 Christophe Benz, Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from __future__ import print_function from copy import copy import getpass import logging import subprocess import sys import os from weboob.capabilities import UserError from weboob.capabilities.account import CapAccount, Account, AccountRegisterError from weboob.core.backendscfg import BackendAlreadyExists from weboob.core.modules import ModuleLoadError from weboob.core.repositories import ModuleInstallError, IProgress from weboob.exceptions import BrowserUnavailable, BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserForbidden, BrowserSSLError, BrowserToBeContinued from weboob.tools.value import Value, ValueBool, ValueFloat, ValueInt, ValueBackendPassword from weboob.tools.misc import to_unicode from weboob.tools.ordereddict import OrderedDict from .base import Application, MoreResultsAvailable __all__ = ['ConsoleApplication', 'BackendNotGiven'] class BackendNotGiven(Exception): def __init__(self, id, backends): self.id = id self.backends = sorted(backends) Exception.__init__(self, 'Please specify a backend to use for this argument (%s@backend_name). ' 'Availables: %s.' % (id, ', '.join(name for name, backend in backends))) class BackendNotFound(Exception): pass class ConsoleProgress(IProgress): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def progress(self, percent, message): self.app.stdout.write('=== [%3.0f%%] %s\n' % (percent*100, message)) def error(self, message): self.app.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % message) def prompt(self, message): return self.app.ask(message, default=True) class ConsoleApplication(Application): """ Base application class for CLI applications. """ CAPS = None # shell escape strings if sys.platform == 'win32' \ or not sys.stdout.isatty() \ or os.getenv('ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED') is not None: #workaround to disable bold BOLD = '' NC = '' # no color else: BOLD = '' NC = '' # no color def __init__(self, option_parser=None): Application.__init__(self, option_parser) self.weboob.callbacks['login'] = self.login_cb self.enabled_backends = set() def login_cb(self, backend_name, value): return self.ask('[%s] %s' % (backend_name, value.label), masked=True, default='', regexp=value.regexp) def unload_backends(self, *args, **kwargs): unloaded = self.weboob.unload_backends(*args, **kwargs) for backend in unloaded.itervalues(): try: self.enabled_backends.remove(backend) except KeyError: pass return unloaded def is_module_loadable(self, info): return self.CAPS is None or info.has_caps(self.CAPS) def load_backends(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'errors' in kwargs: errors = kwargs['errors'] else: kwargs['errors'] = errors = [] ret = super(ConsoleApplication, self).load_backends(*args, **kwargs) for err in errors: print('Error(%s): %s' % (err.backend_name, err), file=self.stderr) if self.ask('Do you want to reconfigure this backend?', default=True): self.edit_backend(err.backend_name) self.load_backends(names=[err.backend_name]) for name, backend in ret.iteritems(): self.enabled_backends.add(backend) self.check_loaded_backends() return ret def check_loaded_backends(self, default_config=None): while len(self.enabled_backends) == 0: print('Warning: there is currently no configured backend for %s' % self.APPNAME) if not self.stdout.isatty() or not self.ask('Do you want to configure backends?', default=True): return False self.prompt_create_backends(default_config) return True def prompt_create_backends(self, default_config=None): r = '' while r != 'q': modules = [] print('\nAvailable modules:') for name, info in sorted(self.weboob.repositories.get_all_modules_info().iteritems()): if not self.is_module_loadable(info): continue modules.append(name) loaded = ' ' for bi in self.weboob.iter_backends(): if bi.NAME == name: if loaded == ' ': loaded = 'X' elif loaded == 'X': loaded = 2 else: loaded += 1 print('%s%d)%s [%s] %s%-15s%s %s' % (self.BOLD, len(modules), self.NC, loaded, self.BOLD, name, self.NC, info.description.encode(self.encoding))) print('%sa) --all--%s install all backends' % (self.BOLD, self.NC)) print('%sq)%s --stop--\n' % (self.BOLD, self.NC)) r = self.ask('Select a backend to create (q to stop)', regexp='^(\d+|q|a)$') if str(r).isdigit(): i = int(r) - 1 if i < 0 or i >= len(modules): print('Error: %s is not a valid choice' % r, file=self.stderr) continue name = modules[i] try: inst = self.add_backend(name, default_config) if inst: self.load_backends(names=[inst]) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print('\nAborted.') elif r == 'a': try: for name in modules: if name in [b.NAME for b in self.weboob.iter_backends()]: continue inst = self.add_backend(name, default_config) if inst: self.load_backends(names=[inst]) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print('\nAborted.') else: break print('Right right!') def _handle_options(self): self.load_default_backends() def load_default_backends(self): """ By default loads all backends. Applications can overload this method to restrict backends loaded. """ if len(self.STORAGE) > 0: self.load_backends(self.CAPS, storage=self.create_storage()) else: self.load_backends(self.CAPS) @classmethod def run(klass, args=None): try: super(ConsoleApplication, klass).run(args) except BackendNotFound as e: print('Error: Backend "%s" not found.' % e) sys.exit(1) def do(self, function, *args, **kwargs): if 'backends' not in kwargs: kwargs['backends'] = self.enabled_backends return self.weboob.do(function, *args, **kwargs) def parse_id(self, _id, unique_backend=False): try: _id, backend_name = _id.rsplit('@', 1) except ValueError: backend_name = None backends = [(b.name, b) for b in self.enabled_backends] if unique_backend and not backend_name: if len(backends) == 1: backend_name = backends[0][0] else: raise BackendNotGiven(_id, backends) if backend_name is not None and backend_name not in dict(backends): # Is the backend a short version of a real one? found = False for key in dict(backends): if backend_name in key: # two choices, ambiguous command if found: raise BackendNotFound(backend_name) else: found = True _back = key if found: return _id, _back raise BackendNotFound(backend_name) return _id, backend_name # user interaction related methods def register_backend(self, name, ask_add=True): try: backend = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(name) except ModuleLoadError as e: backend = None if not backend: print('Backend "%s" does not exist.' % name, file=self.stderr) return 1 if not backend.has_caps(CapAccount) or backend.klass.ACCOUNT_REGISTER_PROPERTIES is None: print('You can\'t register a new account with %s' % name, file=self.stderr) return 1 account = Account() account.properties = {} if backend.website: website = 'on website %s' % backend.website else: website = 'with backend %s' % backend.name while True: asked_config = False for key, prop in backend.klass.ACCOUNT_REGISTER_PROPERTIES.iteritems(): if not asked_config: asked_config = True print('Configuration of new account %s' % website) print('-----------------------------%s' % ('-' * len(website))) p = copy(prop) p.set(self.ask(prop, default=account.properties[key].get() if (key in account.properties) else prop.default)) account.properties[key] = p if asked_config: print('-----------------------------%s' % ('-' * len(website))) try: backend.klass.register_account(account) except AccountRegisterError as e: print(u'%s' % e) if self.ask('Do you want to try again?', default=True): continue else: return None else: break backend_config = {} for key, value in account.properties.iteritems(): if key in backend.config: backend_config[key] = value.get() if ask_add and self.ask('Do you want to add the new register account?', default=True): return self.add_backend(name, backend_config, ask_register=False) return backend_config def install_module(self, name): try: self.weboob.repositories.install(name, ConsoleProgress(self)) except ModuleInstallError as e: print('Unable to install module "%s": %s' % (name, e), file=self.stderr) return False print('') return True def edit_backend(self, name, params=None): return self.add_backend(name, params, True) def add_backend(self, name, params=None, edit=False, ask_register=True): if params is None: params = {} module = None config = None try: if not edit: minfo = self.weboob.repositories.get_module_info(name) if minfo is None: raise ModuleLoadError(name, 'Module does not exist') if not minfo.is_installed(): print('Module "%s" is available but not installed.' % minfo.name) self.install_module(minfo) module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(name) config = module.config else: bname, items = self.weboob.backends_config.get_backend(name) module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(bname) items.update(params) params = items config = module.config.load(self.weboob, bname, name, params, nofail=True) except ModuleLoadError as e: print('Unable to load module "%s": %s' % (name, e), file=self.stderr) return 1 # ask for params non-specified on command-line arguments asked_config = False for key, value in config.iteritems(): if not asked_config: asked_config = True print('') print('Configuration of backend %s' % module.name) print('-------------------------%s' % ('-' * len(module.name))) if key not in params or edit: params[key] = self.ask(value, default=params[key] if (key in params) else value.default) else: print(u' [%s] %s: %s' % (key, value.description, '(masked)' if value.masked else to_unicode(params[key]))) if asked_config: print('-------------------------%s' % ('-' * len(module.name))) while not edit and self.weboob.backends_config.backend_exists(name): print('Backend instance "%s" already exists in "%s"' % (name, self.weboob.backends_config.confpath), file=self.stderr) if not self.ask('Add new backend for module "%s"?' % module.name, default=False): return 1 name = self.ask('Please give new instance name', default='%s2' % name, regexp=r'^[\w\-_]+$') try: config = config.load(self.weboob, module.name, name, params, nofail=True) for key, value in params.iteritems(): if key.startswith('_'): continue config[key].set(value) config.save(edit=edit) print('Backend "%s" successfully %s.' % (name, 'edited' if edit else 'added')) return name except BackendAlreadyExists: print('Backend "%s" already exists.' % name, file=self.stderr) return 1 def ask(self, question, default=None, masked=None, regexp=None, choices=None, tiny=None): """ Ask a question to user. @param question text displayed (str) @param default optional default value (str) @param masked if True, do not show typed text (bool) @param regexp text must match this regexp (str) @param choices choices to do (list) @param tiny ask for the (small) value of the choice (bool) @return entered text by user (str) """ if isinstance(question, Value): v = copy(question) if default is not None: v.default = to_unicode(default) if isinstance(default, str) else default if masked is not None: v.masked = masked if regexp is not None: v.regexp = regexp if choices is not None: v.choices = choices if tiny is not None: v.tiny = tiny else: if isinstance(default, bool): klass = ValueBool elif isinstance(default, float): klass = ValueFloat elif isinstance(default, (int,long)): klass = ValueInt else: klass = Value v = klass(label=question, default=default, masked=masked, regexp=regexp, choices=choices, tiny=tiny) question = v.label if v.id: question = u'[%s] %s' % (v.id, question) if isinstance(v, ValueBackendPassword): print(question.encode(self.encoding) + ':') question = v.label choices = OrderedDict() choices['c'] = 'Run an external tool during backend load' if not v.noprompt: choices['p'] = 'Prompt value when needed (do not store it)' choices['s'] = 'Store value in config' if v.is_command(v.default): d = 'c' elif v.default == '' and not v.noprompt: d = 'p' else: d = 's' r = self.ask('*** How do you want to store it?', choices=choices, tiny=True, default=d) if r == 'p': return '' if r == 'c': print('Enter the shell command that will print the required value on the standard output') if v.is_command(v.default): print(': %s' % v.default[1:-1]) else: d = None while True: cmd = self.ask('') try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('%s' % e) else: return '`%s`' % cmd aliases = {} if isinstance(v, ValueBool): question = u'%s (%s/%s)' % (question, 'Y' if v.default else 'y', 'n' if v.default else 'N') elif v.choices: if v.tiny is None: v.tiny = True for key in v.choices.iterkeys(): if len(key) > 5 or ' ' in key: v.tiny = False break if v.tiny: question = u'%s (%s)' % (question, '/'.join((s.upper() if s == v.default else s) for s in v.choices.iterkeys())) for s in v.choices.iterkeys(): if s == v.default: aliases[s.upper()] = s for key, value in v.choices.iteritems(): print(' %s%s%s: %s' % (self.BOLD, key, self.NC, value)) else: for n, (key, value) in enumerate(v.choices.iteritems()): print(' %s%2d)%s %s' % (self.BOLD, n + 1, self.NC, value.encode(self.encoding))) aliases[str(n + 1)] = key question = u'%s (choose in list)' % question if v.masked: question = u'%s (hidden input)' % question if not isinstance(v, ValueBool) and not v.tiny and v.default not in (None, ''): question = u'%s [%s]' % (question, '*******' if v.masked else v.default) question += ': ' while True: if v.masked: if sys.platform == 'win32': line = getpass.getpass(str(question)) else: line = getpass.getpass(question.encode(self.encoding)) else: self.stdout.write(question.encode(self.encoding)) self.stdout.flush() line = self.stdin.readline() if len(line) == 0: raise EOFError() else: line = line.rstrip('\r\n') if not line and v.default is not None: line = v.default if isinstance(line, str): line = line.decode('utf-8') if line in aliases: line = aliases[line] try: v.set(line) except ValueError as e: print(u'Error: %s' % e, file=self.stderr) else: break v.noprompt = True return v.get() def acquire_input(self, content=None, editor_params=None): editor = os.getenv('EDITOR', 'vi') if self.stdin.isatty() and editor: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile with NamedTemporaryFile() as f: filename = f.name if content is not None: if isinstance(content, unicode): content = content.encode(self.encoding) f.write(content) f.flush() try: params = editor_params[os.path.basename(editor)] except (KeyError,TypeError): params = '' os.system("%s %s %s" % (editor, params, filename)) f.seek(0) text = f.read() else: if self.stdin.isatty(): print('Reading content from stdin... Type ctrl-D ' 'from an empty line to stop.') text = self.stdin.read() return text.decode(self.encoding) def bcall_error_handler(self, backend, error, backtrace): """ Handler for an exception inside the CallErrors exception. This method can be overrided to support more exceptions types. """ if isinstance(error, BrowserIncorrectPassword): msg = unicode(error) if not msg: msg = 'invalid login/password.' print('Error(%s): %s' % (backend.name, msg), file=self.stderr) if self.ask('Do you want to reconfigure this backend?', default=True): self.unload_backends(names=[backend.name]) self.edit_backend(backend.name) self.load_backends(names=[backend.name]) elif isinstance(error, BrowserSSLError): print(u'FATAL(%s): ' % backend.name + self.BOLD + '/!\ SERVER CERTIFICATE IS INVALID /!\\' + self.NC, file=self.stderr) elif isinstance(error, BrowserForbidden): print(u'Error(%s): %s' % (backend.name, msg or 'Forbidden'), file=self.stderr) elif isinstance(error, BrowserToBeContinued): for field in error.fields: v = self.ask(field) if v: backend.config[field.label].set(v) elif isinstance(error, BrowserUnavailable): msg = unicode(error) if not msg: msg = 'website is unavailable.' print(u'Error(%s): %s' % (backend.name, msg), file=self.stderr) elif isinstance(error, NotImplementedError): print(u'Error(%s): this feature is not supported yet by this backend.' % backend.name, file=self.stderr) print(u' %s To help the maintainer of this backend implement this feature,' % (' ' * len(backend.name)), file=self.stderr) print(u' %s please contact: %s <%s@issues.weboob.org>' % (' ' * len(backend.name), backend.MAINTAINER, backend.NAME), file=self.stderr) elif isinstance(error, UserError): print(u'Error(%s): %s' % (backend.name, to_unicode(error)), file=self.stderr) elif isinstance(error, MoreResultsAvailable): print(u'Hint: There are more results for backend %s' % (backend.name), file=self.stderr) else: print(u'Bug(%s): %s' % (backend.name, to_unicode(error)), file=self.stderr) minfo = self.weboob.repositories.get_module_info(backend.NAME) if minfo and not minfo.is_local(): self.weboob.repositories.update_repositories(ConsoleProgress(self)) # minfo of the new available module minfo = self.weboob.repositories.get_module_info(backend.NAME) if minfo and minfo.version > self.weboob.repositories.versions.get(minfo.name) and \ self.ask('A new version of %s is available. Do you want to install it?' % minfo.name, default=True) and \ self.install_module(minfo): print('New version of module %s has been installed. Retry to call the command.' % minfo.name) return if logging.root.level <= logging.DEBUG: print(backtrace, file=self.stderr) else: return True def bcall_errors_handler(self, errors, debugmsg='Use --debug option to print backtraces', ignore=()): """ Handler for the CallErrors exception. """ ask_debug_mode = False more_results = set() for backend, error, backtrace in errors.errors: if isinstance(error, MoreResultsAvailable): more_results.add(backend.name) elif isinstance(error, ignore): continue elif self.bcall_error_handler(backend, error, backtrace): ask_debug_mode = True if ask_debug_mode: print(debugmsg, file=self.stderr) elif len(more_results) > 0: print('Hint: There are more results available for %s (use option -n or count command)' % (', '.join(more_results)), file=self.stderr)