#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function import time import sys import re from contextlib import contextmanager from os import system, path, makedirs, getenv from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError from collections import defaultdict import shutil from termcolor import colored STABLE_VERSION = getenv('WEBOOB_BACKPORT_STABLE', '1.3') DEVEL_BRANCH = getenv('WEBOOB_BACKPORT_DEVEL', 'master') @contextmanager def log(message, success='done'): print('%s... ' % message, end='', flush=True) start = time.time() try: yield except KeyboardInterrupt: print(colored('abort', 'red')) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print(colored('fail: %s' % e, 'red')) raise else: print('%s %s' % (colored(success, 'green'), colored('(%.2fs)' % (time.time() - start), 'blue'))) def create_compat_dir(name): if not path.exists(name): makedirs(name) with open(path.join(name, '__init__.py'), 'w'): pass MANUAL_PORTS = [ ] MANUAL_PORT_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'stable_backport_data') class Error(object): def __init__(self, filename, linenum, message): self.filename = filename self.linenum = linenum self.message = message self.compat_dir = path.join(path.dirname(filename), 'compat') def __repr__(self): return '<%s filename=%r linenum=%s message=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.filename, self.linenum, self.message) def reimport_module(self, module): # not a weboob module, probably a false positive. if not module.startswith('weboob'): return dirname = module.replace('.', '/') filename = dirname + '.py' new_module = module.replace('.', '_') target = path.join(self.compat_dir, '%s.py' % new_module) base_module = '.'.join(module.split('.')[:-1]) try: r = check_output('git show %s:%s' % (DEVEL_BRANCH, filename), shell=True, stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8') except CalledProcessError: # this file does not exist, perhaps a directory. return if module in MANUAL_PORTS: shutil.copyfile(path.join(MANUAL_PORT_DIR, path.basename(target)), target) else: # Copy module from devel to a compat/ sub-module with open(target, 'w') as fp: for line in r.split('\n'): # Replace relative imports to absolute ones m = re.match(r'^from (\.\.?)([\w_\.]+) import (.*)', line) if m: if m.group(1) == '..': base_module = '.'.join(base_module.split('.')[:-1]) fp.write('from %s.%s import %s\n' % (base_module, m.group(2), m.group(3))) continue # Inherit all classes by previous ones, if they already existed. m = re.match(r'^class (\w+)\(([\w,\s]+)\):(.*)', line) if m and path.exists(filename) and system('grep "^class %s" %s >/dev/null' % (m.group(1), filename)) == 0: symbol = m.group(1) trailing = m.group(3) fp.write('from %s import %s as _%s\n' % (module, symbol, symbol)) fp.write('class %s(_%s):%s\n' % (symbol, symbol, trailing)) continue fp.write('%s\n' % line) # Particular case, in devel some imports have been added to # weboob/browser/__init__.py system(r'sed -i -e "s/from weboob.browser import/from weboob.browser.browsers import/g" %s' % self.filename) # Replace import to this module by a relative import to the copy in # compat/ system(r'sed -i -e "%ss/from \([A-Za-z0-9_\.]\+\) import \(.*\)/from .compat.%s import \2/g" %s' % (self.linenum, new_module, self.filename)) def remove_block(name, start): lines = [] with open(name, 'r') as fd: it = iter(fd) for n in range(start - 1): lines.append(next(it)) line = next(it) level = len(re.match(r'^( *)', line).group(1)) for line in it: if not line.strip(): continue new = len(re.match(r'^( *)', line).group(1)) if new <= level: lines.append(line) break lines.extend(it) with open(name, 'w') as fd: fd.write(''.join(lines)) class NoNameInModuleError(Error): def fixup(self): m = re.match(r"No name '(\w+)' in module '([\w\.]+)'", self.message) module = m.group(2) self.reimport_module(module) class ImportErrorError(Error): def fixup(self): m = re.match(r"Unable to import '([\w\.]+)'", self.message) module = m.group(1) self.reimport_module(module) def replace_all(expr, dest): system(r"""for file in $(git ls-files modules | grep '\.py$'); do sed -i -e "s/""" + expr + '/' + dest + """/g" $file done""") def output_lines(cmd): return check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8').rstrip().split('\n') class StableBackport(object): errors = {'E0611': NoNameInModuleError, 'E0401': ImportErrorError, } def main(self): with log('Removing previous compat files'): system('git rm -q "modules/*/compat/*.py"') with log('Copying last version of modules from devel'): system('git checkout --theirs %s modules' % DEVEL_BRANCH) with log('Replacing version number'): replace_all(r"""^\(\s*\)\(VERSION\)\( *\)=\( *\)[\"'][0-9]\+\..\+[\"']\(,\?\)$""", r"""\1\2\3=\4'""" + STABLE_VERSION + r"""'\5""") with log('Removing staling data'): system('tools/stale_pyc.py') system('find modules -type d -empty -delete') system('git add -u') with log('Lookup modules errors'): r = check_output("pylint modules -f parseable -E -d all -e no-name-in-module,import-error; exit 0", shell=True, stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8') dirnames = defaultdict(list) for line in r.split('\n'): m = re.match(r'([\w\./]+):(\d+): \[(\w+)[^\]]+\] (.*)', line) if not m: continue filename = m.group(1) linenum = m.group(2) error = m.group(3) msg = m.group(4) dirnames[path.dirname(filename)].append(self.errors[error](filename, linenum, msg)) for dirname, errors in sorted(dirnames.items()): with log('Fixing up %s errors in %s' % (colored(str(len(errors)), 'magenta'), colored(dirname, 'yellow'))): compat_dirname = path.join(dirname, 'compat') create_compat_dir(compat_dirname) for error in errors: error.fixup() system('git add %s' % compat_dirname) system('git add -u') if __name__ == '__main__': StableBackport().main()