# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2021 Martin Lavoie # # This file is part of a woob module. # # This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this woob module. If not, see . import re import json from itertools import cycle from base64 import b64encode from woob.browser.pages import RawPage def xor4(plaintext): """ function za from cc.js Apply one of 4 transformations to every character of the text. The transformations are (XOR 89), (XOR 231), (XOR 225) and (XOR 55). """ key = [89, 231, 225, 55] for p, c in zip(plaintext, cycle(key)): r = ord(p) ^ c yield chr(r) def utf8_encode(pt): return ''.join(pt).encode('utf8') def encode(content): """ Takes a dictionnary and returns a base64 string representation. function Q in cc.js """ json_content = json.dumps(content, separators=(',',':')) xor_content = xor4(json_content) utf8_content = utf8_encode(xor_content) return b64encode(utf8_content).decode('ascii') class FingerprintPage(RawPage): def get_t(self): return self.get_I()[:24] def get_I(self): """ Random bits encoded in base64 in the javascript code It contained the the I variable in cc.js """ regex = r'run[^,]*="([a-zA-Z0-9+=/]+)"' match = re.search(regex, self.text, re.DOTALL) assert match, "Could not find the secret I" return match[1] def make_payload_for_s2(self, tid, now): cookie = self.browser.session.cookies['_cc-x'] user_agent = self.browser.session.headers['User-Agent'] return encode(self.make_payload(tid, cookie, user_agent, now)) def make_payload(self, tid, cookie_cc, user_agent, now): """ Create a payload for the s2 verification. The original code in is cc.js where it has the name run. """ time_local = now.strftime('%-m/%-d/%Y, %-I:%-M:%-S %p') time_string = now.strftime('%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S GMT+0000 (UTC)') unix_epoch = round(now.timestamp() * 1000) return { "sid": "ee490b8fb9a4d570", "tid": tid, "_t": self.get_I(), "cf_flags": 135732211, "cdfr": True, "cookie-_cc": cookie_cc, "timing-sc": 0, "time-unix-epoch-ms": unix_epoch, "time-local": time_local, "time-string": time_string, "time-tz-offset-minutes": 0, "time-tz-has-dst": "false", "time-tz-dst-active": "false", "time-tz-std-offset": 0, "time-tz-fixed-locale-string": "3/6/2014, 7:58:39 AM", "timing-ti": 1, "dom-local-tag": cookie_cc, "timing-ls": 0, "dom-session-tag": cookie_cc, "timing-ss": 0, "navigator.appVersion": "5.0 (X11)", "navigator.appName": "Netscape", "navigator.product": "Gecko", "navigator.buildID": "20181001000000", "navigator.platform": "Linux x86_64", "navigator.language": "en-US", "navigator.oscpu": "Linux x86_64", "navigator.userAgent": user_agent, "navigator.cookieEnabled": "true", "navigator.appCodeName": "Mozilla", "navigator.productSub": "20100101", "timing-no": 0, "navigator.hardwareConcurrency": "8", "touchEnabled": False, "navigator.automationEnabled": False, "navigator.doNotTrack": "1", "window.screen.pixelDepth": "24", "window.screen.height": "1080", "window.screen.colorDepth": "24", "window.menubar.visible": "true", "window.devicePixelRatio": "1", "window.history.length": "3", "window.screen.width": "1920", "timing-wo": 0, "window.screen.availHeight": "1080", "window.screen.orientation.type": "landscape-primary", "window.screen.orientation.angle": "0", "window.screen.darkMode.enabled": False, "timing-do": 0, "plugin-suffixes": "", "plugin-mimes": "", "timing-np": 0, "timing-iepl": 0, "canvas-print-100-999": "8ac8e8cd487550a157647ee7b84032290b33ca0b", "canvas-print-detailed-100-999": "904566a766a494df6ae8a327276267e1e38b0738", "timing-cp": 40, "timing-gief": 0, "js-errors": [ "InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character", "InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character" ], "font-Times New Roman CYR": False, "font-Arial CYR": False, "font-Courier New CYR": False, "font-宋体": False, "font-Arial Cyr": False, "font-Times New Roman Cyr": False, "font-Courier New Cyr": False, "font-华文细黑": False, "font-儷黑 Pro": False, "font-WP CyrillicB": False, "font-WP CyrillicA": False, "font-궁서체": False, "font-細明體": False, "font-小塚明朝 Pr6N B": False, "font-宋体-PUA": False, "font-方正流行体繁体": False, "font-汉仪娃娃篆简": False, "font-돋움": False, "font-GaramondNo4CyrTCYLig": False, "font-HelveticaInseratCyr Upright": False, "font-HelveticaCyr Upright": False, "font-TL Help Cyrillic": False, "font-가는안상수체": False, "font-TLCyrillic2": False, "font-AGRevueCyr-Roman": False, "font-AGOptimaCyr": False, "font-HelveticaInseratCyrillicUpright": False, "font-HelveticaCyrillicUpright": False, "font-HelveticaCyrillic": False, "font-CyrillicRibbon": False, "font-CyrillicHover": False, "font-文鼎POP-4": False, "font-方正中倩简体": False, 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