# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2013 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of a woob module. # # This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this woob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import uuid from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from collections import OrderedDict from woob.exceptions import ( BrowserIncorrectPassword, ActionNeeded, BrowserUnavailable, AuthMethodNotImplemented, BrowserQuestion, ) from woob.browser.browsers import TwoFactorBrowser, need_login from woob.browser.exceptions import HTTPNotFound, ServerError, ClientError from woob.browser.url import URL from woob.tools.compat import urljoin, urlencode, quote from woob.tools.value import Value from .pages import ( AccountsPage, JsonBalances, JsonPeriods, JsonHistory, JsonBalances2, CurrencyPage, LoginPage, NoCardPage, NotFoundPage, HomeLoginPage, ReadAuthChallengePage, UpdateAuthTokenPage, ) from .fingerprint import FingerprintPage __all__ = ['AmericanExpressBrowser'] class AmericanExpressBrowser(TwoFactorBrowser): BASEURL = 'https://global.americanexpress.com' TWOFA_BASEURL = r'https://functions.americanexpress.com' home_login = URL(r'/login\?inav=fr_utility_logout', HomeLoginPage) login = URL(r'/myca/logon/emea/action/login', LoginPage) fingerprint = URL(r'https://www.cdn-path.com/cc.js\?=&sid=ee490b8fb9a4d570&tid=(?P.*)&namespace=inauth', FingerprintPage) read_auth_challenges = URL(TWOFA_BASEURL + r'/ReadAuthenticationChallenges.v1', ReadAuthChallengePage) create_otp_uri = URL(TWOFA_BASEURL + r'/CreateOneTimePasscodeDelivery.v1') update_auth_token = URL(TWOFA_BASEURL + r'/UpdateAuthenticationTokenWithChallenge.v1', UpdateAuthTokenPage) create_2fa_uri = URL(TWOFA_BASEURL + r'/CreateTwoFactorAuthenticationForUser.v1') accounts = URL(r'/api/servicing/v1/member', AccountsPage) json_balances = URL(r'/api/servicing/v1/financials/balances', JsonBalances) json_balances2 = URL(r'/api/servicing/v1/financials/transaction_summary\?type=split_by_cardmember&statement_end_date=(?P[\d-]+)', JsonBalances2) json_pending = URL( r'/api/servicing/v1/financials/transactions\?limit=1000&offset=(?P\d+)&status=pending', JsonHistory ) json_posted = URL( r'/api/servicing/v1/financials/transactions\?limit=1000&offset=(?P\d+)&statement_end_date=(?P[0-9-]+)&status=posted', JsonHistory ) json_periods = URL(r'/api/servicing/v1/financials/statement_periods', JsonPeriods) currency_page = URL(r'https://www.aexp-static.com/cdaas/axp-app/modules/axp-balance-summary/4.7.0/(?P\w\w-\w\w)/axp-balance-summary.json', CurrencyPage) no_card = URL(r'https://www.americanexpress.com/us/content/no-card/', r'https://www.americanexpress.com/us/no-card/', NoCardPage) not_found = URL(r'/accounts/error', NotFoundPage) SUMMARY_CARD_LABEL = [ 'PAYMENT RECEIVED - THANK YOU', 'PRELEVEMENT AUTOMATIQUE ENREGISTRE-MERCI', ] HAS_CREDENTIALS_ONLY = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AmericanExpressBrowser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # State to keep during OTP self.authentication_action_id = None self.application_id = None self.account_token = None self.mfa_id = None self.auth_trusted = None self.__states__ += ( 'authentication_action_id', 'application_id', 'account_token', 'mfa_id', 'auth_trusted', ) self.AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = { 'otp': self.handle_otp, } def init_login(self): self.home_login.go() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() transaction_id = 'LOGIN-%s' % uuid.uuid4() # Randomly generated in js self.register_transaction_id(transaction_id, now) data = { 'request_type': 'login', 'Face': 'fr_FR', 'Logon': 'Logon', 'version': 4, 'inauth_profile_transaction_id': transaction_id, 'DestPage': urljoin(self.BASEURL,'dashboard'), 'UserID': self.username, 'Password': self.password, 'channel': 'Web', 'REMEMBERME': 'on', 'b_hour': now.hour, 'b_minute': now.minute, 'b_second': now.second, 'b_dayNumber': now.day, 'b_month': now.month, 'b_year': now.year, 'b_timeZone': '0', 'devicePrint': self.make_device_print(), } self.send_login_request(data) def send_login_request(self, data): # Match the headers on website to prevent LGON011 error headers_for_login = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'https://www.americanexpress.com', 'Host': 'global.americanexpress.com', # Setting headers to None to remove them from the request 'Referer': None, 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': None, } self.login.go(data=data, headers=headers_for_login) if self.page.get_status_code() != 0: error_code = self.page.get_error_code() message = self.page.get_error_message() if any(code in error_code for code in ('LGON001', 'LGON003')): raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(message) elif error_code == 'LGON004': # This error happens when the website needs the user to # enter his card information and reset his password. # There is no message returned when this error happens. raise ActionNeeded() elif error_code == 'LGON008': # Don't know what this error means, but if we follow the redirect # url it allows us to be correctly logged. self.location(self.page.get_redirect_url()) elif error_code == 'LGON010': raise BrowserUnavailable(message) elif error_code == 'LGON011': # this kind of error is for mystical reasons, # but until now it was headers related, it could be : # - headers not in the right order # - headers with value that doesn't match the one from website # - headers missing # - IP blacklisted # What's next ? raise AssertionError('Error code "LGON011" (msg:"%s")' % message) elif error_code == 'LGON013': self.raise_otp() else: raise AssertionError('Error code "%s" (msg:"%s") not handled' % (error_code, message)) def prepare_request(self, req): # Get all headers in alphabetical order to prevent LGON011 error prep = super(AmericanExpressBrowser, self).prepare_request(req) prep.headers = OrderedDict(sorted(prep.headers.items(), key=lambda i: i[0].lower())) return prep def locate_browser(self, url): # For some reason, it looks like we cannot reconnect from storage. pass def clear_init_cookies(self): # Keep the device-id to prevent an SCA for cookie in self.session.cookies: if cookie.name == "device-id": device = cookie break else: device = None self.session.cookies.clear() if device: self.session.cookies.set_cookie(device) def register_transaction_id(self, transaction_id, now): self.fingerprint.go(transaction_id=transaction_id) payload = self.page.make_payload_for_s2(transaction_id, now) self.open('https://www.cdn-path.com/s2', method="POST", params={ 't': self.page.get_t(), 'x': 1, # Not seen change yet 'sid': 'ee490b8fb9a4d570', # Not seen change yet 'tid': transaction_id, }, files = { '_f': payload, }, headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Host': 'www.cdn-path.com', 'Origin': 'https://www.americanexpress.com', 'Referer': 'https://www.americanexpress.com/', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'TE': 'Trailers', }, ) def make_device_print(self): d = OrderedDict() d['version'] = "" d['pm_fpua'] = self.session.headers['User-Agent'] + '|5.0 (X11)|Linux x86_64' d['pm_fpsc'] = '24|1650|498|498' d['pm_fptw'] = '' d['pm_fptz'] = 0 d['pm_fpln'] = 'lang=en-US|syslang=|userlang=' d['pm_fpjv'] = 0 d['pm_fpco'] = 1 d['pm_fpasw'] = '' d['pm_fpan'] = "Netscape" d['pm_fpacn'] = "Mozilla" d['pm_fpol'] = 'true' d['pm_fposp'] = '' d['pm_fpup'] = '' d['pm_fpsaw'] = '1920' d['pm_fpspd'] = '24' d['pm_fpsbd'] = '' d['pm_fpsdx'] = '' d['pm_fpsdy'] = '' d['pm_fpslx'] = '' d['pm_fpsly'] = '' d['pm_fpsfse'] = '' d['pm_fpsui'] = '' d['pm_os'] = 'Linux' d['pm_brmjv'] = 78 d['pm_br'] = 'Firefox' d['pm_inpt'] = '' d['pm_expt'] = '' return ( urlencode(d,quote_via=quote) # using quote to prevent encoding space as + # The next four character are not quoted by quote .replace('~', "%7E") .replace('-', "%2D") .replace('_', "%5F") .replace('.', "%2E") # These replace are to remove the & and = included by urlencode .replace('=', "%3D") .replace('&', "%26") ) def raise_otp(self): self.check_interactive() reauth = self.page.get_reauth() self.authentication_action_id = reauth["actionId"] self.application_id = reauth["applicationId"] self.mfa_id = reauth["mfaId"] self.auth_trusted = reauth["trust"] if not self.auth_trusted: self.logger.warning( "We are not trusted. There could be a problem with the fingerprinting of cc.js" ) read_auth_challenges_payload = [{ "authenticationActionId": self.authentication_action_id, "applicationId": self.application_id, "locale": self.locale, }] self.read_auth_challenges.go(json=read_auth_challenges_payload) challenge = self.page.get_challenge() assert challenge == "OTP", "We don't know how to handle '%s' challenge." % challenge self.account_token = self.page.get_account_token() methods = self.page.get_otp_methods() delivery_payload, message = self.make_otp_delivery_payload(methods) self.create_otp_uri.go(json=delivery_payload) raise BrowserQuestion( Value('otp', label=message) ) def make_otp_delivery_payload(self, methods): known_methods = ["SMS", "EMAIL"] # This is also our preference order. methods = {m["deliveryMethod"]: m for m in methods} chosen_method = None # Select the 2FA method for this authentification. # Search for them in the order of known_methods. for known_method in known_methods: chosen_method = methods.get(known_method) if chosen_method: break if chosen_method is None: assert methods != {}, "Received no challenge option" raise AuthMethodNotImplemented(', '.join(methods.keys())) delivery_method = chosen_method["deliveryMethod"] delivery_payload = [{ "authenticationActionId": self.authentication_action_id, "applicationId": self.application_id, "accountToken": self.account_token, "locale": self.locale, "deliveryMethod": delivery_method, "channelType": chosen_method["channelType"], "channelEncryptedValue": chosen_method["channelEncryptedValue"], }] display_value = chosen_method["channelDisplayValue"] if delivery_method == "EMAIL": message = "Veuillez entrer le code d’authentification qui vous a été envoyé à l'adresse courriel %s." % display_value else: message = "Veuillez entrer le code d’authentification qui vous a été envoyé au %s." % display_value return delivery_payload, message def handle_otp(self): update_auth_token_payload = [{ "authenticationActionId": self.authentication_action_id, "applicationId": self.application_id, "accountToken": self.account_token, "locale": self.locale, "fieldName": "OTP", "fieldValue": self.otp, }] try: self.update_auth_token.go(json=update_auth_token_payload) pending_challenge = self.page.get_pending_challenges() except ClientError as e: self.drop_2fa_state() if e.response.status_code == 400 and "UEVE008" in e.response.text: # {"description":"Invalid Claim: Data does not match SOR","errorCode":"UEVE008"} raise BrowserIncorrectPassword("Mauvais code lors de l'authentification forte.") raise if pending_challenge != "": self.drop_2fa_state() raise AssertionError("Multiple challenge not handled by the module yet.") self.enrol_device() self.tfa_login() self.drop_2fa_state() def drop_2fa_state(self): self.account_token = None self.application_id = None self.authentication_action_id = None self.mfa_id = None self.auth_trusted = None def enrol_device(self): if self.auth_trusted: enrol_payload = [{ "locale": self.locale, "trust": self.auth_trusted, "deviceName":"Accès Budget Insight pour agrégation", }] self.create_2fa_uri.go(json=enrol_payload) else: self.logger.info("Cannot enrol when we are not trusted.") def tfa_login(self): data = { 'request_type': "login", 'Face': 'fr_FR', 'Logon': 'Logon', 'version': 4, 'mfaId': self.mfa_id, } self.send_login_request(data) @property def locale(self): return self.session.cookies.get_dict(domain=".americanexpress.com")['axplocale'] @need_login def iter_accounts(self): self.currency_page.go(locale=self.locale.lower()) currency = self.page.get_currency() self.accounts.go() account_list = list(self.page.iter_accounts(currency=currency)) for account in account_list: try: # for the main account self.json_balances.go(headers={'account_tokens': account.id}) except HTTPNotFound: # for secondary accounts self.json_periods.go(headers={'account_token': account._history_token}) periods = self.page.get_periods() period_index = 1 if len(periods) == 1: # Recently created accounts have only one period period_index = 0 self.json_balances2.go(date=periods[period_index], headers={'account_tokens': account.id}) self.page.fill_balances(obj=account) yield account @need_login def iter_history(self, account): self.json_periods.go(headers={'account_token': account._history_token}) periods = self.page.get_periods() today = datetime.date.today() # TODO handle pagination for p in periods: self.json_posted.go(offset=0, end=p, headers={'account_token': account._history_token}) for tr in self.page.iter_history(periods=periods): # As the website is very handy, passing account_token is not enough: # it will return every transactions of each account, so we # have to match them manually if tr._owner == account._idforJSON and tr.date <= today: yield tr @need_login def iter_coming(self, account): # Coming transactions can be found in a 'pending' JSON if it exists # ('En attente' tab on the website), as well as in a 'posted' JSON # ('Enregistrées' tab on the website) # "pending" have no vdate and debit date is in future self.json_periods.go(headers={'account_token': account._history_token}) periods = self.page.get_periods() date = parse_date(periods[0]).date() today = datetime.date.today() # when the latest period ends today we can't know the coming debit date if date != today: try: self.json_pending.go(offset=0, headers={'account_token': account._history_token}) except ServerError as exc: # At certain times of the month a connection might not have pendings; # in that case, `json_pending.go` would throw a 502 error Bad Gateway error_code = exc.response.json().get('code') error_message = exc.response.json().get('message') self.logger.warning('No pendings page to access to, got error %s and message "%s" instead.', error_code, error_message) else: for tr in self.page.iter_history(periods=periods): if tr._owner == account._idforJSON: tr.date = date yield tr # "posted" have a vdate but debit date can be future or past for p in periods: self.json_posted.go(offset=0, end=p, headers={'account_token': account._history_token}) for tr in self.page.iter_history(periods=periods): if tr.date > today or not tr.date: if tr._owner == account._idforJSON: yield tr else: return