Weboob 0.e (2013-01-25) General * New module: Axa Banque (CapBank) (#807). * New module: Barclays bank (CapBank). * New module: Carrefour Banque (CapBank). * New module: Credit Cooperatif (CapBank). * New module: Credit Mutuel Sud Ouest (CapBank). * New module: Gan Assurances (CapBank). * New module: Mangago (CapGallery). * New script: anonymiser.sh. Module: Arte * Fix: parsing video title (site changed). Module: Banque Populaire * Update transaction regexps. * Correctly encode login and password. * Fix: change hostname of Aquitaine Centre atlantique bank region. * Fix: parsing accounts for some specific versions of website (reported by Alain Spaite). * Get the full label of an account. * Fix: parsing banquepopulaire accounts with no link. * Fix: crash where there is no transactions for an account. * Fix: date parsing (happy new year). * Add Credit Maritime regions compatibles with Banque Populaire. Module: bnporc * Add a second SSL cert. * Support international withdrawal. Module: Boursorama * Fix: Correctly parse label of deferred card transactions. * Support of Livret A accounts. * Support new Virtual keyboard. Module: bp * Fix: compatibility with python2.6. * Add a SSL timeout. * Support page delestage. * Support deferred debit. Module: Bred * Correctly encode login and password. * Support payment in several times. * Fix: parsing accounts when there are interlines. * ignore special accounts. * Fix: crash when there is no ID on a transaction. Module: Caisse d'épargne * Handle login errors. * Support when website is unavailable. * Parse more card transactions. * Fix: parsing funding accounts. * New favicon. Module: cic * New favicon. * Fix: parsing amounts in special cases * Fix: parsing card pages in special cases Module: cmb * do not consider special accounts * Fix: parsing balance Module: CrAgr * update transaction regexps * Fix: do not crash if there is no history link for an account * correctly use iterators Module: dlfp * Allow anonyme browsing (#923) * Fix: deconnection error * Fix: Support new html structure Module: ebonics * Add favicon Module: ehentai * Fix: Support new website Module: Fortuneo * Add new certificate Module: France Télévisions * Fix: Support new website Module: Freemobile * Fix: Support the new website * Add a real id for all details objects (#932) * Add renew date (#931) * Support of multi-accounts (#890) Module: Gazelle * Fix: parsing torrents descriptions Module: HSBC * Raise exception on login error Module: ING * Add ICapBill to download monthly reports (#897) * Add support of proxy account * Add support of Livret Epargne Orange accounts * Fix: crash when there is no operation on an account * Support question page Module: INA * Try to handle more videos Module: LCL * Fix: login regexp * Add the new SSL certificat * Add a pattern to detect cards Module: Leclercmobile * Fix: Support new versions of website Module: Le Figaro * Fix: encoding * Remove some unused files (#819) * Fix: author selection Module: Nettokom * Add validity date Module: Opacwebaloes * Fix: Accept ID with 8 chars (#921) Module: pastalacon * Remove some test warnings Module: pastebin * Fix: visibility detection * Fix: login without API * Remove some test warnings Module: Piratebay * Fix: search (site changed) Module: Presseurop * Remove tweeter sharing * Use clean_relativ_urls * Fix: Support new version of daily titles Module: Sachsen * Add a favicon * Search is no more case sentitive * Use ICapGauge instead of ICapWaterLevel * Get alarm level Module: Societegenerale * Handle error when service is unavailable * Update transaction regexps * New SSL certificat * Check date of card debit to apply it * Fix: crash on special accounts Module: Taz * Remove some adds Module: Wordreference * Fix: parsing (#840, #1036) Module: youporn * Set domain to www.youporn.com Module: youtube * Fix: login CapBank * Support currencies CapBill * Rename iter_history to iter_bills_history * Add validity and renew date fields CapCollection * Declare fields to avoid warnings CapGauge * Change API to be more flexible * Add GaugeSensor objects CapVideo * Fix: CapVideo-related ConversionWarnings (dailymotion, ehentai, francetelevisions, ina, radiofrance, youjizz, youporn, youtube) CapWaterLevel * Rename it to ICapGauge Console Applications * Properly get to the previous path, not home * Add support for ls -d option (#858) * Add global "insecure" option to skip SSL validation (#930) * Allow to exclude some backends (#617) Application: boobill * Add the keyword "all" to download command Application: boobmsg * Improve documentation of export_thread * Allow "show" command in non-interactive mode * Datetime now human readable Application: comparoob * Remove double products with multiple backends * Sort results in comparoob (#934) Application: radioob * Support of rtmp Application: videoob * Add -e to rtmpdump options * Allow to use all videos players * Allow to give arguments to players * Add mplayer2 support Application: weboob-config * fix double message "Unable to load module" Application: wetboobs * Change to use ICapGauge instead of ICapWaterLevel * Add sensors command Tools: html2text * Set INLINE_LINKS to false Tools: Newsfeed * Take the creation date if no update available Tools: Messages/GenericBackend * Get the real thread of an article * Add clean_relativ_urls function Tools: VirtKeyboard * Add an overridable method to check pixel colos * Add a parameter "convert" Tools: IParser * Add a raw parser Tools: LxmlParser * Get all strings under this element Tools: tests * Save and submit test results * Better way of handling non-module tests * Guess the right builder name * Use the guessed nosetests for the core tests too Tools: pyflakes * Use flake8 if available instead of pyflakes Core * Check value of ValueBackendPassword during load * Add new exception BrowserForbidden and add handler in applications * Fix langage when the lastet version is already installed * Allow multiple CERTHASH values in a module * Ability to specify a parser to use on a page handler Installation * setup.py: print what executable we were looking for * setup.py: be less confusing when make is missing Contrib: boobank-munin * Fix: encoding issue Contrib: downloadboob * Correctly create symlink and support when one is removed * 'exclude' parameter is case insensitive Contrib: nettokom-munin * Print all labels in config mode and stack results Weboob 0.d (2012-10-28) General * New module: BanquePopulaire (CapBank). * New module: Bred (CapBank). * New module: CaisseDEpargne (CapBank). * New module: CIC (CapBank). * New module: Ebonics (CapTranslate). * New module: EuroParl (CapVideo). * New module: GDCVault (CapVideo). * New module: LeclercMobile (CapBill). * New module: Vimeo (CapVideo). * New module: Weather (CapWeather). * New script: contrib/downloadboob to automatically download vidéos matching some criteria (#838). * Add a basic system to check SSL certificates. Console Applications * Correctly check new version of the module. * Short commands for all applications (and suggestions). Module: AuM * Add a status field to display number of new visits. * Support new API (#871,#900,#902). Module: BNPorc * Strip trailing 'CARTE XXX' from card transactions labels. * Get last 100 transactions instead of 30. * Fix: website changes. Module: Boursorama * Correctly handle case that we don't support the history page of an account. * Fix: unlimited loop in case of bad credentials. Module: BP * Parse labels and detect type of transactions. * Get maximum of transactions in history. * Workaround to libssl 1.0.1c-4 bug in Debian (#863). Module: CappedTV * Fix: proper handling of No Results Found. Module: CMB * Support proxy. * Check SSL certificate. * Fix: a bug in the accounts listing. Module: CrAgr * Reworked the whole parsing for 'list' and 'history' operations. * Parse labels and detect type of transactions. Module: CreditMutuel * Support deferred debit. * Never store 'RELEVE CARTE' transactions (redundancy with card transactions). * Fix: login (skip page which warns about phishing). Module: Dailymotion * Add support for embed URLs. * Fix: parsing authors on anyclip videos. * Fix: search-then-play combination (#860). Module: Fortuneo * Fix: website changes. * Fix: check on login failure. Module: FreeMobile * Catch unit for data. * Support multiple accounts. * Fix: login (website change). * Fix: pdf downloading. * Fix: international calls. * Fix: parsing name with a dash. Module: Gazelle * Fix: parsing title on whatcd. Module: HDS * Fix: parsing dates. Module: HSBC * Support history and coming transactions. * Fix: duplicated IDs of accounts. * Fix: parsing of accounts and history. Module: ING * Transaction IDs are generated with a hash function. * Use static IDs of accounts. * Support tranfers. Module: LCL * Parse labels and detect type of transactions. * Display password renewal warning. * Support CB operations. * Support several contracts. Module: LeFigaro * Fix: parsing of live articles. Module: Minutes20 * Fix: RSS feed url has changed. Module: Nettokom * Fix: website change about authentication. Module: Newsfeed * Add a link on top of content. Module: NolifeTV * Fix: authentication and retrieve of video url (#880). Module: Nova * Fix: retrieving of current song. Module: PAP * Fix: parsing housings (#874). Module: PressEurop * Fetch last 140 entries instead of 50. Module: PrixCarburants * Fix: regexp of product name in page. Module: RadioFrance * Support franceinfo archives. Module: SocieteGenerale * Truncate password to 6 digits. * Handle error message when unable to login. * Support deferred debit cards. * Fix: follow next pages of history. * Fix: website changes about authentication (#891). Module: Transilien * Support when a train is removed (#894). * Fix: parsing time (#866). Module: Yahoo * Fix: search of cities (website change). Module: Youjizz * Fix: parsing of duration. * Fix: parsing video url. Module: Youporn * Fix: website changed. Module: Youtube * Add support for youtube-nookie.com. * Fix: login and play of nsfw videos (#918). * Fix: finding video url (website change). Application: boobank * Fix: QIF spec requires capitalized 'type' (#898). Application: boobill * New command 'balance'. Application: comparoob * Fix: selection of product. Application: freemobile-munin * Add parameter 'phonenumber'. * Fix: data parsing. Application: havedate * Add command 'events'. Application: pastoob * Abort if paste is empty. Application: QHaveDate * Nicknames are selectable (#869). Application: QVideoob * White background is not forced anymore (#823). Application: translaboob * Add 'nigger' language. Application: weboob-debug * Support more shell libs (ipython, bpython, standard python). Appliccation: wetboobs * Ability to display temperatures either on celsius or on fahrenheit. Core * Use module 'imp' instead of '__import__'. * Fix table formatter with python-prettytable 0.6. Weboob 0.c (2012-05-04) General * New capability: CapPriceComparison. * New capability: CapTranslate. * New module: ChampsLibres (CapBook). * New module: Fortuneo (CapBank). * New module: GoogleTranslate (CapTranslate). * New module: NettoKom (CapBill). * New module: Okc (CapDating). * New module: PrixCarburants (CapPriceComparison). * New module: Taz (CapMessages). * New module: WordReference (CapTranslate). * New application: comparoob (CapPriceComparison). * New application: translaboob (CapTranslate). * New script: boobot. * New script: nettokom-munin (Nettokom). * New script: report_accounts.sh (CapBank). * Application havedate now inherits commands of boobmsg. * Fix: use the right default value for XDG_DATA_DIRS. Console Applications: * Add completion on 'ls' and 'cd' commands. * When a module requests to application a password (for example if it is not stored in the backend config), display a real question, not only 'Password:'. * Use $EDITOR env variable to edit input. * Rewrite of the formatters system. * When a bug occurs in a module, suggest user to update it. Capability: CapBank * Rename Operation object to Transaction. * Rename iter_operations() to iter_coming(). * Add a field Transaction.rdate to store date of payment. * Add field Transaction.type (enum). * Add field Account.type (enum). * Create a class FrenchTransaction in weboob.tools.capabilities.bank to help parsing transactions of french banks. * Use decimal.Decimal instead of float to store amounts of money. Module: AuM * Fix: website has changed its charset. * Fix: don't crash when a message content is empty. * Fix: save IDs as integers in storage. Module: Arte * Fix: getting latest videos. Module: BNPorc * Support private messages (CapMessages). * Fetch the last 100 transactions (instead of 30). * Support CIF accounts. Module: Boursorama * Parse categories and dates. * Ignore spurious accounts. * Fix: credit and debit where inversed. Module: BP * Don't list spurious accounts. Module: CrAgr * Fix: parsing dates. * Fix: CA Centre website has changed (#850). Module: CreditMutuel * Capitalize each words in account labels. * Fix: parsing accounts list whene there is no history associated. * Fix: parsing history when there are extra columns. * Fix: use unique IDs for accounts. Module: Dailymotion * Fix: getting latest videos. * Fix: getting thumbnails. * Fix: parsing video IDs. Module: DLFP * Do not get pages with 0 comment. * Add a cleanup function to dlfp backend. Module: FranceTelevisions * Fix: getting latest videos. Module: FreeMobile * Fix: remove timer (not more used by website). * Fix: website has changed. * Fix: multiple accounts login. Module: ING * Use FrenchTransaction for parsing transactions. * Get more historical transactions. * Catch error on password/birthday/login. * Fix: website changes on livret A history. Module: LCL * Add a regexp on password field. * Fix: getting accounts. * Fix: crash when the balance is negative. * Fix: site specific fix. * Fix: parsing account labels. * Fix: always go on the history page. * Fix: when history is empty. * Fix: prevent infinite loop when password is wrong. Module: MangaFox * Fix: domain name change. Module: PressEurop * Fix: parsing of cartoon pages. * Fix: real author catching on article pages. Module: RadioFrance * Fix: crash when there is no author. Module: Sachsen * Catch “Go Up” value. Module: SocieteGenerale * Support display of history and coming transactions. * Fix: when there is no transaction for the account. Module: Transilien * Fix: roadmap when there is no confirm page. Module: YouJizz * Fix: getting video URLs. Module: YouPorn * Fix: changes on website. Application: boobank * Add a new pretty_qif formatter (use label and rdate if exist). Application: boobathon * Fix: close command. Application: boobill * Get all available subscriptions for 'details' command (#846). Application: boobmsg * New command 'photos' to display photos of a contact with cacaview. * Add an 'atom' formatter. Application: bonboob * Add a command 'once' to process retrieving of messages once. Application: QWebContentEdit * Possibility to edit an url (#619). * Add a 'History' tab. Application: weboob-config * Remove 'install' command. Script: freemobile-munin * Fix: condition to detect empty output. Script: hds/export.py * Fix: loading HDS module. Core: * Change way to describe fields of CapBaseObjects. * Add a lot of code documentation. * Warn when implicit conversions happen on CapBaseObjects. * Create UserError exception for errors raised by modules. * Scheduler: do not stop timer because of an exception. * Repositories: support gpgv2 (#837). Weboob 0.b (2012-03-14) General * New capability: CapBill. * New capability: CapBook. * New capability: CapHousing. * New capability: CapWaterLevel. * New module: CappedTV (CapVideo). * New module: FreeMobile (CapBill). * New module: OpacWebAloes (CapBook). * New module: Pap (CapHousing). * New module: PressEurop (CapMessages). * New module: Sachsen (CapWaterLevel). * New module: SeLoger (CapHousing). * New application: boobill (CapBill). * New application: boobooks (CapBook). * New application: flatoob (CapHousing). * New application: QFlatBoob (CapHousing). * New contrib script: freemobile-munin. * Rename application: havesex -> havedate. * Rename application: QHaveSex -> QHaveDate. * Remove module: MangaToShokan (website is dead). Console applications: * Improvements of 'ls' and 'cd' commands. * Fix: crash when trying to add twice a same module. Module: Boursorama * Fix: IDs of operations. Module: BNPorc * Parse categories. * Parse account types. * Fix: getting history of secondary accounts. Module: BP * Store transactions dates as datetime.date objects. * Fix: parsing of accounts in particular cases. Module: CanalPlus * Friendlier paths in canalplus. Module: CMB * Add type and label support to CMB backend. Module: CrAgr * Now handle history-less accounts, at least for Toulouse-like layouts. * Transaction objects are now created using datetime.date (#800). * Fix: balance retrieval for history-less accounts (#788). Module: CreditMutuel * Store Transaction.date as a datetime.date object. * Support loan history. * Parse type of transactions. * Fix: lot of bugs. Module: DLFP * Parse a comment only if needed (performances enhancement). * Get comments only in case of rss-comments changes. Module: Ecrans * Store only last 20 articles. Module: HSBC * Display only real accounts. Module: ING * The account listing is now more robust. * Parse types of transactions. Module: Kickass * Fix: search was broken. Module: Mangafox * Fix: crash on Comments page. Module: NolifeTV * Support authentication. * Fix: parsing of videos with missing description. Module: OuiFM * Fix: error when no artist/title. Module: Pastebin * Fix: getting pastebin paste visiblity. Module: Piratebay * Support magnets properly. Module: RadioFrance * Support replay. * Use a better source for FIP. * Fix: fetching FIP current. Module: SocieteGenerale * Check if login is failed. Module: Youtube * Fix: crash when there is no author. Application: boobank * Display types of transactions. * Add formatter 'transactions'. Application: chatoob * Removed because unused. Application: videoob-webserver * Moved to contrib/. Application: weboob-config * Fix: command 'list' can filter by capability (#786). Application: weboorrents * Support magnet URLs. Application: wetboobs * Now supports CapWaterLevel in addition to CapWeather. Core: * Big refactoring of CapCollection. * Use libyaml for faster loading and saving. * Sign modules.list. * Support gzipped responses in Browser. * Fix: retrieving third icons if module is local. Weboob 0.a (2012-02-05) General * New backend: Boursorama (CapBank). * New backend: CMB (CapBank). * New backend: HSBC (CapBank). * New backend: ING (CapBank). * New backend: Nolifetv (CapVideo). * New backend: RadioFrance (CapVideo, CapRadio) which merges FranceInter and LeMouv backends. * Support repositories to manage backends (#747). * Support XDG Base Directory Specification (#765). * Make CapCollection understandable and usable by humans. Console applications * Ability to add all supported modules at once. * With -a, try to separate saved responses by backend (#661). Qt applications * Verbose error messages (#775). Backend: AuM * Display the 'title' field on contact profiles. * Get events (baskets, charms and visits). * Add city in status message. * Add 'Sent with my iPhone' in mail signatures when needed. * Display at least one photo url in profile even if there isn't any visible. * Add a 'ratio' field. * Fix: getting contacts list. * Fix: support new API. * Fix: ipaddr is not available anymore. * Fix: do not crash if there are php errors before json. Backend: Batoto * Change .com to .net. Backend: BNP * Fix: website changed (#769). Backend: BP * Fix: website changed. * Fix: open images in memory instead of saving them in temp files. Backend: CanalPlus * Support https?://www\.canal-?plus\.fr/.*\?vid=(\d+) urls. Backend: CreditMutuel * Internal transfer implemented. * Fix: website changed. Backend: Dailymotion * Fix: support missing descriptions. Backend: DLFP * Limit feed entries by date instead of number of results. Backend: FranceTelevisions * Fix: website changed. Backend: Gazelle * Handle general errors when website is unavailable. Backend: INA * Fix: parsing of URLs. Backend: Kickass * Fix: website changed. Backend: LCL * Add support for various types of accounts. * List 45 days history by default. * Fix: website changed. Backend: LeFigaro * Better cleanup of generic articles (#725). * Fix: website changed. Backend: Orange * Fix: unicode errors. Backend: Pastebin * Handle user pages. Backend: Piratebay * Fix: website changed. Backend: SocieteGenerale * Fix: website changed. Backend: Youjizz * Fix: video URLs have changed. Backend: Youporn * Fix: website changed. Backend: Youtube * Fix: website changed. Application: QBoobMsg * When a thread is a discussion, display messages linearly. * Add a button 'Profile'. Application: QHaveSex * Add a 'Events' tab. * Add a 'Notes' tab for taking notes about a contact. Application: QVideoob * Fix: crash when there is no thumbnail on a video (#708). Application: weboob-config-qt * Ability to edit sources.list, update repositories and install modules. Weboob 0.9 (2011-10-10) General * New backend: Batoto (CapGallery). * New backend: Eatmanga (CapGallery). * New backend: FranceTelevisions (CapVideo). * New backend: HDS (CapMessages). * New backend: Izneo (CapGallery). * New backend: Mangafox (CapGallery). * New backend: Mangahere (CapGallery). * New backend: Mangareader (CapGallery). * New backend: Mangatoshokan (CapGallery). * New backend: Nova (CapRadio). * New backend: PhpBB (CapMessages, CapMessagesReply). * New backend: Simplyread.it (CapGallery). * New application: boobtracker (CapBugTracker). * New script: hds/export.py to export stories from histoires-de-sexe.net into a sqlite database. * License change to AGPLv3+. * Ability to not save backend passwords. Applications will prompt them when needed. Backend: Arte * Set duration on video results. Backend: AuM * Rewrite to use the mobile API. Backend: BNPorc * Get operation categories. Backend: CrAgr * Get full history. * Optimized operations retrieval for CA Centre. * Fix: parsing accounts list. Backend: CreditMutuel * Maine-Anjou, Basse-Normandie bank added. Backend: Dailymotion * Fix: parsing duration. * Fix: parsing of lives in search results. Backend: DLFP * Fix: disconnection URL needs to be called with POST instead of GET. * Fix: do tests on alpha.linuxfr.org. * Fix: relevance on news/diaries. Backend: Gazelle * Handle login errors. * Fix: parsing on several gazelle websites. Backend: INA * Support videos on www.ina.fr (in addition to boutique.ina.fr). Backend: IPInfoDB * Fix: no crash when there are no coordinates from server. Backend: Kickass * Fix: parsing of search results (#663). Backend: MediaWiki * Handle errors from API. Backend: MeteoFrance * Fix: website changes. Backend: Orange * Fix: handling of pages. Backend: PirateBay * Fix: parsing of search results. Backend: Redmine * Now implements CapBugTracker (#684). Backend: Transilien * Supports the roadmap feature (#681). Backend: Youtube * Support more URLs. * Support authentication. * Fix: website changes. Application: boobank * Add the 'qif' formatter. Application: boobank-munin * When handling an incorrect password error, disable backend to prevent your bank to disable your account (for example with BNP). Application: pastoob * Ability to pipe output. Application: traveloob * New command 'roadmap' to get the roadmap between to stations. It's also possible to give a departure or an arrival time (#681). Application: videoob * Do not run player in background (#664). * Command 'download' supports mms streams. Application: weboorrents * The given filename to command 'getfile' is optional (#683). Weboob 0.8 (2011-05-08) General * New backend: E-Hentai (CapGallery). * New backend: FranceInter (CapRadio). * New backend: LeMouv (CapRadio). * New backend: PasteALaCon (CapPaste). * New backend: PasteBin (CapPaste). * New application: Boobathon (CapContent). * New application: Galleroob (CapGallery). * New application: Pastoob (CapPaste). * Fix lot of unicode problems. * License changed to AGPLv3+. * FreeBSD support. Repl applications * The new CapCollection capability is supported by every REPL Application. At the moment, only few backends implement it. * Better messages and return codes in applications. Backend: AdopteUnMec * Fix: website changes (#508,#637,#638,#639). Backend: BNPorc * The 'rotating_password' parameter is now an hidden one (#627). * Ability to do transfers to external recipients. Backend: BP * Add 'comptes titres', 'comptes vies' and 'comptes retraites' to the list of accounts (#567). * Fix: website changes (#621). Backend: CanalPlus * Implement the new CapCollection capability. Backend: CrAgr * Support of a new history layout. * Fix: login issues with the Toulouse website (#629). Backend: Dailymotion * Fix: URL was not found in special cases. Backend: FourChan * Fix: support message "AMERICA FUCK YEAH" outside of a thread. Backend: Gazelle * Fix: work with broken gazelle websites. Backend: Inrocks * Fix: matching URLs. Backend: KickAss * Several fixes and enhancements (#651). Backend: LCL * Fix: websites changes. Backend: OuiFM * Implements the new CapCollection capability. Backend: Transilien * Add the PAA code for Gare de Lyon. Backend: Youtube * Support more URLs. Backend: Youporn * Correctly set the 'ext' attribute on videos. Application: monboob * Check configuration (#484). Application: weboob-config * New commands 'enable' and 'disable'. Core * Use lowercase http_proxy environment variable. * select() function has been moved into parser. * Support for xpath in LxmlHtmlParser.select. * Fragments are removed from URLs (#636). * Remove a hack from feedparser which fixes parsing of webpages with recent versions of this library. * Also log redirects when saving responses and debugging (#398). Weboob 0.7 (2011-04-01) General * New backend: Dailymotion (CapVideo). * New backend: Ecrans (CapMessages). * Now compatible with Windows (is it really a good news? :)). Console applications * Do not print escape characters (like bold) when using -O. Backend: AuM * Fix: parsing of smileys (#532). * Fix: new page (#535). Backend: BP * Fix: parsing of accounts is case there are missing sections. Backend: CreditMutuel * Compatibility with other agencies (#550). Backend: DLFP * Ability to plusse/moinse contents. * Ability to tag a content. * Support the board. * Support comments signatures. * Support wiki, forums, polls, tracker. * Now implements CapContent to edit wiki. Backend: FourChan * All messages are children of thread. Backend: Inrocks * Add support of 'InrocksTV' pages. Backend: IpInfoDB * Fix: crash when lat/long are empty (#585). Backend: LCL * Fix login, and implement CapBank methods. Backend: Newsfeed * Fix: correctly set the UNREAD flag. Backend: Orange * Fix: posting messages (#614). Backend: Redmine * Fix: support project names with '-' in. Backend: Transilien * Fix: don't keep previous results. * Change user-agent of browser and use HTTPS (#580,#583). Backend: Youjizz * Fix: crash when duration is not available. Backend: Youtube * Now correctly handle gdata errors. * Fix: get video from page URL. * Fix: get file URL of video. Application: boobmsg * New command 'export_all'. * New xhtml formatter. Application: masstransit * Works without conic or hildon (#562). * Add banner on load. Application: QWebContentEdit * Better errors management. Application: videoob * New command 'download'. Application: webcontentedit * Set a default editor (#557). Core * Split of ReplApplication to create ConsoleApplication. * Remove the 'refresh' feature from Browser (to prevent unwanted behaviors like freezes). * Browser has upgraded Firefox from 3.0.3 to 3.6.13. * Browser doesn't retry on 404 errors. * Script to generate Sphinx API documentation. Weboob 0.6 (2011-03-01) General * New backend: Inrocks (CapMessages). * New backend: LeFigaro (CapMessages). * New backend: MediaWiki (CapContent). * New backend: Minutes20 (CapMessages). * New application: QWebContentEdit (CapContent). Backend: AuM * Fix: website changed, mails.php renamed to mail.php. Backend: BNP * Fix: the captcha has been changed on their website (#461). Backend: CrAgr * Fix: the history operation works when every non-ASCII character on the bank website is replaced with two interrogation marks. * Fix: calculation of cents. Backend: CreditMutuel * Fix: negative value correctly considered by 'list' Backend: DLFP * Fix: website changed to a new version (#503). Backend: IsoHunt * Fix: website doesn't provide seed information on info page anymore (#529). Backend: KickAss * Fix: size span detection improved (fixes #497). Backend: OuiFM * Fix: website changed to get current song. Backend: PirateBay * Fix: parsing to find leecher and seeders (#458). Backend: Redmine * Adds support for previewing modifications on redmine's wiki pages. * Fix: when login/password is invalid. Backend: Yahoo * Fix: didn't load with python < 2.6 Application: boobmsg * New command 'export_thread'. * New parameter '-t' on the 'post' command to set a title. Application: monboob * Fix: catch errors when trying to bind the SMTP server (#485). Application: QBoobMsg * Fix: reload of backends list. Application: webcontentedit * New command 'log' to display all revisions of a page. Application: weboob-config * The 'edit' command can be used to interactively edit one backend, instead of opening the './weboob/backends' file with a text editor. * Checks on given backends for 'backends ' subcommands. Application: weboob-config-qt * Fix: crash when trying to add an already existing backend. Repl Applications * New parameter '-O' to set an output file. Core: * Fix: Browser.location() crashes when uri is empty (#488). * Fix: catch every exceptions when loading a backend (not only ImportError). Weboob 0.5 (2011-01-08) General * New backend: MeteoFrance (CapWeather). * New backend: Orange (CapMessages, CapMessagesPost). * A new tool, make_man.py, is used to generate manpages. Backend: Bouygues * Fix: logging issues (#444). Backend: CrAgr * Fix: do not keep accounts list in cache. * Fix: extraction of amounts >999€ and negative amounts. Backend: KickAss * Fix: website changes (#457). * Fix: size parsing. Backend: PirateBay * Fix: size parsing. Backend: Yahoo * The 'search' command is implemented. Backend: Youtube * Fix: website changes (#450). Application: boobmsg * The 'post' command can take message from command-line instead of stdin. * Fix: encoding problems. Application: videoob * Fix: playing videos in some cases (#446). Application: wetboobs * Rewrite of application to use formatters. Weboob 0.4 (2010-12-01) General * New backend: Bouygues (CapMessagesPost). * New backend: CanalPlus (CapVideo). * New backend: CreditMutuel (CapBank). * New backend: IPInfoDB (CapGeolocIp). * New backend: IsoHunt (CapTorrent). * New backend: KickAss (CapTorrent). * New backend: PirateBay (CapTorrent). * New backend: SFR (CapMessagesPost). * New backend: SocieteGenerale (CapBank). * New application: boobmsg (CapMessages, CapMessagesPost). Console applications * New command 'inspect' to open a graphical webkit browser with the current page (to help debugging). If it is not available, the page source is displayed on stdout. * In question prompts, display a bullet list when there are too many choices. * The --save-responses (-a) parameter stores now pages in a directory and save here a debug log and a list of visited URLs associated to the files. * Fix unicode issues (#436). Backend: AuM * Do not send baskets messages from left sluts. * Anti-spam is updated. * Raise an error when user is banned. * New optimization PRIORITY_CONNECTION to create fake godchilds to allow user access to website between 18h and 1h. (#319) * New optimization QUERIES_QUEUE to enqueue queries in case no charms are available. * New backend parameter 'baskets' to enable getting baskets messages. * In profiles, look for hidden photos. Backend: BNPorc * Fix: display of coming operations. * Fix: check if the password rotation has been succeed. Backend: BP * Backend has been rewritten to use BaseBrowser (#422). * Fix: backend initialization. * Fix: parsing of accounts. * Fix: handle of transfers errors. Backend: CrAgr * Support of history operations. * Support monay transfers. * Choose the agency website in a list instead of giving URL. Backend: DLFP * Store datetime from newsfeed in the Thread object (#419). * Now the session is closed at deinit. * Fix: when posting a comment, send right parameters to immediately display it. Backend: GeolocIP * Use the website www.geolocip.com instead of www.geolocalise-ip.com. It prevents authentication and limits. Backend: INA * Fix: parsing date, duration and title. Application: boobank-munin * Save cache in .weboob/munin/ and handle errors. * New option 'boobank_cumulate' to display graph as areas instead of plots. Application: havesex * The optimizations management has been rewritten. * New command 'query' to send a query to a contact (like a charm or a poke). * Fix: do not exist after displaying a profile in interactive mode. Application: monboob * New option to pipe mails to an external process instead of sending it to a SMTP server. * Fix: when domain in In-Reply-To contains a '@'. * Fix: parsing incoming mails when no charset is supplied. * Fix: unicode issues. Application: QHaveSex * Display URL of contacts. * Contacts list is now sorted. * Have a photos caroussel on profile page. Application: weboob-config * New command 'confirm'. It takes an email in stdin and call corresponding backend to go on the confirm address. It is useful to automatically confirm account register. Application: weboorrents * Ability to complete paths. Core * The 'repeat' scheduler has been rewritten. * Ability to cancel a scheduled task. * Fix parsing of path-like in INI config. * Conditions are now treated by BackendsCall instead by formatters (#372). * Backends name can now contain only letters and digits. * Add a tool to generate manpages. Weboob 0.3 (2010-11-01) General * New backend: LCL (CapBank) -- unfinished. * New backend: OuiFM (CapRadio). * New backend: Newsfeed (CapMessages). * New backend: Redmine (CapContent). * New application: radioob (CapRadio). * New application: webcontentedit (CapContent). * New application: boobank-munin is a plugin for munin (CapBank). * New tests. * New global parameter --logging-file to log into a file instead of stdout. * Logging is now colorized when printed on stdout (depending on level). Console Applications * Formatters management have been rewritten. Now each command can set its own default formatter, and user can redefine them. * If output exceed the height of term, ask user to press a key for each page. * Do not display columns when all of these values are NotLoaded or NotAvailable. * Add a CSV formatter (#350). * Command 'backends register' to register a new account (#294). * Can use '$full' and '$direct' selectors. Backend: Arte * Fix: fall-back when the wanted quality is not available. Backend: AuM * New anti-spam feature to detect, block and report spambots (#313). * Implements the capability CapAccount to register new accounts (#389). * In profile walker, when reloading sluts list from search page, do not keep the previous queue to prevent visiting sluts who have been added a long time before and who are now disconnected. * Contact status is now 'connected'/'not connected since ... hours'. * Fix: do not crash if contact list is empty. Backend: BNPorc * If password is expired, switch with the value of the new 'rotating_password' backend setting. * Support transfers (#416). * Fix: don't crash when accounts don't support 'coming' (#401). * Fix: when website is not available, raise BrowserUnavailable instead of BrowserIncorrectPassword. Backend: DLFP * Replace 'cite>' and 'tt>' to 'i>' in read messages. Application: boobank * Use 'table' as default formatter. * Output for the 'list' command is more readable (#410). * When a transfer is made, display all information instead of ID. * Fix: do not load backends twice (#405). Application: QBoobMsg * Support threads display and answers. * Support sending answers (plaintext or HTML). * Unread messages are in yellow in list, and set message as read when one is selected. * Fix: correctly reload when backends have been changed. Application: QHaveSex * Ability to display a profile from URL. Application: QVideoob * Fix: search on youtube was unlimited, so QVideoob freezed. Application: traveloob * Use 'table' as default formatter. Application: videoob * Output for the 'search' command is more readable. Application: weboob-config * Add a 'register' command (#294). Application: weboob-config-qt * Add a 'Register' button to register a new account on a backend (#390). Application: weboorrents * Output for the 'search' and 'info' commands is more readable. Core * Weboob.load_backends() takes a new 'errors' argument. * CapBaseObject has a new method 'add_field' to add a field property which forces a specific type and is set to NotLoaded by default. * Browser.readurl() can take same arguments than Browser.openurl(). * If a page is not recognized by the Browser instance, save response even if -a is not supplied. * Introduce 'Value' classes to replace BaseBackend.ConfigField and is used by ReplApplication.ask(). * Use several loggers for parts of weboob. * Fix: crash when HTTP server returns shit (#406). Weboob 0.2 (2010-10-01) * Backend 'yweather' renamed to 'yahoo'. * New capability: ICapGeolocIp to geolocalise IP addresses. * New backend Arte: for the arte.tv french TV website. * New backend GeolocIp: for the geolocalise-ip.com website. * New backend BP: for the “Banque Postale” french bank. * AuM backend: check when the account is blocked. * AuM backend: ability to register new account. * BNPorc backend: support history. * CrAgr backend fix: support of another version of Credit Agricole. * CrAgr backend fix: check if website is down. * DLFP backend: display comments link in signature. * DLFP backend fix: parsing of comments when templeet sucks. * Youtube backend: support infinite searches. * Youtube backend fix: parsing of URLs (#388). * New application geolooc: a console application to interact with ICapGeolocIp backends. * New application weboob-cli: a console application to interact with every backends. * boobank application: new command 'history'. * boobank application: new command 'transfer'. * QHaveSex application: know if a message has been read or not. * videoob application: new command 'play'. * Console applications: can be interactive (repl) when run without any command (#353). * Console applications: if no backends are loaded at startup, ask user to add them. * Console applications: -s '*' fills objects. * Qt applications: display configuration window if no backends are loaded at startup. * Core: ability to fill objects already fetched to complete them. * Core: ICapMessages has been rewritten to be more efficient. * Core: can enable or disable backends. * Core: a test architecture has been written. * Core: all loaded backends now need to be configured (#368). * Core: new pargument --save-responses to debug HTML pages (#274). * Core fix: handle read URL data failure. * Core fix: Client is merged into mechanize >= 0.2 (#362). Weboob 0.1 (2010-08-03) * First public release. * The core system can load/unload backends, supports configured backends, can do asynchronous calls to specific backends. * Capabilities are abstractions to be overloaded by backends: - ICapBank - ICapChat - ICapContact - ICapDating - ICapMessages - ICapMessagesReply - ICapTorrent - ICapTravel - ICapVideo - ICapWeather * Backends interact with websites: - AuM - BNPorc - CanalTP - CrAgr - DLFP - FourChan - Gazelle - INA - Transilien - YouJizz - YouPorn - YouTube - YWeather * Applications interact with backends: Console - boobank - chatoob - havesex - traveloob - videoob - weboob-config - weboorrents - wetboobs Nokia N900 Phones - masstransit Daemon - monboob Qt - QBoobMsg - QHaveSex - QVideoob - weboob-config-qt Web - videoob-web-server