# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2013 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . from weboob.capabilities.bank import CapBankWealth, CapBankTransferAddRecipient, AccountNotFound, RecipientNotFound from weboob.capabilities.base import find_object, NotAvailable, empty from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, TransferInvalidLabel from weboob.capabilities.profile import CapProfile from weboob.capabilities.bill import CapDocument, Subscription, Document, DocumentNotFound, SubscriptionNotFound from weboob.tools.backend import Module, BackendConfig from weboob.tools.value import ValueBackendPassword from .browser import AXABanque, AXAAssurance __all__ = ['AXABanqueModule'] class AXABanqueModule(Module, CapBankWealth, CapBankTransferAddRecipient, CapDocument, CapProfile): NAME = 'axabanque' MAINTAINER = u'Romain Bignon' EMAIL = 'romain@weboob.org' VERSION = '1.4' DESCRIPTION = u'AXA Banque' LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+' CONFIG = BackendConfig(ValueBackendPassword('login', label='Identifiant', masked=False), ValueBackendPassword('password', label='Code', regexp='\d+')) BROWSER = AXABanque def create_default_browser(self): login = self.config['login'].get() self.BROWSER = AXABanque if login.isdigit() else AXAAssurance return self.create_browser(login, self.config['password'].get(), weboob=self.weboob) def get_account(self, _id): return find_object(self.browser.iter_accounts(), id=_id, error=AccountNotFound) def iter_accounts(self): return self.browser.iter_accounts() def iter_investment(self, account): return self.browser.iter_investment(account) def iter_history(self, account): return self.browser.iter_history(account) def iter_coming(self, account): return self.browser.iter_coming(account) def iter_transfer_recipients(self, origin_account): if not isinstance(self.browser, AXABanque): raise NotImplementedError() if isinstance(origin_account, Account): origin_account = origin_account.id # Only 11 first character are required to iter recipient origin_account = origin_account[:11] return self.browser.iter_recipients(origin_account) def new_recipient(self, recipient, **params): recipient.label = recipient.label[:24].upper() return self.browser.new_recipient(recipient, **params) def init_transfer(self, transfer, **params): if not transfer.label: raise TransferInvalidLabel() self.logger.info('Going to do a new transfer') # origin account iban can be NotAvailable account = find_object(self.iter_accounts(), iban=transfer.account_iban) if not account: account = find_object(self.iter_accounts(), id=transfer.account_id, error=AccountNotFound) if transfer.recipient_iban: recipient = find_object(self.iter_transfer_recipients(account.id), iban=transfer.recipient_iban, error=RecipientNotFound) else: recipient = find_object(self.iter_transfer_recipients(account.id), id=transfer.recipient_id, error=RecipientNotFound) assert account.id.isdigit() # Only 11 first character are required to do transfer account.id = account.id[:11] return self.browser.init_transfer(account, recipient, transfer.amount, transfer.label, transfer.exec_date) def execute_transfer(self, transfer, **params): return self.browser.execute_transfer(transfer) def transfer_check_label(self, old, new): old = old.upper() return super(AXABanqueModule, self).transfer_check_label(old, new) def transfer_check_account_id(self, old, new): old = old[:11] return old == new def transfer_check_account_iban(self, old, new): # Skip origin account iban check and force origin account iban if empty(new) or empty(old): self.logger.warning( 'Origin account iban check (%s) is not possible because iban is currently not available', old, ) return True return old == new def iter_subscription(self): return self.browser.get_subscription_list() def get_subscription(self, _id): return find_object(self.iter_subscription(), id=_id, error=SubscriptionNotFound) def get_document(self, _id): subid = _id.rsplit('_', 1)[0] subscription = self.get_subscription(subid) return find_object(self.iter_documents(subscription), id=_id, error=DocumentNotFound) def iter_documents(self, subscription): if not isinstance(subscription, Subscription): subscription = self.get_subscription(subscription) return self.browser.iter_documents(subscription) def download_document(self, document): if not isinstance(document, Document): document = self.get_document(document) if document.url is NotAvailable: return return self.browser.download_document(document.url) def iter_resources(self, objs, split_path): if Account in objs: self._restrict_level(split_path) return self.iter_accounts() if Subscription in objs: self._restrict_level(split_path) return self.iter_subscription() def get_profile(self): return self.browser.get_profile()