# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Romain Bignon # # This file is part of weboob. # # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with weboob. If not, see . import sys import weboob from weboob.tools.application.repl import ReplApplication from weboob.tools.application.formatters.iformatter import IFormatter from weboob.capabilities.dating import ICapDating, OptimizationNotFound from weboob.capabilities.contact import Contact __all__ = ['HaveSex'] class ProfileFormatter(IFormatter): def flush(self): pass def print_node(self, node, level=1): result = u'' if node.flags & node.SECTION: result += u'\t' * level + node.label + '\n' for sub in node.value.itervalues(): result += self.print_node(sub, level+1) else: if isinstance(node.value, (tuple,list)): value = ', '.join(unicode(v) for v in node.value) else: value = node.value result += u'\t' * level + u'%-20s %s\n' % (node.label + ':', value) return result def format_dict(self, item): result = u'Nickname: %s\n' % item['name'] if item['status'] & Contact.STATUS_ONLINE: s = 'online' elif item['status'] & Contact.STATUS_OFFLINE: s = 'offline' elif item['status'] & Contact.STATUS_AWAY: s = 'away' else: s = 'unknown' result += u'Status: %s (%s)\n' % (s, item['status_msg']) result += u'Photos:\n' for name, photo in item['photos'].iteritems(): result += u'\t%s%s\n' % (photo, ' (hidden)' if photo.hidden else '') result += u'Profile:\n' for head in item['profile'].itervalues(): result += self.print_node(head) result += u'Description:\n' for s in item['summary'].split('\n'): result += u'\t%s\n' % s return result class HaveSex(ReplApplication): APPNAME = 'havesex' VERSION = '0.9.1' COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Romain Bignon' DESCRIPTION = 'Console application allowing to interact with various dating websites ' \ 'and to optimize seduction algorithmically.' STORAGE_FILENAME = 'dating.storage' STORAGE = {'optims': {}} CAPS = ICapDating EXTRA_FORMATTERS = {'profile': ProfileFormatter} COMMANDS_FORMATTERS = {'optim': 'table', 'profile': 'profile'} def load_default_backends(self): self.load_backends(ICapDating, storage=self.create_storage(self.STORAGE_FILENAME)) def main(self, argv): self.load_config() try: self.do('init_optimizations').wait() except weboob.core.CallErrors, e: self.bcall_errors_handler(e) optimizations = self.storage.get('optims') for optim, backends in optimizations.iteritems(): self.optims('start', backends, optim, store=False) return ReplApplication.main(self, argv) def do_profile(self, id): """ profile ID Display a profile """ _id, backend_name = self.parse_id(id, unique_backend=True) found = 0 for backend, contact in self.do('get_contact', _id, backends=backend_name): if contact: self.format(contact) found = 1 if not found: self.logger.error(u'Profile not found') else: self.flush() def do_query(self, id): """ query ID Send a query to someone. """ _id, backend_name = self.parse_id(id, unique_backend=True) for backend, query in self.do('send_query', _id, backends=backend_name): print '%s' % query.message def edit_optims(self, backend_names, optims_names, stop=False): if optims_names is None: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: missing parameters.' return 2 for optim_name in optims_names.split(): backends_optims = {} for backend, optim in self.do('get_optimization', optim_name, backends=backend_names): if optim: backends_optims[backend.name] = optim for backend_name, optim in backends_optims.iteritems(): if len(optim.CONFIG) == 0: print '%s.%s does not require configuration.' % (backend_name, optim_name) continue was_running = optim.is_running() if stop and was_running: print 'Stopping %s: %s' % (optim_name, backend_name) optim.stop() params = optim.get_config() if params is None: params = {} print 'Configuration of %s.%s' % (backend_name, optim_name) print '-----------------%s-%s' % ('-' * len(backend_name), '-' * len(optim_name)) for key, value in optim.CONFIG.iteritems(): params[key] = self.ask(value, default=params[key] if (key in params) else value.default) optim.set_config(params) if stop and was_running: print 'Starting %s: %s' % (optim_name, backend_name) optim.start() def optims(self, function, backend_names, optims, store=True): if optims is None: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: missing parameters.' return 2 for optim_name in optims.split(): try: if store: storage_optim = set(self.storage.get('optims', optim_name, default=[])) sys.stdout.write('%sing %s:' % (function.capitalize(), optim_name)) for backend, optim in self.do('get_optimization', optim_name, backends=backend_names): if optim: # It's useless to start a started optim, or to stop a stopped one. if (function == 'start' and optim.is_running()) or \ (function == 'stop' and not optim.is_running()): continue # Optim is not configured and would be, ask user to do it. if function == 'start' and len(optim.CONFIG) > 0 and optim.get_config() is None: self.edit_optims(backend.name, optim_name) ret = getattr(optim, function)() sys.stdout.write(' ' + backend.name) if not ret: sys.stdout.write('(failed)') sys.stdout.flush() if store: if function == 'start' and ret: storage_optim.add(backend.name) elif function == 'stop': try: storage_optim.remove(backend.name) except KeyError: pass sys.stdout.write('.\n') except weboob.core.CallErrors, errors: for backend, error, backtrace in errors: if isinstance(error, OptimizationNotFound): self.logger.error(u'Error(%s): Optimization "%s" not found' % (backend.name, optim_name)) else: self.bcall_error_handler(backend, error, backtrace) if store: if len(storage_optim) > 0: self.storage.set('optims', optim_name, list(storage_optim)) else: self.storage.delete('optims', optim_name) if store: self.storage.save() def complete_optim(self, text, line, *ignored): args = line.split(' ') if len(args) == 2: return ['list', 'start', 'stop', 'edit'] elif len(args) == 3: return [backend.name for backend in self.enabled_backends] elif len(args) >= 4: if args[2] == '*': backend = None else: backend = args[2] optims = set() for backend, (name, optim) in self.do('iter_optimizations', backends=backend): optims.add(name) return sorted(optims - set(args[3:])) def do_optim(self, line): """ optim [list | start | edit | stop] BACKEND [OPTIM1 [OPTIM2 ...]] All dating backends offer optimization services. This command can be manage them. Use * us BACKEND value to apply command to all backends. Commands: * list list all available optimizations of a backend * start start optimization services on a backend * edit configure an optimization service for a backend * stop stop optimization services on a backend """ cmd, backend_name, optims_names = self.parse_command_args(line, 3) if backend_name == '*': backend_name = None elif backend_name is not None and not backend_name in [b.name for b in self.enabled_backends]: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: No such backend "%s"' % backend_name return 1 if cmd == 'start': return self.optims('start', backend_name, optims_names) if cmd == 'stop': return self.optims('stop', backend_name, optims_names) if cmd == 'edit': self.edit_optims(backend_name, optims_names, stop=True) return if cmd == 'list' or cmd is None: if optims_names is not None: optims_names = optims_names.split() optims = {} backends = set() for backend, (name, optim) in self.do('iter_optimizations', backends=backend_name): if optims_names is not None and not name in optims_names: continue if optim.is_running(): status = 'RUNNING' else: status = '-------' if not name in optims: optims[name] = {backend.name: status} else: optims[name][backend.name] = status backends.add(backend.name) backends = sorted(backends) for name, backends_status in optims.iteritems(): line = [('name', name)] for b in backends: try: status = backends_status[b] except KeyError: status = '' line.append((b, status)) self.format(tuple(line)) self.flush() return print >>sys.stderr, "No such command '%s'" % cmd return 1