# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2016 Edouard Lambert # # This file is part of a weboob module. # # This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this weboob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals from functools import wraps import json import re from weboob.browser.browsers import APIBrowser from weboob.browser.exceptions import ClientError from weboob.browser.filters.standard import CleanDecimal, Date, Coalesce from weboob.browser.filters.html import ReplaceEntities from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword, ActionNeeded from weboob.capabilities.bank import Account, Transaction from weboob.capabilities.wealth import Investment from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable from weboob.tools.capabilities.bank.investments import is_isin_valid def need_login(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.users is None: self.do_login() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class YomoniBrowser(APIBrowser): BASEURL = 'https://yomoni.fr' def __init__(self, username, password, *args, **kwargs): super(YomoniBrowser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.username = username self.password = password self.users = None self.accounts = [] self.investments = {} self.histories = {} self.login_headers = {} self.request_headers = {} def build_request(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'data' in kwargs: kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(kwargs['data']) if 'headers' not in kwargs: kwargs['headers'] = {} kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.yomoni.v1+json; charset=UTF-8' return super(APIBrowser, self).build_request(*args, **kwargs) def do_login(self): headers_response = self.open('auth/init').headers self.login_headers['api_token'] = headers_response['API_TOKEN'] self.login_headers['csrf'] = headers_response['CSRF'] self.open('auth/login', method='OPTIONS') data = { 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, } try: response = self.open('auth/login', data=data, headers=self.login_headers) self.request_headers['api_token'] = response.headers['API_TOKEN'] self.request_headers['csrf'] = response.headers['CSRF'] self.users = response.json() except ClientError: raise BrowserIncorrectPassword() waiting_statuses = ( 'RETURN_CUSTOMER_SERVICE', 'SUBSCRIPTION_STEP_2', 'SUBSCRIPTION_STEP_3', 'SUBSCRIPTION_STEP_4', ) @need_login def iter_accounts(self): if self.accounts: for account in self.accounts: yield account return waiting = False for project in self.users['projects']: self.open('/user/%s/project/%s/' % (self.users['userId'], project['projectId']), method="OPTIONS") me = self.request('/user/%s/project/%s/' % (self.users['userId'], project['projectId']), headers=self.request_headers) waiting = (me['status'] in self.waiting_statuses) # Check project in progress if not me['numeroContrat'] or not me['dateAdhesion'] or not me['solde']: continue a = Account() a.id = "".join(me['numeroContrat'].split()) a.number = me['numeroContrat'] a.label = " ".join(me['supportEpargne'].split("_")) a.type = Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE if "assurance vie" in a.label.lower() else \ Account.TYPE_MARKET if "compte titre" in a.label.lower() else \ Account.TYPE_PEA if "pea" in a.label.lower() else \ Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN a.balance = CleanDecimal().filter(me['solde']) a.currency = u'EUR' # performanceEuro, montantEuro everywhere in Yomoni JSON a.iban = me['ibancompteTitre'] or NotAvailable a._project_id = project['projectId'] a.valuation_diff = CleanDecimal().filter(me['performanceEuro']) a._startbalance = me['montantDepart'] self.accounts.append(a) self.iter_investment(a, me['sousJacents']) yield a if not self.accounts and waiting: raise ActionNeeded("Le service client Yomoni est en attente d'un retour de votre part.") @need_login def iter_investment(self, account, invs=None): if account.id not in self.investments and invs is not None: self.investments[account.id] = [] for inv in invs: i = Investment() # If nothing is given to make the label, we use the ISIN instead # We let it crash if the ISIN is not available either. if all([inv['classification'], inv['description']]): i.label = "%s - %s" % (inv['classification'], inv['description']) else: i.label = Coalesce().filter(( inv['classification'], inv['description'], inv['isin'], )) i.code = inv['isin'] if not is_isin_valid(i.code): i.code = NotAvailable i.code_type = NotAvailable if u'Solde Espèces' in i.label: i.code = 'XX-liquidity' else: i.code_type = Investment.CODE_TYPE_ISIN i.quantity = CleanDecimal(default=NotAvailable).filter(inv['nombreParts']) i.unitprice = CleanDecimal(default=NotAvailable).filter(inv['prixMoyenAchat']) i.unitvalue = CleanDecimal(default=NotAvailable).filter(inv['valeurCotation']) i.valuation = CleanDecimal().filter(inv['montantEuro']) # For some invests the vdate returned is None # Consequently we set the default value at NotAvailable i.vdate = Date(default=NotAvailable).filter(inv['datePosition']) i.diff = CleanDecimal(default=NotAvailable).filter(inv['performanceEuro']) self.investments[account.id].append(i) return self.investments[account.id] @need_login def iter_history(self, account): if account.id not in self.histories: histories = [] self.open('/user/%s/project/%s/activity' % (self.users['userId'], account._project_id), method="OPTIONS") for activity in [acc for acc in self.request('/user/%s/project/%s/activity' % (self.users['userId'], account._project_id), headers=self.request_headers)['activities'] \ if acc['details'] is not None]: m = re.search( r'([\d\,]+)(?=[\s]+€|[\s]+euro)', ReplaceEntities().filter(activity['details']), flags=re.UNICODE, ) if "Souscription" not in activity['title'] and not m: continue t = Transaction() t.label = "%s - %s" % (" ".join(activity['type'].split("_")), activity['title']) t.date = Date().filter(activity['date']) t.type = Transaction.TYPE_BANK amount = account._startbalance if not m else "-%s" % m.group(1) if "FRAIS" in activity['type'] else m.group(1) t.amount = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(amount) histories.append(t) self.histories[account.id] = histories return self.histories[account.id]