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  1. Mar 16, 2019
  2. Feb 24, 2019
  3. Jan 13, 2019
  4. Nov 10, 2018
    • Fong NGO's avatar
      [creditcooperatif] allow multi type connections to work · a8755702
      Fong NGO authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
      The code was only dealing with single type connections ([EU]). I added
      an additional request that needs to be done when there are several
      connection types (on the website the user is asked to choose between
      espace particulier or espace pro for example).
      The patch also deals with the fact that the domain name is different for
      the first two requests of the login step.
      Closes: 6521@zendesk
  5. Oct 11, 2018
  6. Sep 16, 2018
  7. Jul 29, 2018
    • Célande Adrien's avatar
      [creditcooperatif] duplicate transactions · 87bf5559
      Célande Adrien authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
      Looking at the website, you can see that some transactions are duplicates.
      So it is normal to have some, since it is what is send.
      But sometimes, some requests send have the same transaction list, even if they had different parameters/data.
      So there are some more duplicates.
      It happens only for the card type transactions.
      They are compared to be sure they does not bring duplicates.
      It is pretty easy since their labels always have the same format: 'TOT DIF %MONTH%'.
      And the duplicates one have the same amount too.
      The rest is checked just to be sure.
      Closes: 6257@zendesk
  8. Jul 03, 2018
    • Célande Adrien's avatar
      [creditcooperatif] add nuser · 0b726d34
      Célande Adrien authored and hydrargyrum's avatar hydrargyrum committed
      Since caissedepargne has now a third identificator, nuser. It had been added to creditcooperatif.
      With a Switching Browser, the module can use the CenetBrowser.
      Several BASEURLs are handled because one is used for the login ans the other one for the rest of the navigation.
      So that the BASEURLs can be written in the code for another script.
      The migration script is the one made for caissedepargne to handle nuser.
      Closes: 5588@zendesk
      Closes: 5523@zendesk
      Closes: 5574@zendesk
      Closes: 5643@zendesk
      Closes: 5645@zendesk
      Closes: 4440@sibi
  9. Apr 15, 2018
  10. Mar 03, 2018
  11. Feb 04, 2018
  12. Aug 30, 2017
  13. Jun 24, 2017