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  1. Mar 16, 2019
    • Ludovic LANGE's avatar
      [creditdunordpee] rewrite using s2e, make it work with OTP / device fingerprinting · 59a1e634
      Ludovic LANGE authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
      Credit du Nord PEE has (now) an enhanced security feature,
      using a kind of 'fingerprinting' of the browser device which
      is used to detect if you changed device ; and will trigger
      the sending of a OTP to email or SMS for authorization of
      a new device.
      If you fill-in the proper OTP you received, it will allow
      this new device from now on.
      The current creditdunordpee does not handle this feature,
      and I was not able to add it easily.
      Instead, I found that this bank is using what looks like a
      shared platform with other banks - that is already supported
      by weboob (module : s2e for the shared code, and modules:
      bnppere, capeasi, erehsbc, esalia for the banks using it)
      Thus I rewrote the creditdunordpee module to use s2e shared
      code and have the authentication working.
      In addition to fixing authentication, the use of s2e module
      gives us a new capability (CapBankPockets). Morever, it seems
    • Romain Bignon's avatar
      change license of modules to LGPL · 24aed79d
      Romain Bignon authored
      All copyright holders have given their consent.
  2. Feb 24, 2019
  3. Sep 21, 2017
  4. Mar 11, 2017
  5. Jan 19, 2017
  6. Jun 17, 2016