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  1. Sep 09, 2020
  2. May 22, 2020
  3. May 07, 2020
  4. Apr 29, 2020
  5. Apr 27, 2020
  6. Apr 22, 2020
  7. Apr 08, 2020
  8. Mar 18, 2020
  9. Mar 15, 2020
  10. Mar 05, 2020
  11. Feb 12, 2020
  12. Feb 11, 2020
  13. Feb 10, 2020
    • hydrargyrum's avatar
    • hydrargyrum's avatar
      ReplApplication: set request_information if app is interactive · 0cdf724e
      hydrargyrum authored
      In a PSD2 law context, in order to avoid triggering 2FA SMS or app
      validation unexpectedly in a non-interactive sync, a mechanism was
      Modules will now receive a "request_information" key which can have a
      few values:
      - None if the module was started non-interactively, for example by a
      - {} (empty dict) if the module was started interactively, be in a
      user-shell, a graphical app or through an API daemon
      - a non-empty dict if the module was started interactively, within a
      PSD2 AIS context, to pass special HTTP headers authenticating the AIS,
      as required by the law
      A module can ignore this param if not needed.
      If it was started interactively, a module can safely raise
      BrowserQuestion/AppValidation and other exceptions like this, requiring
      user interaction to unblock weboob operation.
      If it was not started interactively, a module should refrain from
      visiting pages triggering 2FA challenges, as the user will not be able
      to respond them. In such a case, a module can raise
      NeedInteractiveFor2FA to stop operation before a 2FA challenge would be
      sent. An app can then leave a notification to the user telling them to
      operate interactively, as a challenge will pop.
      This might not be the best place to add this header though.
      load_backends cannot be used because we don't know about interactiveness
      _do_and_retry is not so bad because this is where 2FA challenges are
      handled anyway.
  14. Feb 09, 2020
  15. Jan 30, 2020
  16. Dec 18, 2019
  17. Dec 15, 2019
    • hydrargyrum's avatar remove qt5 stuff · e633093d
      hydrargyrum authored
    • hydrargyrum's avatar
      core: make some namespaceable for qt for splitting repository · 564ff4a5
      hydrargyrum authored
      In setuptools, it's not possible to have an optional dependency
      triggering what files are installed and how to build certain files, we
      have to make 2
      Unfortunately, having 2 files does possible in one repository.
      So, we have to split the repository in 2.
      After this point, the repository will fork. One repository will take only
      qt stuff, and the other repository will contain browser framework, cli apps
      and modules.
      Qt apps are under the weboob.applications package though.
      To have 2 pip packages shipping files in the same root
      package (weboob.*), the package must be namespaced. This can be achieved
      by tweaking all ancestor files.
  18. Dec 05, 2019
  19. Nov 30, 2019