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  1. Apr 30, 2021
    • hydrargyrum's avatar
      browser.filters: CleanText(newlines=False) shouldn't strip newlines · e98a0cdd
      hydrargyrum authored
      When calling directly filter(), newlines=False did work, but not when
      processing lxml tags:
      - CleanText.clean() did not properly receive newlines config when it
      should have
      - The spaces were stripped too early in CleanText.clean(), no need to
      strip at that point, they will be stripped a few lines after
  2. Apr 26, 2021
    • Damien's avatar
      filters/standard: Currency now manage EmptyType · 252eb0a3
      Damien authored and hydrargyrum's avatar hydrargyrum committed
      get_currency method assert by default that the text parameter is a
      string. Though, in such case :
      Currency(Dict(selector, default=None), default=NotAvailable)
      The Currency filter will crash because NotAvalaible object doesn't have an upper
    • Damien Mat Jedrzejewski's avatar
      [woob/browser/pages] multiple inheritance with AbstractPage · d5ea0f99
      Damien Mat Jedrzejewski authored and hydrargyrum's avatar hydrargyrum committed
      Use page pointed by AbstractPage, but also keep any other class declared with it.
      ex: SomePage(SomeMixin, SomeOtherPage, AbstractPage)
      This allows to use methods from other classes than the abstracted one.
      This conserves order of classes' declaration
      Plus add docstring for class AbstractPage.
      Plus do not allow AbstractPage that is inheriting from an other.
    • Fong NGO's avatar
      woob.exceptions: don't subclass BrowserUnavailable with ClientError · cd57899a
      Fong NGO authored and hydrargyrum's avatar hydrargyrum committed
      An 4XX error is most likely caused by a browsing error in the weboob module,
      not by a temporary unavailability of the server. This commit pushes the changes
      of 12736e1a32852bd16d33c59f8cc50d4ea1adf7ca further by considering all
      4XX responses as a bug (in addition to 404 errors). This change is expected
      to help bug monitoring by reducing the number of "fake" BrowserUnavailable
    • Martin Lavoie's avatar
      browser.selenium: Add --disable-gpu option for chrome driver · e74bf9b5
      Martin Lavoie authored and hydrargyrum's avatar hydrargyrum committed
      First try to prevent timeout when oppening the chrome driver
  3. Apr 23, 2021
    • hydrargyrum's avatar
      browser.filters.base: make @debug more lazy · 6303166c
      hydrargyrum authored
      The @debug decorator is put on many filters and computes a lot of stuff
      then verbosely logs it with a very low logging level (lower than DEBUG),
      that by default isn't displayed.
      Instead of computing so much stuff for nothing (logging level not low
      enough) in the general case, only do it if we know we need it.
      Also, it avoid having to skip a lot of useless code when running inside
      a debugger.
  4. Apr 11, 2021
  5. Apr 08, 2021
  6. Apr 05, 2021
  7. Apr 04, 2021
  8. Mar 06, 2021
  9. Feb 26, 2021
    • hydrargyrum's avatar
      woob: introduce package, importing weboob for now · 76f38060
      hydrargyrum authored
      After years of controversy around the project name and content because of
      poor-taste jokes, the project and its apps will be renamed and the
      offensive content be removed. We are sorry for the past offensive content
      and we apologize for any harm that has been caused by it.
      In the next release, everything will be in the woob namespace. In the
      meantime, we keep both packages, so apps can test the transition.
      This is the first step of many towards full renaming of the project.