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  1. Mar 14, 2012
  2. Mar 13, 2012
    • Romain Bignon's avatar
      remove unused imports · 1e000acf
      Romain Bignon authored
    • Romain Bignon's avatar
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Use the helper function in the new capability · 6ad93c7e
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      Revolutionary and magical.
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Prepare for objects that are also Collections · fae44701
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      Don't force objects to have an id, especially since that id was
      incorrect. "plap/plop" would have the same id as "plop", i.e. "plop".
      We don't rely on the id for handling Collections anymore.
      Change to use more unique property names.
      Change the display, instead of using '*', we use '~', and there is no
      "Collection" header anymore.
      Updated formatters could use that way of showing the object is also a
      collection too.
      refs #774
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Fix some collecton validation · 1430b40b
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      And add restrict_level helper method.
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Make collection validation more powerful · e70a125a
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      Handle and use exceptions.
      An example is provided with the redmine backend (not very useful
      though). If you cd into the project title instead of the id, it is
      accepted and the path is corrected.
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Friendlier paths in canalplus · 5578618b
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      Lowercase, replace some separators.
      This shows the point of having a path and a title!
      Also try to fix the title if it is all uppercase.
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Fix crash when entering unicode paths · c0121ae6
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      prompt must be str, not unicode, so we encode it
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Move all canalplus pages in one file · ec689b1e
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      There isn't enough code to justify multiple files.
      Also includes pep8 fixes.
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Better path changing support · b6021d47
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      * Create a get_collection method similar to get_* methods for objects.
      * Fix title initialization of a collection
      * Remove the hack were both id and title were allowed when CDing.
        That hack only worked with the canalplus module, and failed with
        others like redmine (but they still showed in suggestions).
        Moreover, the canalplus module now has friendlier IDs
        so this is not really needed anymore.
      * Allow backends to tell if a path is valid or not.
        For instance, it now allows to cd in a Redmine project with no issues
        in it. It also won't display "404" for invalid project IDs.
        By default, we still use the unreliable method of checking there is at
        least one result in iter_resources().
      * Fix cd completion to work with unicode strings (all strings after an
        unicode string were ignored!)
      * Do not suggest '..' when completing cd in the root
      refs #774
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Collections are now base objects · 1a5ece25
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      So no need for this check anymore.
      refs #774 and reverts a change of 9c5326c0
    • Laurent Bachelier's avatar
      Make Collection more safe and sane · b4b71829
      Laurent Bachelier authored
      * Remove callbacks in Collection object
        Make Collection a "dumb" object (and also a base object,
        though it isn't very useful for now)
      * Rename Path to WorkingPath, because it is more about managing state
        than being a single path.
      * Rewrite almost all WorkingPath, because the code was overly
        complicated for no reason (I tried some special cases and it turned
        out that fromstring didn't handle them, and that the
        quote-escape-unquote was just unecessary). I also rewrote it to be
        more pythonic (no more lambdas and maps) and added tests.
      * Require the full split path when creating a Collection. Because, come to
        think of it, an object needs an unique identifier; in the case of
        Collections, it is the full path, not only its last part.
        I might even replace the id by the full split path in the future.
      * There is now only one way to get items of a Collection: calling
      * Rewrite flatten_resources to iter_resources_flat(), which just calls
        iter_resources() recursively.
      * Rewrite the collection part of the canalplus module. There is no more
        callback or a page calling the browser to check another page!
        The logic is only in iter_resources().
        The resulting code is not very pretty, but it should get better.
        As a bonus, avoid to reload the main XML file when we already have it
      * change_path() now expects a split path and not a string.
      * up/home special cases for "cd" are handled in the same place, and
        store the previous place properly (but are not yet exploitable by
        an user command).
      This is a big commit but it would be hard to split it in *working*
      If you read this entire commit message, I will buy you a beer.
      refs #774
      fixes #773
    • Romain Bignon's avatar
      update AUTHORS · 1dd26e5f
      Romain Bignon authored
    • Florent's avatar
      Search bills on freemobile · c890fe26
      Florent authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    • Florent's avatar
      Add fonction to list bills to download · 74916218
      Florent authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    • Florent's avatar
      Add Bill object · 7c147cec
      Florent authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    • Florent's avatar
      Sort results by date (last call in first position) · c4d1cde5
      Florent authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    • Florent's avatar
      First implementation of boobill application · a8e01e7a
      Florent authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
      Only few functions are available
    • Florent's avatar
      Add history of calls on freemobile module · 5fac5421
      Florent authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed