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  • Quentin Defenouillere's avatar
    [barclays] Corrected iter_accounts to fetch IBANs · e04bc24f
    Quentin Defenouillere authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    The is_here() of the LoansPage was catching most other accounts pages,
    as a results, we never landed on AbstractAccountPage and therefore,
    has_iban() always returned False and we were not fetching the IBANs
    I changed the is_here so that every account fits with the right Page.
    From what I observed, only checking accounts have an IBAN so there is no
    need to go to every account's detail page during iter_accounts if we do not
    scrape anything on it.
    This modification significantly reduces the number of requests and the
    duration of iter_accounts().