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  • Quentin Defenouillere's avatar
    [banquepopulaire] Changed get_history return to prevent gocardless crash · 8611d045
    Quentin Defenouillere authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    The get_history method used a for loop a yielded transactions one by
    one, which led to a crash if the gocardless information filling did not
    work properly. I added a return in case we land on the ErrorPage.
    This patch fills the transaction list while filling the gocardless information
    for each gocardless transaction and eventually returns the transaction_list:
    this way, the transaction list is always properly returned without crash due
    to bugs in the set_gocardless_transaction_details() method.
    Closes: 5879@zendesk