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  • Quentin Defenouillere's avatar
    [ing] Fixed excessive requests to get transaction investment ISIN codes · 3c8f8705
    Quentin Defenouillere authored and Romain Bignon's avatar Romain Bignon committed
    The ING module was performing many requests for the transaction list
    since it was performing an Async to get the ISIN code for each investment of each
    transaction (up to 1400 requests for one account history of 151
    transactions). I implemented a dictionary to store the ISIN codes and go
    to the investment details page only once per investment, thus reducing
    the amount of requests to 241 for the same history.
    The outputs of "history 1" for the same life insurance are identical
    before and after this patch.
    Closes: 833427@redmine