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#!/bin/sh -u
. "$(dirname $0)/"
MODULE_FILES=$(git ls-files modules|grep '\.py$')
# Takes PYFILES from env, if empty use all git tracked files
: ${PYFILES:=}
if [ -z "${PYFILES}" ]; then
  PYFILES="$(git ls-files | grep '^scripts\|\.py$'|grep -v '^modules'|grep -v '^contrib'|grep -v cookiecutter)"
grep -n '[[:space:]]$' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: tabs or trailing whitespace found, remove them' && err=4
grep -Fn '.setlocale' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: do not use setlocale' && err=5
grep -n '__future__ import .*with_statement' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: with_statement useless as we do not support Python 2' && err=6
grep -n '__future__ import .*print_function' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: print_function useless as we do not support Python 2' && err=6
grep -n '__future__ import .*unicode_literals' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: unicode_literals useless as we do not support Python 2' && err=6
grep -n '__future__ import .*absolute_import' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: absolute_import useless as we do not support Python 2' && err=6
grep -n '__future__ import .*division' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: division useless as we do not support Python 2' && err=6
grep -nE '^[[:space:]]+except [[:alnum:] ]+,[[:alnum:] ]+' ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: use new "as" way of naming exceptions' && err=7
grep -nE "^ *print " ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: Use the print function' && err=8
grep -Fn ".has_key" ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: Deprecated, use operator "in"' && err=9
grep -Fn "os.isatty" ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: Use stream.isatty() instead of os.isatty(stream.fileno())' && err=10
grep -Fn "raise StopIteration" ${PYFILES} && echo 'Error: PEP 479' && err=11
grep -nE "\.iter(keys|values|items)\(\)" ${PYFILES} | grep -Fv "six.iter" && echo 'Error: iterkeys/itervalues/iteritems is forbidden' && err=12
grep -nE "^ *print(\(| )" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo 'Error: Use of print in modules is forbidden, use logger instead' && err=20
grep -n xrange ${MODULE_FILES} && echo 'Error: xrange is forbidden' && err=21
grep -nE "from (urllib|urlparse) import" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo 'Error: python2 urllib is forbidden' && err=22
grep -nE "^import (urllib|urlparse)$" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo 'Error: python2 urllib is forbidden' && err=22
grep -nE "HEADLESS[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*False" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo 'Error: HEADLESS must be set back to True' && err=23
grep -nE "^[ ]*from weboob" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo "Error: obsolete 'weboob' import (use 'woob' instead)" && err=24
grep -nE "^[ ]*import weboob" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo "Error: obsolete 'weboob' import (use 'woob' instead)" && err=24
grep -nE "^from modules.*" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo "Error: wrong 'from modules' import syntax" && err=25

# XXX this kind of warning may be replaced with DeprecationWarnings
grep -nE "^from woob.capabilities.wealth.*" ${MODULE_FILES} && echo "Error: obsolete '' import" && err=26
if ${PYTHON} -c "import flake8" 2>/dev/null; then
elif ${PYTHON} -c "import pyflakes" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "flake8 or pyflakes for python3 not found"
if [ ${err} -ne 1 ]; then
  $PYTHON -m ${FLAKER} ${OPT} ${PYFILES} || exit 33