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# Copyright(C) 2016      James GALT
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# flake8: compatible
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# This file is part of a woob module.
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# This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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# This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# along with this woob module. If not, see <>.
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from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
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from woob.browser.elements import ItemElement, method, DictElement
from woob.browser.filters.standard import (
    CleanDecimal, Date, Field, CleanText,
    Env, Eval, Map, Regexp, Title, Format,
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from woob.browser.filters.html import Attr, Link
from woob.browser.filters.json import Dict
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from woob.browser.pages import LoggedPage, JsonPage, HTMLPage, RawPage
from import (
    Account, Transaction, AccountOwnerType, NoAccountsException,
from import Investment, Pocket
from woob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, empty
from import IsinCode, IsinType
from .es_virtkeyboard_page import ESAmundiVirtKeyboard

def percent_to_ratio(value):
    if empty(value):
        return NotAvailable
    return value / 100

class LoginPage(JsonPage):
    VK_CLASS = ESAmundiVirtKeyboard

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    def get_mfa_id(self):
        return Dict('jti')(self.doc)

    def get_current_domain(self):
        return Dict('domain')(self.doc)

    def get_token(self):
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        return Dict('token', default=None)(self.doc)
    def get_keyboard(self):
        """ESAmundi keyboard"""
        return {
            'id': Dict('id')(self.doc),
            'base64': Dict('image')(self.doc),

    def create_vk_password(self, password, keyboard):
        """ESAmundi keyboard"""
        vk = self.VK_CLASS(self.browser, keyboard['base64'])
        password_positions = vk.get_string_code(password)
        return password_positions
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class MFAStatusPage(RawPage):
    def build_doc(self, content):
        if content.decode():
            return JsonPage.build_doc(self, content)
        return {}

    def get_token(self):
        return Dict('token', default=None)(self.doc)

    def get_current_domain(self):
        return Dict('domain')(self.doc)

class ConfigPage(JsonPage):
    def get_captcha_key(self):
        """ESAmundi Captcha"""
        return Dict('recaptchaPublicKey')(self.doc)

class AuthenticateFailsPage(JsonPage):

    'PEE': Account.TYPE_PEE,
    'PEG': Account.TYPE_PEE,
    'PEI': Account.TYPE_PEE,
    'HES': Account.TYPE_PEE,
    'PERCO': Account.TYPE_PERCO,
    'PERCOI': Account.TYPE_PERCO,
    'PER': Account.TYPE_PER,
    'ART 83': Account.TYPE_ARTICLE_83,
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class AccountItemElement(ItemElement):
    klass = Account

    obj_id = CleanText(Dict('codeDispositif'))
    obj_balance = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('mtBrut'))
    obj_currency = 'EUR'
    obj_type = Map(Dict('typeDispositif'), ACCOUNT_TYPES, Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE)
    obj_owner_type = AccountOwnerType.PRIVATE
    obj__is_master = Dict('flagDispositifMaitre', default=None)
    obj__master_id = Dict('idDispositifMaitre', default=None)
    obj__id_dispositif = CleanText(Dict('idDispositif'))
    obj__code_dispositif_lie = Dict('codeDispositifLie', default=None)
    obj__linked_accounts = []

    def obj__sub_accounts(self):
        if Field('_is_master')(self):
            return []
        return None

    def obj_number(self):
        # just the id is a kind of company id so it can be unique on a backend but not unique on multiple backends
        return Format('%s_%s', Field('id'), Env('username'))(self)

    def obj_label(self):
        # In case of a Article 83, the label is not libelleDispositif but libelleContrat
        # But it is not always present, so we check it before returning it
        # If it is not present, we return the libelleDispositif
        if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_ARTICLE_83:
            contract_label = Dict('libelleContrat', default=None)(self)
            if contract_label:
                return contract_label
        label = Dict('libelleDispositif')(self)
        for encoding in ('iso-8859-2', 'latin1'):
                label = label.encode(encoding).decode('utf8')
            except UnicodeError:
        return label

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class InvestDictElement(DictElement):
    def find_elements(self):
        for invests in Dict('listPositionsSalarieDispositifsDto')(self):
            if invests.get('codeDispositif') == Env('account_id')(self):
                return invests.get('positionsSalarieFondsDto')
        return {}

class InvestItemElement(ItemElement):
    klass = Investment

    def condition(self):
        # Some additional invests are present in the JSON but are not
        # displayed on the website, besides they have no valuation,
        # so we check the 'valuation' key before parsing them
        return Dict('mtBrut', default=None)(self)

    obj_label = Dict('libelleFonds')
    obj_unitvalue = CleanDecimal.SI((Dict('vl')))
    obj_vdate = Date(Dict('dtVl'))
    obj__details_url = Dict('urlFicheFonds', default=None)
    obj_code = IsinCode(Dict('codeIsin', default=NotAvailable), default=NotAvailable)
    obj_code_type = IsinType(Dict('codeIsin', default=NotAvailable))

    def obj_diff(self):
        diff = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('mtPMV', default=None), default=NotAvailable)(self)
        # Some invests have no diff value but the website fills the json field with the valuation.
        if diff == Field('valuation')(self):
            return NotAvailable
        return diff

    def obj_portfolio_share(self):
        portfolio_share_percent = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('pourcentageSupport', default=None), default=None)(self)
        if portfolio_share_percent is None:
            return NotAvailable
        return portfolio_share_percent / 100

    def obj_srri(self):
        srri = Dict('SRRI', default=None)(self)
        # When the srri is not available, the website can either display '0 - Non disponible' or not have a
        # 'SRRI' key at all
        if srri is None or srri.startswith('0'):
            return NotAvailable
        return int(srri)

    def obj_performance_history(self):
        # The Amundi JSON only contains 1 year and 5 years performances.
        # It seems that when a value is unavailable, they display '0.0' instead...
        perfs = {}
        if Dict('performanceDtoList/0/valeur', default=None)(self) not in (0.0, None):
            perfs[1] = Eval(
                lambda x: round(x / 100, 4),
        if Dict('performanceDtoList/1/valeur', default=None)(self) not in (0.0, None):
            perfs[5] = Eval(
                lambda x: round(x / 100, 4),
        return perfs

    # Fetch pockets for each investment:
    class obj__pockets(DictElement):
        item_xpath = 'positionSalarieFondsEchDto'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Pocket

            def condition(self):
                return Field('quantity')(self)

            obj_condition = Env('condition')
            obj_availability_date = Env('availability_date')
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('mtBrut'))
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('nbParts'))

            def parse(self, obj):
                availability_date = datetime.strptime(obj['dtEcheance'].split('T')[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
                if Env('account_type')(self) in (Account.TYPE_PERCO, Account.TYPE_PER):
                    if availability_date == datetime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0):
                        availability_date = NotAvailable
                    self.env['availability_date'] = availability_date
                    self.env['condition'] = Pocket.CONDITION_RETIREMENT
                elif availability_date == datetime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0):
                    self.env['availability_date'] = NotAvailable
                    self.env['condition'] = Pocket.CONDITION_UNKNOWN
                elif availability_date <=
                    # In the past, already available
                    self.env['availability_date'] = availability_date
                    self.env['condition'] = Pocket.CONDITION_AVAILABLE
                    self.env['availability_date'] = availability_date
                    self.env['condition'] = Pocket.CONDITION_DATE

class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
        json_list = Dict('listPositionsSalarieDispositifsDto')(self.doc)
        if json_list:
            return json_list[0].get('nomEntreprise', NotAvailable)
        return NotAvailable

    class iter_accounts(DictElement):
        def parse(self, el):
            if not el.get('count', 42):
                raise NoAccountsException()

        item_xpath = "listPositionsSalarieDispositifsDto"
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        class item(AccountItemElement):
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    class iter_investments(InvestDictElement):
        class item(InvestItemElement):
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('mtBrut'))
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('nbParts'))
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class AccountHistoryPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
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    class iter_history(DictElement):
        item_xpath = 'operationsIndividuelles'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            def condition(self):
                # We ignore transactions without the status 'Comptabilisé' and
                # transactions related to 'Arbitrage'.
                if (
                    CleanText(Dict('statut'))(self) != 'CPTA'
                    or 'Arbitrage' in Field('label')(self)
                    return False

                account = Env('account')(self)
                instructions = Dict('instructions')(self)

                if instructions:
                    for ins in instructions:
                        code = CleanText(Dict('codeDispositif', default=''))(ins)

                        if (
                            CleanText(Dict('type'))(ins) != 'ARB'
                            and CleanText(Dict('statut'))(ins) == 'CPTA'
                            and (code == or code in account._linked_accounts)
                            return True

                return False

            obj_id = CleanText(Dict('idOpeInd'))
            # Some transactions have no label
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            obj_label = Coalesce(
                CleanText(Dict('libelleOperation', default='')),
                CleanText(Dict('libelleCommunication', default='')),
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            def obj_amount(self):
                total_amount = 0

                for ins in Dict('instructions')(self):
                    if CleanText(Dict('statut'))(ins) == 'ANNULE' or CleanText(Dict('type'))(ins) == 'ARB':

                    amount = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('montantNet', default=None), default=NotAvailable)(ins)

                    if not empty(amount):
                        if CleanText(Dict('type'))(ins) == 'RACH_TIT':
                            total_amount -= amount
                            total_amount += amount

                return Decimal.quantize(

            obj_date = obj_rdate = Date(CleanText(Dict('dateComptabilisation')))

class AmundiInvestmentsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_tab_url(self, tab_id):
        return Format(
                CleanText('//script[contains(text(), "Product.init")]'),
    def get_details_url(self):
        return self.get_tab_url(5)

    def get_performance_url(self):
        return self.get_tab_url(2)

class EEInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_recommended_period(self):
        return Title(
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            '//label[contains(text(), "Durée minimum de placement")]/following-sibling::span',

    def get_details_url(self):
        return Attr('//a[contains(text(), "Caractéristiques")]', 'data-href', default=None)(self.doc)

    def get_performance_url(self):
        return Attr('//a[contains(text(), "Performances")]', 'data-href', default=None)(self.doc)

class InvestmentPerformancePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    Note: this class is used to parse a pop-up that contains
    investment details for the regular Amundi website,
    as well as the SG Gestion and the CPR spaces.
    def get_performance_history(self):
        # The positions of the columns depend on the age of the investment fund.
        # For example, if the fund is younger than 5 years, there will be not '5 ans' column.
        durations = [CleanText('.')(el) for el in self.doc.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "fpPerfglissanteclassique")]//th')]
        values = [CleanText('.')(el) for el in self.doc.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "fpPerfglissanteclassique")]//tr[td[text()="Fonds"]]//td')]
        matches = dict(zip(durations, values))
        # We do not fill the performance dictionary if no performance is available,
        # otherwise it will overwrite the data obtained from the JSON with empty values.
        for k, v in {1: '1 an', 3: '3 ans', 5: '5 ans'}.items():
            if matches.get(v):
                perfs[k] = percent_to_ratio(CleanDecimal.French(default=NotAvailable).filter(matches[v]))

class SGGestionPerformancePage(InvestmentPerformancePage):

class CprPerformancePage(InvestmentPerformancePage):

class InvestmentDetailPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_recommended_period(self):
        return Title(
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            '//label[contains(text(), "Durée minimum de placement")]/following-sibling::span',
    def get_asset_category(self):
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        return CleanText(
            '(//label[contains(text(), "Classe d\'actifs")])[1]/following-sibling::span',

class EEProductInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
        obj_asset_category = CleanText('//span[contains(text(), "Classe")]/following-sibling::span[@class="valeur"][1]')
        obj_recommended_period = CleanText('//span[contains(text(), "Durée minimum")]/following-sibling::span[@class="valeur"][1]')

class AllianzInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_asset_category(self):
        # The format may be a very short description, or be
        # included between quotation marks within a paragraph
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        asset_category = CleanText(
            '//div[contains(@class, "fund-summary")]//h3/following-sibling::div',
        m ='« (.*) »', asset_category)
        if m:
        return asset_category

class EresInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
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        obj_asset_category = CleanText(
            '//li[span[contains(text(), "Classification")]]',
        obj_recommended_period = CleanText(
            '//li[span[contains(text(), "Durée")]]',

        def obj_performance_history(self):
            perfs = {}
            if CleanDecimal.French('(//tr[th[text()="1 an"]]/td[1])[1]', default=None)(self):
                perfs[1] = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, CleanDecimal.French('(//tr[th[text()="1 an"]]/td[1])[1]'))(self)
            if CleanDecimal.French('(//tr[th[text()="3 ans"]]/td[1])[1]', default=None)(self):
                perfs[3] = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, CleanDecimal.French('(//tr[th[text()="3 ans"]]/td[1])[1]'))(self)
            if CleanDecimal.French('(//tr[th[text()="5 ans"]]/td[1])[1]', default=None)(self):
                perfs[5] = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, CleanDecimal.French('(//tr[th[text()="5 ans"]]/td[1])[1]'))(self)
            return perfs

class CprInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
        # Text headers can be in French or in English
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        obj_asset_category = Title(
            '//div[contains(text(), "Classe d\'actifs") or contains(text(), "Asset class")]//strong',
        obj_recommended_period = Title(
            '//div[contains(text(), "Durée recommandée") or contains(text(), "Recommended duration")]//strong',
        def obj_srri(self):
            srri = CleanText('//span[@class="active"]')(self)
            # 'srri' can sometimes be an empty string, so we keep
            # the value scraped on the Amundi website
            return srri or self.obj.srri

    def get_performance_url(self):
        js_script = CleanText('//script[@language="javascript"]')(self.doc)  # beurk
        # Extract performance URL from a string such as 'Product.init(false,"/particuliers..."'
        m ='(/particuliers[^\"]+)', js_script)
        if m:
            return '' +

class BNPInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_fund_id(self):
        return Regexp(
            CleanText('//script[contains(text(), "GLB_ProductId")]'),
            r'GLB_ProductId = "(\w+)',

class BNPInvestmentApiPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
        obj_asset_category = Dict('Classification', default=NotAvailable)
        obj_recommended_period = Dict('DureePlacement', default=NotAvailable)

class AxaInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_redirection_params(self):
        params = {}
        params['groupId'] = Regexp(CleanText('//script'), r'getScopeGroupId.*?return \'(\d+)\';')(self.doc)
        params['companyId'] = Regexp(CleanText('//script'), r'getCompanyId.*?return \'(\d+)\';')(self.doc)
        return params

    def get_asset_category(self):
        return Title(CleanText('//th[contains(text(), "Classe")]/following-sibling::td'))(self.doc)

class AxaInvestmentApiPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    def get_api_fund_id(self):
        return Dict('fundData/DALI_PRODUCT_SHARE_ID')(self.doc)

    class get_asset_category(ItemElement):
        obj_asset_category = CleanText(Dict('fundData/ASSET_CLASS', default=None), default=NotAvailable)

    class fill_investment(ItemElement):

        def obj_performance_history(self):
            perfs = {}
            perfs[1] = CleanDecimal.French(Dict('rowsData/portfolio/1y'), default=NotAvailable)(self)
            perfs[3] = CleanDecimal.French(Dict('rowsData/portfolio/3y'), default=NotAvailable)(self)
            perfs[5] = CleanDecimal.French(Dict('rowsData/portfolio/5y'), default=NotAvailable)(self)

            for y, p in perfs.items():
                if not empty(p):
                    perfs[y] = p / 100
            return perfs

class EpsensInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
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        obj_asset_category = CleanText(
            '//div[div[span[contains(text(), "Classification")]]]/div[2]/span',
        obj_recommended_period = CleanText(
            '//div[div[span[contains(text(), "Durée de placement")]]]/div[2]/span',

class EcofiInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
        # Recommended period is actually an image so we extract the
        # information from its URL such as '/Horizon/Horizon_5_ans.png'
        obj_recommended_period = Regexp(
            CleanText(Attr('//img[contains(@src, "/Horizon/")]', 'src', default=NotAvailable), replace=[(u'_', ' ')]),
            r'\/Horizon (.*)\.png'
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        obj_asset_category = CleanText(
            '//div[contains(text(), "Classification")]/following-sibling::div[1]',

class SGGestionInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class fill_investment(ItemElement):
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        obj_asset_category = CleanText(
            '//label[contains(text(), "Classe d\'actifs")]/following-sibling::span',
        obj_recommended_period = CleanText(
            '//label[contains(text(), "Durée minimum")]/following-sibling::span',

    def get_performance_url(self):
        return Attr('(//li[@role="presentation"])[1]//a', 'data-href', default=None)(self.doc)

class OlisnetInvestmentPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_graph_id(self):
        return Regexp(Link('//span[@id="linkDownload"]/a'), r'cs=(\w+)')(self.doc)

    def get_performance(self):
        perf = CleanDecimal.SI(
            Regexp(CleanText('.'), r'Portefeuille : (-?\d+\.?\d*?)%', default=NotAvailable),

        if empty(perf):
            return NotAvailable
        return perf / 100

class ESAccountsPage(AccountsPage):
    def build_doc(self, content):
        # Rebuild json to match with the json of the other amundi subsites
        content = JsonPage.build_doc(self, content)['listPositionsSalarieFondsDto']
        return {'listPositionsSalarieDispositifsDto': content[0]['positionsSalarieDispositifDto']}

    class iter_accounts(DictElement):
        item_xpath = 'listPositionsSalarieDispositifsDto'

        class item(AccountItemElement):
            obj_balance = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('mtBrut'))

    class iter_investments(InvestDictElement):
        class item(InvestItemElement):
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('mtBrut'))
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('nbParts'))