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nettokom-munin 4.96 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME

nettokom - A plugin to monitor a nettokom subscription


Create a link to this script in /etc/munin/plugins/ :
$ ln -s /path/to/nettokom-munin /etc/munin/plugins/nettokom


You need to configure the plugin like that:

    user florent
    env.HOME /home/florent
    env.monitored 0177-XXXXXXXX
    env.exclude 02
    env.cache_expire 10800
    timeout 30

C<user> I<required>: user with nettokom backend configured

C<env.HOME> I<required>: path to user home

C<env.monitored> I<required>: phone number to generated the weboob ID

C<env.exclude> (optional): default nothing
We can exclude some boobill output. The filter is on the label.
Some examples:
 * festnetz community sms smsinsausland O2

C<env.cache_expire 10800> (optional): cache interval in second, or time
between two connection to the website. The cache interval is 3 hours by default.
Be aware that the website is only daily updated

C<timeout 30> (optional): Munin internal option. The plugin can be slow,
30s is recommended.

=head1 LICENSE

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use encoding 'iso-8859-1';    # Munin doesn't like utf-8 :-(
use Encode;

my $id = $ENV{'monitored'} || '';
if ($id eq '') {
     print STDERR "Error: env.monitored not exist \n";
     exit 2;
$id = $id . '@nettokom';

my @exclude = split / /, $ENV{'exclude'} || '';
my $cachedir  = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.config/weboob/munin/';
my $cachefile = "$cachedir/nettokom-munin";
my $cacheconfigfile = "$cachedir/nettokom-munin-config";

my $refreshtime = $ENV{'cache_expire'} || 10800;
my $weboob = "/usr/bin/env boobill details $id -f table";
my @knowlabels = ("AbgehendeSMSimAusland", "AnkommendeGespr_cheimAusland",
                  "Community", "D1", "D2", "Deutschland", "Festnetz",
                  "FreeCall", "Mailbox", "O2", "SMS", "SMSinsAusland");

my $cache_fh;

sub config {
    execute($cacheconfigfile, 1);

sub fetch {

sub doubleprint {
    my $var = shift;
    print {$cache_fh} $var;
    print $var;
    return 0;

sub printconfig {
    my @lines = @_;

    doubleprint <<'EOF';
graph_title Conso Nettokom
graph_vlabel Nettokom Verbindungs
graph_category weboob
graph_args -l 0

    my $first = 1;
    for my $label (@knowlabels) {
        my $shortlabel = $label;
        if (!(grep {$_ == $shortlabel} @exclude)) {
            doubleprint "$shortlabel.label $label\n";
            if ($first > 0) {
                doubleprint "$shortlabel.draw AREA\n";
                $first = 0;
            else {
                doubleprint "$shortlabel.draw STACK\n";
    for my $line (@lines) {
        if ($line =~ /nettokom \| (.*) \| (\d)(.*) \| (\d).(\d)/) {
            my $label = $1;
            my $shortlabel = $label;
            $shortlabel =~ s/\s+//g;
            if (!(grep {$_ == $shortlabel} @exclude)) {
                if (!(grep {$_ == $shortlabel} @knowlabels)) {
                    doubleprint "$shortlabel.label $label\n";
                    doubleprint "$shortlabel.draw STACK\n";

sub printvalue {
    my @lines = @_;
    for my $line (@lines) {
        if ($line =~ /nettokom \| (.*) \| (\d)(.*) \| (\d).(\d)/) {
            my $label = $1;
            my $value = $2;
            my $shortlabel = $label;
            $shortlabel =~ s/\s+//g;
            if (!(grep {$_ == $shortlabel} @exclude)) {
                doubleprint "$shortlabel.value $value\n";

sub execute {
    my @cache_data;
    my $cachefile = $_[0];
    my $doconfig = $_[1];
    # Check if cache exist and not older than the refresh threshold.
    if ( open $cache_fh, '<', $cachefile ) {
        @cache_data = <$cache_fh>;
        close $cache_fh or croak "unable to close: $ERRNO";

        # File not empty?
        if ( @cache_data > 0 ) {

            # Data is still fresh. Display cached values and exit.
            if ( time - $cache_data[0] < $refreshtime ) {
                print join q{}, @cache_data[ 1 .. $#cache_data ];
                exit 0;
    # execute weboob
    open my $data, q(-|), $weboob or croak "Couldn't execute program: $ERRNO";
    my @lines = <$data>;
    close $data or carp "unable to close: $ERRNO";
    # If error output, print the cache (if exist) and exit
    if ( @lines == 0 ) {
        if ( @cache_data > 0 ) {
            print join q{}, @cache_data[ 1 .. $#cache_data ];
            exit 0;
        exit 1;

    # Open cache for writing
    open $cache_fh, '>', $cachefile
      or croak "Failed to open file $cachefile";
    print {$cache_fh} time . "\n";

    if ($doconfig) {
    else {

# Create the munin cache dir if missing
if ( !-d $cachedir ) {
    mkdir $cachedir;

if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) {
else {
