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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2013      Laurent Bachelier
# This file is part of a weboob module.
# This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this weboob module. If not, see <>.
from ast import literal_eval
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN
from import unicode, unquote
from import Account
from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserUnavailable, ActionNeeded
from weboob.browser.exceptions import ServerError
from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, JsonPage, LoggedPage
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import CleanText, CleanDecimal
from import FrenchTransaction
from import parse_french_date
from import Javascript
class LandingPage(HTMLPage):

class OldWebsitePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
class InfoPage(HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        raise ActionNeeded(CleanText('//h1[@class="falconHeaderText"]')(self.doc))

class PromoPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        # We land sometimes on this page, it's better to raise an unavailable browser
        # than an Incorrect Password
        raise BrowserUnavailable('Promo Page')

class LoginPage(HTMLPage):
    def get_token_and_csrf(self, code):
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Frandeboeuf Nicolas committed
        # Paypal will try to create an infinite loop to make the parse fail, based on different
        # weird things like a check of 'ind\\u0435xOf' vs 'indexOf'.
        cleaner_code = code.replace(r"'ind\\u0435xOf'", "'indexOf'")
Frandeboeuf Nicolas's avatar
Frandeboeuf Nicolas committed
        # It also calls "data" which is undefined instead of a return (next call is an infinite
        # recursive function). This should theorically not happen if window.domain is correctly set
        # to "" though.
        cleaner_code = cleaner_code.replace("data;", "return;")

        # Remove setCookie function content
        cleaner_code = re.sub(r"'setCookie'.*(?=,'removeCookie')", "'setCookie':function(){}", cleaner_code)

        # Paypal will try to send a XHR, let's use a fake method to catch the values sent
        cleaner_code = """
        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(body)
            window.PAYPAL_TOKENS = body;
        function GET_JS_TOKENS()
            return window.PAYPAL_TOKENS || "INVALID_TOKENS";

        """ + cleaner_code
            raw = str(Javascript(cleaner_code, None, "").call("GET_JS_TOKENS"))
            raw = raw.split("&")
            tokens = {}
            for r in raw:
                r = r.split("=")
                k = r[0]
                v = unquote(r[1])

                if k not in ["ads_token_js", "_sessionID", "_csrf"]:
                    tokens["key"] = k
                    tokens["value"] = v
                    tokens[k] = v

            token = tokens["ads_token_js"]
            sessionID = tokens["_sessionID"]
            csrf = tokens["_csrf"]
            key = tokens["key"]
            value = tokens["value"]
            raise BrowserUnavailable("Could not grab tokens")

        # Clean string obfuscation like: '\x70\x61\x79\x70\x61\x6c\x20\x73\x75\x63\x6b\x73'
        def basic_decoder(mtc):
            return repr(literal_eval('utf-8'))
        cleaner_code = re.sub(r"'.*?(?<!\\)'", basic_decoder, code)

        cookie ='xppcts = (\w+);', cleaner_code).group(1)
        return token, csrf, key, value, sessionID, cookie
    def login(self, login, password, ):
        form = self.get_form(name='login')
        form['login_email'] = login
        form['login_password'] = password
        form['splitLoginContext'] = 'inputPassword'
        form['splitLoginCookiedFallback'] = True
        return form.submit(headers={'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'})

    def get_script_url(self):
        body = self.doc.xpath('//body')[0]
        if 'data-ads-challenge-url' in body.attrib:
            return '' % body.attrib['data-ads-challenge-url']

        # Paypal still use old method sometimes
        list1 = self.doc.xpath('//script')
        for s in list1:
            if 'src' in s.attrib and 'challenge' in s.attrib['src']:
                return s.attrib['src']

class ErrorPage(HTMLPage):
class UselessPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
class HomePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def detect_account_type(self):
        if self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "businessexp")] | //script[contains(text(), "business")]'):
            self.browser.account_type = "pro"
        elif self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "myaccount")]'):
            self.browser.account_type = "perso"
class AccountPage(HomePage):
    def get_account(self, _id):
        return self.get_accounts().get(_id)
    def get_accounts(self):
        accounts = {}
        content = self.doc.xpath('//section[@id="contents"]')[0]
        # Multiple accounts
        lines = content.xpath('.//ul[@class="multiCurrency-container"][1]/li')
        for li in lines:
            account = Account()
            account.iban = NotAvailable
            account.type = Account.TYPE_CHECKING
            currency = CleanText().filter(li.xpath('.//span[contains(@class, "multiCurrency-label_alignMiddle")]')[0])
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Baptiste Delpey committed
   = currency
            account.currency = currency
            account.balance = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(li.xpath('.//span[contains(@class, "multiCurrency-label_right")]/text()')[0])
            account.label = u'%s %s*' % (self.browser.username, account.currency)
            accounts[] = account

        if not accounts:
        # Primary currency account
            primary_account = Account()
            primary_account.iban = NotAvailable
            primary_account.type = Account.TYPE_CHECKING
                balance = CleanText('.')(content.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "col-md-6")][contains(@class, "available")]')[0])
            except IndexError:
       = 'EUR'
                primary_account.currency = u'EUR'
                primary_account.balance = NotAvailable
                primary_account.label = u'%s' % (self.browser.username)
                primary_account.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
       = unicode(primary_account.currency)
                primary_account.balance = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(balance))
                primary_account.label = u'%s %s*' % (self.browser.username, primary_account.currency)
            accounts[] = primary_account
        return accounts
class HistoryPage(LoggedPage):
    def iter_transactions(self, account):
        for trans in self.parse(account):
    def parse(self, account):
        transactions = list()
        transacs = self.get_transactions()

        for t in transacs:
            for trans in self.parse_transaction(t, account):
        for t in transactions:
            yield t
    def format_amount(self, amount, is_credit):
        This function takes a textual amount to convert it to Decimal.

        It tries to guess what is the decimal separator (, or .).
        if not isinstance(amount, Decimal):
            m ="\D", amount.strip(u'').strip(u'\xa0')[::-1])
            amount = Decimal(re.sub(r'[^\d]', '', amount))/Decimal((10 ** m.start())) if m else Decimal(amount)
        if is_credit:
            return abs(amount)
            return -abs(amount)

class ProHistoryPage(HistoryPage, JsonPage):
    def transaction_left(self):
        return 'transactions' in self.doc['data'] and self.doc['data']['transactions']
    def get_next_page_token(self):
        if 'nextpageurl' in self.doc['data']:
            return self.doc['data']['nextpageurl']
        return None

    def get_transactions(self):
        return self.doc['data']['transactions']

    def parse_transaction(self, transaction, account):
        # Add secondary transactions on label condition.
        for t in transaction['secondaryTransactions']:
            if t['transactionDescription']['description'] == u'Virement à partir de':
                trans.extend(self.parse_transaction(t, account))
        if 'transactionStatus' in transaction and transaction['transactionStatus'] in [u'Créé',
                                                                                       u'Mis à jour',
                                                                                       u'Actif', u'Payé',
                                                                                       u'En attente',
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            return []
        for pattern in [u'Commande à', u'Offre de remboursement', u'Bill to']:
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            if 'description' not in transaction['transactionDescription'] or transaction['transactionDescription']['description'].startswith(pattern):
        t = FrenchTransaction(transaction['transactionId'])
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Baptiste Delpey committed
        # Those are not really transactions.
        if 'grossAmount' not in transaction or not 'currency' in transaction['grossAmount'] \
                or transaction['transactionDescription']['description'].startswith("Conversion de devise"):
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            return []
        original_currency = unicode(transaction['grossAmount']['currency'])
        if not original_currency == account.currency:
            if original_currency in self.browser.account_currencies:
                return []
            cc = [tr['grossAmount']['amountUnformatted'] for tr in transaction['secondaryTransactions'] \
                 if account.currency == tr['grossAmount']['currency'] \
                  and (int(tr['grossAmount']['amountUnformatted']) < 0) == (int(transaction['grossAmount']['amountUnformatted']) < 0) \
                  and tr['transactionDescription']['description'].startswith('Conversion de devise')]
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                return []
            t.original_amount = Decimal(str(transaction['netAmount']['amountUnformatted']))
            t.original_currency = original_currency
            t.amount = Decimal(str(cc[0]))
            t.amount = Decimal(str(transaction['netAmount']['amountUnformatted']))
        date = parse_french_date(transaction['transactionTime'])
        raw = "%s %s" % (transaction['transactionDescription']['description'], transaction['transactionDescription']['name'])
        if raw == "Transfert de Compte bancaire":
            t.type = FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER
        if raw == u'Annulation des frais de PayPal':
            return []

        # Dougs told us that commission should always be netAmount minus grossAmount
        grossAmount = Decimal(str(transaction['grossAmount']['amountUnformatted']))
        t.commission = Decimal(str(transaction['feeAmount']['amountUnformatted']))
        if t.commission:
            if original_currency == account.currency:
                assert abs(t.amount - grossAmount) == abs(t.commission)
                t.commission = t.amount - grossAmount
                t.commission = (t.commission * t.amount / t.original_amount).quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
        t.parse(date=date, raw=raw)
        return trans
class PartHistoryPage(HistoryPage, JsonPage):
    def transaction_left(self):
        return self.doc['data']['activity']['hasTransactionsCompleted'] or self.doc['data']['activity']['hasTransactionsPending']

    def get_transactions(self):
            return self.doc['data']['activity']['transactions']
    def return_detail_page(self, link):
        return'%s%s' % (self.browser.BASEURL, link.replace(self.browser.BASEURL, '')), headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}).page

    def parse_transaction(self, transaction, account):
        if 'id' not in transaction or not transaction['date']:
            return []
        t = FrenchTransaction(transaction['id'])
        if not transaction['isPrimaryCurrency']:
            if not 'txnCurrency' in transaction['amounts']:
                return []
            original_currency = unicode(transaction['amounts']['txnCurrency'])
            if original_currency in self.browser.account_currencies:
                return []
            if 'conversionFrom' in transaction['amounts'] and 'value' in transaction['amounts']['conversionFrom'] and account.currency == transaction['amounts']['conversionFrom']['currency']:
                cc = self.format_amount(transaction['amounts']['conversionFrom']['value'], transaction['isCredit'])
                    page = self.return_detail_page(transaction['detailsLink'])
                    cc = page.get_converted_amount() if isinstance(page, HistoryDetailsPage) else None
                except ServerError:
                    self.logger.warning('Unable to go on detail, transaction skipped.')
                    return []
                return []
            t.original_amount = self.format_amount(transaction['amounts']['net']['value'], transaction["isCredit"])
            t.original_currency = original_currency
            t.amount = self.format_amount(cc, transaction['isCredit'])
            t.amount = self.format_amount(transaction['amounts']['net']['value'], transaction['isCredit'])
        date = parse_french_date(transaction['date']['formattedDate'] + ' ' + transaction['date']['year']).date()
        raw = transaction.get('counterparty', transaction['displayType'])
        t.parse(date=date, raw=raw)
        if page is None and t.amount < 0:
            page = self.return_detail_page(transaction['detailsLink'])
        funding_src = page.get_funding_src(t) if isinstance(page, HistoryDetailsPage) else None

        return [t] if funding_src is None else ([t] + [funding_src])

class HistoryDetailsPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    def get_converted_amount(self):
            currency_conversion = self.doc['data']['details']['currencyConversion']
            assert len(currency_conversion) <= 1
            return CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(currency_conversion[0]['sourceAmount'])
        except KeyError:
            return None

    # This creates a mirror transaction when payment is not from paypal balance.
    def get_funding_src(self, t):
        if 'fundingSource' not in self.doc['data']['details']:
            return None

        funding_src_lst = [src for src in self.doc['data']['details']['fundingSource']['fundingSourceList'] if src['type'] != 'BALANCE']
        assert len(funding_src_lst) <= 1
        for src in funding_src_lst:
            tr = FrenchTransaction('_fundingSrc')
            tr.amount = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(src['amount'])
   = tr.rdate =
            tr.label = tr.raw = u'Crédit depuis %s' % src['institution']
            return tr