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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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# Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Romain Bignon
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# This file is part of weboob.
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# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.
import re
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from import CapVideo, BaseVideo
from weboob.capabilities.collection import CapCollection, CollectionNotFound, Collection
from import BaseBackend, BackendConfig
from import Value
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from .browser import ArteBrowser
from .video import ArteVideo, ArteLiveVideo
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__all__ = ['ArteBackend']

class ArteBackend(BaseBackend, CapVideo, CapCollection):
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    NAME = 'arte'
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    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = ''
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    VERSION = '0.j'
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    DESCRIPTION = 'Arte French and German TV'
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    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'

    order = {'AIRDATE_DESC': 'Date',
             'VIEWS': 'Views',
             'ALPHA': 'Alphabetic',
             'LAST_CHANCE': 'Last chance'

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(Value('lang', label='Lang of videos',
                                 choices={'fr': 'French', 'de': 'Deutsch', 'en': 'English'}, default='fr'),
                           Value('order', label='Sort order', choices=order, default='AIRDATE_DESC'),
                           Value('quality', label='Quality of videos', choices=['hd', 'sd', 'md', 'ed'], default='hd'))

    TRANSLATION  = {'fr': 'F',
                    'en': 'F',
                    'de': 'D',
                    'hd': 'HQ',
                    'md': 'MQ',
                    'sd': 'SQ',
                    'eq': 'EQ'

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    BROWSER = ArteBrowser

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    def create_default_browser(self):
        return self.create_browser(lang=self.TRANSLATION[self.config['lang'].get()],
    def parse_id(self, _id):
        m = re.match('^(\w+)\.(.*)', _id)
        if m:
            return m.groups()

        m = re.match('https?://\w+/(?P<id>.+)/(.*)', _id)
            return 'program',
        m = re.match('https?://\w+)/(.*)', _id)
            return 'live', '/%s/%s' % (,
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        return 'videos', _id
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    def get_video(self, _id):
        with self.browser:
            site, _id = self.parse_id(_id)
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            if site == 'live':
                return self.browser.get_live_video(_id)
            elif site == 'program':
                return self.browser.get_video_from_program_id(_id)

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                return self.browser.get_video(_id)
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    def search_videos(self, pattern, sortby=CapVideo.SEARCH_RELEVANCE, nsfw=False):
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        with self.browser:
            return self.browser.search_videos(pattern)
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    def fill_video(self, video, fields):
        if fields != ['thumbnail']:
            # if we don't want only the thumbnail, we probably want also every fields
            with self.browser:
                site, _id = self.parse_id(
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                if isinstance(video, ArteVideo):
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                    video = self.browser.get_video(_id, video)
                if isinstance(video, ArteLiveVideo):
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                    video = self.browser.get_live_video(_id, video)
        if 'thumbnail' in fields and video and video.thumbnail:
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            with self.browser:
       = self.browser.readurl(video.thumbnail.url)
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        return video

    def iter_resources(self, objs, split_path):
        with self.browser:
            if BaseVideo in objs:
                collection = self.get_collection(objs, split_path)
                if collection.path_level == 0:
                    yield Collection([u'arte-latest'], u'Latest Arte videos')
                    yield Collection([u'arte-live'], u'Arte Web Live videos')
                if collection.path_level == 1:
                    if collection.split_path == [u'arte-latest']:
                        for video in self.browser.latest_videos():
                            yield video
                    if collection.split_path == [u'arte-live']:
                        for categorie in self.browser.get_arte_live_categories():
                            yield categorie
                if collection.path_level == 2:
                    if collection.split_path[0] == u'arte-live':
                        for video in self.browser.live_videos(collection.basename):

    def validate_collection(self, objs, collection):
        if collection.path_level == 0:
        if BaseVideo in objs and (collection.split_path == [u'arte-latest'] or collection.split_path == [u'arte-live']):
        if BaseVideo in objs and collection.path_level == 2 and collection.split_path[0] == u'arte-live':
        raise CollectionNotFound(collection.split_path)

    OBJECTS = {ArteVideo: fill_video, ArteLiveVideo: fill_video }