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# Copyright(C) 2010-2016 Romain Bignon
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# This file is part of weboob.
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# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# along with weboob. If not, see <>.
from datetime import date, datetime
from binascii import crc32
from unidecode import unidecode
from weboob.capabilities.base import empty, find_object
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserQuestion
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from import is_iban_valid
from import unicode
from .base import BaseObject, Field, StringField, DecimalField, IntField, \
                  UserError, Currency, NotAvailable, EnumField, Enum
from .date import DateField
from .collection import CapCollection
__all__ = [
    'CapBank', 'BaseAccount', 'Account', 'Loan', 'Transaction', 'AccountNotFound',
    'CapBankWealth', 'Investment', 'CapBankPockets', 'Pocket',
    'CapBankTransfer', 'Transfer', 'Recipient',
    'TransferError', 'TransferBankError', 'TransferInvalidAmount', 'TransferInsufficientFunds',
    'TransferInvalidCurrency', 'TransferInvalidLabel',
    'TransferInvalidEmitter', 'TransferInvalidRecipient',
    'RecipientNotFound', 'AddRecipientError', 'AddRecipientBankError', 'AddRecipientTimeout',
    'AddRecipientStep', 'RecipientInvalidIban', 'RecipientInvalidLabel',
    'Rate', 'CapCurrencyRate',
class AccountNotFound(UserError):
    Raised when an account is not found.

    def __init__(self, msg='Account not found'):
        super(AccountNotFound, self).__init__(msg)
class RecipientNotFound(UserError):
    Raised when a recipient is not found.

    def __init__(self, msg='Recipient not found'):
        super(RecipientNotFound, self).__init__(msg)
class TransferError(UserError):
    code = 'transferError'
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    def __init__(self, description=None, message=None):
        :param message: error message from the bank, if any

        super(TransferError, self).__init__(message or description)
        self.message = message
        self.description = description

class TransferBankError(TransferError):
    """The transfer was rejected by the bank with a message."""

class TransferInvalidLabel(TransferError):
    """The transfer label is invalid."""

    code = 'invalidLabel'

class TransferInvalidEmitter(TransferError):
    """The emitter account cannot be used for transfers."""

    code = 'invalidEmitter'

class TransferInvalidRecipient(TransferError):
    """The emitter cannot transfer to this recipient."""

    code = 'invalidRecipient'

class TransferInvalidAmount(TransferError):
    """This amount is not allowed."""

    code = 'invalidAmount'
class TransferInvalidCurrency(TransferInvalidAmount):
    """The transfer currency is invalid."""

    code = 'invalidCurrency'

class TransferInsufficientFunds(TransferInvalidAmount):
    """Not enough funds on emitter account."""

    code = 'insufficientFunds'

class TransferInvalidDate(TransferError):
    """This execution date cannot be used."""

    code = 'invalidDate'
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class AddRecipientError(UserError):
    Failed trying to add a recipient.

    code = 'AddRecipientError'

    def __init__(self, description=None, message=None):
        :param message: error message from the bank, if any

        super(AddRecipientError, self).__init__(message or description)
        self.message = message
        self.description = description

class AddRecipientBankError(AddRecipientError):
    """The new recipient was rejected by the bank with a message."""

    code = 'bankMessage'

class AddRecipientTimeout(AddRecipientError):
    """Add new recipient request has timeout"""

    code = 'timeout'

class RecipientInvalidIban(AddRecipientError):
    code = 'invalidIban'

class RecipientInvalidLabel(AddRecipientError):
    code = 'invalidLabel'

class BaseAccount(BaseObject, Currency):
    Generic class aiming to be parent of :class:`Recipient` and
    label =          StringField('Pretty label')
    currency =       StringField('Currency', default=None)
    bank_name =      StringField('Bank Name', mandatory=False)
        super(BaseAccount, self).__init__(id, url)
    def currency_text(self):
        return Currency.currency2txt(self.currency)

    def ban(self):
        """ Bank Account Number part of IBAN"""
        if not self.iban:
            return NotAvailable
        return self.iban[4:]

class Recipient(BaseAccount):
    Recipient of a transfer.
    enabled_at =     DateField('Date of availability')
    category =       StringField('Recipient category')
    iban =           StringField('International Bank Account Number')
    # Needed for multispaces case
    origin_account_id = StringField('Account id which recipient belong to')

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s id=%r label=%r>" % (type(self).__name__,, self.label)

class AccountType(Enum):
    "Transaction, everyday transactions"
    "Savings/Deposit, can be used for every banking"
    "Term of Fixed Deposit, has time/amount constraints"
    "Loan account"
    "Stock market or other variable investments"
    "Joint account"
    "Card account"
    "Life insurances"
    "Employee savings PEE"
    "Employee savings PERCO"
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    "Employee savings RSP"
    "Share savings"
    "Life Insurance capitalisation"
    "Retirement savings"
    "Complementary retirement savings"
    "Consumer credit"
class AccountOwnerType(object):
    Specifies the usage of the account
    """private personal account"""
    """professional account"""
    """association account"""
class Account(BaseAccount):
    Bank account.
    TYPE_UNKNOWN          = AccountType.UNKNOWN
    TYPE_CHECKING         = AccountType.CHECKING
    TYPE_SAVINGS          = AccountType.SAVINGS
    TYPE_DEPOSIT          = AccountType.DEPOSIT
    TYPE_LOAN             = AccountType.LOAN
    TYPE_MARKET           = AccountType.MARKET
    TYPE_JOINT            = AccountType.JOINT
    TYPE_CARD             = AccountType.CARD
    TYPE_PEE              = AccountType.PEE
    TYPE_PERCO            = AccountType.PERCO
    TYPE_ARTICLE_83       = AccountType.ARTICLE_83
    TYPE_RSP              = AccountType.RSP
    TYPE_PEA              = AccountType.PEA
    TYPE_PERP             = AccountType.PERP
    TYPE_MADELIN          = AccountType.MADELIN
    TYPE_MORTGAGE         = AccountType.MORTGAGE

    type =      EnumField('Type of account', AccountType, default=TYPE_UNKNOWN)
    owner_type = StringField('Usage of account')  # cf AccountOwnerType class
    balance =   DecimalField('Balance on this bank account')
    coming =    DecimalField('Sum of coming movements')
    iban =      StringField('International Bank Account Number', mandatory=False)
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    # card attributes
    paydate =   DateField('For credit cards. When next payment is due.')
    paymin =    DecimalField('For credit cards. Minimal payment due.')
    cardlimit = DecimalField('For credit cards. Credit limit.')
    number =    StringField('Shown by the bank to identify your account ie XXXXX7489')
    # market and lifeinssurance accounts
    valuation_diff = DecimalField('+/- values total')
    valuation_diff_ratio = DecimalField('+/- values ratio')
    # parent account
    #  - A checking account parent of a card account
    #  - A checking account parent of a recurring loan account
    #  - An investment account parent of a liquidity account
    #  - ...
    parent = Field('Parent account', BaseAccount)

    opening_date = DateField('Date when the account contract was created on the bank')

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    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s id=%r label=%r>" % (type(self).__name__,, self.label)
    # compatibility alias
    def valuation_diff_percent(self):
        return self.valuation_diff_ratio

    def valuation_diff_percent(self, value):
        self.valuation_diff_ratio = value

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class Loan(Account):
    Account type dedicated to loans and credits.

    name = StringField('Person name')
    account_label = StringField('Label of the debited account')
    insurance_label = StringField('Label of the insurance')
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    total_amount = DecimalField('Total amount loaned')
    available_amount = DecimalField('Amount available') # only makes sense for revolving credit
    used_amount = DecimalField('Amount already used') # only makes sense for revolving credit
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    subscription_date = DateField('Date of subscription of the loan')
    maturity_date = DateField('Estimated end date of the loan')
    duration = IntField('Duration of the loan given in months')
    rate = DecimalField('Monthly rate of the loan')
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    nb_payments_left = IntField('Number of payments still due')
    nb_payments_done = IntField('Number of payments already done')
    nb_payments_total = IntField('Number total of payments')

    last_payment_amount = DecimalField('Amount of the last payment done')
    last_payment_date = DateField('Date of the last payment done')
    next_payment_amount = DecimalField('Amount of next payment')
    next_payment_date = DateField('Date of the next payment')
class TransactionType(Enum):
    UNKNOWN       = 0
    TRANSFER      = 1
    ORDER         = 2
    CHECK         = 3
    DEPOSIT       = 4
    PAYBACK       = 5
    WITHDRAWAL    = 6
    CARD          = 7
    BANK          = 9
    CASH_DEPOSIT  = 10
    CARD_SUMMARY  = 11

class Transaction(BaseObject):
    TYPE_UNKNOWN       = TransactionType.UNKNOWN
    TYPE_TRANSFER      = TransactionType.TRANSFER
    TYPE_ORDER         = TransactionType.ORDER
    TYPE_CHECK         = TransactionType.CHECK
    TYPE_DEPOSIT       = TransactionType.DEPOSIT
    TYPE_PAYBACK       = TransactionType.PAYBACK
    TYPE_CARD          = TransactionType.CARD
    TYPE_BANK          = TransactionType.BANK
    date =      DateField('Debit date on the bank statement')
    rdate =     DateField('Real date, when the payment has been made; usually extracted from the label or from credit card info')
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    vdate =     DateField('Value date, or accounting date; usually for professional accounts')
    bdate =     DateField('Bank date, when the transaction appear on website (usually extracted from column date)')
    type =      EnumField('Type of transaction, use TYPE_* constants', TransactionType, default=TYPE_UNKNOWN)
    raw =       StringField('Raw label of the transaction')
    category =  StringField('Category of the transaction')
    label =     StringField('Pretty label')
    amount =    DecimalField('Amount of the transaction')
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    card =              StringField('Card number (if any)')
    commission =        DecimalField('Commission part on the transaction (in account currency)')

    # International
    original_amount =   DecimalField('Original amount (in another currency)')
    original_currency = StringField('Currency of the original amount')
    country =           StringField('Country of transaction')
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    # Financial arbitrations
    investments =       Field('List of investments related to the transaction', list, default=[])
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    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Transaction date=%r label=%r amount=%r>" % (, self.label, self.amount)
    def unique_id(self, seen=None, account_id=None):
        Get an unique ID for the transaction based on date, amount and raw.

        :param seen: if given, the method uses this dictionary as a cache to
                     prevent several transactions with the same values to have the same
                     unique ID.
        :type seen: :class:`dict`
        :param account_id: if given, add the account ID in data used to create
                           the unique ID. Can be useful if you want your ID to be unique across
                           several accounts.
        :type account_id: :class:`str`
        :returns: an unique ID encoded in 8 length hexadecimal string (for example ``'a64e1bc9'``)
        :rtype: :class:`str`
        crc = crc32(unicode('utf-8'))
        crc = crc32(unicode(self.amount).encode('utf-8'), crc)
        if not empty(self.raw):
            label = self.raw
            label = self.label

        crc = crc32(re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', label).encode("utf-8"), crc)

        if account_id is not None:
            crc = crc32(unicode(account_id).encode('utf-8'), crc)

        if seen is not None:
            while crc in seen:
                crc = crc32(b"*", crc)


        return "%08x" % (crc & 0xffffffff)

class Investment(BaseObject):
    Investment in a financial market.
    CODE_TYPE_ISIN =     u'ISIN'
    CODE_TYPE_AMF =      u'AMF'
    label =              StringField('Label of stocks')
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    code =               StringField('Identifier of the stock')
    code_type =          StringField('Type of stock code (ISIN or AMF)')
    description =        StringField('Short description of the stock')
    quantity =           DecimalField('Quantity of stocks')
    unitprice =          DecimalField('Buy price of one stock')
    unitvalue =          DecimalField('Current value of one stock')
    valuation =          DecimalField('Total current valuation of the Investment')
    vdate     =          DateField('Value date of the valuation amount')
    diff =               DecimalField('Difference between the buy cost and the current valuation')
    diff_ratio =         DecimalField('Difference in ratio (1 meaning 100%) between the buy cost and the current valuation')
    portfolio_share =    DecimalField('Ratio (1 meaning 100%) of the current amount relative to the total')
    # International
    original_currency = StringField('Currency of the original amount')
    original_valuation = DecimalField('Original valuation (in another currency)')
    original_unitvalue = DecimalField('Original unitvalue (in another currency)')
    original_unitprice = DecimalField('Original unitprice (in another currency)')
    original_diff = DecimalField('Original diff (in another currency)')
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Investment label=%r code=%r valuation=%r>' % (self.label, self.code, self.valuation)

    # compatibility alias
    def diff_percent(self):
        return self.diff_ratio

    def diff_percent(self, value):
        self.diff_ratio = value

class PocketCondition(Enum):
    UNKNOWN                    = 0
    DATE                       = 1
    AVAILABLE                  = 2
    RETIREMENT                 = 3
    WEDDING                    = 4
    DEATH                      = 5
    INDEBTEDNESS               = 6
    DIVORCE                    = 7
    DISABILITY                 = 8
    BUSINESS_CREATION          = 9
    THIRD_CHILD                = 12
    PURCHASE_APARTMENT         = 14

class Pocket(BaseObject):
    CONDITION_UNKNOWN                    = PocketCondition.UNKNOWN
    CONDITION_DATE                       = PocketCondition.DATE
    CONDITION_AVAILABLE                  = PocketCondition.AVAILABLE
    CONDITION_RETIREMENT                 = PocketCondition.RETIREMENT
    CONDITION_WEDDING                    = PocketCondition.WEDDING
    CONDITION_DEATH                      = PocketCondition.DEATH
    CONDITION_INDEBTEDNESS               = PocketCondition.INDEBTEDNESS
    CONDITION_DIVORCE                    = PocketCondition.DIVORCE
    CONDITION_DISABILITY                 = PocketCondition.DISABILITY
    CONDITION_THIRD_CHILD                = PocketCondition.THIRD_CHILD
    label =             StringField('Label of pocket')
    amount =            DecimalField('Amount of the pocket')
    quantity =          DecimalField('Quantity of stocks')
    availability_date = DateField('Availability date of the pocket')
    condition =         EnumField('Withdrawal condition of the pocket', PocketCondition, default=CONDITION_UNKNOWN)
    investment =        Field('Reference to the investment of the pocket', Investment)

class TransferStep(BrowserQuestion):
    def __init__(self, transfer, *values):
        super(TransferStep, self).__init__(*values)
        self.transfer = transfer

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class AddRecipientStep(BrowserQuestion):
    def __init__(self, recipient, *values):
        super(AddRecipientStep, self).__init__(*values)
        self.recipient = recipient

    Transfer from an account to a recipient.

    amount =          DecimalField('Amount to transfer')
    currency =        StringField('Currency', default=None)
    fees =            DecimalField('Fees', default=None)

    exec_date =       Field('Date of transfer', date, datetime)

    account_id =      StringField('ID of origin account')
    account_iban =    StringField('International Bank Account Number')
    account_label =   StringField('Label of origin account')
    account_balance = DecimalField('Balance of origin account before transfer')
    recipient_id =    StringField('ID of recipient account')
    recipient_iban =  StringField('International Bank Account Number')
    recipient_label = StringField('Label of recipient account')

    label =           StringField('Reason')
class CapBank(CapCollection):
    Capability of bank websites to see accounts and transactions.
    def iter_resources(self, objs, split_path):
        Iter resources.

        Default implementation of this method is to return on top-level
        all accounts (by calling :func:`iter_accounts`).

        :param objs: type of objects to get
        :type objs: tuple[:class:`BaseObject`]
        :param split_path: path to discover
        :type split_path: :class:`list`
        :rtype: iter[:class:`BaseObject`]
        if Account in objs:
            return self.iter_accounts()
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    def iter_accounts(self):
        Iter accounts.

        :rtype: iter[:class:`Account`]
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        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_account(self, id):
        Get an account from its ID.

        :param id: ID of the account
        :type id: :class:`str`
        :rtype: :class:`Account`
        :raises: :class:`AccountNotFound`
        return find_object(self.iter_accounts(), id=id, error=AccountNotFound)
    def iter_history(self, account):
        Iter history of transactions on a specific account.

        :param account: account to get history
        :type account: :class:`Account`
        :rtype: iter[:class:`Transaction`]
        :raises: :class:`AccountNotFound`
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        raise NotImplementedError()
    def iter_coming(self, account):
        Iter coming transactions on a specific account.

        :param account: account to get coming transactions
        :type account: :class:`Account`
        :rtype: iter[:class:`Transaction`]
        :raises: :class:`AccountNotFound`

class CapCgp(CapBank):
    Capability of cgp website to see accounts and transactions.

class CapBankWealth(CapBank):
    Capability of bank websites to see investment.

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    def iter_investment(self, account):
        Iter investment of a market account

        :param account: account to get investments
        :type account: :class:`Account`
        :rtype: iter[:class:`Investment`]
        :raises: :class:`AccountNotFound`
        raise NotImplementedError()

class CapBankPockets(CapBankWealth):
    Capability of bank websites to see pockets.

    def iter_pocket(self, account):
        Iter pocket

        :param account: account to get pockets
        :type account: :class:`Account`
        :rtype: iter[:class:`Pocket`]
        :raises: :class:`AccountNotFound`
        raise NotImplementedError()

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class CapBankTransfer(CapBank):
    def iter_transfer_recipients(self, account):
        Iter recipients availables for a transfer from a specific account.

        :param account: account which initiate the transfer
        :type account: :class:`Account`
        :rtype: iter[:class:`Recipient`]
        :raises: :class:`AccountNotFound`
    def init_transfer(self, transfer, **params):
        :param :class:`Transfer`
        :rtype: :class:`Transfer`
        :raises: :class:`TransferError`
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def execute_transfer(self, transfer, **params):
        Execute a transfer.

        :param :class:`Transfer`
        :raises: :class:`TransferError`
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def transfer(self, transfer, **params):
        Do a transfer from an account to a recipient.

        :param :class:`Transfer`
        :rtype: :class:`Transfer`
        :raises: :class:`TransferError`

        if not transfer.amount or transfer.amount <= 0:
            raise TransferInvalidAmount('amount must be strictly positive')
        t = self.init_transfer(transfer, **params)
        for key, value in t.iter_fields():
            if hasattr(transfer, key) and key != 'id':
                transfer_val = getattr(transfer, key)
                    if hasattr(self, 'transfer_check_%s' % key):
                        assert getattr(self, 'transfer_check_%s' % key)(transfer_val, value)
                        assert transfer_val == value or empty(transfer_val)
                    raise TransferError('%s changed during transfer processing (from %s to %s)' % (key, transfer_val, value))
        return self.execute_transfer(t, **params)
    def transfer_check_label(self, old, new):
        old = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', old).strip()
        new = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', new).strip()
        return unidecode(old) == unidecode(new)

class CapBankTransferAddRecipient(CapBankTransfer):
    def new_recipient(self, recipient, **params):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def add_recipient(self, recipient, **params):
        Add a recipient to the connection.

        :param iban: iban of the new recipient.
        :type iban: :class:`str`
        :param label: label of the new recipient.
        :type label: :class`str`
        :raises: :class:`BrowserQuestion`
        :raises: :class:`AddRecipientError`
        :rtype: :class:`Recipient`
        if not is_iban_valid(recipient.iban):
            raise RecipientInvalidIban('Iban is not valid.')
        if not recipient.label:
            raise RecipientInvalidLabel('Recipient label is mandatory.')
        return self.new_recipient(recipient, **params)

class Rate(BaseObject, Currency):
    Currency exchange rate.

    currency_from = StringField('The currency to which exchange rates are relative to. When converting 1 EUR to X HUF, currency_fom is EUR.)', default=None)
    currency_to =   StringField('The currency is converted to. When converting 1 EUR to X HUF, currency_to is HUF.)', default=None)
    value =          DecimalField('Exchange rate')
    datetime =      DateField('Collection date and time')

class CapCurrencyRate(CapBank):
    Capability of bank websites to get currency exchange rates.

    def iter_currencies(self):
        Iter available currencies.

        :rtype: iter[:class:`Currency`]
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_rate(self, currency_from, currency_to):
        Get exchange rate.

        :param currency_from: currency to which exchange rate is relative to
        :type currency_from: :class:`Currency`
        :param currency_to: currency is converted to
        :type currency_to: :class`Currency`
        :rtype: :class:`Rate`
        raise NotImplementedError()