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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2016       Baptiste Delpey
# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

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from base64 import b64decode
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
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import re
from datetime import date
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from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, LoggedPage, pagination, NextPage, FormNotFound, PartialHTMLPage, LoginPage, CsvPage, RawPage, JsonPage
from weboob.browser.elements import ListElement, ItemElement, method, TableElement, SkipItem, DictElement
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import (
    CleanText, CleanDecimal, Field, Format,
    Regexp, Date, AsyncLoad, Async, Eval, RegexpError, Env,
    Currency as CleanCurrency, Map,
from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict
from weboob.browser.filters.html import Attr, Link, TableCell, AbsoluteLink
from import (
    Account, Investment, Recipient, Transfer, AccountNotFound,
    AddRecipientBankError, TransferInvalidAmount, Loan,
from import create_french_liquidity
from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, empty, Currency
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Person
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from import FrenchTransaction
from import is_iban_valid
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from import Value
from import parse_french_date
from import VirtKeyboard, VirtKeyboardError
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from import urljoin
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserQuestion, BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserHTTPNotFound, BrowserUnavailable, ActionNeeded
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class BrowserAuthenticationCodeMaxLimit(BrowserIncorrectPassword):

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class IncidentPage(HTMLPage):
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class IbanPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_iban(self):
        if self.doc.xpath('//div[has-class("alert")]/p[contains(text(), "Une erreur est survenue")]') or \
           self.doc.xpath('//div[has-class("alert")]/p[contains(text(), "Le compte est introuvable")]'):
            return NotAvailable
        return CleanText('//table[thead[tr[th[contains(text(), "Code I.B.A.N")]]]]/tbody/tr/td[2]', replace=[(' ', '')])(self.doc)

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class AuthenticationPage(HTMLPage):
    def authenticate(self):'Using the PIN Code %s to login', self.browser.config['pin_code'].get())'Using the auth_token %s to login', self.browser.auth_token)

        form = self.get_form()
        form['otp_confirm[otpCode]'] = self.browser.config['pin_code'].get()
        form['flow_secureForm_instance'] = self.browser.auth_token
        form['otp_confirm[validate]'] = ''
        form['flow_secureForm_step'] = 2
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        self.browser.auth_token = None

    def sms_first_step(self):
        This function simulates the registration of a device on
        boursorama two factor authentification web page.
        @param device device name to register
        @exception BrowserAuthenticationCodeMaxLimit when daily limit is consumed
        form = self.get_form()

    def sms_second_step(self):
        # <div class="form-errors"><ul><li>Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de demandes pour aujourd&#039;hui</li></ul></div>
        error = CleanText('//div[has-class("form-errors")]')(self.doc)
        if len(error) > 0:
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(error)

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        form = self.get_form()
        self.browser.auth_token = form['flow_secureForm_instance']
        form['otp_prepare[receiveCode]'] = ''

        raise BrowserQuestion(Value('pin_code', label='Enter the PIN Code'))

class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [(re.compile('^(Virement .* )?VIR( SEPA)? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
                (re.compile(u'^CHQ\. (?P<text>.*)'),        FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
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                (re.compile('^(ACHAT|PAIEMENT) CARTE (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile(r'^(?P<text>.+)?(ACHAT|PAIEMENT) CARTE (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{4}) (?P<text2>.*)'),
                (re.compile(r'^(?P<text>.+)?((ACHAT|PAIEMENT)\s)?CARTE (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{4}) (?P<text2>.*)'),
                (re.compile('^(PRLV SEPA |PRLV |TIP )(?P<text>.*)'),
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                (re.compile('^RETRAIT DAB (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile(r'^([A-Z][\sa-z]* )?RETRAIT DAB (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{4}) (?P<text>.*)'),
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                (re.compile('^AVOIR (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_PAYBACK),
                (re.compile(r'^(?P<text>[A-Z][\sa-z]* )?AVOIR (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{4}) (?P<text2>.*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_PAYBACK),
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                (re.compile('^REM CHQ (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
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                (re.compile(u'^([*]{3} solde des operations cb [*]{3} )?Relevé différé Carte (.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY),
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class VirtKeyboardPage(HTMLPage):
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class BoursoramaVirtKeyboard(VirtKeyboard):
    symbols = {'0': (17, 7, 24, 17),
               '1': (18, 6, 21, 18),
               '2': (9, 7, 32, 34),
               '3': (10, 7, 31, 34),
               '4': (11, 6, 29, 34),
               '5': (14, 6, 28, 34),
               '6': (7, 7, 34, 34),
               '7': (5, 6, 36, 34),
               '8': (8, 7, 32, 34),
               '9': (4, 7, 38, 34)}

    color = (255,255,255)

    def __init__(self, page):
        self.md5 = {}
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        for button in page.doc.xpath('//ul[@class="password-input"]//button'):
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Jérome Berthier committed
            c = button.attrib['data-matrix-key']
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            txt = button.attrib['style'].replace('background-image:url(data:image/png;base64,', '').rstrip(');')
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            img = BytesIO(b64decode(txt.encode('ascii')))
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            self.load_image(img, self.color, convert='RGB')
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            self.load_symbols((0, 0, 42, 42), c)
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    def load_symbols(self, coords, c):
        coord = self.get_symbol_coords(coords)
        if coord == (-1, -1, -1, -1):
        self.md5[coord] = c
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    def get_code(self, password):
        code = ''
        for i, d in enumerate(password):
            if i > 0:
                code += '|'
                code += self.md5[self.symbols[d]]
            except KeyError:
                raise VirtKeyboardError()
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        return code

class LoginPage(LoginPage, HTMLPage):
    TO_DIGIT = {'2': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                '3': ['d', 'e', 'f'],
                '4': ['g', 'h', 'i'],
                '5': ['j', 'k', 'l'],
                '6': ['m', 'n', 'o'],
                '7': ['p', 'q', 'r', 's'],
                '8': ['t', 'u', 'v'],
                '9': ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z']

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    def login(self, login, password):
        if not password.isdigit():
            password = ''.join([c if c.isdigit() else [k for k, v in self.TO_DIGIT.items() if c in v][0] for c in password.lower()])
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        form = self.get_form()
        keyboard_page =
        vk = BoursoramaVirtKeyboard(keyboard_page)
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        code = vk.get_code(password)
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        form['form[login]'] = login
        form['form[fakePassword]'] = len(password) * ''
        form['form[password]'] = code
        form['form[matrixRandomChallenge]'] ='val\("(.*)"', CleanText('//script')(keyboard_page.doc)).group(1)
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class StatusPage(LoggedPage, PartialHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        # sometimes checking accounts are missing
        msg = CleanText('//div[has-class("alert--danger")]', default=None)(self.doc)
        if msg:
            raise BrowserUnavailable(msg)

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class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
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    def is_here(self):
        # This id appears when there are no accounts (pro and pp)
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        return not self.doc.xpath('//div[contains(@id, "alert-random")]')

    ACCOUNT_TYPES = {u'comptes courants':      Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                     u'cav':                   Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                     'livret':                 Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     'pel':                    Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     'cel':                    Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     u'comptes épargne':       Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     u'mon épargne':           Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                     'csljeune':               Account.TYPE_SAVINGS, # in url
                     u'ord':                   Account.TYPE_MARKET,
                     u'comptes bourse':        Account.TYPE_MARKET,
                     u'mes placements financiers': Account.TYPE_MARKET,
                     u'av':                    Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
                     u'assurances vie':        Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
                     u'assurance-vie':         Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
                     u'mes crédits':           Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'crédit':                Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'prêt':                  Account.TYPE_LOAN,
                     u'pea':                   Account.TYPE_PEA,
                     'carte':                  Account.TYPE_CARD,
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    class iter_accounts(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@class="table table--accounts"]/tr[has-class("table__line--account") and count(descendant::td) > 1 and @data-line-account-href]'
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        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            load_details = Field('url') & AsyncLoad
            def condition(self):
                # Ignore externally aggregated accounts and insurances:
                return not self.is_external() and not any(x in Field('url')(self) for x in ('automobile', 'assurance/protection', 'assurance/comptes'))

            obj_label = CleanText('.//a[has-class("account--name")] | .//div[has-class("account--name")]')
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            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency('.//a[has-class("account--balance")]')
            obj_valuation_diff = Async('details') & CleanDecimal('//li[h4[text()="Total des +/- values"]]/h3 |\
                        //li[span[text()="Total des +/- values latentes"]]/span[has-class("overview__value")]', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj__holder = None

            obj__amount = CleanDecimal('.//a[has-class("account--balance")]', replace_dots=True)

            def obj_balance(self):
                if Field('type')(self) != Account.TYPE_CARD:
                    balance = Field('_amount')(self)
                    if Field('type')(self) in [Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE, Account.TYPE_MARKET]:
                        page = Async('details').loaded_page(self)
                        if isinstance(page, MarketPage):
                            updated_balance = page.get_balance(Field('type')(self))
                            if updated_balance is not None:
                                return updated_balance
                    return balance
                return Decimal('0')

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            def obj_coming(self):
                # report deferred expenses in the coming attribute
                if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_CARD:
                    return Field('_amount')(self)
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                return Async('details', CleanDecimal(u'//li[h4[text()="Mouvements à venir"]]/h3', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable))(self)

            def obj_id(self):
                type = Field('type')(self)
                if type == Account.TYPE_CARD:
                    # When card is opposed it still appears on accounts page with a dead link and so, no id. Skip it.
                    if Attr('.//a[has-class("account--name")]', 'href')(self) == '#':
                        raise SkipItem()
                    return self.obj__idparts()[1]

                id = Async('details', Regexp(CleanText('//h3[has-class("account-number")]'), r'(\d+)', default=NotAvailable))(self)
                if not id:
                    raise SkipItem()
                return id

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            def obj_type(self):
                # card url is /compte/cav/xxx/carte/yyy so reverse to match "carte" before "cav"
                for word in Field('url')(self).lower().split('/')[::-1]:
                    v =
                    if v:
                        return v

                for word in Field('label')(self).replace('_', ' ').lower().split():
                    v =
                    if v:
                        return v

                category = CleanText('./preceding-sibling::tr[has-class("list--accounts--master")]//h4')(self)
                v =
                if v:
                    return v

                page = Async('details').loaded_page(self)
                if isinstance(page, LoanPage):
                    return Account.TYPE_LOAN

                return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN
                link = Attr('.//a[has-class("account--name")] | .//a[2]', 'href', default=NotAvailable)(self)
                return urljoin(, link)
            def is_external(self):
                return '/budget/' in Field('url')(self)

            def obj__idparts(self):
                return re.findall('[a-z\d]{32}', Field('url')(self))

                parts = self.obj__idparts()
                if parts:
                    return parts[0]
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            # We do not yield other banks accounts for the moment.
                return not Async('details', CleanText(u'//h4[contains(text(), "Établissement bancaire")]'))(self) and not \
                    Async('details', CleanText(u'//h4/div[contains(text(), "Établissement bancaire")]'))(self)
class LoanPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):

    LOAN_TYPES = {

    class get_loan(ItemElement):

        klass = Loan

        obj_id = CleanText('//h3[contains(@class, "account-number")]/strong')
        obj_label =  CleanText('//h2[contains(@class, "page-title__account")]//div[@class="account-edit-label"]/span')
        obj_total_amount = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Montant emprunt")]/span', replace_dots=True)
        obj_currency = CleanCurrency('//p[contains(text(), "Montant emprunt")]/span')
        obj_duration = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Nombre prévisionnel d\'échéances restantes")]/span')
        obj_rate = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Taux nominal en vigueur du prêt")]/span')
        obj_nb_payments_left = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Nombre prévisionnel d\'échéances restantes")]/span')
        obj_next_payment_amount = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Montant de la prochaine échéance")]/span', replace_dots=True)
        obj_nb_payments_total = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Nombre d\'écheances totales") or contains(text(), "Nombre total d\'échéances")]/span')
        obj_subscription_date = Date(CleanText('//p[contains(text(), "Date de départ du prêt")]/span'), parse_func=parse_french_date)
        obj_maturity_date = Date(CleanText('//p[contains(text(), "Date prévisionnelle d\'échéance finale")]/span'), parse_func=parse_french_date)

        def obj_balance(self):
            balance = CleanDecimal('//p[contains(text(), "Capital restant dû")]/span', replace_dots=True)(self)
            if balance > 0:
                balance *= -1
            return balance

        def obj_type(self):
            _type = CleanText('//h2[contains(@class, "page-title__account")]//div[@class="account-edit-label"]/span')
            return Map(_type,, default=Account.TYPE_LOAN)(self)
        def obj_next_payment_date(self):
            tmp = CleanText('//p[contains(text(), "Date de la prochaine échéance")]/span')(self)
            if tmp == "-":
                return NotAvailable
            return Date(CleanText('//p[contains(text(), "Date de la prochaine échéance")]/span'), parse_func=parse_french_date)(self)

class NoAccountPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def is_here(self):
        err = CleanText('//div[contains(@id, "alert-random")]/text()', children=False)(self.doc)
        return "compte inconnu" in err.lower()

class CardCalendarPage(LoggedPage, RawPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return b'VCALENDAR' in self.doc

    def on_load(self):
        page_content = self.content.decode('utf-8')
        self.browser.deferred_card_calendar = []

        # handle ics calendar
        dates = page_content.split('BEGIN:VEVENT')[1:]
        assert len(dates)%2 == 0, 'List lenght should be even-numbered'

        # get all dates
        dates = ['(?<=VALUE\=DATE:)(\d{8})', el).group(1) for el in dates]

        for i in range(0, len(dates), 2):
            if len(dates[i:i+2]) == 2:
                # list contains tuple like (vdate, date)
                self.browser.deferred_card_calendar.append((Date().filter(dates[i]), Date().filter(dates[i+1])))

class CalendarPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        # redirect
        calendar_ics_url = urljoin(self.browser.BASEURL, CleanText('//a[contains(@href, "calendrier.ics")]/@href')(self.doc))
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class HistoryPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_history(ListElement):
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        item_xpath = '//ul[has-class("list__movement")]/li[div and not(contains(@class, "summary")) \
                                                               and not(contains(@class, "graph")) \
                                                               and not (contains(@class, "separator")) \
        and not (contains(@class, "list__movement__line--deffered")) ]'
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        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(CleanText('.//div[has-class("list__movement__line--label__name")]'))
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            obj_date = Date(Attr('.//time', 'datetime'))
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal('.//div[has-class("list__movement__line--amount")]', replace_dots=True)
            obj_category = CleanText('.//div[has-class("category")]')
                return Attr('.', 'data-id', default=NotAvailable)(self) or Attr('.', 'data-custom-id', default=NotAvailable)(self)
            def obj_type(self):
                if not Env('is_card', default=False)(self):
                    if Env('coming', default=False)(self) and Field('raw')(self).startswith('CARTE '):
                        return Transaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY
                    # keep the value previously set by Transaction.Raw
                    return self.obj.type
                return Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD

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            def obj_rdate(self):
                if self.obj.rdate:
                    # Transaction.Raw may have already set it
                    return self.obj.rdate

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                s = Regexp(Field('raw'), ' (\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}) | (?!NUM) (\d{6}) ', default=NotAvailable)(self)
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                if not s:
                    return Field('date')(self)
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                s = s.replace('/', '')
                # Sometimes the user enters an invalid date 16/17/19 for example
                return Date(dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable).filter('%s-%s-%s' % (s[:2], s[2:4], s[4:]))
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            def obj__is_coming(self):
                return Env('coming', default=False)(self) or len(self.xpath(u'.//span[@title="Mouvement à débit différé"]')) or self.obj_date() >

            def obj_date(self):
                date = Date(Attr('.//time', 'datetime'))(self)
                if Env('is_card', default=False)(self):
                    if is None:
              '//a[contains(text(), "calendrier")]')(self))
                    closest =
                    if closest:
                        return closest
                return date
            # These are on deffered cards accounts.
            def condition(self):
                return not len(self.xpath(u'.//span[has-class("icon-carte-bancaire")]')) and \
                       not len(self.xpath(u'.//a[contains(@href, "/carte")]'))
    def get_cards_number_link(self):
        return Link('//a[small[span[contains(text(), "carte bancaire")]]]', default=NotAvailable)(self.doc)

    def get_csv_link(self):
        return Link('//a[@data-operations-export-button]')(self.doc)

    def get_calendar_link(self):
        return Link('//a[contains(text(), "calendrier")]')(self.doc)

class CardHistoryPage(LoggedPage, CsvPage):
    ENCODING = 'latin-1'
    FMTPARAMS = {'delimiter': str(';')}
    HEADER = 1

    class iter_history(DictElement):
        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(Dict('label'))
            obj_date = Date(Dict('dateVal'), dayfirst=True)
            obj__account_label = Dict('accountLabel')
            obj__is_coming = False

            def obj_amount(self):
                if Field('type')(self) == Transaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY:
                    # '-' so the reimbursements appear positively in the card transactions:
                    return -CleanDecimal(Dict('amount'), replace_dots=True)(self)
                return CleanDecimal(Dict('amount'), replace_dots=True)(self)

            def obj_rdate(self):
                if self.obj.rdate:
                    # Transaction.Raw may have already set it
                    return self.obj.rdate

                s = Regexp(Field('raw'), ' (\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}) | (?!NUM) (\d{6}) ', default=NotAvailable)(self)
                if not s:
                    return Field('date')(self)
                s = s.replace('/', '')
                # Sometimes the user enters an invalid date 16/17/19 for example
                return Date(dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable).filter('%s%s%s%s%s' % (s[:2], '-', s[2:4], '-', s[4:]))

            def obj_type(self):
                if 'CARTE' in self.obj.raw:
                    return Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD
                return self.obj.type

            def obj_category(self):
                return Dict('category')(self)

            # The csv page shows every transactions of the card account AND the associated
            # check account. Here we want only the card transactions.
            # Also, if there is more than one card account, the csv page will show
            # transactions of every card account (smart) ... So we need to check for
            # account number.
            def validate(self, obj):
                if "Relevé" in obj.raw:
                    return Env('account_number')(self) in obj.raw
                return ("CARTE" in obj.raw or "CARTE" in obj._account_label) and Env('account_number')(self) in Dict('accountNum')(self)
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class Myiter_investment(TableElement):
    # We do not scrape the investments contained in the "Engagements en liquidation" table
    # so we must check that the <h3> before the <div><table> does not contain this title.
    item_xpath = '//div[preceding-sibling::h3[text()!="Engagements en liquidation"]]//table[contains(@class, "operations")]/tbody/tr'
    head_xpath = '//div[preceding-sibling::h3[text()!="Engagements en liquidation"]]//table[contains(@class, "operations")]/thead/tr/th'
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    col_value = u'Valeur'
    col_quantity = u'Quantité'
    col_unitprice = u'Px. Revient'
    col_unitvalue = u'Cours'
    col_valuation = u'Montant'
    col_diff = u'+/- latentes'

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class Myitem(ItemElement):
    klass = Investment

    obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), default=NotAvailable)
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    obj_unitprice = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitprice'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
    obj_unitvalue = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
    obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
    obj_diff = CleanDecimal(TableCell('diff'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
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    def obj_label(self):
        return CleanText().filter((TableCell('value')(self)[0]).xpath('.//a'))

    def obj_code(self):
        return CleanText().filter((TableCell('value')(self)[0]).xpath('./span')) or NotAvailable

def my_pagination(func):
    def inner(page, *args, **kwargs):
        while True:
                for r in func(page, *args, **kwargs):
                    yield r
            except NextPage as e:
                    result = page.browser.location(e.request)
                    page =
                except BrowserHTTPNotFound as e:
    return inner

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class MarketPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_balance(self, account_type):
        txt = u"Solde au" if account_type is Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE else u"Total Portefeuille"
        # HTML tags are usually h4-h3 but may also be span-span
        h_balance = CleanDecimal('//li[h4[contains(text(), "%s")]]/h3' % txt, replace_dots=True, default=None)(self.doc)
        span_balance = CleanDecimal('//li/span[contains(text(), "%s")]/following-sibling::span' % txt, replace_dots=True, default=None)(self.doc)
        return h_balance or span_balance or None
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    class iter_history(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr'
        head_xpath = '//table/thead/tr/th'

        col_label = ['Nature', u'Opération']
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        col_amount = 'Montant'
        col_date = ["Date d'effet", 'Date', u'Date opération']
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        next_page = Link('//li[@class="pagination__next"]/a')

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        class item(ItemElement):
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            klass = Transaction
            def obj_date(self):
                d = Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), dayfirst=True, default=None)(self)
                if d:
                    return d
                return Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), parse_func=parse_french_date)(self)

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            obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(CleanText(TableCell('label')))
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            obj_amount = CleanDecimal(TableCell('amount'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj__is_coming = False

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            def parse(self, el):
                if el.xpath('./td[2]/a'):
                    m ='(\d+)', el.xpath('./td[2]/a')[0].get('data-modal-alert-behavior', ''))
                    if m:
                                                      '%s%s%s' % ('mouvements')[0], 'mouvement/',
                        raise SkipItem()
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    class get_investment(Myiter_investment):
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        class item (Myitem):
            def obj_unitvalue(self):
                return CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable).filter((TableCell('unitvalue')(self)[0]).xpath('./span[not(@class)]'))

    def iter_investment(self):
        valuation = CleanDecimal('//li/span[contains(text(), "Solde Espèces")]/following-sibling::span', replace_dots=True, default=None)(self.doc)
            yield create_french_liquidity(valuation)

        for inv in self.get_investment():
            yield inv

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    def get_transactions_from_detail(self, account):
        for label, page in account._history_pages:
            amounts = page.doc.xpath('//span[contains(text(), "Montant")]/following-sibling::span')
            if len(amounts) == 3:
            for table in page.doc.xpath('//table'):
                t = Transaction()

       = Date(CleanText(page.doc.xpath('//span[contains(text(), "Date d\'effet")]/following-sibling::span')), dayfirst=True)(page)
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                t.amount = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(amounts[0])
                t._is_coming = False
       = []
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                for tr in table.xpath('./tbody/tr'):
                    i = Investment()
                    i.label = CleanText().filter(tr.xpath('./td[1]'))
                    i.vdate = Date(CleanText(tr.xpath('./td[2]')), dayfirst=True)(tr)
                    i.unitvalue = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(tr.xpath('./td[3]'))
                    i.quantity = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(tr.xpath('./td[4]'))
                    i.valuation = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(tr.xpath('./td[5]'))
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                if t.label == 'prélèvement':
                    t.amount = sum_amount

class SavingMarketPage(MarketPage):
    class iter_history(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr'
        head_xpath = '//table/thead/tr/th'

        col_label = u'Opération'
        col_amount = u'Montant'
        col_date = u'Date opération'
        col_vdate = u'Date Val'

        next_page = Link('//li[@class="pagination__next"]/a')

        class item(ItemElement):
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            klass = Transaction

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal(TableCell('amount'), replace_dots=True)
            obj__is_coming = False

            def obj_date(self):
                return parse_french_date(CleanText(TableCell('date'))(self))

            def obj_vdate(self):
                return parse_french_date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate'))(self))

    class iter_investment(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr[count(descendant::td) > 4]'
        head_xpath = '//table/thead/tr[count(descendant::th) > 4]/th'

        col_label = u'Fonds'
        col_code = u'Code Isin'
        col_unitvalue = u'Valeur de la part'
        col_quantity = u'Nombre de parts'
        col_vdate = u'Date VL'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_code = CleanText(TableCell('code'))
            obj_unitvalue = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_valuation = Eval(lambda x, y: x * y, Field('quantity'), Field('unitvalue'))
            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate')), dayfirst=True)
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class AsvPage(MarketPage):
    class iter_investment(Myiter_investment):
        col_vdate = u'Date de Valeur'
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        class item(Myitem):
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            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate')), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)

            def obj_label(self):
                return CleanText('.//strong/a')(self) or CleanText('.//strong', children=False)(self)
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class AccbisPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_valid_cards_url(ListElement):
        # the only purpose of this is to detect opposed cards
        # because cards have an 'OPPOSÉE' label on this page only, not on AccountsPage...

        item_xpath = '//ul[@id="nav-category__BANK"]/li'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            def condition(self):
                return "add-card" not in self.el.attrib['class']

            # need a falsy value to circumvent detection of duplicates
            # since obj_id() not implemented and all card IDs would
            # be equal the default value
            # (see method
            obj_id = None

            obj_label = CleanText('.//span[has-class("nav-category__name")]')
            obj_url = AbsoluteLink('.//a', default=NotAvailable)
            obj__tooltip = CleanText(Attr('.', 'title'))

            def obj_type(self):
                # card url is /compte/cav/xxx/carte/yyy so reverse to match "carte" before "cav"
                for word in Field('url')(self).lower().split('/')[::-1]:
                    v = AccountsPage.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(word)
                    if v:
                        return v

                for word in Field('label')(self).replace('_', ' ').lower().split():
                    v = AccountsPage.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(word)
                    if v:
                        return v

            def validate(self, obj):
                # keep only VALID account
                # a valid account:
                # - is related to a credit card
                # - the card must not be blocked
                # - the card has to be already activated
                if obj.type != Account.TYPE_CARD:
                    return False
                if obj.label.endswith(' OPPOSÉE'):
                    return False
                # not activated when tooltip hides the 4 digits
                return not obj._tooltip.endswith('****')
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    def populate(self, accounts):
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        cards = []
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        for account in accounts:
            for li in self.doc.xpath('//li[@class="nav-category"]'):
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                title = CleanText().filter(li.xpath('./h3'))
                for a in li.xpath('./ul/li//a'):
                    label = CleanText().filter(a.xpath('.//span[@class="nav-category__name"]'))
                    balance_el = a.xpath('.//span[@class="nav-category__value"]')
                    balance = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable).filter(balance_el)
                    if 'CARTE' in label and not empty(balance):
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                        acc = Account()
                        acc.balance = balance
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                        acc.label = label
                        acc.currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency().filter(balance_el)
                        acc.url = urljoin(self.url, Link().filter(a.xpath('.')))
                        acc._history_page = acc.url
                   = acc._webid = Regexp(pattern='carte/(.*)$').filter(Link().filter(a.xpath('.')))
                        except RegexpError:
                            # Those are external cards, ie: amex cards
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                        acc.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
                        if not acc in cards:
                    elif account.label == label and account.balance == balance:
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                        if not account.type:
                            account.type = AccountsPage.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(title, Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                        account._webid = Attr(None, 'data-account-label').filter(a.xpath('.//span[@class="nav-category__name"]'))
        if cards:
class ErrorPage(HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        error = (Attr('//input[@required][@id="profile_lei_type_identifier"]', 'data-message', default=None)(self.doc) or
                 CleanText('//h2[@class="page-title"][contains(text(), "Actualisation")]', default=None)(self.doc))
        if error:
            raise ActionNeeded(error)

class ExpertPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):

def MyInput(*args, **kwargs):
    args = (u'//input[contains(@name, "%s")]' % args[0], 'value',)
    return Attr(*args, **kwargs)

def MySelect(*args, **kwargs):
    args = (u'//select[contains(@name, "%s")]/option[@selected]' % args[0],)
    return CleanText(*args, **kwargs)

class ProfilePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class get_profile(ItemElement):
        klass = Person

        obj_name = Format('%s %s %s', MySelect('genderTitle'), MyInput('firstName'), MyInput('lastName'))
        obj_nationality = CleanText(u'//span[contains(text(), "Nationalité")]/span')
        obj_spouse_name = MyInput('spouseFirstName')
        obj_children = CleanDecimal(MyInput('dependentChildren'), default=NotAvailable)
        obj_family_situation = MySelect('maritalStatus')
        obj_matrimonial = MySelect('matrimonial')
        obj_housing_status = MySelect('housingSituation')
        obj_job = MyInput('occupation')
        obj_job_start_date = Date(MyInput('employeeSince'), default=NotAvailable)
        obj_company_name = MyInput('employer')
        obj_socioprofessional_category = MySelect('socioProfessionalCategory')

class CardsNumberPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def populate_cards_number(self, cards):
        for card in cards:
            # The second hash of the card's url is used to get
            # the card's hash on the HTML page:
            card_url_hash ='carte\/(.*)', card.url).group(1)
            card_hash = CleanText('//nav[ul[li[a[contains(@href, "%s")]]]]/@data-card-key' % card_url_hash)(self.doc)
            # With the card hash we can get the card number:
            card.number = CleanText('//div[@data-card-key="%s"]/div/span' % card_hash)(self.doc)

class HomePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):

class NoTransferPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):

class TransferAccounts(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_accounts(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//a[has-class("next-step")][@data-value]'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            obj_id = CleanText('.//div[@class="transfer__account-number"]')
            obj__sender_id = Attr('.', 'data-value')

    def submit_account(self, id):
        for account in self.iter_accounts():
            if == id:
            raise AccountNotFound()

        form = self.get_form(name='DebitAccount')
        form['DebitAccount[debitAccountKey]'] = account._sender_id

class TransferRecipients(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_recipients(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//a[has-class("transfer__account-wrapper")]'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Recipient

            obj_id = CleanText('.//div[@class="transfer__account-number"]')
            obj_bank_name = Regexp(CleanText('.//div[@class="transfer__account-name"]'), pattern=r'- ([^-]*)$', default=NotAvailable)
            def obj_label(self):
                label = Regexp(CleanText('.//div[@class="transfer__account-name"]'), pattern=r'^(.*?)(?: -[^-]*)?$')(self)
                return label.rstrip('-').rstrip()

            def obj_category(self):
                text = CleanText('./ancestor::div[has-class("deploy--item")]//a[has-class("deploy__title")]')(self)
                if 'Mes comptes Boursorama Banque' in text:
                    return 'Interne'
                elif 'Comptes externes' in text or 'Comptes de tiers' in text:
                    return 'Externe'

            def obj_iban(self):
                if Field('category')(self) == 'Externe':
                    return Field('id')(self)

            def obj_enabled_at(self):

            obj__tempid = Attr('.', 'data-value')

            def condition(self):
                iban = Field('iban')(self)
                if iban:
                    return is_iban_valid(iban)
                # some internal accounts don't show iban
                return True

    def submit_recipient(self, tempid):
        form = self.get_form(name='CreditAccount')
        form['CreditAccount[creditAccountKey]'] = tempid

class TransferCharac(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_option(self, select, text):
        for opt in select.xpath('option'):
            if opt.text_content() == text:
                return opt.attrib['value']

    def submit_info(self, amount, label, exec_date):
        form = self.get_form(name='Characteristics')

        assert amount > 0
        amount = str(amount.quantize(Decimal('0.00'))).replace('.', ',')
        form['Characteristics[amount]'] = amount
        form['Characteristics[label]'] = label

        if not exec_date:
            exec_date =
        if == exec_date:
            assert self.get_option(form.el.xpath('//select[@id="Characteristics_schedulingType"]')[0], 'Ponctuel') == '1'
            form['Characteristics[schedulingType]'] = '1'
            assert self.get_option(form.el.xpath('//select[@id="Characteristics_schedulingType"]')[0], 'Différé') == '2'
            form['Characteristics[schedulingType]'] = '2'
            form['Characteristics[scheduledDate][day]'] = exec_date.strftime('%d')
            form['Characteristics[scheduledDate][month]'] = exec_date.strftime('%m')
            form['Characteristics[scheduledDate][year]'] = exec_date.strftime('%Y')

        form['Characteristics[notice]'] = 'none'

class TransferConfirm(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        errors = CleanText('//li[contains(text(), "Le montant du virement est inférieur au minimum")]')(self.doc)
        if errors:
            raise TransferInvalidAmount(message=errors)
    def need_refresh(self):
        return not self.doc.xpath('//form[@name="Confirm"]//button[contains(text(), "Je valide")]')

    class get_transfer(ItemElement):
        klass = Transfer

        obj_label = CleanText('//div[@id="transfer-label"]/span[@class="transfer__account-value"]')
        obj_amount = CleanDecimal('//div[@id="transfer-amount"]/span[@class="transfer__account-value"]', replace_dots=True)
        obj_currency = CleanCurrency('//div[@id="transfer-amount"]/span[@class="transfer__account-value"]')

        obj_account_label = CleanText('//span[@id="transfer-origin-account"]')
        obj_recipient_label = CleanText('//span[@id="transfer-destination-account"]')

        def obj_exec_date(self):
            type_ = CleanText('//div[@id="transfer-type"]/span[@class="transfer__account-value"]')(self)
            if type_ == 'Ponctuel':
            elif type_ == 'Différé':
                return Date(CleanText('//div[@id="transfer-date"]/span[@class="transfer__account-value"]'), dayfirst=True)(self)

    def submit(self):
        form = self.get_form(name='Confirm')

class TransferSent(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):

class AddRecipientPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):