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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright(C) 2015      Christophe Lampin
# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

from import Order, Payment, Item
from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, pagination, NextPage
from weboob.capabilities.base import empty, NotAvailable

from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import re

# Ugly array to avoid the use of french locale
FRENCH_MONTHS = [u'janvier', u'février', u'mars', u'avril', u'mai', u'juin', u'juillet', u'août', u'septembre', u'octobre', u'novembre', u'décembre']

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Kitof committed

class AmazonPage(HTMLPage):
    def logged(self):
        return bool(self.doc.xpath(u'//*[contains(text(),"Déconnectez-vous")]'))

class HomePage(AmazonPage):
    def to_login(self):
        self.browser.location(self.doc.xpath('(//a[contains(., "Identifiez-vous")]//@href)[1]')[0])

class LoginPage(AmazonPage):
    def login(self, email, password, captcha=None):
        form = self.get_form(name='signIn')
        form['email'] = email
        form['password'] = password

        if captcha is not None:
            form['guess'] = captcha
    def has_captcha(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//img[@id="auth-captcha-image"]/@src')[0] if len(self.doc.xpath('//img[@id="auth-captcha-image"]/@src')) != 0 else None

class HistoryPage(AmazonPage):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
    forced_encoding = True
    ENCODING = 'UTF-8'

    def iter_years(self):
        for year in self.opt_years():
            yield self.to_year(year)

    def iter_orders(self):
        for id_ in self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"N° de commande")]/../span[2]/text()'):
            yield self.browser.to_order(id_.strip())
        for next_ in self.doc.xpath(u'//ul[@class="a-pagination"]'
            raise NextPage(next_)

    def to_year(self, year):
        form = self.get_form('//form[contains(@class,"time-period-chooser")]')
        form['orderFilter'] = [year]

    def opt_years(self):
        return [x for x in self.doc.xpath(
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        ) if x.startswith('year-')]

class OrderPage(AmazonPage):
    def shouldSkip(self):
        # Reports only fully shipped and delivered orders, because they have
        # finalized payment amounts.
        # Payment for not yet shipped orders may change, and is not always
        # available.
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Kitof committed

        return bool([x for s in [u'En préparation pour expédition', u'En cours de préparation', u'Commande annulée']  # TODO : Other French status applied ?
                    for x in self.doc.xpath(u'//*[contains(text(),$text)]', text=s)])

    def decimal_amount(self, amount):
        m = re.match(u'.*EUR ([,0-9]+).*', amount)
        if m:
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
            return Decimal(",", "."))
    def month_to_int(self, text):
        for (idx, month) in enumerate(FRENCH_MONTHS):
            text = text.replace(month, str(idx + 1))
        return text

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Kitof committed

class OrderNewPage(OrderPage):
    is_here = u'//*[contains(text(),"Commandé le")]'

    def order(self):
        if not self.shouldSkip():
            order = Order(id=self.order_number())
   = self.order_date()
            order.shipping = self.shipping()
   = self.grand_total()
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
            order._bill = self.bill()
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
    def bill(self):
        pdf = self.doc.xpath(u'//a[contains(text(), "Imprimer une facture")]')
        htlm = self.doc.xpath(u'//a[contains(text(), "Imprimer un récapitulatif de commande")]')
        format = u'pdf' if pdf else u'html'
        url = pdf[0].attrib['href'] if pdf else htlm[0].attrib['href']
        return {'url': url, 'format': format}

    def order_date(self):
        return datetime.strptime(
            re.match(u'.*Commandé le ([0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+) .*',
            '%d %m %Y')

    def order_number(self):
        m = re.match(u'.*N° de commande : +([^ ]+) .*', self.date_num())
        if m:

    def payments(self):
            pmt = Payment()
   = self.order_date()
            pmt.method = u'GIFT CARD'
            pmt.amount =
            yield pmt
        transactions = list(self.transactions())
        if transactions:
            for t in transactions:
                yield t
            for method in self.paymethods():
                pmt = Payment()
       = self.order_date()
                pmt.method = method
                pmt.amount = self.grand_total()
                yield pmt

    def paymethods(self):
        for root in self.doc.xpath(u'//h5[contains(text(),"Méthode de paiement")]'):
            alt = root.xpath('../div/img/@alt')[0]
            span = root.xpath('../div/span/text()')[0]
            digits = re.match(r'[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[^0-9]*', span).group(1)
            yield u'%s %s' % (alt, digits)

    def grand_total(self):
        return self.decimal_amount(self.doc.xpath(
            '//span[contains(text(),"Montant total TTC")]/..'

    def date_num(self):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        return u' '.join(
            )).replace('\n', '')

    def tax(self):
        return self.amount(u' TVA')

    def shipping(self):
        return self.amount(u'Livraison :')

    def discount(self):
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Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        return self.amount(u'Bon de réduction', u'Subscribe & Save', u'Your Coupon Savings',
                           u'Lightning Deal')

    def gift(self):
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Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
        return self.amount(u'Gift Card Amount')

    def amount(self, *names):
            return Decimal(sum(
                self.decimal_amount(amount.strip()) or 0.0
                for n in names for amount in self.doc.xpath(
                    '(//span[contains(text(),$name)]/../..//span)[2]/text()', name=n)))
        except TypeError:
            return NotAvailable

    def transactions(self):
        for row in self.doc.xpath('//span[contains(text(),"Transactions")]'
            text = row.text_content().strip().replace('\n', ' ')
            if u'Expédition' not in text:
            date, method, amount = re.match(
                '.* '     '([0-9]+ [^ ]+ [0-9]+)'
                '[ -]+'   '([A-z][^:]+)'
                ': +'     '(EUR [^ ]+)', text).groups()
            date = datetime.strptime(self.month_to_int(date), '%d %m %Y')
            method = method.replace(u'finissant par ', u'').upper()
            amount = self.decimal_amount(amount)
            pmt = Payment()
   = date
            pmt.method = method
            pmt.amount = amount
            yield pmt

    def items(self):
        for item in self.doc.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"a-box shipment")]'
            url = (item.xpath(u'*//a[contains(@href,"/gp/product")]/@href') +
            label = u''.join(item.xpath(
            price = u''.join(x.strip() for x in item.xpath(
                if x.strip().startswith('EUR'))
            price = self.decimal_amount(price)
            multi = re.match(u'([0-9]+) de (.*)', label)
            if multi:
                amount, label = multi.groups()
                price *= Decimal(amount)
            if url:
                url = unicode(self.browser.BASEURL) + \
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
                    re.match(u'(/gp/product/.*)/ref=.*', url).group(1)
            if label and price:
                itm = Item()
                itm.label = label
                itm.url = url
                itm.price = price
                yield itm

class OrderOldPage(OrderPage):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
    forced_encoding = True
    ENCODING = 'ISO-8859-15'
    is_here = u'//*[contains(text()," numéro de commande")]'

    def order(self):
        if not self.shouldSkip():
            order = Order(id=self.order_number())
   = self.order_date()
   = Decimal( if not empty( else Decimal(0.00)
   = Decimal( if not empty( else Decimal(0.00)
            order.shipping = Decimal(self.shipping()) if not empty(self.shipping()) else Decimal(0.00)
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
   = Decimal(self.grand_total()) if not empty(self.grand_total()) else Decimal(0.00)
            order._bill = self.bill()
    def bill(self):
        html = self.doc.xpath(u'//img[contains(@src, "print-invoice")]/parent::a')
        return {'url': html[0].attrib['href'], 'format': u'html'}

    def order_date(self):
        date_str = self.doc.xpath(u'//b[contains(text(),"Commande numérique")]')[0].text
        month_str = re.match(u'.*Commande numérique : [0-9]+ ([^ ]+) [0-9]+.*', date_str).group(1)
        return datetime.strptime(
            re.match(u'.*Commande numérique : ([0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+).*',
                     date_str.replace(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1))).group(1),
            '%d %m %Y')

    def order_number(self):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        num_com = u' '.join(self.doc.xpath(
            u'//b[contains(text()," numéro de commande")]/../text()')
        return num_com

    def tax(self):
        return self.sum_amounts(u'TVA:')

    def discount(self):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        return self.sum_amounts(u'Subscribe & Save:', u'Bon de réduction:',
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
                                u'Promotion Applied:', u'Your Coupon Savings:')
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
        return self.sum_amounts(u'Shipping & Handling:', u'Free shipping:',
                                u'Free Shipping:')

    def payments(self):
        for shmt in self.shipments():
            gift =
            if gift:
                pmt = Payment()
       = self.order_date()
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
                pmt.method = u'CARTE CADEAU'
                pmt.amount = -gift
                yield pmt
        transactions = list(self.transactions())
        if transactions:
            for t in transactions:
                yield t
            for method in self.paymethods():
                pmt = Payment()
       = self.order_date()
                pmt.method = method
                pmt.amount = self.grand_total()
                yield pmt

    def shipments(self):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
        for cue in (u'Shipment #', u'Subscribe and Save Shipment'):
            for shmt in self.doc.xpath('//b[contains(text(),$cue)]', cue=cue):
                yield shmt

    def items(self):
        for shmt in self.shipments():
            root = shmt.xpath(u'../../../../../../../..'
                              u'//b[text()="Articles commandés"]')[0]
            for item in root.xpath('../../../tr')[1:]:
                count = url = label = None
                for div in item.xpath('*//div'):
                    m = re.match(u'^\s*(\d+)\s*of:(.*)$', div.text,
                                 re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL)
                    if not m:
                    count = Decimal(
                    label = unicode(
                    if label:
                        url = u''
                        a = div.xpath('*//a[contains(@href,"/gp/product")]')[0]
                        url = unicode(a.attrib['href'])
                        label = unicode(a.text.strip())
                price1 = item.xpath('*//div')[-1].text.strip()
                price = count * self.decimal_amount(price1)

                itm = Item()
                itm.label = label
                itm.url = url
                itm.price = price
                yield itm

    def sum_amounts(self, *names):
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Kitof committed
        return sum(self.amount(shmt, x) for shmt in self.shipments()
                   for x in names)

    def amount(self, shmt, name):
        for root in shmt.xpath(u'../../../../../../../..'
                               u'//td[text()="Sous-total articles: "]/../..'):
            for node in root.xpath(u'tr/td[text()=$name]', name=name):
                return self.decimal_amount(
            for node in root.xpath(u'tr/td/b[text()=$name]', name=name):
                return self.decimal_amount(
        return Decimal(0)

    def gift(self, shmt):
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
        return self.amount(shmt, u'Gift Card Amount:')

    def paymethods(self):
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Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
        root = self.doc.xpath('//b[text()="Payment Method: "]/..')
        if len(root) == 0:
        root = root[0]
        text = root.text_content().strip()
        while text:
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
            # TODO : French translation
            for pattern in [
                    u'^.*Payment Method:',
                    u'^([^\n]+)\n +\| Last digits: +([0-9]+)\n',
Kitof's avatar
Kitof committed
                    u'^Gift Card\n',  # Skip gift card.
                    u'^Billing address.*$']:
                match = re.match(pattern, text, re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE)
                if match:
                    text = text[match.end():].strip()
                    if match.groups():
                        yield u' '.join(match.groups()).upper()

    def transactions(self):
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Kitof committed
        # TODO : French translation
        for tr in self.doc.xpath(
                u'//div[contains(b,"Credit Card transactions")]'
            label, date = tr.xpath('td[1]/text()')[0].strip().split(u'\xa0')
            amount = tr.xpath('td[2]/text()')[0].strip()
            date = datetime.strptime(date, '%B %d, %Y:')
            method = label.replace(u'ending in ', u'')[:-1].upper()
            amount = self.decimal_amount(amount)
            pmt = Payment()
   = date
            pmt.method = method
            pmt.amount = amount
            yield pmt

    def grand_total(self):
        return self.decimal_amount(self.doc.xpath(
            u'//td[contains(b,"Total pour cette commande")]/b')[0].text)