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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2010-2012 Romain Bignon, Christophe Benz
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# This file is part of weboob.
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# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# along with weboob. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
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import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from weboob.capabilities.account import CapAccount
from weboob.exceptions import ModuleLoadError
from import ReplApplication
from import ConsoleProgress
from import IFormatter

__all__ = ['WeboobCfg']

class ModuleInfoFormatter(IFormatter):
    def format_dict(self, minfo):
        result = '.------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n'
        result += '| Module %-69s |\n' % minfo['name']
        result += "+-----------------.------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
        result += '| Version         | %s\n' % minfo['version']
        result += '| Maintainer      | %s\n' % minfo['maintainer']
        result += '| License         | %s\n' % minfo['license']
        result += '| Description     | %s\n' % minfo['description']
        result += '| Capabilities    | %s\n' % ', '.join(minfo['capabilities'])
        result += '| Installed       | %s\n' % minfo['installed']
        result += '| Location        | %s\n' % minfo['location']
        if 'config' in minfo:
            first = True
            for key, field in minfo['config'].items():
                label = field['label']
                if field['default'] is not None:
                    label += ' (default: %s)' % field['default']

                    result += '| Configuration   | %s: %s\n' % (key, label)
                    result += '|                 | %s: %s\n' % (key, label)
        result += "'-----------------'\n"
        return result

class WeboobCfg(ReplApplication):
    APPNAME = 'weboob-config'
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    VERSION = '1.5'
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    COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright(C) 2010-YEAR Christophe Benz, Romain Bignon'
    DESCRIPTION = "Weboob-Config is a console application to add/edit/remove backends, " \
                  "and to register new website accounts."
    SHORT_DESCRIPTION = "manage backends or register new accounts"
    EXTRA_FORMATTERS = {'info_formatter': ModuleInfoFormatter}
    COMMANDS_FORMATTERS = {'modules':     'table',
                           'list':        'table',
    def load_default_backends(self):

    def do_add(self, line):
        Create a backend from a module. By default, if BACKEND_NAME is omitted,
        that's the module name which is used.

        You can specify parameters from command line in form "key=value".
            print('You must specify a module name. Hint: use the "modules" command.', file=self.stderr)
        module_name, options = self.parse_command_args(line, 2, 1)
        if options:
            options = options.split(' ')
            options = ()

        backend_name = None
        params = {}
        # set backend params from command-line arguments
        for option in options:
                key, value = option.split('=', 1)
            except ValueError:
                if backend_name is None:
                    backend_name = option
                    print('Parameters have to be formatted "key=value"', file=self.stderr)
                    return 2
                params[key] = value
        self.add_backend(module_name, backend_name or module_name, params)
    def do_register(self, line):
        Register a new account on a module.

    def do_confirm(self, backend_name):
        confirm BACKEND

        For a backend which support CapAccount, parse a confirmation mail
        after using the 'register' command to automatically confirm the

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        It takes mail from stdin. Use it with postfix for example.
        # Do not use the ReplApplication.load_backends() method because we
        # don't want to prompt user to create backend.
            backend = self.weboob.get_backend(backend_name)
        except KeyError:
            print('Error: backend "%s" not found.' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
        if not backend.has_caps(CapAccount):
            print('Error: backend "%s" does not support accounts management' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
        if not backend.confirm_account(mail):
            print('Error: Unable to confirm account creation', file=self.stderr)
    def do_list(self, line):
        for backend_name, module_name, params in sorted(self.weboob.backends_config.iter_backends()):
                module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(module_name)
            except ModuleLoadError as e:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to load module %r: %s' % (module_name, e))
            if caps and not module.has_caps(*caps):
            row = OrderedDict([('Name', backend_name),
                               ('Module', module_name),
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                               ('Configuration', ', '.join(
                                   '%s=%s' % (key, ('*****' if key in module.config and module.config[key].masked
                                                    else value))
                                   for key, value in params.items())),
    def do_enable(self, backend_name):
        enable NAME

        Enable a backend.
            self.weboob.backends_config.edit_backend(backend_name, {'_enabled': '1'})
        except KeyError:
            print('Backend instance "%s" does not exist' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
            return 1

    def do_disable(self, backend_name):
        disable NAME

        Disable a backend.
            self.weboob.backends_config.edit_backend(backend_name, {'_enabled': '0'})
        except KeyError:
            print('Backend instance "%s" does not exist' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
            return 1

    def do_remove(self, backend_name):
        if not self.weboob.backends_config.remove_backend(backend_name):
            print('Backend instance "%s" does not exist' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
    def do_edit(self, line):
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        except KeyError:
            print('Error: backend "%s" not found' % line, file=self.stderr)
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    def do_modules(self, line):
        Show available modules.
        caps = line.split()
        for name, info in sorted(self.weboob.repositories.get_all_modules_info(caps).items()):
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            row = OrderedDict([('Name', name),
                               ('Capabilities', info.capabilities),
                               ('Description', info.description),
                               ('Installed', info.is_installed()),
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    def do_info(self, line):
        Display information about a module.
            print('You must specify a module name. Hint: use the "modules" command.', file=self.stderr)
        minfo = self.weboob.repositories.get_module_info(line)
        if not minfo:
            print('Module "%s" does not exist.' % line, file=self.stderr)
            module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(line)
        except ModuleLoadError:
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        self.format(self.create_minfo_dict(minfo, module))

    def create_minfo_dict(self, minfo, module):
        module_info = {}
        module_info['name'] =
        module_info['version'] = minfo.version
        module_info['maintainer'] = minfo.maintainer
        module_info['license'] = minfo.license
        module_info['description'] = minfo.description
        module_info['capabilities'] = minfo.capabilities
        module_info['installed'] = '%s%s' % (('yes' if module else 'no'), ' (new version available)' if self.weboob.repositories.versions.get( > minfo.version else '')
        module_info['location'] = '%s' % (minfo.url or os.path.join(minfo.path,
            for key, field in module.config.items():
                module_info['config'][key] = {'label': field.label,
                                              'default': field.default,
                                              'description': field.description,
                                              'regexp': field.regexp,
                                              'choices': field.choices,
                                              'masked': field.masked,
                                              'required': field.required}
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    def do_update(self, line):

        Update weboob.
        if self.weboob.repositories.errors:
            print('Errors building modules: %s' % ', '.join(self.weboob.repositories.errors.keys()), file=self.stderr)
            if not self.options.debug:
                print('Use --debug to get more information.', file=self.stderr)
            return 1