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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2009-2016  Romain Bignon
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# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

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from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import Counter
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from random import randint
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from weboob.browser.elements import DictElement, ListElement, TableElement, ItemElement, method
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from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import Format, Eval, Regexp, CleanText, Date, CleanDecimal, Field
from weboob.browser.filters.html import TableCell
from weboob.browser.pages import JsonPage, LoggedPage, HTMLPage
from weboob.capabilities import NotAvailable
from import (
    Account, Investment, Recipient, Transfer, TransferError, TransferBankError,
from import Advisor
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Person, ProfileMissing
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword, BrowserUnavailable, BrowserPasswordExpired, ActionNeeded
from import rib2iban, rebuild_rib, is_iban_valid
from import FrenchTransaction
from import GridVirtKeyboard
from import parse_french_date
from import is_isin_valid
from import unquote_plus
from import html2text
class ConnectionThresholdPage(HTMLPage):
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    """BNP disallows to reuse one of the three last used passwords."""

    def make_date(self, yy, m, d):
        current =
        if yy > current - 2000:
            yyyy = 1900 + yy
            yyyy = 2000 + yy
        return datetime(yyyy, m, d)

    def looks_legit(self, password):
        # the site says:
        # no more than 2 repeats
        for v in Counter(password).values():
            if v > 2:
                return False

        # not the birthdate (but we don't know it)
        first, mm, end = map(int, (password[0:2], password[2:4], password[4:6]))
        now =
            delta = now - self.make_date(first, mm, end)
        except ValueError:
            if 10 < delta.days / 365 < 70:
                return False

            delta = now - self.make_date(end, mm, first)
        except ValueError:
            if 10 < delta.days / 365 < 70:
                return False

        # no sequence (more than 4 digits?)
        password = list(map(int, password))
        up = 0
        down = 0
        for a, b in zip(password[:-1], password[1:]):
            up += int(a + 1 == b)
            down += int(a - 1 == b)
        if up >= 4 or down >= 4:
            return False

        return True

    def on_load(self):
        msg = CleanText('//div[@class="confirmation"]//span[span]')(self.doc)

        self.logger.warning('Password expired.')
        if not self.browser.rotating_password:
            raise BrowserPasswordExpired(msg)

        if not self.looks_legit(self.browser.password):
            # we may not be able to restore the password, so reject it
            self.logger.warning('Unable to restore it, it is not legit.')
            raise BrowserPasswordExpired(msg)
        new_passwords = []
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        for i in range(self.NOT_REUSABLE_PASSWORDS_COUNT):
            new_pass = ''.join([str((int(l) + i + 1) % 10) for l in self.browser.password])
            if not self.looks_legit(new_pass):
                self.logger.warning('One of rotating password is not legit')
                raise BrowserPasswordExpired(msg)

        current_password = self.browser.password
        for new_pass in new_passwords:
            self.logger.warning('Renewing with temp password')
            if not self.browser.change_pass(current_password, new_pass):
                self.logger.warning('New temp password is rejected, giving up')
                raise BrowserPasswordExpired(msg)
            current_password = new_pass

        if not self.browser.change_pass(current_password, self.browser.password):
            self.logger.error('Could not restore old password!')
        self.logger.warning('Old password restored.')

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def cast(x, typ, default=None):
        return typ(x or default)
    except ValueError:
        return default

class BNPKeyboard(GridVirtKeyboard):
    color = (0x1f, 0x27, 0x28)
    margin = 3, 3
    symbols = {'0': '43b2227b92e0546d742a1f087015e487',
               '1': '2914e8cc694de26756096d0d0d4c6e0f',
               '2': 'aac54304a7bb850805d29f54557be366',
               '3': '0376d9f8419efee42e253d195a152547',
               '4': '3719595f15b1ac1c5a73d84aa290b5f6',
               '5': '617597f07a6530479927536671485439',
               '6': '4f5dce7bd0d9213fdae54b79bb8dd33a',
               '7': '49e07fa52b9bcee798f3a663f86e6cc1',
               '8': 'c60b723b3d95a46416b34c2cbefba3ed',
               '9': 'a13b8c3617a7bf854590833ddfb97f1f'}

    def __init__(self, browser, image):
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        symbols = list('%02d' % x for x in range(1, 11))

        super(BNPKeyboard, self).__init__(symbols, 5, 2, BytesIO(image.content), self.color, convert='RGB')
        self.check_symbols(self.symbols, browser.responses_dirname)
class ListErrorPage(JsonPage):
    def get_error_message(self, error):
        key = 'app.identification.erreur.' + str(error)
            return html2text(self.doc[key])
        except KeyError:
            return None
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class LoginPage(JsonPage):
    def render_template(tmpl, **values):
        for k, v in values.items():
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            tmpl = tmpl.replace('{{ ' + k + ' }}', v)
        return tmpl

    def generate_token(length=11):
        chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
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        return ''.join((chars[randint(0, len(chars)-1)] for _ in range(length)))
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    def build_doc(self, text):
            return super(LoginPage, self).build_doc(text)
        except ValueError:
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            # XXX When login is successful, server sends HTML instead of JSON,
            #     we can ignore it.
            return {}

    def on_load(self):
        if self.url.startswith('https://mabanqueprivee.'):

        # Some kind of internal server error instead of normal wrongpass errorCode.
        if self.get('errorCode') == 'INTO_FACADE ERROR: JDF_GENERIC_EXCEPTION':
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword()

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        error = cast(self.get('errorCode'), int, 0)
        # you can find api documentation on errors here :
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        if error:
            error_page =
            msg = error_page.get_error_message(error)
            if not msg:
                msg = self.get('message')

            wrongpass_codes = [201, 21510, 203, 202, 1001, 7]
            actionNeeded_codes = [21501, 3, 4, 50]
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                raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(msg)
            elif error == 21: # "Ce service est momentanément indisponible. Veuillez renouveler votre demande ultérieurement." -> In reality, account is blocked because of too much wrongpass
                raise ActionNeeded(u"Compte bloqué")
            elif error in actionNeeded_codes:
            elif error == 207:
                raise BrowserUnavailable(msg)
                assert False, 'Unexpected error at login: "%s" (code=%s)' % (msg, error)
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    def login(self, username, password):
        url = '/identification-wspl-pres/grille/%s' % self.get('data.grille.idGrille')
        keyboard =
        vk = BNPKeyboard(self.browser, keyboard)
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        target = self.browser.BASEURL + 'SEEA-pa01/devServer/seeaserver'
        user_agent = self.browser.session.headers.get('User-Agent') or ''
        auth = self.render_template(self.get('data.authTemplate'),
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        csrf = self.generate_token()

        response = self.browser.location(target, data={'AUTH': auth, 'CSRF': csrf})
        if response.url.startswith(''):
        if response.url.startswith(''):
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class BNPPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    def build_doc(self, text):
            return self.response.json(parse_float=Decimal)
        except ValueError:
            raise BrowserUnavailable()
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    def on_load(self):
        code = cast(self.get('codeRetour'), int, 0)

        if code == -30:
            self.logger.debug('End of session detected, try to relog...')
        elif code:
            self.logger.debug('Unexpected error: "%s" (code=%s)' % (self.get('message'), code))
            return (self.get('message'), code)
class ProfilePage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    def get_error_message(self):
        return Dict('message')(self.doc)

    class get_profile(ItemElement):
        def condition(self):
            return Dict('codeRetour')(self) == '0'

        item_path = 'data/initialisation/informationsClient/'
        klass = Person
        def parse(self, el):
            if not Dict(self.item_path + 'etatCivil/prenom')(el).strip() and not Dict(self.item_path + 'etatCivil/nom')(el).strip():
                raise ProfileMissing()
        obj_name = Format('%s %s', Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/prenom'), Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/nom'))
        obj_spouse_name = Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/nomMarital', default=NotAvailable)
        obj_birth_date = Date(Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/dateNaissance'), dayfirst=True)
        obj_nationality = Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/nationnalite')
        obj_phone = Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/numMobile')
        obj_email = Dict(item_path + 'etatCivil/mail')
        obj_job = Dict(item_path + 'situationPro/activiteExercee')
        obj_job_start_date = Date(Dict(item_path + 'situationPro/dateDebut'), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)
        obj_company_name = Dict(item_path + 'situationPro/nomEmployeur')

        def obj_company_siren(self):
            siren = Dict('data/initialisation/informationsClient/monEntreprise/siren')(
            return siren or NotAvailable

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class AccountsPage(BNPPage):
        1: Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
        2: Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
        3: Account.TYPE_DEPOSIT,
        4: Account.TYPE_MARKET,
        5: Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
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        8: Account.TYPE_LOAN,
        9: Account.TYPE_LOAN,
        u'PEA Espèces':                       Account.TYPE_PEA,
        u'PEA Titres':                        Account.TYPE_PEA,
        u'PEL':                               Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
        u'Plan Epargne Retraite Particulier': Account.TYPE_PERP,
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    def iter_accounts(self, ibans):
        for f in self.path('data.infoUdc.familleCompte.*'):
            for a in f.get('compte'):
                iban = ibans.get(a.get('key'))
                if iban is not None and not is_iban_valid(iban):
                    iban = rib2iban(rebuild_rib(iban))

                acc = Account.from_dict({
                    'id': a.get('key'),
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                    'label': a.get('libellePersoProduit') or a.get('libelleProduit'),
                    'currency': a.get('devise'),
                    'type': self.LABEL_TO_TYPE.get(' '.join(a.get('libelleProduit').split())) or \
                            self.FAMILY_TO_TYPE.get(f.get('idFamilleCompte')) or Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN,
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                    'balance': a.get('soldeDispo'),
                    'coming': a.get('soldeAVenir'),
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                    'number': a.get('value')
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                # softcap not used TODO don't pass this key when backend is ready
                # deferred cb can disappear the day after the appear, so 0 as day_for_softcap
                acc._bisoftcap = {'deferred_cb': {'softcap_day': 1000, 'day_for_softcap': 0, 'date_field': 'rdate'}}
                yield acc
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class AccountsIBANPage(BNPPage):
    def get_ibans_dict(self):
        return dict([(a['ibanCrypte'], a['iban']) for a in self.path('data.listeRib.*.infoCompte')])
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class MyRecipient(ItemElement):
    klass = Recipient

    def obj_currency(self):
        return Dict('devise')(self) or NotAvailable
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    def validate(self, el):
        # For the moment, we skip this kind of recipient:
        # {"nomBeneficiaire":"Aircraft Guaranty Holdings LLC","idBeneficiaire":"00002##00002##FRSTUS44XXX##130018430","ibanNumCompte":"130018430","typeIban":"0","bic":"FRSTUS44XXX","statut":"1","numListe":"00002","typeBeneficiaire":"INTER","devise":"USD","tauxConversion":"1.047764","nbDecimale":"2","typeFrais":"","adresseBeneficiaire":"","nomBanque":"Frost National Bank","adresseBanque":"100 West Houston Street San Antonio, Texas 78205 USA ","canalActivation":"1","libelleStatut":"Activé"}
        return is_iban_valid(el.iban)
class TransferInitPage(BNPPage):
    def on_load(self):
        message_code = BNPPage.on_load(self)
        if message_code is not None:
            raise TransferError('%s, code=%s' % (message_code[0], message_code[1]))
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    def get_ibans_dict(self, account_type):
        return dict([(a['ibanCrypte'], a['iban']) for a in self.path('data.infoVirement.listeComptes%s.*' % account_type)])

    def can_transfer_to_recipients(self, origin_account_id):
        return next(a['eligibleVersBenef'] for a in self.path('data.infoVirement.listeComptesDebiteur.*') if a['ibanCrypte'] == origin_account_id) == '1'
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    class transferable_on(DictElement):
        item_xpath = 'data/infoVirement/listeComptesCrediteur'

        class item(MyRecipient):
            condition = lambda self: Dict('ibanCrypte')(self.el) != self.env['origin_account_ibancrypte']
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            obj_id = Dict('ibanCrypte')
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            obj_label = Dict('libelleCompte')
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            obj_iban = Dict('iban')
            obj_category = u'Interne'
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            def obj_bank_name(self):
                return u'BNP PARIBAS'

            def obj_enabled_at(self):

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class RecipientsPage(BNPPage):
    class iter_recipients(DictElement):
        item_xpath = 'data/infoBeneficiaire/listeBeneficiaire'

        class item(MyRecipient):
            # For the moment, only yield ready to transfer on recipients.
            condition = lambda self: Dict('libelleStatut')(self.el) in [u'Activé', u'Temporisé']
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            obj_id = Dict('idBeneficiaire')
            obj_label = Dict('nomBeneficiaire')
            obj_iban = Dict('ibanNumCompte')
            obj_category = u'Externe'
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            def obj_bank_name(self):
                return Dict('nomBanque')(self) or NotAvailable
            def obj_enabled_at(self):
                return if Dict('libelleStatut')(self) == u'Activé' else ( + timedelta(days=5)).replace(microsecond=0)

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class ValidateTransferPage(BNPPage):
    def check_errors(self):
        if not 'data' in self.doc:
            raise TransferBankError(message=self.doc['message'])
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    def abort_if_unknown(self, transfer_data):
            assert transfer_data['typeOperation'] in ['1', '2']
            assert transfer_data['repartitionFrais'] == '0'
            assert transfer_data['devise'] == 'EUR'
            assert not transfer_data['montantDeviseEtrangere']
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise TransferError(e)
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    def handle_response(self, account, recipient, amount, reason):
        transfer_data = self.doc['data']['validationVirement']


        if 'idBeneficiaire' in transfer_data and transfer_data['idBeneficiaire'] is not None:
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            assert transfer_data['idBeneficiaire'] ==
        elif 'ibanCompteCrediteur' in transfer_data and transfer_data['ibanCompteCrediteur'] is not None:
            assert transfer_data['ibanCompteCrediteur'] == recipient.iban
        transfer = Transfer()
        transfer.currency = transfer_data['devise']
        transfer.amount = Decimal(transfer_data['montantEuros'])
        transfer.account_iban = transfer_data['ibanCompteDebiteur']
            transfer.recipient_iban = transfer_data['ibanCompteCrediteur'] or recipient.iban
        except KeyError:
            # In last version, json contains a key 'idBeneficiaire' containing:
            # "idBeneficiaire" : "00003##00001####FR7610278123456789028070101",
            transfer.recipient_id = transfer_data['idBeneficiaire']
            transfer.recipient_iban = transfer.recipient_id.split('#')[-1] or recipient.iban
            transfer.recipient_id =
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        transfer.exec_date = parse_french_date(transfer_data['dateExecution']).date()
        transfer.fees = Decimal(transfer_data.get('montantFrais', '0'))
        transfer.label = transfer_data['motifVirement']

        transfer.account_label = account.label
        transfer.recipient_label = recipient.label = transfer_data['reference']
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        # This is true if a transfer with the same metadata has already been done recently
        transfer._doublon = transfer_data['doublon']
        transfer.account_balance = account.balance
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        return transfer
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class RegisterTransferPage(ValidateTransferPage):
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    def handle_response(self, transfer):
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Baptiste Delpey's avatar
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        transfer_data = self.doc['data']['enregistrementVirement']
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Baptiste Delpey committed = transfer_data['reference']
        assert transfer.exec_date == parse_french_date(self.doc['data']['enregistrementVirement']['dateExecution']).date()
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        # Timestamp at which the bank registered the transfer
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        register_date = re.sub(' 24:', ' 00:', self.doc['data']['enregistrementVirement']['dateEnregistrement'])
        transfer._register_date = parse_french_date(register_date)
        return transfer
class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [(re.compile(u'^(?P<category>CHEQUE)(?P<text>.*)'),        FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>FACTURE CARTE) DU (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*?)( CA?R?T?E? ?\d*X*\d*)?$'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>(PRELEVEMENT|TELEREGLEMENT|TIP)) (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>PRLV( EUROPEEN)? SEPA) (?P<text>.*?)( MDT/.*?)?( ECH/\d+)?( ID .*)?$'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>ECHEANCEPRET)(?P<text>.*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_LOAN_PAYMENT),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>RETRAIT DAB) (?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>\d{2})/(?P<yy>\d{2})( (?P<HH>\d+)H(?P<MM>\d+))?( \d+)? (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>VIR(EMEN)?T? (RECU |FAVEUR )?(TIERS )?)\w+ \d+/\d+ \d+H\d+ \w+ (?P<text>.*)$'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>VIR(EMEN)?T? (EUROPEEN )?(SEPA )?(RECU |FAVEUR |EMIS )?(TIERS )?)(/FRM |/DE |/MOTIF |/BEN )?(?P<text>.*?)(/.+)?$'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>REMBOURST) CB DU (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2})(?P<yy>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*)'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>REMBOURST)(?P<text>.*)'),     FrenchTransaction.TYPE_PAYBACK),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>COMMISSIONS)(?P<text>.*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
                (re.compile('^(?P<text>(?P<category>REMUNERATION).*)'),   FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
                (re.compile('^(?P<category>REMISE CHEQUES)(?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),

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class HistoryPage(BNPPage):
    CODE_TO_TYPE = {
        1:  Transaction.TYPE_CHECK, # Chèque émis
        2:  Transaction.TYPE_CHECK, # Chèque reçu
        3:  Transaction.TYPE_CASH_DEPOSIT, # Versement espèces
        4:  Transaction.TYPE_ORDER, # Virements reçus
        5:  Transaction.TYPE_ORDER, # Virements émis
        6:  Transaction.TYPE_LOAN_PAYMENT, # Prélèvements / amortissements prêts
        7:  Transaction.TYPE_CARD, # Paiements carte,
        8:  Transaction.TYPE_CARD, # Carte / Formule BNP Net,
        9:  Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN,  # Opérations Titres
        10: Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN,  # Effets de Commerce
        11: Transaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL, # Retraits d'espèces carte
        12: Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN, # Opérations avec l'étranger
        13: Transaction.TYPE_CARD, # Remises Carte
        14: Transaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL, # Retraits guichets
        15: Transaction.TYPE_BANK, # Intérêts/frais et commissions
        16: Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN, # Tercéo
        30: Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN, # Divers

        2: Transaction.TYPE_ORDER, # Prélèvement
        3: Transaction.TYPE_CHECK, # Chèque
        4: Transaction.TYPE_CARD, # Opération carte

    def one(self, path, context=None):
            return list(self.path(path, context))[0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def iter_history(self):
        for op in self.get('data.listerOperations.compte.operationPassee') or []:
            codeFamille = cast('operationType.codeFamille', op), int)
            tr = Transaction.from_dict({
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                'id': op.get('idOperation'),
                'type': self.CODE_TO_TYPE.get(codeFamille) or Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN,
                'category': op.get('categorie'),
                'amount':'montant.montant', op),
                     vdate=parse_french_date('montant.valueDate', op)))

            raw_is_summary = re.match(r'FACTURE CARTE SELON RELEVE DU\b|FACTURE CARTE CARTE AFFAIRES \d{4}X{8}\d{4} SUIVANT\b', tr.raw)
            if tr.type == Transaction.TYPE_CARD and raw_is_summary:
                tr.type = Transaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY
                tr.deleted = True
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    def iter_coming(self):
        for op in self.path('data.listerOperations.compte.operationAvenir.*.operation.*'):
            codeOperation = cast(op.get('codeOperation'), int, 0)
            # Coming transactions don't have real id
            tr = Transaction.from_dict({
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                'type': self.COMING_TYPE_TO_TYPE.get(codeOperation) or Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN,
                'amount': op.get('montant'),
                'card': op.get('numeroPorteurCarte'),
            if tr.type == Transaction.TYPE_CARD:
                tr.type = self.browser.card_to_transaction_type.get(op.get('keyCarte'),
class ListDetailCardPage(BNPPage):
    def get_card_to_transaction_type(self):
        d = {}
        for card in self.path('data.responseRestitutionCarte.listeCartes.*'):
            if 'DIFFERE' in card['typeDebit']:
                tr_type = Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD
                tr_type = Transaction.TYPE_CARD
            d[card['numCarteCrypte']] = tr_type
class LifeInsurancesPage(BNPPage):
    investments_path = 'data.infosContrat.repartition.listeSupport.*'

    def iter_investments(self):
        for support in self.path(self.investments_path):
            inv = Investment()
            if 'codeIsin' in support:
                inv.code = = support['codeIsin']
                inv.quantity = support.get('nbUC', NotAvailable)
                inv.unitvalue = support.get('valUC', NotAvailable)

            inv.label = support['libelle']
            inv.valuation = support.get('montant', NotAvailable)
            yield inv

class LifeInsurancesHistoryPage(BNPPage):
    def iter_history(self, coming):
        for op in self.get('data.listerMouvements.listeMouvements') or []:
            #We have not date for this statut so we just skit it
            if op.get('statut') == u'En cours':

            tr = Transaction.from_dict({
                'type': Transaction.TYPE_BANK,
                '_state': op.get('statut'),
                'amount': op.get('montantNet'),
            if op.get('statut') == 'Sans suite':

                     vdate = parse_french_date(op.get('dateEffet')) if op.get('dateEffet') else None,
                     raw='%s %s' % (op.get('libelleMouvement'), op.get('canalSaisie') or ''))
            tr._op = op

            if (op.get('statut') == u'Traité') ^ coming:
                yield tr

class LifeInsurancesDetailPage(LifeInsurancesPage):
    investments_path = 'data.detailMouvement.listeSupport.*'
class NatioVieProPage(BNPPage):
    # This form is required to go to the capitalisation contracts page.
    def get_params(self):
        params = {
            'app':         'BNPNET',
            'hageGroup':   'consultationBnpnet',
            'init':        'true',
            'multiInit':   'false',
        params['a0'] = self.doc['data']['nationVieProInfos']['a0']
        # The number of "p" keys may vary (p0, p1, p2 ... up to p13 or more)
        for key, value in self.doc['data']['nationVieProInfos']['listeP'].items():
            params[key] = value
        # We must decode the values before constructing the URL:
        for k, v in params.items():
            params[k] = unquote_plus(v)
        return params

class CapitalisationPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def has_contracts(self):
        # This message will appear if the page "Assurance Vie" contains no contract.
        return not CleanText('//td[@class="message"]/text()[starts-with(., "Pour toute information")]')(self.doc)

    # To be completed with other account labels and types seen on the "Assurance Vie" space:
        'BNP Paribas Multiplacements':                  Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
        'BNP Paribas Multiciel Privilège':              Account.TYPE_CAPITALISATION,
        'Plan Epargne Retraite Particulier':            Account.TYPE_PERP,
        "Plan d'Épargne Retraite des Particuliers":     Account.TYPE_PERP,

    class iter_capitalisation(TableElement):
        # Other types of tables may appear on the page (such as Alternative Emprunteur/Capital Assuré)
        # But they do not contain bank accounts so we must avoid them.
        item_xpath = '//table/tr[preceding-sibling::tr[th[text()="Libellé du contrat"]]][td[@class="ligneTableau"]]'

        head_xpath = '//table/tr/th[@class="headerTableau"]'
        col_label = 'Libellé du contrat'
        col_id = 'Numéro de contrat'
        col_balance = 'Montant'
        col_currency = "Monnaie d'affichage"

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_id = CleanText(TableCell('id'))
            obj_number = CleanText(TableCell('id'))
            obj_balance = CleanDecimal(TableCell('balance'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_coming = None
            obj_iban = None
                for k, v in
                    if Field('label')(self).startswith(k):
                        return v
                return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

            def obj_currency(self):
                currency = CleanText(TableCell('currency')(self))(self)
                return Account.get_currency(currency)

            # Required to get the investments of each "Assurances Vie" account:
            def obj__details(self):
                raw_details = CleanText((TableCell('balance')(self)[0]).xpath('./a/@href'))(self)
                m ="Window\('(.*?)',window", raw_details)

    def get_params(self, account):
        form = self.get_form(xpath='//form[@name="formListeContrats"]')
        form['postValue'] = account._details
        return form

    # The investments vdate is out of the investments table and is the same for all investments:
    def get_vdate(self):
        return parse_french_date(CleanText('//table[tr[th[text()[contains(., "Date de valorisation")]]]]/tr[2]/td[2]')(self.doc))

    class iter_investments(TableElement):
        # Investment lines contain at least 5 <td> tags
        item_xpath = '//table[tr[th[text()[contains(., "Libellé")]]]]/tr[count(td)>=5]'
        head_xpath = '//table[tr[th[text()[contains(., "Libellé")]]]]/tr/th[@class="headerTableau"]'
        col_label = 'Libellé'
        col_code = 'Code ISIN'
        col_quantity = 'Nombre de parts'
        col_valuation = 'Montant'
        col_portfolio_share = 'Montant en %'
            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_portfolio_share = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, CleanDecimal(TableCell('portfolio_share'), replace_dots=True))
            # There is no "unitvalue" information available on the "Assurances Vie" space.

            def obj_quantity(self):
                quantity = TableCell('quantity')(self)
                if CleanText(quantity)(self) == '-':
                    return NotAvailable
                return CleanDecimal(quantity, replace_dots=True)(self)

            def obj_code(self):
                isin = CleanText(TableCell('code')(self))(self)
                return isin or NotAvailable

            def obj_code_type(self):
                if is_isin_valid(Field('code')(self)):
                    return Investment.CODE_TYPE_ISIN
                return NotAvailable

            def obj_vdate(self):
class MarketListPage(BNPPage):
    def get_list(self):
        return self.get('securityAccountsList') or []

class MarketSynPage(BNPPage):
    def get_list(self):
        return self.get('synSecurityAccounts') or []

class MarketPage(BNPPage):
    investments_path = 'listofPortfolios.*'

    def iter_investments(self):
        for support in self.path(self.investments_path):
            inv = Investment()
            inv.code = = support['securityCode']
            inv.quantity = support['quantityOwned']
            inv.unitvalue = support['currentQuote']
            inv.unitprice = support['averagePrice']
            inv.label = support['securityName']
            inv.valuation = support['valorizationValuation']
            inv.diff = support['profitLossValorisation']
            yield inv

class MarketHistoryPage(BNPPage):
    def iter_history(self):
        for op in self.get('contentList') or []:

            tr = Transaction.from_dict({
                'type': Transaction.TYPE_BANK,
                'amount': op.get('movementAmount'),
                'date': datetime.fromtimestamp(op.get('movementDate') / 1000),
                'label': op.get('operationName'),

   = []
            inv = Investment()
            inv.code = op.get('securityCode')
            inv.quantity = op.get('movementQuantity')
            inv.label = op.get('securityName')
            yield tr

class AdvisorPage(BNPPage):
    def has_error(self):
        return (self.doc.get('message') == 'Erreur technique')

    class get_advisor(ListElement):
        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Advisor

            obj_name = Format('%s %s %s', Dict('data/civilite'), Dict('data/prenom'), Dict('data/nom'))
            obj_email = Regexp(Dict('data/mail'), '(?=\w)(.*)', default=NotAvailable)
            obj_phone = CleanText(Dict('data/telephone'), replace=[(' ', '')])
            obj_mobile = CleanText(Dict('data/mobile'), replace=[(' ', '')])
            obj_fax = CleanText(Dict('data/fax'), replace=[(' ', '')])
            obj_agency = Dict('data/agence')
            obj_address = Format('%s %s %s', Dict('data/adresseAgence'), Dict('data/codePostalAgence'), Dict('data/villeAgence'))
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed

class AddRecipPage(BNPPage):
    def on_load(self):
        code = cast(self.get('codeRetour'), int)
        if code:
            raise AddRecipientBankError(message=self.get('message'))
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed

    def get_recipient(self, recipient):
        r = Recipient()
        r.iban = recipient.iban = self.get('data.gestionBeneficiaire.identifiantBeneficiaire')
        r.label = recipient.label
        r.category = u'Externe'
        r.enabled_at = + timedelta(days=5)
        r.currency = u'EUR'
        r.bank_name = NotAvailable
        return r

class ActivateRecipPage(AddRecipPage):
    def get_recipient(self, recipient):
        r = Recipient()
        r.iban = recipient.iban = recipient.webid if hasattr(recipient, 'webid') else
        r.label = recipient.label
        r.category = u'Externe'
        r.enabled_at = + timedelta(days=5)
        r.currency = u'EUR'
        r.bank_name = self.get('data.activationBeneficiaire.nomBanque')
        return r