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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2013 Pierre Mazière
# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

from import CapRadio, Radio
from weboob.capabilities.audiostream import BaseAudioStream
from import StreamInfo
from weboob.capabilities.collection import CapCollection, Collection
from import Module, BackendConfig
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from import Value
from weboob.deprecated.browser import StandardBrowser
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import time

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__all__ = ['AudioAddictModule']
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# AudioAddict playlists do not seem to be appreciated by mplayer
# VLC plays them successfully, therefore I advice to set the media_player
# option to another player in the ~/.config/weboob/radioob config file:
# [ROOT]
# media_player = your_non_mplayer_player
class AudioAddictModule(Module, CapRadio, CapCollection):
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    NAME = 'audioaddict'
    MAINTAINER = u'Pierre Mazière'
    EMAIL = ''
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    VERSION = '1.2'
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    DESCRIPTION = u'Internet radios powered by services'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    BROWSER = StandardBrowser

    # Data extracted from
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    NETWORKS = {
        'DI': {
            'desc': 'Digitally Imported addictive electronic music',
            'domain': '',
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            'streams': {'android_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
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                        'android': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_high': {'rate': 96, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'public1': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'public2': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'public3': {'rate': 96, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'premium_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'mp3'}
        'RadioTunes': {
            'desc': 'Radio Tunes',
            'domain': '',
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            'streams': {'appleapp_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp_high': {'rate': 96, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'appleapp_premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp_premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp_premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'public1': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'public5': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'wma'},
                        'public3': {'rate': 96, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'premium_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'mp3'}
        'JazzRadio': {
            'desc': 'Jazz Radio',
            'domain': '',
            'streams': {'appleapp_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp_premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp_premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'appleapp_premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'public1': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'public3': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'premium_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'mp3'}
        'RockRadio': {
            'desc': 'Rock Radio',
            'domain': '',
            'streams': {'android_low': {'rate': 40, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium_medium': {'rate': 64, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium': {'rate': 128, 'fmt': 'aac'},
                        'android_premium_high': {'rate': 256, 'fmt': 'mp3'},
                        'public3': {'rate': 96, 'fmt': 'mp3'}
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        'FrescaRadio': {
            'desc': 'Fresca Radio',
            'domain': '',
            'streams': {
                        'public3': {'rate': 96, 'fmt': 'mp3'}
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    CONFIG = BackendConfig(Value('networks',
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                                 label='Selected Networks [%s](space separated)' %
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                                 ' '.join(NETWORKS.keys()), default=''),
                           Value('quality', label='Radio streaming quality',
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                                 choices={'h': 'high', 'l': 'low'},
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    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
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        super(AudioAddictModule, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
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        self.RADIOS = {}
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    def _get_tracks_history(self, network):
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        domain = self.NETWORKS[network]['domain']
        url = '' %\
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        self.HISTORY[network] = self.browser.location(url)
        return self.HISTORY

    def create_default_browser(self):
        return self.create_browser(parser='json')

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    def _get_stream_name(self, network, quality):
        streamName = 'public3'
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        for name in self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'].keys():
            if name.startswith('public') and \
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               self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'][name]['rate'] >= 64:
                if quality == 'h':
                    streamName = name
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                if quality == 'l':
                    streamName = name
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        return streamName

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    def _fetch_radio_list(self, network=None):
        quality = self.config['quality'].get()
        for selectedNetwork in self.config['networks'].get().split():
            if network is None or network == selectedNetwork:
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                streamName = self._get_stream_name(selectedNetwork, quality)
                if not self.RADIOS:
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                    self.RADIOS = {}
                if selectedNetwork not in self.RADIOS:
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                    document = self.browser.location('http://listen.%s/%s' %
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                    self.RADIOS[selectedNetwork] = {}
                    for info in document:
                        radio = info['key']
                        self.RADIOS[selectedNetwork][radio] = {}
                        self.RADIOS[selectedNetwork][radio]['id'] = info['id']
                        self.RADIOS[selectedNetwork][radio]['name'] = info['name']
                        self.RADIOS[selectedNetwork][radio]['playlist'] = info['playlist']
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        return self.RADIOS

    def iter_radios_search(self, pattern):

        pattern = pattern.lower()
        for network in self.config['networks'].get().split():
            for radio in self.RADIOS[network]:
                radio_dict = self.RADIOS[network][radio]
                if pattern in radio_dict['name'].lower() :
                    yield self.get_radio(radio+"."+network)
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    def iter_resources(self, objs, split_path):

        if Radio in objs:
            for network in self.config['networks'].get().split():
                if split_path == [network]:
                    for radio in self.RADIOS[network]:
                        yield self.get_radio(radio+"."+network)
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            for network in self.config['networks'].get().split():
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                yield Collection([network], self.NETWORKS[network]['desc'])
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    def get_current(self, network, radio):
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        channel = {}
        if network not in self.HISTORY:
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            channel = self.HISTORY[network].get(str(self.RADIOS[network][radio]['id']))
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            channel = self.HISTORY[network].get(str(self.RADIOS[network][radio]['id']))
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            if channel is None:
                return 'Unknown', 'Unknown'
            if (channel.get('started')+channel.get('duration')) < now:

        artist = u'' + (channel.get('artist', '') or 'Unknown')
        title = u''+(channel.get('title', '') or 'Unknown')

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        if artist == 'Unknown':
            track = u'' + (channel.get('track', '') or 'Unknown')
            if track != 'Unknown':
                artist = track[:track.find(' - ')]

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        return artist, title

    def get_radio(self, radio):
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        if not isinstance(radio, Radio):
            radio = Radio(radio)

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        radioName, network ='.', 1)

        if radioName not in self.RADIOS[network]:
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            return None

        radio_dict = self.RADIOS[network][radioName]
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        radio.title = radio_dict['name']
        radio.description = radio_dict['name']
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        artist, title = self.get_current(network, radioName)
        current = StreamInfo(0)
        current.who = artist
        current.what = title
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        radio.current = current

        radio.streams = []
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        defaultname = self._get_stream_name(network, self.config['quality'].get())
        stream = BaseAudioStream(0)
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        stream.bitrate = self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'][defaultname]['rate']
        stream.format = self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'][defaultname]['fmt']
        stream.title = u'%s %skbps' % (stream.format, stream.bitrate)
        stream.url = 'http://listen.%s/%s/%s.pls' %\
                     (self.NETWORKS[network]['domain'], defaultname, radioName)
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        i = 1
        for name in self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'].keys():
            if name == defaultname:
            stream = BaseAudioStream(i)
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            stream.bitrate = self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'][name]['rate']
            stream.format = self.NETWORKS[network]['streams'][name]['fmt']
            stream.title = u'%s %skbps' % (stream.format, stream.bitrate)
            stream.url = 'http://listen.%s/%s/%s.pls'%\
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                         (self.NETWORKS[network]['domain'], name, radioName)
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            i = i + 1
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        return radio

    def fill_radio(self, radio, fields):
        if 'current' in fields:
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            radioName, network ='.', 1)
            radio.current = StreamInfo(0)
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            radio.current.who, radio.current.what = self.get_current(network, radioName)
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            return radio

    OBJECTS = {Radio: fill_radio}