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# Copyright(C) 2009-2014  Florent Fourcot, Romain Bignon
# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

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Romain Bignon committed
from datetime import date, timedelta
import datetime
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from import Account, Investment
from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Person
from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, LoggedPage
from weboob.browser.elements import ListElement, TableElement, ItemElement, method, DataError
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import (
    CleanText, CleanDecimal, Filter, Field, MultiFilter, Date,
    Lower, Async, AsyncLoad, Format, Env, Regexp,
from weboob.browser.filters.html import Attr, Link, TableCell
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Romain Bignon committed
from import FrenchTransaction
class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [(re.compile(u'^retrait dab (?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>\d{2})/(?P<yy>\d{4}) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL),
                (re.compile(u'^carte (?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>\d{2})/(?P<yy>\d{4}) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD),
                (re.compile(u'^virement (sepa )?(emis vers|recu|emis)? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
                (re.compile(u'^cheque (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
                (re.compile(u'^prelevement (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
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                (re.compile(u'^prlv sepa (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
                (re.compile(u'^prélèvement sepa en faveur de (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
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Florent committed
class AddPref(MultiFilter):
    prefixes = {u'Courant': u'CC-', u'Livret A': 'LA-', u'Orange': 'LEO-',
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Florent committed
                u'Durable': u'LDD-', u"Titres": 'TITRE-', u'PEA': u'PEA-'}
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Florent committed

    def filter(self, values):
        el, label = values
        for key, pref in self.prefixes.items():
            if key in label:
                return pref + el
        return el

class AddType(Filter):
    types = {u'Courant': Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
             u'Livret A': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
             u'Orange': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
             u'Durable': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
             u'Titres': Account.TYPE_MARKET,
             u'PEA': Account.TYPE_PEA,
             u'Direct Vie': Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
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Vincent Paredes committed
             u'Assurance Vie': Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE,
             u'Crédit Immobilier': Account.TYPE_LOAN,
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Florent committed

    def filter(self, label):
        for key, acc_type in self.types.items():
            if key in label:
                return acc_type
        return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

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class PreHashmd5(MultiFilter):
    def filter(self, values):
        concat = ''
        for value in values:
            if type(value) is
                concat += value.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
                concat += u'%s' % value
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Florent committed
        return concat.encode('utf-8')
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Florent committed

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Florent committed
class INGDate(Date):
    monthvalue = {u'janv.': '01', u'févr.': '02', u'mars': '03', u'avr.': '04',
                  u'mai': '05', u'juin': '06', u'juil.': '07', u'août': '08',
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                  u'sept.': '09', u'oct.': '10', u'nov.': '11', u'déc.': '12'}
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Florent committed

    def filter(self, txt):
        if txt == 'hier':
            return - timedelta(days=1)
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Florent committed
        elif txt == "aujourd'hui":
        elif txt == 'demain':
            return + timedelta(days=1)

        frenchmonth = txt.split(' ')[1]
        month = self.monthvalue[frenchmonth]
        txt = txt.replace(' ', '')
        txt = txt.replace(frenchmonth, '/%s/' % month)
        return super(INGDate, self).filter(txt)
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Florent committed

class INGCategory(Filter):
    catvalue = {u'virt': u"Virement", u'autre': u"Autre",
                u'plvt': u'Prélèvement', u'cb_ret': u"Carte retrait",
                u'cb_ach': u'Carte achat', u'chq': u'Chèque',
                u'frais': u'Frais bancaire', u'sepaplvt': u'Prélèvement'}

    def filter(self, txt):
        txt = txt.split('-')[0].lower()
            return self.catvalue[txt]
            return txt

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class AccountsList(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
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Romain Bignon committed
    i = 0

    def has_error(self):
        return len(self.doc.xpath('//div[has-class("alert-warning")]')) > 0
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Florent committed

    def has_link(self):
        return len(self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "goTo")]'))

    def get_card_list(self):
        card_list = []
        card_elements = self.doc.xpath('//div[has-class("ccinc_cards")]/div[has-class("accordion")]')
        for card in card_elements:
            card_properties = {}

            # Regexp parse the text to extract the card number that may be in different formats
            card_properties['number'] = Regexp(CleanText('.'), '(\d+[\s|*]+\d+)', default=NotAvailable)(card)
            debit_info = (CleanText('.//div[@class="debit-info"]', default='')(card))

            is_deferred = u'Débit différé' in debit_info
            is_immediate = u'Débit immédiat' in debit_info

            if is_immediate:
                card_properties['kind'] = self.browser.IMMEDIATE_CB
            elif is_deferred:
                card_properties['kind'] = self.browser.DEFERRED_CB
                raise DataError("Cannot tell if the card {} is deferred or immediate".format(card_properties['number']))


        return card_list

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Florent committed
    class get_list(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//a[@class="mainclic"]'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            obj_currency = u'EUR'
            obj_label = CleanText('span[@class="title"]')
            obj_id = AddPref(Field('_id'), Field('label'))
            obj_type = AddType(Field('label'))
            obj_coming = NotAvailable
            obj__jid = Attr('//input[@name="javax.faces.ViewState"]', 'value')

            def obj_balance(self):
                balance = CleanDecimal('span[@class="solde"]/label', replace_dots=True)(self)
                return -abs(balance) if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_LOAN else balance

            def obj__id(self):
                return CleanText('span[@class="account-number"]')(self) or CleanText('span[@class="life-insurance-application"]')(self)

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Florent committed
    class generic_transactions(ListElement):
        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

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Romain Bignon committed
            obj_id = None  # will be overwrited by the browser
            # we use lower for compatibility with the old website
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Florent committed
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal('.//td[starts-with(@class, "amount")]', replace_dots=True)
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Florent committed
            obj_date = INGDate(CleanText('.//td[@class="date"]'), dayfirst=True)
            obj_rdate = Field('date')
Florent's avatar
Florent committed
            obj__hash = PreHashmd5(Field('date'), Field('raw'), Field('amount'))
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Florent committed
            obj_category = INGCategory(Attr('.//td[@class="picto"]/span', 'class'))
            def obj_raw(self):
                return Transaction.Raw(Lower('.//td[@class="lbl"]'))(self) or Format('%s %s', Field('date'), Field('amount'))(self)

            def condition(self):
                if self.el.find('.//td[@class="date"]') is None:
                    return False
                if 'index' in self.env and self.env['index'] > 0 and < self.env['index']:
           += 1
                    return False
                return True

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Florent committed
    class get_coming(generic_transactions):
        item_xpath = '//div[@class="transactions cc future"]//table'

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Florent committed
    class get_transactions_cc(generic_transactions):
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Florent committed
        item_xpath = '//div[@class="temporaryTransactionList"]//table'

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Florent committed
    class get_transactions_others(generic_transactions):
        item_xpath = '//table'
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Florent committed
    def get_history_jid(self):
        span = Attr('//*[starts-with(@id, "index:j_id")]', 'id')(self.doc)
        jid = span.split(':')[1]
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Florent committed
        return jid

    def get_asv_jid(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//input[@id="javax.faces.ViewState"]/@value')[0]

    def islast(self):
        havemore = self.doc.getroot().cssselect('.show-more-transactions')
        if len(havemore) == 0:
            return True

        nomore = self.doc.getroot().cssselect('.no-more-transactions')
        return len(nomore) > 0
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Romain Bignon committed

    def is_asv(self):
        span = self.doc.xpath('//span[@id="index:panelASV"]')
        return len(span) > 0

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Baptiste Delpey committed
    def asv_has_detail(self):
        ap = self.doc.xpath('//a[@id="index:asvInclude:goToAsvPartner"] | //p[contains(text(), "Gestion Libre")]')
        return len(ap) > 0

    def asv_is_other(self):
        a = self.doc.xpath('//a[@id="index:asvInclude:goToAsvPartner"]')
        return len(a) > 0
        form = self.get_form(name="follow_link")
        form['follow_link:j_idcl'] = "follow_link:goToAsvPartner"
class IbanPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_iban(self):
        iban = CleanText('//tr[td[1]//text()="IBAN"]/td[2]')(self.doc).strip().replace(' ', '')
        if not iban or 'null' in iban:
            return NotAvailable
        return iban

class TitreDetails(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def submit(self):
        form = self.get_form()
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Baptiste Delpey committed
class ASVInvest(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_investments(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@class="Tableau"]//tr[position()>2]'
        head_xpath = '//table[@class="Tableau"]//tr[position()=2]/td'

        col_label = u'Support(s)'
        col_vdate = re.compile('Date')
        col_unitvalue = u'Valeur de part'
        col_quantity = u'Nombre de parts'
        col_valuation = u'Contre-valeur'
        col_unitprice = [u'Prix revient', u'PAM']
        col_diff = u'Montant'
        col_diff_percent = u'%'
        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment
            load_details = Link('.//td[1]//a')  & AsyncLoad

            def obj_code(self):
                val = Async('details', CleanText('//td[@class="libelle-normal" and contains(.,"CodeISIN")]', default=NotAvailable))(self)
                return val.split('CodeISIN : ')[1] if val else val

            def obj_diff_percent(self):
                return CleanDecimal(TableCell('diff_percent'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)(self)

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_unitvalue = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_unitprice = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitprice', default=None), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj_diff = CleanDecimal(TableCell('diff'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
class DetailFondsPage(LoggedPage,HTMLPage):

def MyInput(*args, **kwargs):
    args = (u'//input[contains(@name, "%s")]' % args[0], 'value',)
    return Attr(*args, **kwargs)

def MySelect(*args, **kwargs):
    args = (u'//select[contains(@name, "%s")]/option[@selected]' % args[0],)
    return CleanText(*args, **kwargs)

class ProfilePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class get_profile(ItemElement):
        klass = Person

        obj_name = CleanText('//a[has-class("hme-pm")]/span[@title]')
        obj_address = CleanText('//ul[@class="newPostAdress"]//dd[@class="withMessage"]')
        obj_country = CleanText('//dt[label[contains(text(), "Pays")]]/following-sibling::dd')
        obj_email = CleanText('//dt[contains(text(), "Email")]/following-sibling::dd/text()')
        obj_phone = Env('phone')
        obj_mobile = Env('mobile')

        def parse(self, el):
            pattern = '//dt[contains(text(), "%s")]/following-sibling::dd/label'
            phone = CleanText(pattern % "professionnel")(self)
            mobile = CleanText(pattern % "portable")(self)
            self.env['phone'] = phone or mobile
            self.env['mobile'] = mobile

    class update_profile(ItemElement):
        obj_job = MyInput('category_pro')
        obj_job_contract_type = MySelect('contractType')
        obj_company_name = MyInput('category_empl')
        obj_socioprofessional_category = MySelect('personal_form:csp')

        def obj_job_activity_area(self):
            return MySelect('business_sector')(self) or NotAvailable

        def obj_main_bank(self):
            return MySelect('present_bank')(self) or NotAvailable

        def obj_housing_status(self):
            return MySelect('housingType')(self) or NotAvailable

        def obj_job_start_date(self):
            month = MySelect('seniority_Month')(self)
            year = MySelect('seniority_Year')(self)
            return Date(default=NotAvailable).filter('01/%s/%s' % (month, year)) if month and year else NotAvailable

        def obj_birth_date(self):
            birth_date =
            return Date().filter("%s/%s/%s" % (birth_date[2:4], birth_date[:2], birth_date[-4:]))