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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2016      Edouard Lambert
# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

import re, requests, json
import datetime as dt
from collections import OrderedDict

from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, JsonPage, RawPage, LoggedPage, pagination
from weboob.browser.elements import DictElement, ItemElement, TableElement, SkipItem, method
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import CleanText, Upper, Date, Regexp, Format, CleanDecimal, Filter, Env, Slugify, Field
from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict
from weboob.browser.filters.html import Attr, Link, TableCell
from weboob.browser.exceptions import ServerError
from import Account, Investment, Loan
from import Advisor
from weboob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable
from import FrenchTransaction
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword

def MyDecimal(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs.update(replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
    return CleanDecimal(*args, **kwargs)

class LoginPage(HTMLPage):

class LogoutPage(RawPage):

class InfosPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_typelist(self):
        url = Attr(None, 'src').filter(self.doc.xpath('//script[contains(@src, "comptes/scripts")]'))
        m ='synthesecomptes[^\w]+([^:]+)[^\w]+([^"]+)',
        return {}

class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    TYPES = OrderedDict([('courant',             Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
                         ('pee',                 Account.TYPE_PEE),
                         ('epargne en actions',  Account.TYPE_PEA),
                         ('pea',                 Account.TYPE_PEA),
                         ('preference',          Account.TYPE_LOAN),
                         ('livret',              Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
                         ('vie',                 Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
                         ('previ_option',        Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE),
                         ('actions',             Account.TYPE_MARKET),
                         ('titres',              Account.TYPE_MARKET),
                         ('ldd cm',              Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
                         ('librissime',          Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
                         ('epargne logement',    Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
                         ('plan bleu',           Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        """Returns the keys for which the value is a list or dict"""
        if "exception" in self.doc:
            return []
        return [k for k, v in self.doc.items() if v and isinstance(v, (dict, list))]

    def check_response(self):
        if "exception" in self.doc:
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword("Vous n'avez pas de comptes sur l'espace particulier de ce site.")
    def get_numbers(self):
        keys = self.get_keys()
        numbers = {}
        for key in keys:
            if isinstance(self.doc[key], dict):
                keys = [k for k in self.doc[key] if isinstance(k, unicode)]
                contracts = [v for v in self.doc[key][k] for k in keys]
                contracts = [v for v in self.doc[key]]
            numbers.update({c['index']: c['numeroContratSouscrit'] for c in contracts})
        return numbers

    class iter_accounts(DictElement):
        def parse(self, el):
            self.item_xpath = "%s/*" % Env('key')(self)

        def find_elements(self):
            selector = self.item_xpath.split('/')
            for el in selector:
                if isinstance(self.el, dict) and el == '*' and self.el.values():
                    self.el = self.el.values()[0]
                if el == '*':
                self.el = self.el[el]
            for el in self.el:
                yield el

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            condition = lambda self: "LIVRET" not in Dict('accountType')(self.el)

            obj_id = Dict('numeroContratSouscrit')
            obj_label = Upper(Dict('lib'))
            obj_currency =  Dict('deviseCompteCode')
            obj_coming = CleanDecimal(Dict('AVenir', default=None), default=NotAvailable)
            # Iban is available without last 5 numbers, or by sms
            obj_iban = NotAvailable
            obj__index = Dict('index')
            def obj_balance(self):
                balance = CleanDecimal(Dict('soldeEuro', default="0"))(self)
                return -abs(balance) if Field('type')(self) == Account.TYPE_LOAN else balance

            def obj_type(self):
                return'accountType', default=None)(self).lower(), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)

    class iter_savings(DictElement):
        def item_xpath(self):
            return "%s/*/savingsProducts" % Env('key')(self)

        # the accounts really are deeper, but the account type is in a middle-level
        class iter_accounts(DictElement):
            item_xpath = 'savingsAccounts'

            def parse(self, el):
                # accounts may have a user-entered label, so it shouldn't be relied too much on for parsing the account type
                self.env['type_label'] = el['libelleProduit']

            class item(ItemElement):
                klass = Account

                obj_label = Upper(Dict('libelleContrat'))
                obj_balance = CleanDecimal(Dict('solde', default="0"))
                obj_currency = u'EUR'
                obj_coming = CleanDecimal(Dict('AVenir', default=None), default=NotAvailable)
                obj__index = Dict('index')
                obj__owner = Dict('nomTitulaire')
                    type = Field('type')(self)
                    if type == Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE:
                        return self.get_lifenumber()
                    elif type in (Account.TYPE_PEA, Account.TYPE_MARKET):
                        return self.get_market_number()

                        return Env('numbers')(self)[Dict('index')(self)]
                    except KeyError:
                        # index often changes, so we can't use it... and have to do something ugly
                        return Slugify(Format('%s-%s', Dict('libelleContrat'), Dict('nomTitulaire')))(self)

                def obj_type(self):
                    for key in
                        if key in Env('type_label')(self).lower():
                    return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

                def get_market_number(self):
                    label = Field('label')(self)
                    page =
                    return page.get_account_id(label, Field('_owner')(self))
                def get_lifenumber(self):
                    index = Dict('index')(self)
                    data = json.loads(
                    if not data:
                        raise SkipItem('account seems unavailable')
                    url = data['url']
                    page =
                    return page.get_account_id()
    class iter_loans(DictElement):
        def parse(self, el):
            self.item_xpath = Env('key')(self)
            if "Pret" in Env('key')(self):
                self.item_xpath = "%s/*/lstPret" % self.item_xpath

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Loan

            def obj_id(self):
                # it seems that if we don't have "numeroContratSouscrit", "identifiantTechnique" is unique : only this direction !
                return Dict('numeroContratSouscrit', default=None)(self) or Dict('identifiantTechnique')(self)

            obj_label = Dict('libelle')
            obj_currency = u'EUR'
            obj_type = Account.TYPE_LOAN

            def obj_total_amount(self):
                # Json key change depending on loan type, consumer credit or revolving credit
                if 'montantEmprunte' in
                    return Dict('montantEmprunte')(self)
                    return Dict('montantUtilise')(self)

            # Key not always available, when revolving credit not yet consummed
            obj_next_payment_amount = Dict('montantProchaineEcheance', default=NotAvailable)

            # obj_rate = can't find the info on website except pdf :(
            # Dates scraped are timestamp, to remove last '000' we divide by 1000
            def obj_maturity_date(self):
                # Key not always available, when revolving credit not yet consummed
                if 'dateFin' in
                    return NotAvailable

            def obj_next_payment_date(self):
                # Key not always available, when revolving credit not yet consummed
                if 'dateProchaineEcheance' in
                    return NotAvailable
            def obj_balance(self):
                return -abs(CleanDecimal().filter(Dict('montantRestant', default=None)(self) or Dict('montantUtilise')(self)))

            # only for revolving loans
            obj_available_amount = CleanDecimal(Dict('montantDisponible', default=NotAvailable))
class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [(re.compile(u'^CARTE (?P<dd>\d{2})/(?P<mm>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>(PRLV|PRELEVEMENTS).*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>RET DAB.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>ECH.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_LOAN_PAYMENT),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>VIR.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>ANN.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_PAYBACK),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>(VRST|VERSEMENT).*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
                (re.compile(u'^(?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK)

class HistoryPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    def has_deferred_cards(self):
        return Dict('pendingDeferredDebitCardList/currentMonthCardList', default=None)

    def get_keys(self):
        if 'exception' in self.doc:
            return []
        return [k for k, v in self.doc.items() if v and isinstance(v, (dict, list))]
    class iter_history(DictElement):
        def next_page(self):
            if len(Env('nbs', default=[])(self)):
                data = {'index': Env('index')(self),
                        'filtreOperationsComptabilisees': "MOIS_MOINS_%s" % Env('nbs')(self)[0]
                return requests.Request('POST', data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
        def parse(self, el):
            # Key only if coming
            key = Env('key', default=None)(self)
            self.item_xpath = "%s/operationList" % key if key and "CardList" not in key else \
                              "%s/currentMonthCardList/*/listeOperations" % key if key else \

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            class FromTimestamp(Filter):
                def filter(self, timestamp):

            obj_date = FromTimestamp(Dict('dateOperation'))
            obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(Dict('libelleCourt'))
            obj_vdate = Date(Dict('dateValeur'), dayfirst=True)
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal(Dict('montantEnEuro'), default=NotAvailable)

            def parse(self, el):
                key = Env('key', default=None)(self)
                if key and "DeferredDebit" in key:
                    for x in Dict('%s/currentMonthCardList' % key)(
                        deferred_date = Dict('dateDiffere', default=None)(x)
                        if deferred_date:
                    setattr(self.obj, '_deferred_date', self.FromTimestamp().filter(deferred_date))

                # Skip duplicate transactions
                amount = Dict('montantEnEuro', default=None)(self)
                tr = Dict('libelleCourt')(self) + Dict('dateOperation')(self) + str(amount)
                if amount is None or (tr in['list'] and['lastdate'] <= Field('date')(self)):
      ['lastdate'] = Field('date')(self)

class LifeinsurancePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_account_id(self):
        return re.sub(r'\s', '', Regexp(CleanText('//h1[@class="portlet-title"]'), ur'n° ([\d\s]+)')(self.doc))

    def get_link(self, page):
        return Link(default=NotAvailable).filter(self.doc.xpath(u'//a[contains(text(), "%s")]' % page))

    class iter_history(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr[contains(@class, "results")]'
        head_xpath = '//table/thead/tr/th'

        col_date = re.compile('Date')
        col_label = re.compile(u'Libellé')
        col_amount = re.compile('Montant')

        next_page = Link('//a[contains(text(), "Suivant") and not(contains(@href, "javascript"))]', default=None)

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(TableCell('label'))
            obj_date = Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_amount = MyDecimal(TableCell('amount'))

    class iter_investment(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr[contains(@class, "results")]'
        head_xpath = '//table/thead/tr/th'

        col_label = re.compile(u'Libellé')
        col_quantity = re.compile('Nb parts')
        col_vdate = re.compile('Date VL')
        col_unitvalue = re.compile('VL')
        col_unitprice = re.compile('Prix de revient')
        col_valuation = re.compile('Solde')

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_code = Regexp(Link('./td/a'), 'Isin%253D([^%]+)')
            obj_quantity = MyDecimal(TableCell('quantity'))
            obj_unitprice = MyDecimal(TableCell('unitprice'))
            obj_unitvalue = MyDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'))
            obj_valuation = MyDecimal(TableCell('valuation'))
            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate')), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)

class MarketPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def find_account(self, acclabel, accowner):
        accowner = sorted(accowner.lower().split()) # first name and last name may not be ordered the same way on market site...

        # Check if history is present
        if CleanText(default=None).filter(self.doc.xpath('//body/p[contains(text(), "indisponible pour le moment")]')):
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
            return False
        for a in self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(@onclick, "indiceCompte")]'):
            self.logger.debug("get investment from onclick")

            label = CleanText('.')(a)
            owner = CleanText('./ancestor::tr/preceding-sibling::tr[@class="LnMnTiers"][1]')(a)
            owner = sorted(owner.lower().split())

            if label == acclabel and owner == accowner:
                ids = list('indiceCompte[^\d]+(\d+).*idRacine[^\d]+(\d+)', Attr('.', 'onclick')(a)).groups())
                self.logger.debug("assign value to ids: {}".format(ids))
        for a in self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "indiceCompte")]'):
            self.logger.debug("get investment from href")
            if CleanText('.')(a) == acclabel:
                ids = list('indiceCompte[^\d]+(\d+).*idRacine[^\d]+(\d+)', Attr('.', 'href')(a)).groups())
                self.logger.debug("assign value to ids: {}".format(ids))
                return ids

    def get_account_id(self, acclabel, owner):
        return self.find_account(acclabel, owner)[2].replace(' ', '')
    def go_account(self, acclabel, owner):
        ids = self.find_account(acclabel, owner)
        form = self.get_form(name="formCompte")
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
        form['indiceCompte'] = ids[0]
        form['idRacine'] = ids[1]
            return form.submit()
        except ServerError:
    def go_account_full(self):
        form = self.get_form(name="formOperation")
        form['dateDebut'] = "02/01/1970"
            return form.submit()
        except ServerError:
            return False

    class iter_history(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("domifrontTb")]/tr[not(has-class("LnTit") or has-class("LnTot"))]'
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("domifrontTb")]/tr[1]/td'

        col_date = re.compile('Date')
        col_label = u'Opération'
        col_code = u'Code'
        col_quantity = u'Quantité'
        col_amount = re.compile('Montant')

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_type = Transaction.TYPE_BANK
            obj_date = Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal(TableCell('amount'))
            obj_investments = Env('investments')

            def parse(self, el):
                i = Investment()
                i.label = Field('label')(self)
                i.code = CleanText(TableCell('code'))(self)
                i.quantity = MyDecimal(TableCell('quantity'))(self)
                i.valuation = Field('amount')(self)
                i.vdate = Field('date')(self)
                self.env['investments'] = [i]

    class iter_investment(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tr[not(has-class("LnTit") or has-class("LnTot"))]'
        head_xpath = '//table/tr[1]/td'

        col_label = u'Valeur'
        col_code = u'Code'
        col_quantity = u'Qté'
        col_vdate = u'Date cours'
        col_unitvalue = u'Cours'
        col_unitprice = re.compile('P.R.U')
        col_valuation = u'Valorisation'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            condition = lambda self: not CleanText('//div[has-class("errorConteneur")]', default=None)(self.el)

            obj_label = Upper(TableCell('label'))
            obj_code = CleanText(TableCell('code'))
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), default=NotAvailable)
            obj_unitprice = MyDecimal(TableCell('unitprice'))
            obj_unitvalue = MyDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'))
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'))
            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate')), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)

class AdvisorPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    class get_advisor(ItemElement):
        klass = Advisor

        obj_name = Dict('nomPrenom')
        obj_email = obj_mobile = NotAvailable

        def obj_phone(self):
            return Dict('numeroTelephone')(self) or NotAvailable

    class update_agency(ItemElement):
        obj_fax = CleanText(Dict('numeroFax'), replace=[(' ', '')])
        obj_agency = Dict('nom')
        obj_address = Format('%s %s', Dict('adresse1'), Dict('adresse3'))

class RecipientsPage(LoggedPage, JsonPage):
    def get_numbers(self):
        return {
            d['index']: d['numeroContratSouscrit']
            for d in self.doc['listCompteTitulaireCotitulaire']