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Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed
Weboob installation

Like any setuptools package, Weboob can be installed in normal mode,
or in development mode.

normal mode

# ./ install --record installed_files.txt

The files are simply copied in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Weboob-x.y-py2.5.egg
The --record flag is used to remember which files were copied.

# cat installed_files.txt | xargs rm -rf

development mode

The development mode doesn't copy files, but it creates an egg-link
which points to the development directory.
It is useful for development when files often change.

# ./ develop
Creates /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Weboob.egg-link

bash completion

To enable bash completion, just source the tools/weboob_bash_completion
file from your ~/.bash_completion file (which is sourced by /etc/bash_completion).