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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2014 Romain Bignon
# This file is part of weboob.
# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import datetime
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
from itertools import islice
from collections import Iterator

from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
from weboob.capabilities.base import empty
from weboob.capabilities.base import Currency as BaseCurrency
from import basestring, unicode, long
from weboob.browser.url import URL
from import parse_qs, urlparse
from .base import _NO_DEFAULT, FilterError, _Filter, Filter, debug, ItemNotFound
__all__ = ['FilterError', 'ColumnNotFound', 'RegexpError', 'FormatError',
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           'Filter', 'Base', 'Env', 'TableCell', 'RawText',
           'CleanText', 'Lower', 'Upper', 'Capitalize', 'CleanDecimal',
           'Field', 'Regexp', 'Map', 'DateTime', 'Date', 'Time', 'DateGuesser',
           'Duration', 'MultiFilter', 'CombineDate', 'Format', 'Join', 'Type',
           'Eval', 'BrowserURL', 'Async', 'AsyncLoad']

class ColumnNotFound(FilterError):

class RegexpError(FilterError):

class AsyncLoad(Filter):
    """Load a page asynchronously for later use.

    Often used in combination with :class:`Async` filter.

    def __call__(self, item):
        link =, item)
        return if link else None
class Async(Filter):
    """Selector that uses another page fetched earlier.

    Often used in combination with :class:`AsyncLoad` filter.
    Requires that the other page's URL is matched with a Page by the Browser.


        class item(ItemElement):
            load_details = Field('url') & AsyncLoad

            obj_description = Async('details') & CleanText('//h3')

    def __init__(self, name, selector=None):
        super(Async, self).__init__()
        self.selector = selector = name

    def __and__(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, type) and issubclass(o, _Filter):
            o = o()
        self.selector = o
        return self

    def __call__(self, item):
        if item.loaders[] is None:
            return None

        return, self.loaded_page(item).doc)

    def filter(self, *args):
        raise AttributeError()
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    def loaded_page(self, item):
        result = item.loaders[].result()
        assert is not None, 'The loaded url %s hasn\'t been matched by an URL object' % result.url
class Base(Filter):
    Change the base element used in filters.
    >>> Base(Env('header'), CleanText('./h1'))  # doctest: +SKIP
        base =, item)
        return, base)
    def __init__(self, base, selector=None, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        super(Base, self).__init__(selector, default)
        self.base = base

class Decode(Filter):
    Filter that aims to decode urlencoded strings

    >>> Decode(Env('_id'))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <weboob.browser.filters.standard.Decode object at 0x...>
    >>> from .html import Link
    >>> Decode(Link('./a'))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <weboob.browser.filters.standard.Decode object at 0x...>
    def __call__(self, item):
        self.encoding = if else 'utf-8'
        return self.filter(, item))
                from urllib.parse import unquote
                txt = unquote(txt, self.encoding)
            except ImportError:
                from urllib import unquote
                txt = unquote(txt.encode('ascii')).decode(self.encoding)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError):

        return txt

    Filter to get environment value of the item.

    It is used for example to get page parameters, or when there is a parse()
    method on ItemElement.
    def __init__(self, name, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        super(Env, self).__init__(default) = name

    def __call__(self, item):
            return item.env[]
        except KeyError:
            return self.default_or_raise(ItemNotFound('Environment variable %s not found' %
class TableCell(_Filter):
    Used with TableElement, gets the cell element from its name.
    >>> from import Transaction
    >>> from weboob.browser.elements import TableElement, ItemElement
    >>> class table(TableElement):
    ...     head_xpath = '//table/thead/th'
    ...     item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr'
    ...     col_date =    u'Date'
    ...     col_label =   [u'Name', u'Label']
    ...     class item(ItemElement):
    ...         klass = Transaction
    ...         obj_date = Date(TableCell('date'))
    ...         obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))

    The 'colspan' variable enables the handling of table tags that have
    a "colspan" attribute that modify the width of the column:
    for example <td colspan="2"> will occupy two columns instead of one,
    creating a column shift for all the next columns that must be taken
    in consideration when trying to match columns values with column heads.
    def __init__(self, *names, **kwargs):
        support_th = kwargs.pop('support_th', False)
        self.colspan = kwargs.pop('colspan', False)
        super(TableCell, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if support_th:
   = '(./th | ./td)[%s]'
   = './td[%s]'

    The two methods below are used to verify that modifying TableCell
    to handle colspans does not modify the class behavior in weboob modules.
    The "assert" should crash if a module does not return the same results
    with and without handling colspans.

    def call_without_colspan(self, item):
        # Former behavior without handling colspans > 1
        for name in self.names:
            idx = item.parent.get_colnum(name)
            if idx is not None:
                ret = item.xpath( % (idx + 1))
                for el in ret:
                    self.highlight_el(el, item)
                return ret
        return self.default_or_raise(ColumnNotFound('Unable to find column %s' % ' or '.join(self.names)))
    def call_with_colspan(self, item):
        # New behavior, handling colspans > 1
        for name in self.names:
            col_idx = item.parent.get_colnum(name)
            if col_idx is not None:
                current_col = 0
                for td_idx in range(col_idx + 1):
                    ret = item.xpath( % (td_idx + 1))
                    if col_idx <= current_col:
                        for el in ret:
                            self.highlight_el(el, item)
                        return ret
                    current_col += int(ret[0].attrib.get('colspan', 1))
        return self.default_or_raise(ColumnNotFound('Unable to find column %s' % ' or '.join(self.names)))
    def __call__(self, item):
        if self.colspan:
            return self.call_with_colspan(item)

        ret_without_colspan = self.call_without_colspan(item)
        ret_with_colspan = self.call_with_colspan(item)
        assert ret_without_colspan == ret_with_colspan, 'Different behavior with and without colspan in TableCell'
        return ret_with_colspan

class RawText(Filter):
    """Get raw text from an element.

    Unlike :class:`CleanText`, whitespace is kept as is.

    def __init__(self, selector=None, children=False, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        :param children: whether to get text from children elements of the select elements
        :type children: bool

        super(RawText, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
        self.children = children

    def filter(self, el):
        if isinstance(el, (tuple, list)):
            return u' '.join([self.filter(e) for e in el])

        if self.children:
            text = el.text_content()
            text = el.text

        if text is None:
            result = self.default
            result = unicode(text)

        return result
class CleanText(Filter):
    Get a cleaned text from an element.

    It first replaces all tabs and multiple spaces
    (including newlines if ``newlines`` is True)
    to one space and strips the result string.

    The result is coerced into unicode, and optionally normalized
    according to the ``normalize`` argument.

    Then it replaces all symbols given in the ``symbols`` argument.
    >>> CleanText().filter('coucou ') == u'coucou'
    >>> CleanText().filter(u'coucou\xa0coucou') == u'coucou coucou'
    >>> CleanText(newlines=True).filter(u'coucou\\r\\n coucou ') == u'coucou coucou'
    >>> CleanText(newlines=False).filter(u'coucou\\r\\n coucou ') == u'coucou\\ncoucou'
    def __init__(self, selector=None, symbols='', replace=[], children=True, newlines=True, normalize='NFC', **kwargs):
        :param symbols: list of strings to remove from text
        :type symbols: list
        :param replace: optional pairs of text replacements to perform
        :type replace: list[tuple[str, str]]
        :param children: whether to get text from children elements of the select elements
        :type children: bool
        :param newlines: if True, newlines will be converted to space too
        :type newlines: bool
        :param normalize: Unicode normalization to perform
        :type normalize: str or None

        super(CleanText, self).__init__(selector, **kwargs)
        self.symbols = symbols
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        self.toreplace = replace
        self.children = children
        self.newlines = newlines
        self.normalize = normalize
        if isinstance(txt, (tuple, list)):
            txt = u' '.join([self.clean(item, children=self.children) for item in txt])
        txt = self.clean(txt, self.children, self.newlines, self.normalize)
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        txt = self.remove(txt, self.symbols)
        txt = self.replace(txt, self.toreplace)
        # ensure it didn't become str by mistake
        return unicode(txt)
    def clean(cls, txt, children=True, newlines=True, normalize='NFC'):
        if not isinstance(txt, basestring):
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                txt = [t.strip() for t in txt.itertext()]
                txt = [t.strip() for t in txt.xpath('./text()')]
            txt = u' '.join(txt)  # 'foo   bar'
        if newlines:
            txt = re.compile(u'\s+', flags=re.UNICODE).sub(u' ', txt)  # 'foo bar'
            # normalize newlines and clean what is inside
            txt = '\n'.join([cls.clean(l) for l in txt.splitlines()])
        txt = txt.strip()
        # lxml under Python 2 returns str instead of unicode if it is pure ASCII
        txt = unicode(txt)
        # normalize to a standard Unicode form
        if normalize:
            txt = unicodedata.normalize(normalize, txt)
        return txt
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    def remove(cls, txt, symbols):
        for symbol in symbols:
            txt = txt.replace(symbol, '')
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        return txt.strip()
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    def replace(cls, txt, replace):
        for before, after in replace:
            txt = txt.replace(before, after)
        return txt

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class Lower(CleanText):
    """Extract text with :class:`CleanText` and convert to lower-case."""

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    def filter(self, txt):
        txt = super(Lower, self).filter(txt)
        return txt.lower()

class Upper(CleanText):
    """Extract text with :class:`CleanText` and convert to upper-case."""

    def filter(self, txt):
        txt = super(Upper, self).filter(txt)
        return txt.upper()

class Capitalize(CleanText):
    """Extract text with :class:`CleanText` and capitalize it."""

    def filter(self, txt):
        txt = super(Capitalize, self).filter(txt)
        return txt.title()

class Currency(CleanText):
    def filter(self, txt):
        txt = super(Currency, self).filter(txt)
        return BaseCurrency.get_currency(txt)

class NumberFormatError(FormatError, InvalidOperation):

class CleanDecimal(CleanText):
    Get a cleaned Decimal value from an element.
    `replace_dots` is False by default. A dot is interpreted as a decimal separator.
    If `replace_dots` is set to True, we remove all the dots. The ',' is used as decimal
    separator (often useful for French values)

    If `replace_dots` is a tuple, the first element will be used as the thousands separator,
    and the second as the decimal separator.


    For example, for the UK style (as in 1,234,567.89):

    >>> CleanDecimal('./td[1]', replace_dots=(',', '.'))  # doctest: +SKIP
    def __init__(self, selector=None, replace_dots=False, sign=None, legacy=True, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        :param sign: function accepting the text as param and returning the sign

        super(CleanDecimal, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
        self.replace_dots = replace_dots
        if type(text) in (float, int, long):
            text = str(text)

            return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to parse %r' % text))
        original_text = text = super(CleanDecimal, self).filter(text)

        if self.legacy:
            if self.replace_dots:
                if type(self.replace_dots) is tuple:
                    thousands_sep, decimal_sep = self.replace_dots
                    thousands_sep, decimal_sep = '.', ','
                text = text.replace(thousands_sep, '').replace(decimal_sep, '.')

            text = re.sub(r'[^\d\-\.]', '', text)
            #if not self.replace_dots:
            thousands_sep, decimal_sep = self.replace_dots

            decimal_matching = re.compile(r'[+-]?(?:\d[\d%s%s]*|%s\d+)' % tuple(map(re.escape, (thousands_sep, decimal_sep, decimal_sep))))
            matches = decimal_matching.findall(text)
            if not matches:
                self.default_or_raise(NumberFormatError('There is no number to parse'))
            elif len(matches) > 1:
                self.default_or_raise(NumberFormatError('There should be exactly one number to parse'))
            text, = matches
            text = text.replace(thousands_sep, '').replace(decimal_sep, '.')
            if self.sign:
                v *= self.sign(original_text)
            return v
        except InvalidOperation as e:
            return self.default_or_raise(NumberFormatError(e))
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    def US(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['legacy'] = False
        kwargs['replace_dots'] = (',', '.')
        return cls(*args, **kwargs)

    def French(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['legacy'] = False
        kwargs['replace_dots'] = (' ', ',')
        return cls(*args, **kwargs)

    def SI(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['legacy'] = False
        kwargs['replace_dots'] = (' ', '.')
        return cls(*args, **kwargs)

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class Slugify(Filter):
    def filter(self, label):
        label = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', ' ', label.lower()).strip()
        label = re.sub(r'\s+', '-', label)
        return label

class Type(Filter):
    Get a cleaned value of any type from an element text.
    The type_func can be any callable (class, function, etc.).
    By default an empty string will not be parsed but it can be changed
    by specifying minlen=False. Otherwise, a minimal length can be specified.

    >>> Type(CleanText('./td[1]'), type=int)  # doctest: +SKIP

    >>> Type(type=int).filter(42)
    >>> Type(type=int).filter('42')
    >>> Type(type=int, default='NaN').filter('')
    >>> Type(type=list, minlen=False, default=list('ab')).filter('')
    >>> Type(type=list, minlen=0, default=list('ab')).filter('')
    ['a', 'b']
    def __init__(self, selector=None, type=None, minlen=0, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        super(Type, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
        self.type_func = type
        self.minlen = minlen

    def filter(self, txt):
        if isinstance(txt, self.type_func):
            return txt
        if empty(txt):
            return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to parse %r' % txt))
        if self.minlen is not False and len(txt) <= self.minlen:
            return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to parse %r' % txt))
            return self.type_func(txt)
        except ValueError as e:
            return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to parse %r: %s' % (txt, e)))
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class Field(_Filter):
    Get the attribute of object.


        obj_foo = CleanText('//h1')
        obj_bar = Field('foo')

    will make "bar" field equal to "foo" field.
    def __init__(self, name):
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        super(Field, self).__init__() = name

    def __call__(self, item):
        return item.use_selector(getattr(item, 'obj_%s' %, key=self._key)
# Based on nth from
def nth(iterable, n, default=None):
    "Returns the nth item or a default value, n can be negative, or '*' for all"
    if n == '*':
        return iterable
    if n < 0:
        iterable = reversed(list(iterable))
        n = abs(n) - 1
    return next(islice(iterable, n, None), default)

def ordinal(n):
    "To have some readable debug information: '*' => all, 0 => 1st, 1 => 2nd..."
    if n == '*':
        return 'all'
    i = abs(n)
    n = n - 1 if n < 0 else n + 1
    return str(n) + ('th' if i > 2 else ['st', 'nd', 'rd'][i])

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class Regexp(Filter):
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    Apply a regex.

    >>> from lxml.html import etree
    >>> doc = etree.fromstring('<html><body><p>Date: <span>13/08/1988</span></p></body></html>')
    >>> Regexp(CleanText('//p'), r'Date: (\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', '\\3-\\2-\\1')(doc) == u'1988-08-13'

    >>> (Regexp(CleanText('//body'), r'(\d+)', nth=1))(doc) == u'08'
    >>> (Regexp(CleanText('//body'), r'(\d+)', nth=-1))(doc) == u'1988'
    >>> (Regexp(CleanText('//body'), r'(\d+)', template='[\\1]', nth='*'))(doc) == [u'[13]', u'[08]', u'[1988]']
    >>> (Regexp(CleanText('//body'), r'Date:.*'))(doc) == u'Date: 13/08/1988'
    >>> (Regexp(CleanText('//body'), r'^(?!Date:).*', default=None))(doc)
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    def __init__(self, selector=None, pattern=None, template=None, nth=0, flags=0, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        super(Regexp, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
        assert pattern is not None
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        self.pattern = pattern
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        self._regex = re.compile(pattern, flags)
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        self.template = template
        self.nth = nth
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    def expand(self, m):
        if self.template is None:
                return next(g for g in m.groups() if g is not None)
            except StopIteration:
                return m.string
        return self.template(m) if callable(self.template) else m.expand(self.template)

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    def filter(self, txt):
        :raises: :class:`RegexpError` if `pattern` was not found

        if isinstance(txt, (tuple, list)):
            txt = u' '.join([t.strip() for t in txt.itertext()])
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        m = if self.nth == 0 else \
            nth(self._regex.finditer(txt), self.nth)
        if not m:
            msg = 'Unable to find %s %s in %r' % (ordinal(self.nth), self.pattern, txt)
            return self.default_or_raise(RegexpError(msg))
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        if isinstance(m, Iterator):
            return list(map(self.expand, m))

        return self.expand(m)
class Map(Filter):
    """Map selected value to another value using a dict.


        TYPES = {
            'Concert': CATEGORIES.CONCERT,
            'Cinéma': CATEGORIES.CINE,

        obj_type = Map(CleanText('./li'), TYPES)
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    def __init__(self, selector, map_dict, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        :param selector: key from `map_dict` to use

        super(Map, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
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        self.map_dict = map_dict
    def filter(self, txt):
        :raises: :class:`ItemNotFound` if key does not exist in dict

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            return self.map_dict[txt]
        except KeyError:
            return self.default_or_raise(ItemNotFound('Unable to handle %r on %r' % (txt, self.map_dict)))
class DateTime(Filter):
    def __init__(self, selector=None, default=_NO_DEFAULT, dayfirst=False, translations=None,
                 parse_func=parse_date, fuzzy=False):
        :param dayfirst: if True, the day is be the first element in the string to parse
        :type dayfirst: bool
        :param parse_func: the function to use for parsing the datetime
        :param translations: string replacements from site locale to English
        :type translations: list[tuple[str, str]]

        super(DateTime, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
        self.dayfirst = dayfirst
        self.translations = translations
        self.parse_func = parse_func
        self.fuzzy = fuzzy
    def filter(self, txt):
        if empty(txt) or txt == '':
            return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to parse %r' % txt))
            if self.translations:
                for search, repl in self.translations:
                    txt = search.sub(repl, txt)
            return self.parse_func(txt, dayfirst=self.dayfirst, fuzzy=self.fuzzy)
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
            return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to parse %r: %s' % (txt, e)))
class Date(DateTime):
    def __init__(self, selector=None, default=_NO_DEFAULT, dayfirst=False, translations=None,
                 parse_func=parse_date, fuzzy=False):
        super(Date, self).__init__(selector, default=default, dayfirst=dayfirst, translations=translations,
                                   parse_func=parse_func, fuzzy=fuzzy)
    def filter(self, txt):
        datetime = super(Date, self).filter(txt)
        if hasattr(datetime, 'date'):
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class DateGuesser(Filter):
    def __init__(self, selector, date_guesser, **kwargs):
        super(DateGuesser, self).__init__(selector)
        self.date_guesser = date_guesser
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def __call__(self, item):
        values =, item)
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        date_guesser = self.date_guesser
        # In case Env() is used to kive date_guesser.
        if isinstance(date_guesser, _Filter):
            date_guesser =, item)
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        if isinstance(values, basestring):
            values = re.split('[/-]', values)
        if len(values) == 2:
            day, month = map(int, values)
            raise FormatError('Unable to take (day, month) tuple from %r' % values)
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        return date_guesser.guess_date(day, month, **self.kwargs)

class Time(Filter):
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    klass = datetime.time
    _regexp = re.compile(r'(?P<hh>\d+)[:h]?(?P<mm>\d+)([:m](?P<ss>\d+))?')
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    kwargs = {'hour': 'hh', 'minute': 'mm', 'second': 'ss'}

    def __init__(self, selector=None, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        super(Time, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
    def filter(self, txt):
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        m =
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            kwargs = {}
            for key, index in self.kwargs.items():
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                kwargs[key] = int(m.groupdict()[index] or 0)
            return self.klass(**kwargs)

        return self.default_or_raise(FormatError('Unable to find time in %r' % txt))
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class Duration(Time):
    """Parse a duration as timedelta."""

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    klass = datetime.timedelta
    _regexp = re.compile(r'((?P<hh>\d+)[:;])?(?P<mm>\d+)[;:](?P<ss>\d+)')
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    kwargs = {'hours': 'hh', 'minutes': 'mm', 'seconds': 'ss'}

class MultiFilter(Filter):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        default = kwargs.pop('default', _NO_DEFAULT)
        super(MultiFilter, self).__init__(args, default)

    def __call__(self, item):
        values = [, item) for selector in self.selector]
        return self.filter(tuple(values))

    def filter(self, values):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class CombineDate(MultiFilter):
    """Combine separate Date and Time filters into a single datetime."""

    def __init__(self, date, time):
        :type date: filter
        :type time: filter
        super(CombineDate, self).__init__(date, time)
    def filter(self, values):
        return datetime.datetime.combine(values[0], values[1])

class Format(MultiFilter):
    """Combine multiple filters with string-format.


        obj_title = Format('%s (%s)', CleanText('//h1'), CleanText('//h2'))

    will concatenate the text from all ``<h1>`` and all ``<h2>`` (but put
    the latter between parentheses).

    def __init__(self, fmt, *args):
        :param fmt: string format suitable for "%"-formatting
        :type fmt: str
        :param args: other filters to insert in `fmt` string.
                     There should be as many args as there are "%" in `fmt`.
        super(Format, self).__init__(*args)
        self.fmt = fmt

    def filter(self, values):
        return self.fmt % values
class BrowserURL(MultiFilter):
    def __init__(self, url_name, **kwargs):
        super(BrowserURL, self).__init__(*kwargs.values())
        self.url_name = url_name
        self.keys = list(kwargs.keys())

    def __call__(self, item):
        values = super(BrowserURL, self).__call__(item)
        url = getattr(, self.url_name)
        assert isinstance(url, URL), "%s.%s must be an URL object" % (type(, self.url_name)
        return**dict(zip(self.keys, values)))

    def filter(self, values):
        return values

class Join(Filter):
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    def __init__(self, pattern, selector=None, textCleaner=CleanText, newline=False, addBefore='', addAfter=''):
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        super(Join, self).__init__(selector)
        self.pattern = pattern
        self.textCleaner = textCleaner
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        self.newline = newline
        self.addBefore = addBefore
        self.addAfter = addAfter
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    def filter(self, el):
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        items = [self.textCleaner.clean(e) for e in el]
        items = [item for item in items if item]
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        if self.newline:
            items = ['%s\r\n' % item for item in items]
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        result = self.pattern.join(items)

        if self.addBefore:
            result = '%s%s' % (self.addBefore, result)

        if self.addAfter:
            result = '%s%s' % (result, self.addAfter)

        return result
class Eval(MultiFilter):
    Evaluate a function with given 'deferred' arguments.

    >>> F = Field; Eval(lambda a, b, c: a * b + c, F('foo'), F('bar'), F('baz')) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> Eval(lambda x, y: x * y + 1).filter([3, 7])


        obj_ratio = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, Env('percentage'))
    def __init__(self, func, *args):
        :param func: function to apply to all filters. The function should
                     accept as many args as there are filters passed to
        super(Eval, self).__init__(*args)
        self.func = func

    def filter(self, values):
        return self.func(*values)

class QueryValue(Filter):
    Extract the value of a parameter from an URL with a query string.

    >>> from lxml.html import etree
    >>> from .html import Link
    >>> f = QueryValue(Link('//a'), 'id')
    >>> f(etree.fromstring('<html><body><a href=""></a></body></html>')) == u'1234'
    def __init__(self, selector, key, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
        super(QueryValue, self).__init__(selector, default=default)
        self.querykey = key

    def filter(self, url):
        qs = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)
        if not qs.get(self.querykey):
            return self.default_or_raise(ItemNotFound('Key %s not found' % self.querykey))
        if len(qs[self.querykey]) > 1:
            raise FilterError('More than one value for key %s' % self.querykey)
        return qs[self.querykey][0]

def test_CleanText():
    # This test works poorly under a doctest, or would be hard to read
    assert CleanText().filter(u' coucou  \n\théhé') == u'coucou héhé'
    assert CleanText().filter('coucou\xa0coucou') == CleanText().filter(u'coucou\xa0coucou') == u'coucou coucou'

    # Unicode normalization
    assert CleanText().filter(u'Éçã') == u'Éçã'
    assert CleanText(normalize='NFKC').filter(u'') == u'...'
    assert CleanText().filter(u'') == u''
    # Diacritical mark (dakuten)
    assert CleanText().filter(u'\u3053\u3099') == u'\u3054'
    assert CleanText(normalize='NFD').filter(u'\u3053\u3099') == u'\u3053\u3099'
    assert CleanText(normalize='NFD').filter(u'\u3054') == u'\u3053\u3099'
    assert CleanText(normalize=False).filter(u'\u3053\u3099') == u'\u3053\u3099'

def assert_raises(exc_class, func, *args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)
    except exc_class:
        assert False, 'did not raise %s' % exc_class

def test_CleanDecimal_strict():
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('123') == Decimal('123')
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('foo +123 bar') == Decimal('123')
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('foo 123.45 bar') == Decimal('123.45')
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('foo 12,345.67 bar') == Decimal('12345.67')
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('foo 123,456,789 bar') == Decimal('123456789')
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('foo -123,456,789.1 bar') == Decimal('-123456789.1')
    assert CleanDecimal.US().filter('foo -.1 bar') == Decimal('-0.1')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.US().filter, 'foo 12 345.67 bar')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.US().filter, 'foo 123 bar 456')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.US().filter, 'foo 123.456.789 bar')

    assert CleanDecimal.French().filter('123') == Decimal('123')
    assert CleanDecimal.French().filter('foo +123 bar') == Decimal('123')
    assert CleanDecimal.French().filter('foo 123,45 bar') == Decimal('123.45')
    assert CleanDecimal.French().filter('foo 12 345,67 bar') == Decimal('12345.67')
    assert CleanDecimal.French().filter('foo 123 456 789 bar') == Decimal('123456789')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.French().filter, 'foo 123.45 bar')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.French().filter, 'foo 123 bar 456')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.French().filter, 'foo 123,456,789')

    assert CleanDecimal.SI().filter('123') == Decimal('123')
    assert CleanDecimal.SI().filter('foo +123 bar') == Decimal('123')
    assert CleanDecimal.SI().filter('foo 123.45 bar') == Decimal('123.45')
    assert CleanDecimal.SI().filter('foo 12 345.67 bar') == Decimal('12345.67')
    assert CleanDecimal.SI().filter('foo 123 456 789 bar') == Decimal('123456789')
    assert CleanDecimal.SI().filter('foo -123 456 789 bar') == Decimal('-123456789')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.SI().filter, 'foo 123,45 bar')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.SI().filter, 'foo 123 bar 456')
    assert_raises(NumberFormatError, CleanDecimal.SI().filter, 'foo 123,456,789')