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Weboob 1.2 (2017-01-08)

	* Add inheritance for modules, browsers and pages
	* Add gitlab-ci integration
	* Move all Qt applications to Qt5
	* New application QBooblyrics
	* New urls for source repositories:

	General: removed modules
	* Remove btdigg module, website is dead

	General: new modules
	* New module afer (CapBank)
	* New module amundi (CapBank)
	* New module caels (CapBank)
	* New module creditdunordpee (CapBank)
	* New module number26 (CapBank)
	* New module spirica (CapBank)
	* New module yomoni (CapBank)
	* New module centquatre (CapCalendarEvent)
	* New module materielnet (CapDocument)
	* New module onlinenet (CapDocument)
	* New module trainline (CapDocument)
	* New module linuxjobs (CapJob)
	* New module manpower (CapJob)
	* New module lyricsdotcom (CapLyrics)
	* New module lyricsmode (CapLyrics)
	* New module lyricsplanet (CapLyrics)
	* New module paroles2chansons (CapLyrics)
	* New module openedx (CapMessages)
	* New module tapatakl (CapMessages)
	* New module jirafeau (CapPaste)
	* New module cpasbien (CapTorrent)
	* New module torrentz (CapTorrent)
	* New module pornhub (CapVideo)

	General: core
	* Add BackendsCall.stop() method to stop jobs
	* Add a 'requests' system to replace the primitive callbacks system
	* Check version before to run update request in repositories
	* Fix core unittests and some pyflakes warnings
	* Make as much modules unittests as possible run without backend
	* Add WebNip.load_or_install_module which does not install module (for compatibility with abstract objects)
	* Some fixes for windows compatibility
	* Force keyring generation with gpg1

	* Fix some typo in browser documentation
	* Clarify absurl behavior
	* Don't add applications/index in index.rst (empty page)
	* Don't use :any: special keywork for old system compatibility
	* Update favicon path
	* Add contribution guide
	* Rewrite Weboob doc guides according to latest changes in CI and modules

	* Detect downgrade from HTTPS to HTTP and raise exception
	* TableElement now handles regexp
	* Do not store page url if there is no current location
	* Use urllib3 embedded in requests first
	* Update firefox ESR profile to the last version
	* Keep order of POST data
	* Add XLSPage, PDFPage and GWTPage classes
	* Catch TooManyRedirects after reloading cookies from storage
	* Do not use (and remove) global logger setting 'save_responses' to know if we save responses or not
	* Fix some invalid encoding names (#2602, #3522)
	* Introde CacheMixin class to store responses
	* Store the request object in Form class (allow to modify it on the fly)
	* Add xpath funtions star-with and ends-with
	* Introduce PartialHTMLPage for pages wit multi-roots

	Browser: URL
	* Fix a crash when a pattern use parameters with the same name than in another pattern
	* Add unit test for URL with multiple patterns and same parameters subset
	* Add an option to send headers in go() method

	* RawText: can now optionally retrieves text from sub-elements
	* Date/Datetime: add fuzzy option
	* Async: read from loaded_page
	* TableCell: can now iterate on <th> elements
	* Add Upper and Capitalize filters
	* Add Currency filter

	* DictElement: Handle sub-dictionaries
	* ItemElement: Ignore items if the condition fails
	* ListElement: check condition before iteration

	Old browser
	* Allow monkey patch to disable SSL certificate check
	* Better SSL support (import more recent TLS versions if available)
	* Fix https downgrade detection

	* Add ActionNeeded exception
	* Add NoAccountsException
	* Move ModuleInstallError to Exceptions module

	* Introduce LimitedLRUDict to not cache too much values
	* Add a WeboobEncoder class
	* Add get_pdf_rows helper

	Tools: Backend
	* Save responses if _debug_dir backend configuration is set
	* Add optional 'klass' parameter for Module.create_backend

	Tools: bank
	* Add tools about IBANs and French ribs

	Tools: date
	* Add Italian translation
	* Fix date translation for values with \b

	Tools: formatters
	* Fix TableFormatter with lists of different lengths
	* Protect separator contained into values for CSV output (#2614)
	* Simplify CSV formatter with a call to csv python module
	* Fix use of -O parameter for csv formatter
	* Set ";" as csv default separator (#3378)

	Tools: tests
	* Add skip_without_config decorator
	* Add is_backend_configured method to BackendTest class

	Tools: ValueBackendPassword
	* When callback returns None, convert to empty string

	Tools: VirtKeyboard
	* Add parameterizable output code separator

	* Add an url attribute to BaseObject
	* Add many currencies (turkish lira, romania new leu, colombian peso, etc)
	* Fix few __repr__/__str__ returning unicode
	* Add BoolField class

	Capabilities: Bank
	* Add description for 'coming' field on Account objects
	* Add PEE, PEA, PERP, PERCO, RSP, ARTICLE_83 and more account types
	* Add CARD_SUMMARY and DEFERRED_CARD transaction types
	* Add portfolio_share field to Investment
	* New fields for Investment to handle currencies
	* Add diff_percent field on Investment
	* Don't crash on empty raw values
	* Split transfers related methods to a new capability: CapBankTransfer
	* Update recipient object
	* Deep rework of transfer API, change modules and applications

	Capabilities: Contact
	* Add Advisor class, used in many bank modules

	Capabilities: Document / Bill
	* Major (and API breaking) change (all modules are updated)
	* Update all Bill modules to use url field instead of private field
	* Rename field "deadline" to "duedate"
	* Add field "income" to Bill

	Capabilities: File
	* Add license field

	Capabilities: Housing
	* Add url in HousePhoto __repr__ method
	* Add price_per_meter field

	Capabilities: Message
	* Create a genericnewspaper module with no capability that will be extended by other modules

	Capabilities: Image
	* Move Thunbmail class to Image capability
	* Fix many modules to use Thumbnail instead of BaseImage

	Capabilities: Lyrics
	* Remove useless constructor for SongLyrics objects

	Capabilities: PriceComparison
	* Add Price not found error

	Capabilities: Recipe
	* Do not crash if picture_url is an empty string
	* Handle decimal quantities in krecipe exports

	Applications: weboob script
	* Add "update" command

	Applications: console
	* Use instead od in get_object_list
	* Strip left and right condition (we now support rules lines like --condition 'amount > 2000')
	* Disable addresses (to much SPAM)

	Applications: all Qt applications
	* Use new-style signals and slot
	* Add Qt5 package in our tools
	* Port all applications to Qt5
	* Add "wait" parameter to stop method

	Applications: boobank
	* Display sub-totals for each currency (when several currencies are detected)
	* Fix error display in budgea command
	* Increase timeout of budgea command
	* Do not take of loan accounts in total
	* Display loan accounts label in blue
	* Use encoding aware custom print()
	* New advisor command with custom formatter

	Applications: comparoob
	* Add defaultcount management
	* Improve products management

	Applications: flatboob
	* Improve display if Area is not found

	Applications: monboob
	* Add full thread history in headers (fix some bad detection one MUA)

	Applications: videoob
	* Correctly handle non complete url in m3u8

	Applications: qcineoob
	* Sort torrent search result list by seeders
	* Display backend icon for each search results
	* Set tab text max size and add tooltip
	* Add keyboard shortcut (alt+left) to go back
	* Tab text is now updated on actions

	Applications: qcookboob
	* Display backend icon for search results
	* Add keyboard shortcut (alt+left) to go back
	* Better tab text/tooltip management
	* Fix bug when opening in a new tab, bad is was given

	Applications: qflatboob
	* Load all fields in widget list (help to rank adverts)
	* Display price per meter ratio

	Tools: boilerplate
	* Improve arg signature of methods generated by CapRecipe
	* Make u8 idempotent
	* Don't add failing test by default

	* local_run: fix script when PYTHONPATH is not set
	* fix wrong exist status when specifying a single backend

	* Add a command to get the requirements with
	* Add cssselect to the list of requirements
	* Ensure that requests version is >= 2.0

	* Boobot: add tasks management
	* Boobot: fix compatibility with iso-8859-15 messages
	* Boobank_indicator: do not include loan account in total
	* Add imm-o-matic script

	Modules: 750g
	* Update module to use new website
	* Do not crash when there is only one or no result

	Modules: adecco
	* Update module to use new website
	* Skip test if backend is not configured
	* Add default configuration for tests

	Modules: agendaculturel
	* Website migrated from http to https
	* Skip test if backend is not configured
	* Add default configuration for tests

	Modules: agendadulibre
	* Skip test if backend is not configured
	* Add default configuration for tests

	Modules: allocine
	* Update favicon

	Modules: allrecipes
	* Uses API instead to parse website

	Modules: amazon
	* Handle prices that occur twice on the page (#2057)
	* Fixed login after website update (#2057)
	* Another discount type (#2057)
	* Added 'Free Shipping Promo' bill detailisation keyword. (#2057)
	* Force label to document
	* Fixing amazon : sometimes tva or other amounts arent available
	* Use new login link id

	Modules: amazonstorecard
	* Improved stability (retry on error) (#2115)
	* Major website update (#2115)
	* Parse recent transactions (#2115)
	* Handle amounts more than ,000 (#2617)
	* Parse payment due date; allow transactions with empty id (#2617)

	Modules: americanexpress
	* Remove unused constants
	* Rewrite to browser2 and remove old code
	* Fix date parsing
	* Update dateguesser range to one year
	* Handle account suspended page
	* List multiple accounts
	* Don't report canceled accounts without history
	* Fix div id with single card

	Modules: ameli
	* Update module after site changes

	Modules: amelipro
	* Fix tests calls

	Modules: apec
	* Fix the way experience and contact fields are filled
	* JSON api format has been updated
	* JSON call got updated
	* Handle accentuated characters in search
	* Add default configuration for tests

	Modules: apivie
	* No more fake ids on apivie transactions

	Modules: arte
	* Do not crash while trying to handle a bad url
	* Handle an other type of web page in
	* Fix Debian bug #831609, correctly handle m3u8 url
	* Many little fixes
	* Handle arte creative
	* There are some duplicate videos in creative pages
	* Fix arte cinema (module was not able to find video url anymore)
	* Add default configuration for tests

	Modules: aum
	* Remove duplicate entry key in AUM module

	Modules: axabanque
	* Fix no history on card
	* Fix accounts typing
	* Port to browser2 and adding investments
	* Don't crash in case of customer error
	* Check when user need to change password
	* Fix problems when checking error
	* Fix asv not being fetch and portfolio
	* Fix bug going on agipi page
	* Get account IBANs and fix typing
	* Fix investments on market account
	* Fix accounts from tabs and more investments
	* Fix url change on invest
	* Fix handling pel type
	* Support new login and some changes
	* Fix: password can be only digits
	* Support the new website for investments
	* The login can now be an email
	* Accounts numbers may be written differently
	* New URL for accounts list
	* Some pages return overlapping accounts, skip duplicates

	Modules: banqueaccord
	* Support new login page

	Modules: banquepopulaire
	* Handling currency for cards
	* Adding currency for card
	* Handle crash on natixis website
	* Removing balance information in raw
	* Fix missing label in history
	* Set Account.iban to NotAvailable if user hasn't subscribed to online documents
	* Fixing banquepopulaire : No IBAN for checking account
	* Fix wrong account type
	* Fixing account type for "Fructi Selection Vie"
	* Adding more life insurance support
	* No IBAN on investment and life insurance
	* Add support for Banque de Savoie.
	* Check number in raw instead of label
	* Handle different label
	* Investments on savings account
	* Port to browser2 the easy way (without filters and so on)
	* Fix problem with unicode cookies
	* Test unavailable service on all pages
	* Raise NotImplementedError for new natixis pages
	* Use absurl for regular pages after having visited market
	* Update navigation token even on error pages
	* Fix crash on some pages without token

	Modules: barclays
	* Support investments on life insurance accounts
	* Updated cards handling
	* Fix account type detection to fix card linking
	* Move to browser2 and support IBAN on pdf

	Modules: bforbank
	* Adding pagination for bforbank
	* Don't crash on no IBAN for checking account
	* Fix reading when IBAN is not available
	* Add a favicon
	* Use spirica module for life insurance
	* Implement investments/history for MARKET accounts with lcl

	Modules: blablacar
	* Fix departure date regexp
	* Fix parsing date
	* Fix: site got updated
	* Add a favicon

	Modules: bnporc
	* Don't crash without simplejson (support other json modules)
	* Add support PEA liquidity account type
	* Support one more page to refresh password
	* Get a year of history
	* Correctly decode IBANs
	* Rebuild IBAN only if it isn't already one
	* Catch wrongpass
	* Print temporary password to allow rescue connection on website
	* Fix: site changed
	* Adapt to support CapBankTransfer
	* Try harder to connect on the website
	* Add url to renew password
	* Fix BNPEnterprise: add leading zero when IBAN key is < 10
	* New website for BNPEnterprise, rebuild all module
	* Fix bnp enterprise: libelle not loaded for some reason, so take the type libelle on this case
	* Fix BNPEnterprise: swith date and rdate, move Account import
	* Fix CleanDecimal not always working
	* Catch change password page and raise ActionNeeded
	* Prevent date overlap in history search
	* Transfer fix on bnp
	* Categories on recipients
	* Handle transfer unavailable on fetching IBAN and recipients
	* Raise BrowserUnavailable on 1001 error code
	* Add transfer.account_balance
	* Add advisor support
	* Add a cache for account_list
	* Don't overwrite with something which can be a Response
	* Use response.json() to parse response, to prevent encoding issues

	Modules: boursorama
	* Better fall back on old website
	* Skip first visit page before falling back on old webiste
	* Better newwebsite url
	* Fix unitprice parsing
	* Support of Bourso new website and use Browser2
	* Add support of loan accounts
	* Fixing class for transaction label changed
	* Handling coming card
	* Add a condition to prevent crashs
	* Fix label parsing
	* Update regexp for TYPE_ORDER
	* Fix cards transactions link
	* Handle wrong pin code
	* Fix loan, market, valuation etc ..
	* Two-step-auth: fix request if browser has been shutdown
	* Detect when PIN tries limit has been reached
	* Fix checking of errors
	* Handling when no informations is avalaible in investment
	* Fix in case there are divs into accounts list
	* Handle new bourso card ID
	* handle blocked page1
	* Raise wrongpass on blocking secret infos update page
	* Handling new info profil page
	* Take custom-id if regular ids are not present
	* Fix same transactions on different accounts
	* Fix cards rdate parsing
	* Handle ord accounts
	* Fix pea history parsing
	* Fix some nav issues
	* More accurate url and valuation calculation
	* Adding incident page
	* Fixing wrong inheritance
	* Handle no link on market history
	* Fix history parsing
	* Parse transactions label back again
	* Try to be easier with bourso website
	* Do not iter coming on li and market accounts
	* Add a cache for accounts
	* Handle new history page type
	* Increase HTTP timeout, the website can be slow
	* Better typing to avoid crash
	* Do not crash on ClientError
	* Try to update balances of accounts before parsing
	* Try to fix XMLSyntaxError
	* Don't rash when no id are available (on some foreign accounts)
	* Catch XMLSyntaxError
	* Fix virtkeyboard
	* Don't call need_login twice
	* Fix page not being handled by the right class
	* Date might be missing
	* Fix unauthorized on virtkeyboard with old stored cookies
	* Fix cookie delation after going on login page
	* Fix card transactions request
	* Fix skiping not boursorama's accounts
	* Fix card accounts ids
	* Handle more cases where client need to log in on website
	* Handle more login page
	* relog on random disconnection
	* Fix coming parsing
	* Add IBAN page
	* Fix market accounts transactions date parsing
	* Fix useless nav and wrong webid leading to wrong IBAN
	* Fix transaction amount parsing
	* Fix crash on parsing amounts
	* Handle url with correct page
	* Type more loan accounts to prevent crash on history
	* Exclude deffered_card transactions of checking accounts
	* Add new param to login
	* Fix crash on expert derive account

	Modules: bouygues
	* Fixing bouygues module which works with b&you
	* Fix date parsing
	* Fixing bouygues module multiple accounts
	* Don't crash for accounts without document
	* For some reason, bills might be duplicated on website
	* Fix: https is now mandatory for documents URL
	* Fix: sometimes download document crash when reference is not specified

	Modules: bp
	* Handling wrong website selection
	* Add wrongpass page
	* Fix duplicate accounts with better id parsing
	* Fix regexp to get accounts ids
	* Support CapBankTransfer new API
	* Accounts are now in EUR by default
	* Handle deferred card
	* Accurate messages if users are on wrong website (between pro and perso websites)
	* Don't crash when no accounts are available
	* Port to browser2 (the easy way)
	* List loan accounts
	* More support of transfer (double auth not handled)
	* Fix pro browser working with StatesMixin
	* Reimbursed loans have an empty amount string
	* Parse life insurance investments and history
	* Fetch history for retirement contracts
	* Skip loan account with "unavailable data"
	* Fix BrowserIncorrectPassword with par/pro mix
	* Fix statesmixin on expired session
	* Handle internal recip not in accounts list
	* Add a cache for accounts_list
	* Fix a crash on unavailable pages
	* Skip more useless LOAN accounts
	* Add more regexp for transaction types
	* Add advisor support
	* Catch no accouts

	Modules: bred
	* Cut password to the first 8th char
	* Fetch IBAN only for checking accounts
	* Transactions typing
	* Do not yield not real market accounts
	* Fix duplicate id accounts

	Modules: caissedepargne
	* Fix pagination on history
	* Fix investments on multiple market accounts
	* Fix come back on synthesis
	* Handle loans caisse depargne
	* Fixing when not loan account is present
	* Better check if we are on wrong page
	* Detect and bypass useless message page
	* Fixing website failed redirecting
	* Handle delayed debit card and cleaning module
	* Browser handles technical error page (instead of code in iter_* functions)
	* Add certhash
	* Fix account valuation_diff parsing
	* Do not yield anything on market cgu
	* Guess IBAN only if this is a correct RIB
	* Fix login
	* Fix encoding error
	* Fix when there are multiple choices of spaces (between pro and personal)
	* Remove LoginPage and do only direct requests
	* Better wrong pass handling
	* Fixing can't leave credit page on old website
	* Fix navigation on history
	* Catch wrongpass
	* Life insurance might not be available for consultation
	* Adding lifeinsurance's history
	* Fix website being awful
	* Fix infinite loop on no accounts
	* Only keep relevant wrongpass (and return BrowserUnavailable for other errors)
	* Fallback on pro domain when loggin on personal fails if pro exists
	* Invest date might be unavailable
	* Better handle of real no accounts
	* Read multiple cb tabs
	* Bump to browser2
	* Fix: sometime link is a list, so fix this
	* Fix: an 'href' who takes himself for an 'a' tag
	* Fix: on cenet website, sometime a year is not available, so try every months
	* Fix: on garbage page sometime link is not available, due to an ActionNeeded
	* Fix: if garbage go_back_link is not available, skip this step
	* Remove deprecated exception, use new ones
	* Add support of advisor

	Modules: carrefourbanque
	* Manage more accounts, investments
	* Fix portfolio on some modules

	Modules: cic
	* Improve account typing
	* Update cic sources from credit mutuel
	* Support CapBankTransfer new API
	* Cic now inherits from creditmutuel
	* Adding advisor for cm/cic

	Modules: citibank
	* Fixed login after website update. (#2098)
	* Switching to javascript library
	* Switching to new base url
	* When parsing a date in a statement, try both leap and non-leap years (#2098)
	* Handle negative and positive account balance (#2098)

	Modules: cmb
	* Handling agricultor website
	* No more crash on no account
	* Bump to browser2 and more (more accounts, investments, coming...)
	* Use AbstractBrowser instead of symlinks to cmso

	Modules: cmso
	* Fix account type
	* Fix wrongpass detection
	* Don't raise BrowserUnavailable when no savings accounts
	* Don't crash when no accounts are available in pro website
	* Manage multiple areas
	* Don't crash without accounts
	* Index were not unique
	* Don't crash when no IBAN for checking account
	* Support cmmc website
	* cmb/cmso/cmmc: support loans
	* Return on subscription before switching area to prevent 500
	* Handle 500 when no history on market account
	* Have useful account ids
	* More history is now recovered
	* Add a forgotten return in iter_history
	* Getting a year of history
	* Use open instead of random async
	* Better id on market accounts
	* Fix crash when id is not found on market accounts
	* Handle multiarea on cmso pro
	* Handle no account in  area
	* Fix regexp for some account ids
	* Start fetching investments
	* Fill 'areas' attribute outside of do_login (to work with blackbox)
	* Fix investments with non investment accounts
	* cmso pro: prevent infinite loop

	Modules: colisprive
	* Add a favicon

	Modules: colissimo
	* Get full history

	Modules: cragr
	* Fix broken perimeters
	* Get rid of not required assert
	* Account type on label before section title
	* Update label and balance on market websit
	* Fix bad home url and no account link for market accounts
	* Fix when cards and market accounts
	* Do not globally crash if we can't go to the market page
	* Fix current_perimeter and no link for market
	* Fix guessing of market links (use real hostname, not proxy's one)
	* Fix investment parsing and add vdate
	* Type and history of ESPE INTEG
	* Fix cards history navigation
	* Fix PEL history
	* Fixing cragr investment
	* Fix regression with cards navigation
	* Handle pagination on cragr CardsPage
	* Fix invest parsing
	* Do not crash on cards on some weird cases
	* Raise wrongpass on cgu
	* Fix investment parsing
	* Correctly handle the first connection page
	* Fix bad detection of current perimeter
	* Truncate passwords to first six chars
	* Remove trailling chars in isin
	* Fix encoding in investment code
	* Don't try to detect perimeter on not handled page
	* Handle perimeters having the same name
	* Handling currency on multiple card
	* Truncate username to the first 11 chars
	* Add new DAV TIGERE accounts
	* Fix infinite loop on wrong pass
	* Fix cards
	* Fix transactions parsing (new column)
	* Add account CPTEXCPRO
	* Fix multiple cards accounts
	* Update ordering date in get_history, it's useless and the link might be dead.
	* Fix transactions parsing on some accounts type
	* Fix bad isin
	* Handle life insurance on bgpi website
	* Fix some lifeinsurance
	* Adding pagination on accounts page
	* Fix parsing of unitprice on some market accounts
	* Fix portfolio_share on bgpi invest
	* Fix crash when no investments in BGPI
	* Fix listing card with pagination
	* Fix get of IBAN
	* Adapt to new CapBankTransfer API
	* Don't try to read history on market accounts
	* Fix detail unavailable on market accounts
	* Fix parsing of valuation_date of market invest
	* Seems like cragr normandie is not using new login method anymore
	* Update webid of deferred card to avoid duplicates
	* Fix sublabel parsing, sometimes there's no sublabel parent

	Modules: creditcooperatif
	* Add coming card page
	* Limit password to 12 chars
	* Fix xpath issue
	* Fix crash on technical error on website
	* Add IbanPage support
	* Fix crash on notavailable iban page

	Modules: creditdunord
	* Add bank SMC support
	* Add bank nuger support
	* Fix transactions parsing on rhonealpe
	* Unify regular and pro accounts cards handling
	* Fix deferred_card typing
	* Dectection of wrongpass
	* Fix duplicate accounts
	* Skip accounts without details
	* Fix bad isin like FR0010411884
	* Handle no account
	* Move to browser2
	* Handle loans on pro website
	* In iter_* methods, raise AccountNotFound if account is not found, instead of crash
	* Fix navigation on website to list loan accounts
	* Fix parsing of transactions without value date
	* Fix parsing of euro funds
	* Add loan typing
	* Fix navigation on website to get transactions
	* Fix creditdunord transaction date parsing
	* Some dates are not available instead of a parse error

	Modules: creditmutuel
	* Fix history and investments of life insurance accounts
	* Fix life insurance
	* Fix coming for cards
	* Fix when unitprice not available
	* Set default balance value to NotAvailable
	* Handle fleet cards
	* handle page to detect new website
	* Fix date parsing for cards
	* Raise skipitem instead of parse error
	* Fix amount commission of non euro fleets transactions
	* Handle hidden parts of labels
	* Fix isin parsing
	* Adding IBAN for new website
	* Parse life insurance's transactions dates as French dates;
	* Get IBAN based id
	* Handle pagination
	* Fix crash on more transactions
	* Only use last card differed for coming
	* Support cb diff
	* Adding cards to creditmutuel's new website
	* Fix setting deleted to transactions
	* Fix parsing of differred_date
	* Don't crash on empty city field
	* Use new CapBankTransfer API
	* Fix id and IBAN of accounts on old website but displayed on new accounts page
	* Fix date parsing for coming
	* Handle real no accounts on cic
	* Fix currency on lifeinsurance accounts
	* Fix crash when there is no bank accounts
	* Fix card names and set coming balances
	* Fix multiple month of history on cb differed
	* Correctly handle lifeinsurance accounts on cic
	* Handle newhome page to detect new website
	* Fix original amount of card transactions on new website
	* Get now about 6 months of history on new website
	* Handle loan history page
	* Handle page and fix crash on history on some accounts
	* Handle another user page
	* Fix card history link
	* Fix transfer on the new website
	* Add support of creditmut pro and add transfer category
	* Fix regexp for URL of subbank
	* Fix finding account and recipient in init_transfer
	* Skip wrong IBAN instead of crash
	* Limit transfer label to 27 char instead of raising error
	* Add cards on new website with tiers page
	* Add transfer.account_balance
	* Don't crash if a transfer has no label
	* Truncate label checking
	* Strip transfer.label to compare with bank return
	* Detect ActionNeeded after login
	* Prefer None accounts_list over missing attribute
	* Skip debit card
	* Add support of life insurance on new website
	* Add advisor
	* Parse balance and currency of cards in some cases
	* Raise wrongpass with error messages

	Modules: cuisineaz
	* Update to the new website site changed

	Modules: dailymotion
	* Fix module and bump to browser2
	* Get video from page url

	Modules: delubac
	* Detect bad password
	* Add basic account types
	* Get IBAN
	* Fix transactions parsing

	Modules: dhl
	* Use's JSON API
	* Add support for both DHL Express and Deutsche Post DHL
	* show URL in event description

	Modules: dlfp
	* Populate url attribute messages and thread objects
	* Always fill the parent attribute
	* Disable wiki tests when the backend is not configured

	Modules: dresdenwetter
	* Skip test if backend is not configured

	Modules: edf
	* Bump module to Browser 2 and fix parsing
	* Add edfpro website
	* Add a favicon
	* Always set vat attribute to to NotAvailable
	* Remove bad tests in edfpro folder
	* Ignore duplicates

	Modules: entreparticuliers
	* Fix parsing : site changed
	* Correctly handle source
	* Fix url field filling
	* Support new price_per_meter attribute of CapHousing
	* Fix bug when response is empty
	* Add a 100km default rayon value
	* Do not crash if area is unknown
	* Add a favicon

	Modules: explorimmo
	* Support new price_per_meter attribute of CapHousing
	* Fix bug in town names' encoding

	Modules: feedly
	* Update google login state
	* Remove need_login decorator for get_unread_feed

	Modules: fortuneo
	* Update certhash (#2550)
	* Detect wrong passwords
	* Fix duplicate of accounts
	* Don't try to get IBAN for checking account (token sent by SMS to customers)
	* Replace BrowserIncorrectPassword with ActionNeeded on renew password
	* Port to browser2
	* Limit max time site wants us to wait in async requests
	* Fix separators cleaning for decimals

	Modules: francetelevisions
	* Ignore duplicate in videos search result

	Modules: freemobile
	* Fix subscription listing (site changed)
	* Fix sub._login parsing
	* Fix error when two bills happen on the same day
	* Id of details are not uniques anymore, so take build a new custom one

	Modules: funmooc
	* Base url of the website has changed
	* Fix module and add logged tests

	Modules: ganassurances
	* Add pagination to ganassurances/groupama module
	* Handle history and coming of another account type

	Modules: github
	* Port to browser2
	* Shorten some long lines + fill url of Issue
	* Few fixes and tests
	* Use CacheMixin new class

	Modules: googletranslate
	* Bump to browser2

	Modules: groupamaes
	* Fix bug when there is no credit anymore on PEE / fix account typing
	* Handle investment
	* Fix groupamas amount parsing
	* Fix crash when parsing investments
	* Fix portfolio_share range
	* Improve investment management (quantities of values of each funds are divided by availibility date)
	* Fix amount of withdrawal (Sadly withdrawal are not incomes)
	* Add a label in order to detect negative amount in transactions

	Modules: happn
	* Fix issues with new kind of ids

	Modules: hsbc
	* Fix account type
	* Add more history with pagination
	* Cache accounts and fetch IBANs
	* Fix accounts typing
	* Fix rib navigation
	* Fix currency of accounts
	* Auto delete card summary
	* Handle when website duplicates tr list
	* Raise not error implemented on life insurance for history
	* Add more account types to avoid crash

	Modules: ideel
	* New way of handling free shipping (#2146)

	Modules: ilmatieteenlaitos
	* Adapted to site changes

	Modules: imdb
	* Update imdb favicon to make it more different from the allocine one

	Modules: imgur
	* Implement gallery search and CapImage
	* Add date attribute

	Modules: ina
	* Fix duration parsing

	Modules: indeed
	* Search for words in the entire advert, not only in the title
	* Indeed now uses https

	Modules: ing
	* Use CleanDecimal to simplify parsing
	* Add history for life insurance accounts
	* Fix ing 500 error on bill download
	* Fix investment on multiple line
	* Handle blank transaction label
	* Loop on coming from market website to avoid 500 errors
	* Fix missing some investments
	* Increase requests timeout to 60 seconds
	* Fix id of life insurance
	* Fix investment on life inssurence and history on all accounts
	* Fix name of Account._id field
	* Fix navigation on the new life insurance pages
	* Refresh account link
	* Quick fix navigation
	* Ahistory to some asv and more
	* Get IBANs for accounts
	* Transactions detail might be unavailable
	* Some fixes on market accounts
	* Use new CapBankTransfer API
	* Only go on IBAN page for valid account
	* Fix transfer method signature
	* Catch action needed
	* Seems like response headers of download might change
	* Don't raise ActionNeeded for a check reception notice
	* Disable CapTransfer since it's broken
	* New login for asv page
	* SSL errors due to a bad certificate, so create it manually and fix a false https
	* Avoid re-login after lifeinsurance and market pages
	* Before many operations, try to go on main website first

	Modules: inrocks
	* Bump to browser2 / inherits from genericnewspaper module

	Modules: ipinfodb
	* Bump to browser2

	Modules: itella
	* Update to use JSON API
	* Handle missing arrival date
	* Use status from JSON instead of guessing

	Modules: jcvelaux
	* Add api_key backend option
	* Fix str-unicode warnings and port to browser2

	Modules: jvmalin
	* Add a favicon

	Modules: lacentrale
	* Bump to browser2
	* Module connot handle products without criteria
	* Improve products management

	Modules: lcl
	* Remove SSL hacks (no need to RC4 anymore)
	* Add individual loans to lcl
	* Fix loans post bourse deconnection, fix loans regex
	* Fix unique id on loans lcl
	* Add certhash
	* Use valuation for BoursePage objects, not balance
	* Raise wronpass if the password is not a digit
	* Change label of transactions and yield card_summary
	* Retry read of amounts (hack to fix broken HTML)
	* Don't return 0 as account ID
	* Fix bad isin like FR0000120404 AC
	* BUMP LCL entreprise browser to bump2
	* Fix isins like FR12345435 ABC
	* Code of investments might be unavailable
	* Rework of transactions type parsing
	* Don't crash when tbody is missing on market accounts table
	* Add a new account type
	* Get more history on several account types