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# Copyright(C) 2010-2012 Julien Veyssier
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# This file is part of weboob.
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# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import hashlib
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
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from datetime import date, datetime
from random import randint
from collections import OrderedDict

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from weboob.browser.pages import HTMLPage, FormNotFound, LoggedPage, pagination
from weboob.browser.elements import ListElement, ItemElement, SkipItem, method, TableElement
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import Filter, Env, CleanText, CleanDecimal, Field, \
    Regexp, Async, AsyncLoad, Date, Format, Type, Currency
from weboob.browser.filters.html import Link, Attr, TableCell, ColumnNotFound
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword, ParseError, NoAccountsException, ActionNeeded, BrowserUnavailable
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from weboob.capabilities import NotAvailable
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from weboob.capabilities.base import empty
from import Account, Investment, Recipient, TransferError, TransferBankError, \
    Transfer, AddRecipientError, AddRecipientStep, Loan
from import Advisor
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Profile
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from import is_iban_valid
from import FrenchTransaction
from import urlparse, parse_qs, urljoin, range, unicode
from import parse_french_date
from import Value
def MyDecimal(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs.update(replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
    return CleanDecimal(*args, **kwargs)

def MyDate(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs.update(dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)
    return Date(*args, **kwargs)

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class RedirectPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        super(RedirectPage, self).on_load()
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        link = self.doc.xpath('//a[@id="P:F_1.R2:link"]')
        if link:

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class NewHomePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        self.browser.is_new_website = True
        super(NewHomePage, self).on_load()
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class LoginPage(HTMLPage):
    REFRESH_MAX = 10.0

    def on_load(self):
        error_msg_xpath = '//div[has-class("err")]//p[contains(text(), "votre mot de passe est faux")]'
        if self.doc.xpath(error_msg_xpath):
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(CleanText(error_msg_xpath)(self.doc))

    def convert_uncodable_char_to_xml_entity(self, word):
        final_word = ''
        for char in word:
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                char = '&#{};'.format(ord(char))
            final_word += char
        return final_word

    def login(self, login, passwd):
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        form = self.get_form(xpath='//form[contains(@name, "ident")]')
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
        form['_cm_user'] = login
        # format password like password sent by firefox or chromium browser
        form['_cm_pwd'] = self.convert_uncodable_char_to_xml_entity(passwd)
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Romain Bignon committed
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Vincent Paredes committed
    def logged(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//div[@id="e_identification_ok"]')

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class LoginErrorPage(HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(CleanText('//div[has-class("blocmsg")]')(self.doc))
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class EmptyPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    REFRESH_MAX = 10.0
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    def on_load(self):
        # Action needed message is like "Votre Carte de Clés Personnelles numéro 3 est révoquée."
        action_needed = CleanText('//p[contains(text(), "Votre Carte de Clés Personnelles") and contains(text(), "est révoquée")]')(self.doc)
        if action_needed:
            raise ActionNeeded(action_needed)
        maintenance = CleanText('//td[@class="ALERTE"]/p/span[contains(text(), "Dans le cadre de l\'amélioration de nos services, nous vous informons que le service est interrompu"]')(self.doc)
        if maintenance:
            raise BrowserUnavailable(maintenance)
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class UserSpacePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        if self.doc.xpath('//form[@id="GoValider"]'):
            raise ActionNeeded(u"Le site du contrat Banque à Distance a besoin d'informations supplémentaires")
        super(UserSpacePage, self).on_load()
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class ChangePasswordPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        raise BrowserIncorrectPassword('Please change your password')

class item_account_generic(ItemElement):
    klass = Account
    TYPES = OrderedDict([
        ('Credits Promoteurs',      Account.TYPE_CHECKING),  # it doesn't fit loan's model
        ('Compte Cheque',           Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Compte Courant',          Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Cpte Courant',            Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Contrat Personnel',       Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Cc Contrat Personnel',    Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('C/C',                     Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Start',                   Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Comptes courants',        Account.TYPE_CHECKING),
        ('Catip',                   Account.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
        ('Cic Immo',                Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Credit',                  Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Crédits',                 Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Mcne',                    Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Nouveau Prêt',            Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Pret',                    Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Regroupement De Credits', Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Nouveau Pret 0%',         Account.TYPE_LOAN),
        ('Passeport Credit',        Account.TYPE_REVOLVING_CREDIT),
        ('Allure Libre',            Account.TYPE_REVOLVING_CREDIT),
        ('Preference',              Account.TYPE_REVOLVING_CREDIT),
        ('Plan 4',                  Account.TYPE_REVOLVING_CREDIT),
        ('Pea',                     Account.TYPE_PEA),
        ('Compte De Liquidite Pea', Account.TYPE_PEA),
        ('Compte Epargne',          Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('Etalis',                  Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('Ldd',                     Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('Livret',                  Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ("Plan D'Epargne",          Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('Tonic Croissance',        Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('Capital Expansion',       Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('\xc9pargne',              Account.TYPE_SAVINGS),
        ('Compte Garantie Titres',  Account.TYPE_MARKET),

    def condition(self):
        if len(self.el.xpath('./td')) < 2:
            return False

        first_td = self.el.xpath('./td')[0]

        return (("i" in first_td.attrib.get('class', '') or "p" in first_td.attrib.get('class', ''))
                and (first_td.find('a') is not None or (first_td.find('.//span') is not None
                and "cartes" in first_td.findtext('.//span') and first_td.find('./div/a') is not None)))

    class Label(Filter):
        def filter(self, text):
            return text.lstrip(' 0123456789').title()

    class Type(Filter):
        def filter(self, label):
            for pattern, actype in item_account_generic.TYPES.items():
                if label.startswith(pattern):
                    return actype
            return Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

    obj_id = Env('id')
    obj__card_number = None
    obj_label = Label(CleanText('./td[1]/a/text() | ./td[1]/a/span[@class and not(contains(@class, "doux"))] | ./td[1]/div/a[has-class("cb")]'))
    obj_coming = Env('coming')
    obj_balance = Env('balance')
    obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency('./td[2] | ./td[3]')
    obj__card_links = []

    def obj__link_id(self):
        page ='./td[1]//a')(self)).page
        if page and page.doc.xpath('//div[@class="fg"]/a[contains(@href, "%s")]' % Field('id')(self)):
            return urljoin(page.url, Link('//div[@class="fg"]/a')(page.doc))
        return Link('./td[1]//a')(self)

    def obj_type(self):
        t = self.Type(Field('label'))(self)
        # sometimes, using the label is not enough to infer the account's type.
        # this is a fallback that uses the account's group label
        if t == 0:
            return self.Type(CleanText('./preceding-sibling::tr/th[contains(@class, "rupture eir_tblshowth")][1]'))(self)
        return t
    obj__is_inv = False
    obj__is_webid = Env('_is_webid')

    def parse(self, el):
        link = el.xpath('./td[1]//a')[0].get('href', '')
        if 'POR_SyntheseLst' in link:
            raise SkipItem()

        url = urlparse(link)
        p = parse_qs(url.query)
        if 'rib' not in p and 'webid' not in p:
            raise SkipItem()

        for td in el.xpath('./td[2] | ./td[3]'):
                balance = CleanDecimal('.', replace_dots=True)(td)
            except InvalidOperation:
            if 'lien_inter_sites' in link:
                raise SkipItem()
                raise ParseError('Unable to find balance for account %s' % CleanText('./td[1]/a')(el))

        self.env['_is_webid'] = False

        if "cartes" in CleanText('./td[1]')(el):
            # handle cb differed card
            if "cartes" in CleanText('./preceding-sibling::tr[1]/td[1]', replace=[(' ', '')])(el):
                # In case it's the second month of card history present, we need to ignore the first
                # one to get the attach accoount
                id_xpath = './preceding-sibling::tr[2]/td[1]/a/node()[contains(@class, "doux")]'
                # first month of history, the previous tr is the attached account
                id_xpath = './preceding-sibling::tr[1]/td[1]/a/node()[contains(@class, "doux")]'
            # classical account
            id_xpath = './td[1]/a/node()[contains(@class, "doux")]'

        id = CleanText(id_xpath, replace=[(' ', '')])(el)
        if not id:
            if 'rib' in p:
                id = p['rib'][0]
                id = p['webid'][0]
                self.env['_is_webid'] = True

        page =
        if isinstance(page, RevolvingLoansList):
            # some revolving loans are listed on an other page. On the accountList, there is just a link for this page
            # that's why we don't handle it here
            raise SkipItem()

        # Handle cards
        if id in self.parent.objects:
            # on old website we want card's history in account's history
            if not page.browser.is_new_website:
                account = self.parent.objects[id]
                if not account.coming:
                    account.coming = Decimal('0.0')
                date = parse_french_date(Regexp(Field('label'), 'Fin (.+) (\d{4})', '01 \\1 \\2')(self)) + relativedelta(day=31)
                if date > - relativedelta(day=1):
                    account.coming += balance
                multiple_cards_xpath = '//select[@name="Data_SelectedCardItemKey"]/option[contains(text(),"Carte")]'
                single_card_xpath = '//span[has-class("_c1 fg _c1")]'
                card_xpath = multiple_cards_xpath + ' | ' + single_card_xpath
                for elem in page.doc.xpath(card_xpath):
                    card_id = Regexp(CleanText('.', symbols=' '), '([\dx]{16})')(elem)
                    if any(card_id in for a in page.browser.accounts_list):

                    card = Account()
                    card.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
           = card._card_number = card_id
                    card._link_id = link
                    card._is_inv = card._is_webid = False
                    card.parent = self.parent.objects[id]

                    pattern = 'Carte\s(\w+).*\d{4}\s([A-Za-z\s]+)(.*)'
                    m =, CleanText('.')(elem))
                    card.label = "%s %s %s" % (, card_id,
                    card.balance = Decimal('0.0')
                    card.currency = card.get_currency(
                    card._card_pages = [page]
                    card.coming = Decimal('0.0')
                    #handling the case were the month is the coming one. There won't be next_month here.
                    date = parse_french_date(Regexp(Field('label'), 'Fin (.+) (\d{4})', '01 \\1 \\2')(self)) + relativedelta(day=31)
                    if date > - relativedelta(day=1):
                        card.coming = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(
                    next_month = Link('./following-sibling::tr[contains(@class, "encours")][1]/td[1]//a', default=None)(self)
                    if next_month:
                        card_page =
                        for e in card_page.doc.xpath(card_xpath):
                            if == Regexp(CleanText('.', symbols=' '), '([\dx]{16})')(e):
                                m =, CleanText('.')(e))
                                card.coming += CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(


            raise SkipItem()

        self.env['id'] = id

        # Handle real balances
        coming = page.find_amount(u"Opérations à venir") if page else None
        accounting = page.find_amount(u"Solde comptable") if page else None

        if accounting is not None and accounting + (coming or Decimal('0')) != balance:
  '%s + %s != %s' % (accounting, coming, balance))

        if accounting is not None:
            balance = accounting

        self.env['balance'] = balance
        self.env['coming'] = coming or NotAvailable

    def is_revolving(self, label):
        return any(revolving_loan_label in label
                   for revolving_loan_label in item_account_generic.REVOLVING_LOAN_LABELS)

class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        super(AccountsPage, self).on_load()

        no_account_message = CleanText('//td[contains(text(), "Votre contrat de banque à distance ne vous donne accès à aucun compte.")]')(self.doc)
        if no_account_message:
            raise NoAccountsException(no_account_message)

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    class iter_accounts(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//div[has-class("a_blocappli")]//tr'
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        flush_at_end = True

        class item_account(item_account_generic):
            def condition(self):
                type = Field('type')(self)
                return item_account_generic.condition(self) and type != Account.TYPE_LOAN
        class item_loan(item_account_generic):
            klass = Loan
            load_details = Link('.//a') & AsyncLoad
            obj_total_amount = Async('details') & MyDecimal('//div[@id="F4:expContent"]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/text()')
            obj_rate = Async('details') & MyDecimal('//div[@id="F4:expContent"]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]')
            obj_account_label = Async('details') & CleanText('//div[@id="F4:expContent"]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]')
            obj_nb_payments_left = Async('details') & Type(CleanText(
                '//div[@id="F4:expContent"]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/text()'), type=int, default=NotAvailable)
            obj_subscription_date = Async('details') & MyDate(Regexp(CleanText(
                '//*[@id="F4:expContent"]/table/tbody/tr[1]/th[1]'), ' (\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})', default=NotAvailable))
            obj_maturity_date = Async('details') & MyDate(
            obj_next_payment_amount = Async('details') & MyDecimal('//div[@id="F4:expContent"]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]')
            obj_next_payment_date = Async('details') & MyDate(
            obj_last_payment_amount = Async('details') & MyDecimal('//td[@id="F2_0.T12"]')
            obj_last_payment_date = Async('details') & \
            def condition(self):
                type = Field('type')(self)
                label = Field('label')(self)
                details_link = Link('.//a', default=None)(self)

                # mobile accounts are leading to a 404 error when parsing history
                # furthermore this is not exactly a loan account
                if'Le\sMobile\s+([0-9]{2}\s?){5}', label):
                    return False

                    details =
                        closed_loan = 'cloturé' in CleanText(
                            '//form[@id="P:F"]//div[@class="blocmsg info"]//p', default='')(
                return (item_account_generic.condition(self)
                        and type == Account.TYPE_LOAN
        class item_revolving_loan(item_account_generic):
            klass = Loan
            load_details = Link('.//a') & AsyncLoad
            obj_total_amount = Async('details') & MyDecimal('//main[@id="ei_tpl_content"]/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[3]')
            def obj_used_amount(self):
                return -Field('balance')(self)
            def condition(self):
                type = Field('type')(self)
                label = Field('label')(self)
                return (item_account_generic.condition(self) and type == Account.TYPE_LOAN
    def get_advisor_link(self):
        return Link('//div[@id="e_conseiller"]/a', default=None)(self.doc)

    class get_advisor(ItemElement):
        klass = Advisor

        obj_name = CleanText('//div[@id="e_conseiller"]/a')

    class get_profile(ItemElement):
        klass = Profile

        obj_name = CleanText('//div[@id="e_identification_ok_content"]//strong[1]')

class NewAccountsPage(NewHomePage, AccountsPage):
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    def get_agency(self):
        return Regexp(CleanText('//script[contains(text(), "lien_caisse")]', default=''),
                      r'(https://[^"]+)', default='')(self.doc)

    class get_advisor(ItemElement):
        klass = Advisor

        obj_name = Regexp(CleanText('//script[contains(text(), "Espace Conseiller")]'), 'consname.+?([\w\s]+)')

    class get_profile(ItemElement):
        klass = Profile

        obj_name = CleanText('//p[contains(@class, "master_nom")]')

class AdvisorPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class update_advisor(ItemElement):
        obj_email = CleanText('//table//*[@itemprop="email"]')
        obj_phone = CleanText('//table//*[@itemprop="telephone"]', replace=[(' ', '')])
        obj_mobile = NotAvailable
        obj_fax = CleanText('//table//*[@itemprop="faxNumber"]', replace=[(' ', '')])
        obj_agency = CleanText('//div/*[@itemprop="name"]')
        obj_address = Format('%s %s %s', CleanText('//table//*[@itemprop="streetAddress"]'),
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class CardsActivityPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def companies_link(self):
        companies_link = []
        for tr in self.doc.xpath('//table[@summary="Liste des titulaires de contrats cartes"]//tr'):
        return companies_link
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class Pagination(object):
    def next_page(self):
            form ='//form[@id="paginationForm" or @id="frmSTARCpag"]')
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        except FormNotFound:
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            return self.next_month()
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        text = CleanText.clean(form.el)
        m ='(\d+)/(\d+)', text or '', flags=re.MULTILINE)
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        if not m:
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
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            return self.next_month()
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        cur = int(
        last = int(

        if cur == last:
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            return self.next_month()
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        form['imgOpePagSui.x'] = randint(1, 29)
        form['imgOpePagSui.y'] = randint(1, 17)

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        form['page'] = str(cur + 1)
        return form.request

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Baptiste Delpey committed
    def next_month(self):
            form ='//form[@id="frmStarcLstOpe"]')
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        except FormNotFound:

            form['moi'] ='//select[@id="moi"]/option[@selected]/following-sibling::option')[0].attrib['value']
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
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        except IndexError:
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class CardsListPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_cards(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr'
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/thead//tr/th'
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        col_owner = 'Porteur'
        col_card = 'Carte'

        def next_page(self):
                form ='//form[contains(@id, "frmStarcLstCtrPag")]')
                form['imgCtrPagSui.x'] =  randint(1, 29)
                form['imgCtrPagSui.y'] =  randint(1, 17)
                m ='(\d+)/(\d+)', CleanText('.')(form.el))
                if m and int( < int(
                    return form.request
            except FormNotFound:

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        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            load_details = Field('_link_id') & AsyncLoad

            obj_number = Field('_link_id') & Regexp(pattern='ctr=(\d+)')
            obj__card_number = Env('id', default="")
            obj_id = Format('%s%s', Env('id', default=""), Field('number'))
            obj_label = Format('%s %s %s', CleanText(TableCell('card')), Env('id', default=""), CleanText(TableCell('owner')))
            obj_coming = CleanDecimal('./td[@class="i d" or @class="p d"][2]', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj_balance = Decimal('0.00')
            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency(CleanText('./td[small][1]'))
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            obj_type = Account.TYPE_CARD
            obj__card_pages = Env('page')
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            obj__is_inv = False
            obj__is_webid = False

            def obj__pre_link(self):

            def obj__link_id(self):
                return Link(TableCell('card')(self)[0].xpath('./a'))(self)

            def parse(self, el):
                page = Async('details').loaded_page(self)
                self.env['page'] = [page]
                if len(page.doc.xpath('//caption[contains(text(), "débits immédiats")]')):
                    raise SkipItem()

                # Handle multi cards
                options = page.doc.xpath('//select[@id="iso"]/option')
                for option in options:
                    card = Account()
                    card_list_page ='//form//a[text()="Contrat"]', default=None)(page.doc)).page
                    xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr'
                    active_card = CleanText('%s[td[text()="Active"]][1]/td[2]' % xpath, replace=[(' ', '')], default=None)(card_list_page.doc)
                    _id = CleanText('.', replace=[(' ', '')])(option)
                    if active_card == _id:
                        for attr in self._attrs:
                            self.handle_attr(attr, getattr(self, 'obj_%s' % attr))
                            setattr(card, attr, getattr(self.obj, attr))
                        card._card_number = _id
               = _id + card.number
                        card.label = card.label.replace('  ', ' %s ' % _id)


                # Skip multi and expired cards
                if len(options) or len(page.doc.xpath('//span[@id="ERREUR"]')):
                    raise SkipItem()

                # 1 card : we have to check on another page to get id
                page ='//form//a[text()="Contrat"]', default=None)(page.doc)).page
                xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr'
                active_card = CleanText('%s[td[text()="Active"]][1]/td[2]' % xpath, replace=[(' ', '')], default=None)(page.doc)

                if not active_card and len(page.doc.xpath(xpath)) != 1:
                    raise SkipItem()
                self.env['id'] = active_card or CleanText('%s[1]/td[2]' % xpath, replace=[(' ', '')])(page.doc)
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class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [(re.compile('^VIR(EMENT)? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
                (re.compile('^(PRLV|Plt|PRELEVEMENT) (?P<text>.*)'),        FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
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                (re.compile('^(?P<text>.*) CARTE \d+ PAIEMENT CB\s+(?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2}) ?(.*)$'),
                (re.compile('^PAIEMENT PSC\s+(?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*) CARTE \d+ ?(.*)$'),
                (re.compile('^(?P<text>RELEVE CARTE.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY),
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                (re.compile('^RETRAIT DAB (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2}) (?P<text>.*) CARTE [\*\d]+'),
                (re.compile('^CHEQUE( (?P<text>.*))?$'),  FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
                (re.compile('^(F )?COTIS\.? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
                (re.compile('^(REMISE|REM CHQ) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),

    _is_coming = False

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class OperationsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def go_on_history_tab(self):
        form = self.get_form(id='I1:fm')
        form['_FID_DoShowListView'] = ''

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    class get_history(Pagination, Transaction.TransactionsElement):
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]//thead//tr/th'
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]//tbody/tr'
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        class item(Transaction.TransactionElement):
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
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            condition = lambda self: len(self.el.xpath('./td')) >= 3 and len(self.el.xpath('./td[@class="i g" or @class="p g" or contains(@class, "_c1")]')) > 0
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            class OwnRaw(Filter):
                def __call__(self, item):
                    el = TableCell('raw')(item)[0]

                    # Remove hidden parts of labels:
                    # hideifscript: Date de valeur XX/XX/XXXX
                    # fd: Avis d'opéré
                    # survey to add other regx
                    parts = (re.sub('Détail|Date de valeur\s+:\s+\d{2}/\d{2}(/\d{4})?', '', txt.strip()) for txt in el.itertext() if len(txt.strip()) > 0)
                    # Removing empty strings:
                    parts = [s for s in parts if s]
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                    # To simplify categorization of CB, reverse order of parts to separate
                    # location and institution.
                    detail = "Cliquer pour déplier ou plier le détail de l'opération"
                    if detail in parts:
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                    if parts[0].startswith('PAIEMENT CB'):

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            obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(OwnRaw())
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    def find_amount(self, title):
            td = self.doc.xpath('//th[contains(text(), $title)]/../td', title=title)[0]
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        except IndexError:
            return None
            return Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(td.text))
            a = self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(text(), "Opérations à venir")]')[0]
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Romain Bignon committed
        except IndexError:
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class CardsOpePage(OperationsPage):
    def select_card(self, card_number):
        if CleanText('//select[@id="iso"]', default=None)(self.doc):
            form = self.get_form('//p[has-class("restriction")]')
            card_number = ' '.join([card_number[j*4:j*4+4] for j in range(len(card_number)//4+1)]).strip()
            form['iso'] = Attr('//option[text()="%s"]' % card_number, 'value')(self.doc)
            moi = Attr('//select[@id="moi"]/option[@selected]', 'value', default=None)(self.doc)
            if moi:
                form['moi'] = moi
            return, data=dict(form)).page
        return self

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    class get_history(Pagination, Transaction.TransactionsElement):
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]//thead//tr/th'
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tr'
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Baptiste Delpey committed

        col_city = 'Ville'
        col_original_amount = "Montant d'origine"
        col_amount = 'Montant'
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        class item(Transaction.TransactionElement):
            condition = lambda self: len(self.el.xpath('./td')) >= 5

            obj_raw = obj_label = Format('%s %s', TableCell('raw') & CleanText, TableCell('city') & CleanText)
            obj_original_amount = CleanDecimal(TableCell('original_amount'), default=NotAvailable, replace_dots=True)
            obj_original_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency(TableCell('original_amount'))
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            obj_type = Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD
            obj_rdate = Transaction.Date(TableCell('date'))
            obj_date = obj_vdate = Env('date')
            obj__is_coming = Env('_is_coming')

            obj__gross_amount = CleanDecimal(Env('amount'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_commission = CleanDecimal(Format('-%s', Env('commission')), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
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            def obj_amount(self):
                commission = Field('commission')(self)
                gross = Field('_gross_amount')(self)
                if empty(commission):
                    return gross
                return (abs(gross) - abs(commission)).copy_sign(gross)

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Baptiste Delpey committed
            def parse(self, el):
                self.env['date'] = Date(Regexp(CleanText('//td[contains(text(), "Total prélevé")]'), ' (\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})', \
                                               default=NotAvailable), default=NotAvailable)(self)
                if not self.env['date']:
                        d = CleanText('//select[@id="moi"]/option[@selected]')(self) or \
                  'pour le mois de (.*)', ''.join(w.strip() for w in'//div[@class="a_blocongfond"]/text()'))).group(1)
                    except AttributeError:
                        d = Regexp(CleanText('//p[has-class("restriction")]'), 'pour le mois de ((?:\w+\s+){2})', flags=re.UNICODE)(self)
                    self.env['date'] = (parse_french_date('%s %s' % ('1', d)) + relativedelta(day=31)).date()
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                self.env['_is_coming'] = < self.env['date']
                amount = CleanText(TableCell('amount'))(self).split('dont frais')
                self.env['amount'] = amount[0]
                self.env['commission'] = amount[1] if len(amount) > 1 else NotAvailable
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Baptiste Delpey committed

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class ComingPage(OperationsPage, LoggedPage):
    class get_history(Pagination, Transaction.TransactionsElement):
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]//thead//tr/th/text()'
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]//tbody/tr'
        col_date = u"Date de l'annonce"
        class item(Transaction.TransactionElement):
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            obj__is_coming = True
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class CardPage(OperationsPage, LoggedPage):
    def select_card(self, card_number):
        for option in self.doc.xpath('//select[@name="Data_SelectedCardItemKey"]/option'):
            card_id = Regexp(CleanText('.', symbols=' '), '([\dx]+)')(option)
            if card_id != card_number:
            if Attr('.', 'selected', default=None)(option):

            form = self.get_form(id="I1:fm")
            form['_FID_DoChangeCardDetails'] = ""
            form['Data_SelectedCardItemKey'] = Attr('.', 'value')(option)
            return, data=dict(form)).page
        return self

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Romain Bignon committed
    class get_history(Pagination, ListElement):
        class list_cards(ListElement):
            item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr/td/a'
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Romain Bignon committed
            class item(ItemElement):
                def __iter__(self):
                    card_link = self.el.get('href')
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                    page =
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                    for op in page.get_history():
                        yield op

        class list_history(Transaction.TransactionsElement):
            head_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]//thead/tr/th'
            item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr'
            col_commerce = 'Commerce'
            col_ville = 'Ville'
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Romain Bignon committed

                return not CleanText('//td[contains(., "Aucun mouvement")]', default=False)(self)
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Romain Bignon committed
            def parse(self, el):
                label = CleanText('//*[contains(text(), "Achats")]')(el)
                if not label:
                    label = re.findall('(\d+ [^ ]+ \d+)', label)[-1]
                except IndexError:
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Romain Bignon committed
                # use the trick of relativedelta to get the last day of month.
                self.env['debit_date'] = (parse_french_date(label) + relativedelta(day=31)).date()
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Romain Bignon committed

            class item(Transaction.TransactionElement):
                condition = lambda self: len(self.el.xpath('./td')) >= 4
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Romain Bignon committed

                obj_raw = Transaction.Raw(Env('raw'))
                obj_type = Env('type')
                obj_date = Env('debit_date')
                obj_rdate = Transaction.Date(TableCell('date'))
                obj_amount = Env('amount')
                obj_original_amount = Env('original_amount')
                obj_original_currency = Env('original_currency')
                obj__differed_date = Env('differed_date')

                def parse(self, el):
                        self.env['raw'] = "%s %s" % (CleanText().filter(TableCell('commerce')(self)[0].text), CleanText().filter(TableCell('ville')(self)[0].text))
                    except (ColumnNotFound, AttributeError):
                        self.env['raw'] = "%s" % (CleanText().filter(TableCell('commerce')(self)[0].text))

                    self.env['type'] = Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD \
                                       if CleanText('//a[contains(text(), "Prélevé fin")]', default=None) else Transaction.TYPE_CARD
                    self.env['differed_date'] = parse_french_date(Regexp(CleanText('//*[contains(text(), "Achats")]'), 'au[\s]+(.*)')(self)).date()
                    amount = TableCell('credit')(self)[0]
                        if not len(amount.xpath('./div')):
                            amount = TableCell('debit')(self)[0]
                        original_amount = amount.xpath('./div')[1].text if len(amount.xpath('./div')) > 1 else None
                        amount = amount.xpath('./div')[0]
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                            original_amount = amount.xpath('./span')[0].text
                        except IndexError:
                            original_amount = None
                    self.env['amount'] = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(amount.text)
                    self.env['original_amount'] = CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(original_amount) \
                                                  if original_amount is not None else NotAvailable
                    self.env['original_currency'] = Account.get_currency(original_amount[1:-1]) \
                                                  if original_amount is not None else NotAvailable
class LIAccountsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_li_accounts(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@class]/tbody/tr[count(td)>4]'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

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            load_details = Attr('.//a', 'href', default=NotAvailable) & AsyncLoad
            obj__link_id = Async('details', Link('//li/a[contains(text(), "Mouvements")]', default=NotAvailable))
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
            obj__link_inv = Link('./td[1]/a', default=NotAvailable)
            obj_id = CleanText('./td[2]', replace=[(' ', '')])
            obj_label = CleanText('./td[1]')
            obj_balance = CleanDecimal('./td[3]', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)
            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency('./td[3]')
            obj__card_links = []
            obj_type = Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE
            obj__is_inv = True

    class iter_history(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = FrenchTransaction

            obj_date = obj_rdate = Transaction.Date(CleanText('./td[1]'))
            obj_raw = CleanText('./td[2]')
            obj_amount  = CleanDecimal('./td[4]', replace_dots=True, default=Decimal('0'))
            obj_original_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency('./td[4]')
            obj_type = Transaction.TYPE_BANK
            obj__is_coming = False

            def obj_commission(self):
                gross_amount = CleanDecimal('./td[3]', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)(self)
                if gross_amount:
                    return gross_amount - Field('amount')(self)
                return NotAvailable

    class iter_investment(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/tbody/tr[count(td)>=7]'
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("liste")]/thead/tr/th'
        col_label = 'Support'
        col_unitprice = re.compile(r"^Prix d'achat moyen")
        col_vdate = re.compile(r'Date de cotation')
        col_unitvalue = 'Valeur de la part'
        col_quantity = 'Nombre de parts'
        col_valuation = 'Valeur atteinte'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_unitprice = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitprice', default=NotAvailable), default=NotAvailable, replace_dots=True)
            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate'), replace=[('-', '')]), default=NotAvailable, dayfirst=True)
            obj_unitvalue = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'), default=NotAvailable, replace_dots=True)
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), default=NotAvailable, replace_dots=True)
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)

            def obj_code(self):
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                link = Link(TableCell('label')(self)[0].xpath('./a'), default=NotAvailable)(self)
                if not link:
                    return NotAvailable
                return Regexp(pattern='isin=([A-Z\d]+)&?', default=NotAvailable).filter(link)

class PorPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
             'P.E.A': Account.TYPE_PEA

    def get_type(self, label):
        for pattern, actype in self.TYPES.items():
            if label.startswith(pattern):
                return actype
        return Account.TYPE_MARKET

    def find_amount(self, title):
        return None

    def add_por_accounts(self, accounts):
        for ele in self.doc.xpath('//select[contains(@name, "POR_Synthese")]/option'):
            for a in accounts:
                # we have to create another account instead of just update it
                if['value']) and not a.balance:
                    a.type = self.get_type(a.label)
                acc = Account()
       = ele.attrib['value']
                if == '9999':
                    # fake account
                acc.label = unicode(re.sub("\d", '', ele.text).strip())
                acc._link_id = None
                acc.type = self.get_type(acc.label)
                acc._is_inv = True

    def fill(self, acc):
        ele ='.//table[has-class("fiche bourse")]')[0]
        balance = CleanDecimal(ele.xpath('.//td[contains(@id, "Valorisation")]'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)(ele)
        acc.balance = balance + acc.balance if acc.balance else balance
        acc.valuation_diff = CleanDecimal(ele.xpath('.//td[contains(@id, "Variation")]'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)(ele)
        if balance:
            acc.currency = Currency('.//td[contains(@id, "Valorisation")]')(ele)
            # - Table element's textual content also contains dates with slashes.
            # They produce a false match when looking for the currency
            # (Slashes are matched with the Peruvian currency 'S/').
            # - The remaining part of the table textual may contain different
            # balances with their currencies though, so keep this part.
            # Solution: remove the date
            text_content = CleanText('.')(ele)
            date_pattern = r"\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}"
            no_date = re.sub(date_pattern, '', text_content)
            acc.currency = Currency().filter(no_date)

    def send_form(self, account):
        form = self.get_form(name="frmMere")
        form['POR_SyntheseEntete1$esdselLstPor'] = re.sub('\D', '',

    class iter_investment(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@id="bwebDynamicTable"]/tbody/tr[not(@id="LigneTableVide")]'
        head_xpath = '//table[@id="bwebDynamicTable"]/thead/tr/th/@abbr'

        col_label = 'Valeur'
        col_unitprice = re.compile('Prix de revient')
        col_unitvalue = 'Cours'
        col_quantity = 'Quantité / Montant nominal'
        col_valuation = 'Valorisation'
        col_diff = '+/- Value latente'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'), default=NotAvailable)
            obj_code = CleanText('.//td[1]/a/@title') & Regexp(pattern='^([^ ]+)')
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)
            obj_unitprice = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitprice'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)
            obj_diff = CleanDecimal(TableCell('diff'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)
            def obj_unitvalue(self):
                r = CleanText(TableCell('unitvalue'))(self)
                if r[-1] == '%':
                    return None
                    return CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'), default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)(self)