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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright(C) 2021 Martin Lavoie
# This file is part of a woob module.
# This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this woob module. If not, see <>.

import re
import json
from itertools import cycle
from base64 import b64encode

from woob.browser.pages import RawPage

def xor4(plaintext):
    function za from cc.js

    Apply one of 4 transformations to
    every character of the text.

    The transformations are
    (XOR 89), (XOR 231), (XOR 225) and (XOR 55).
    key = [89, 231, 225, 55]
    for p, c in zip(plaintext, cycle(key)):
        r = ord(p) ^ c
        yield chr(r)

def utf8_encode(pt):
    return ''.join(pt).encode('utf8')

def encode(content):
    Takes a dictionnary and returns a base64 string representation.
    function Q in cc.js
    json_content = json.dumps(content, separators=(',',':'))
    xor_content = xor4(json_content)
    utf8_content = utf8_encode(xor_content)
    return b64encode(utf8_content).decode('ascii')

class FingerprintPage(RawPage):
    def get_t(self):
        return self.get_I()[:24]

    def get_I(self):
        Random bits encoded in base64 in the javascript code
        It contained the the I variable in cc.js
        regex = r'run[^,]*="([a-zA-Z0-9+=/]+)"'
        match =, self.text, re.DOTALL)
        assert match, "Could not find the secret I"
        return match[1]

    def make_payload_for_s2(self, tid, now):
        cookie = self.browser.session.cookies['_cc-x']
        user_agent = self.browser.session.headers['User-Agent']
        return encode(self.make_payload(tid, cookie, user_agent, now))

    def make_payload(self, tid, cookie_cc, user_agent, now):
        Create a payload for the s2 verification.
        The original code in is cc.js where it has the name run.
        time_local = now.strftime('%-m/%-d/%Y, %-I:%-M:%-S %p')
        time_string = now.strftime('%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S GMT+0000 (UTC)')
        unix_epoch = round(now.timestamp() * 1000)

        return {
          "sid": "ee490b8fb9a4d570",
          "tid": tid,
          "_t": self.get_I(),
          "cf_flags": 135732211,
          "cdfr": True,
          "cookie-_cc": cookie_cc,
          "timing-sc": 0,
          "time-unix-epoch-ms": unix_epoch,
          "time-local": time_local,
          "time-string": time_string,
          "time-tz-offset-minutes": 0,
          "time-tz-has-dst": "false",
          "time-tz-dst-active": "false",
          "time-tz-std-offset": 0,
          "time-tz-fixed-locale-string": "3/6/2014, 7:58:39 AM",
          "timing-ti": 1,
          "dom-local-tag": cookie_cc,
          "timing-ls": 0,
          "dom-session-tag": cookie_cc,
          "timing-ss": 0,
          "navigator.appVersion": "5.0 (X11)",
          "navigator.appName": "Netscape",
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          "navigator.language": "en-US",
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          "navigator.cookieEnabled": "true",
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