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Woob installation
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

Using the packages provided by your distribution is recommended.
See for a list of available packages.
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

Since there are many dependencies, when you install from sources,
you have to handle them by hand, according to your distribution.
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

The requirements are provided in ````, except for:
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

* gpgv (for secure updates). If not packaged alone, it should be in ``gnupg`` or ``gpg``.
* For more performance, ensure you have ``libyaml`` and ``simplejson`` installed.
Some modules may have more dependencies.
After a package or system installation, you should run ``woob config update``
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
as your login user.
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

There are 2 versions of woob:
hydrargyrum's avatar
hydrargyrum committed

* stable: for end-users, only modules are updated on this version, not the core or apps
* master: for development, modules and core libs and apps are updated frequently

End-user installation (stable version)

No need to use the git repository in this case. Just

    $ pip install --user woob
hydrargyrum's avatar
hydrargyrum committed

This pip installation can be run within a virtualenv if desired (don't add ``--user``).

Then `woob-config update` can be run to fetch the list of available modules,
and the various woob commands (woob bank, woob video, etc.) can be run and are able
hydrargyrum's avatar
hydrargyrum committed
to install modules.

Developer installation (master version)

There is a way to install woob locally without messing with your system.
hydrargyrum's avatar
hydrargyrum committed

    $ pip install --user -e .

The scripts are copied to ``~/.local/bin``.

This pip installation can be run within a virtualenv if desired (don't add ``--user``).

Developer installation (master version, alternative)
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

There is a way to install woob locally without messing with your system.
Laurent Bachelier's avatar
Laurent Bachelier committed
Run ``./tools/`` as your local user. ::
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

    $ ./tools/ ~/bin
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

The scripts are copied to ``~/bin``.
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Christophe Benz committed

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
System installation (discouraged)
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
The install mode copies files to the Python system-wide packages directory (for
example ``/usr/lib/python3.7/dist-packages`` for Python 3.7. ::
hydrargyrum's avatar
hydrargyrum committed
    # pip install --system .

Scripts are copied to ``/usr/bin``.

hydrargyrum's avatar
hydrargyrum committed
No installation mode (master version)
Christophe Benz's avatar
Christophe Benz committed

This does not actually install anything, but lets you run Woob from the
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
source code, while also using the modules from that source. This is only
recommended if using the git source and not a release. ::
For example, instead of running ``woob video -b youtube search plop``, you would
Romain Bignon's avatar
Romain Bignon committed
    $ ./tools/ woob video -b youtube search plop
Laurent Bachelier's avatar
Laurent Bachelier committed

Bash completion

To enable bash completion, just source the ``tools/woob_bash_completion``
Laurent Bachelier's avatar
Laurent Bachelier committed
file from your ``~/.bashrc`` file.