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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright(C) 2010-2011  Romain Bignon, Pierre Mazière
# This file is part of a weboob module.
# This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this weboob module. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division

import re
import requests
import base64
import math
import random
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from weboob.capabilities.base import empty, find_object, NotAvailable
from import (
    Account, Investment, Recipient, TransferError, TransferBankError, Transfer,
Andras Bartok's avatar
Andras Bartok committed
from weboob.capabilities.bill import Document, Subscription, DocumentTypes
from weboob.capabilities.profile import Person, ProfileMissing
Edouard Lambert's avatar
Edouard Lambert committed
from import Advisor
from weboob.browser.elements import method, ListElement, TableElement, ItemElement, DictElement
from weboob.browser.exceptions import ServerError
from weboob.browser.pages import LoggedPage, HTMLPage, JsonPage, FormNotFound, pagination
from weboob.browser.filters.html import Attr, Link, TableCell, AttributeNotFound, AbsoluteLink
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import (
    CleanText, Field, Regexp, Format, Date, CleanDecimal, Map, AsyncLoad, Async, Env, Slugify,
    BrowserURL, Eval, Currency,
from weboob.browser.filters.json import Dict
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserUnavailable, BrowserIncorrectPassword, ActionNeeded, ParseError
from import FrenchTransaction
from import MappedVirtKeyboard, VirtKeyboardError
from import unicode, urlparse, parse_qs, urljoin
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Baptiste Delpey committed
from import html2text
from import parse_french_date
from import is_isin_valid
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Baptiste Delpey committed
def MyDecimal(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs.update(replace_dots=True, default=Decimal(0))
    return CleanDecimal(*args, **kwargs)

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Baptiste Delpey committed
    s = ''
    for i in range(len(value)):
        s += chr(seed ^ ord(value[i]))
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Baptiste Delpey committed
    return s

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Baptiste Delpey committed

class LCLBasePage(HTMLPage):
    def get_from_js(self, pattern, end, is_list=False):
        find a pattern in any javascript text
        value = None
        for script in self.doc.xpath('//script'):
            txt = script.text
            if txt is None:

            start = txt.find(pattern)
            if start < 0:

            while True:
                if value is None:
                    value = ''
                    value += ','
                value += txt[start + len(pattern):start + txt[start + len(pattern):].find(end) + len(pattern)]
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Baptiste Delpey committed

                if not is_list:

                txt = txt[start + len(pattern) + txt[start + len(pattern):].find(end):]
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Baptiste Delpey committed

                start = txt.find(pattern)
                if start < 0:
            return value

class LCLVirtKeyboard(MappedVirtKeyboard):
    symbols = {
        '0': '9da2724133f2221482013151735f033c',
        '1': '873ab0087447610841ae1332221be37b',
        '2': '93ce6c330393ff5980949d7b6c800f77',
        '3': 'b2d70c69693784e1bf1f0973d81223c0',
        '4': '498c8f5d885611938f94f1c746c32978',
        '5': '359bcd60a9b8565917a7bf34522052c3',
        '6': 'aba912172f21f78cd6da437cfc4cdbd0',
        '7': 'f710190d6b947869879ec02d8e851dfa',
        '8': 'b42cc25e1539a15f767aa7a641f3bfec',
        '9': 'cc60e5894a9d8e12ee0c2c104c1d5490'

    url = "/outil/UAUT/Clavier/creationClavier?random="

    color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    def __init__(self, basepage):
        img = basepage.doc.find("//img[@id='idImageClavier']")
        self.url += "%s" % str(int(math.floor(int(random.random() * 1000000000000000000000))))
        super(LCLVirtKeyboard, self).__init__(
            basepage.doc, img, self.color, "id")
        self.check_symbols(self.symbols, basepage.browser.responses_dirname)
    def get_symbol_code(self, md5sum):
        code = MappedVirtKeyboard.get_symbol_code(self, md5sum)
        return code[-2:]
    def get_string_code(self, string):
            code += self.get_symbol_code(self.symbols[c])
class LoginPage(HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
            form = self.get_form(xpath='//form[@id="setInfosCGS" or @name="form"]')
        except FormNotFound:
    def login(self, login, passwd):
            vk = LCLVirtKeyboard(self)
        except VirtKeyboardError as err:
        password = vk.get_string_code(passwd)
        seed = -1
        s = "var aleatoire = "
        for script in self.doc.findall("//script"):
            if script.text is None or len(script.text) == 0:
            offset = script.text.find(s)
            if offset != -1:
                seed = int(script.text[offset + len(s) + 1:offset + len(s) + 2])
            raise ParseError("Variable 'aleatoire' not found")
        form = self.get_form('//form[@id="formAuthenticate"]')
        form['identifiant'] = login
        form['postClavierXor'] = base64.b64encode(
            myXOR(password, seed).encode("utf-8")
            form['identifiantRouting'] = self.browser.IDENTIFIANT_ROUTING
        except BrowserUnavailable:
            # Login is not valid
            return False
        return True
    def check_error(self):
        errors = self.doc.xpath(u'//*[@class="erreur" or @class="messError"]')
        if not errors or self.doc.xpath('//a[@href="/outil/UWHO/Accueil/"]'):

        for error in errors:
            error_text = CleanText(error.xpath('./div/text()'))(self.doc)
            if 'Suite à la saisie de plusieurs identifiant / code erronés' in error_text:
                raise ActionNeeded(error_text)
            if 'Votre identifiant ou votre code personnel est incorrect' in error_text:
                raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(error_text)
        raise BrowserIncorrectPassword()
class ContractsPage(LoginPage):
    def on_load(self):
        # after login we are redirect in ContractsPage even if there is an error at login
        # I let the error check code here to simplify
        # a better solution will be to put error check on and error parsing in

        # To avoid skipping contract page the first time we see it,
        # and to be able to get the contracts list from it
        if self.browser.parsed_contracts:

    def get_contracts_list(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//input[@name="contratId"]/@value')
    def select_contract(self, id_contract=None):
        link = self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(text(), "Votre situation globale")]')
        if not id_contract and len(link):
            form = self.get_form(nr=0)
            if 'contratId' in form:
                if id_contract:
                    form['contratId'] = id_contract
                self.browser.current_contract = form['contratId']
class ContractsChoicePage(ContractsPage):
    def on_load(self):
        if not self.logged and not self.browser.current_contract:

class AccountsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        warn = self.doc.xpath('//div[@id="attTxt"]')
        if len(warn) > 0:
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword(warn[0].text)
    def get_name(self):
        return CleanText('//li[@id="nomClient"]/p')(self.doc)
    class get_list(ListElement):

        # XXX Ugly Hack to replace account by second occurrence.
        # LCL pro website sometimes display the same account twice and only second link is valid to fetch transactions.
        def store(self, obj):
            if in self.objects:
                self.logger.warning('There are two objects with the same ID! %s' %
            self.objects[] = obj
            return obj

        item_xpath = '//tr[contains(@onclick, "redirect")]'
        flush_at_end = True

        class account(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            def condition(self):
                return '/outil/UWLM/ListeMouvement' in self.el.attrib['onclick']

            NATURE2TYPE = {
                '001': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '004': Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                '005': Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                '006': Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                '007': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '012': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '023': Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                '036': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '046': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '047': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '049': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
                '058': Account.TYPE_CHECKING,
                '068': Account.TYPE_PEA,
                '069': Account.TYPE_SAVINGS,
            obj__link_id = Format('%s&mode=190', Regexp(CleanText('./@onclick'), "'(.*)'"))
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
            obj__agence = Regexp(Field('_link_id'), r'.*agence=(\w+)')
            obj__compte = Regexp(Field('_link_id'), r'compte=(\w+)')
            obj_id = Format('%s%s', Field('_agence'), Field('_compte'))
            obj__transfer_id = Format('%s0000%s', Field('_agence'), Field('_compte'))
            obj_label = CleanText('.//div[@class="libelleCompte"]')
            obj_balance = MyDecimal('.//td[has-class("right")]', replace_dots=True)
            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency('.//td[has-class("right")]')
            obj_type = Map(Regexp(Field('_link_id'), r'.*nature=(\w+)'), NATURE2TYPE, default=Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
            obj__market_link = None
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Sylvie Ye committed
            obj_number = Field('id')
    def get_deferred_cards(self):
        trs = self.doc.xpath('//tr[contains(@onclick, "EncoursCB")]')
        links = []
        for tr in trs:
            parent_id = Regexp(CleanText('./@onclick'), r'.*AGENCE=(\w+).*COMPTE=(\w+).*CLE=(\w+)', r'\1\2\3')(tr)
            link = Regexp(CleanText('./@onclick'), "'(.*)'")(tr)
            links.append((parent_id, link))
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Edouard Lambert committed
    class get_advisor(ItemElement):
        klass = Advisor

        obj_name = CleanText('//div[@id="contacterMaBqMenu"]//p[@id="itemNomContactMaBq"]/span')
        obj_email = obj_mobile = obj_fax = NotAvailable
        obj_phone = Regexp(CleanText('//div[@id="contacterMaBqMenu"]//p[contains(text(), "Tel")]', replace=[(' ', '')]), '([\s\d]+)', default=NotAvailable)
Edouard Lambert's avatar
Edouard Lambert committed
        obj_agency = CleanText('//div[@id="sousContentAgence"]//p[@class="itemSousTitreMenuMaBq"][1]')

        def obj_address(self):
            address = CleanText('//div[@id="sousContentAgence"]//p[@class="itemSousTitreMenuMaBq"][2]', default=None)(self)
            city = CleanText('//div[@id="sousContentAgence"]//p[@class="itemSousTitreMenuMaBq"][3]', default=None)(self)
            return "%s %s" % (address, city) if address and city else NotAvailable

class LoansPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class get_list(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[.//th[contains(text(), "Emprunteur")]]/tbody/tr[td[3]]'
        head_xpath = '//table[.//th[contains(text(), "Emprunteur")]]/thead/tr/th'
        flush_at_end = True
        col_id = re.compile('Emprunteur')
        col_balance = [u'Capital restant dû', re.compile('Sommes totales restant dues'), re.compile('Montant disponible')]

        class account(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            obj_balance = CleanDecimal(TableCell('balance'), replace_dots=True, sign=lambda x: -1)
            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency(TableCell('balance'))
            obj_type = Account.TYPE_LOAN
            obj_id = Env('id')
            obj__transfer_id = None
            obj_number = Regexp(CleanText(TableCell('id'), replace=[(' ', ''), ('-', '')]), r'(\d{11}[A-Z])')
            def obj_label(self):
                has_type = CleanText('./ancestor::table[.//th[contains(text(), "Type")]]', default=None)(self)
                return CleanText('./td[2]')(self) if has_type else CleanText('./ancestor::table/preceding-sibling::div[1]')(self).split(' - ')[0]
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Théo Dorée committed

            def parse(self, el):
                label = Field('label')(self)
                trs = self.xpath('//td[contains(text(), $label)]/ancestor::tr[1] | ./ancestor::table[1]/tbody/tr', label=label)
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Théo Dorée committed
                i = [i for i in range(len(trs)) if el == trs[i]]
                i = i[0] if i else 0
                label = label.replace(' ', '')
                self.env['id'] = "%s%s%s" % (Regexp(CleanText(TableCell('id')), r'(\w+)\s-\s(\w+)', r'\1\2')(self), label.replace(' ', ''), i)

class LoansProPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class get_list(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[.//th[contains(text(), "Emprunteur")]]/tbody/tr[td[3]]'
        head_xpath = '//table[.//th[contains(text(), "Emprunteur")]]/thead/tr/th'
        flush_at_end = True

        col_id = re.compile('Emprunteur')
        col_balance = [u'Capital restant dû', re.compile('Sommes totales restant dues')]

        class account(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            obj_balance = CleanDecimal(TableCell('balance'), replace_dots=True, sign=lambda x: -1)
            obj_currency = FrenchTransaction.Currency(TableCell('balance'))
            obj_type = Account.TYPE_LOAN
            obj_id = Env('id')
            obj__transfer_id = None
            obj_number = Regexp(CleanText(TableCell('id'), replace=[(' ', ''), ('-', '')]), r'(\d{11}[A-Z])')
Théo Dorée's avatar
Théo Dorée committed

            def obj_label(self):
                has_type = CleanText('./ancestor::table[.//th[contains(text(), "Nature libell")]]', default=None)(self)
                return CleanText('./td[3]')(self) if has_type else CleanText('./ancestor::table/preceding-sibling::div[1]')(self).split(' - ')[0]
            def parse(self, el):
                label = Field('label')(self)
                trs = self.xpath('//td[contains(text(), $label)]/ancestor::tr[1] | ./ancestor::table[1]/tbody/tr', label=label)
                i = [i for i in range(len(trs)) if el == trs[i]]
                i = i[0] if i else 0
                label = label.replace(' ', '')
                self.env['id'] = "%s%s%s" % (Regexp(CleanText(TableCell('id')), r'(\w+)\s-\s(\w+)', r'\1\2')(self), label.replace(' ', ''), i)
class Transaction(FrenchTransaction):
    PATTERNS = [
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>CB) (?P<text>RETRAIT) DU (?P<dd>\d+)/(?P<mm>\d+)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>(PRLV|PE)( SEPA)?) (?P<text>.*)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>CHQ\.) (?P<text>.*)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>RELEVE CB) AU (\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>CB) (?P<text>.*) (?P<dd>\d+)/(?P<mm>\d+)/(?P<yy>\d+)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>(PRELEVEMENT|TELEREGLEMENT|TIP)) (?P<text>.*)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>(ECHEANCE\s*)?PRET)(?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_LOAN_PAYMENT),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>(EVI|VIR(EM(EN)?)?T?)(.PERMANENT)? ((RECU|FAVEUR) TIERS|SEPA RECU)?)( /FRM)?(?P<text>.*)'),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>REMBOURST)(?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_PAYBACK),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>COM(MISSIONS?)?)(?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile('^(?P<text>(?P<category>REMUNERATION).*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile('^(?P<text>(?P<category>ABON.*?)\s*.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile('^(?P<text>(?P<category>RESULTAT .*?)\s*.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile('^(?P<text>(?P<category>TRAIT\..*?)\s*.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile('^(?P<category>REM CHQ) (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
        (re.compile('^VIREMENT.*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
        (re.compile('.*(PRELEVEMENTS|PRELVT|TIP).*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
        (re.compile('.*CHEQUE.*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CHECK),
        (re.compile('.*ESPECES.*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_DEPOSIT),
        (re.compile('.*(CARTE|CB).*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_CARD),
        (re.compile('.*(AGIOS|ANNULATIONS|IMPAYES|CREDIT).*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile('.*(FRAIS DE TENUE DE COMPTE).*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_BANK),
        (re.compile(r'.*\b(RETRAIT)\b.*'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_WITHDRAWAL),
class Pagination(object):
    def next_page(self):
        links ='//div[@class="pagination"] /a')
        if len(links) == 0:
        for link in links:
            if link.xpath('./span')[0].text == 'Page suivante':
                return link.attrib.get('href')
class AccountHistoryPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class _get_operations(Pagination, Transaction.TransactionsElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("tagTab") and (not(@style) or @style="")]/tr'
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("tagTab") and (not(@style) or @style="")]/tr/th'
        col_raw = [u'Vos opérations', u'Libellé']
        class item(Transaction.TransactionElement):
            load_details = Attr('.', 'href', default=None) & AsyncLoad

            def obj_type(self):
                type = Async('details', CleanText(u'//td[contains(text(), "Nature de l\'opération")]/following-sibling::*[1]'))(self)
                if not type:
                    return Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
                for pattern, _type in Transaction.PATTERNS:
                    match = pattern.match(type)
                    if match:
                        return _type
                return Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN

            def condition(self):
                return (self.parent.get_colnum('date') is not None
                        and len(self.el.findall('td')) >= 3
                        and self.el.get('class')
                        and 'tableTr' not in self.el.get('class'))
            def validate(self, obj):
                if obj.category == 'RELEVE CB':
                    obj.type = Transaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY

                raw = Async('details', CleanText(u'//td[contains(text(), "Libellé")]/following-sibling::*[1]|//td[contains(text(), "Nom du donneur")]/following-sibling::*[1]', default=obj.raw))(self)
                if raw:
                    if obj.raw in raw or raw in obj.raw or ' ' not in obj.raw:
                        obj.raw = raw
                        obj.label = raw
                        obj.label = '%s %s' % (obj.raw, raw)
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
Baptiste Delpey committed
                        obj.raw = '%s %s' % (obj.raw, raw)
                    m ='\d+,\d+COM (\d+,\d+)', raw)
                    if m:
                        obj.commission = -CleanDecimal(replace_dots=True).filter(
                elif not obj.raw:
                    # Empty transaction label
                    obj.raw = obj.label = Async('details', CleanText(u'//td[contains(text(), "Nature de l\'opération")]/following-sibling::*[1]'))(self)
           = Async('details', Date(CleanText(u'//td[contains(text(), "Date de l\'opération")]/following-sibling::*[1]', default=u''), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable))(self)
                    obj.vdate = Async('details', Date(CleanText(u'//td[contains(text(), "Date de valeur")]/following-sibling::*[1]', default=u''), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable))(self)
                    obj.amount = Async('details', CleanDecimal(u'//td[contains(text(), "Montant")]/following-sibling::*[1]', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable))(self)
                # ugly hack to fix broken html
                # sometimes transactions have really an amount of 0...
                if not obj.amount and CleanDecimal(TableCell('credit'), default=None)(self) is None:
                    obj.amount = Async('details', CleanDecimal(u'//td[contains(text(), "Montant")]/following-sibling::*[1]', replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable))(self)
    def get_operations(self):
        return self._get_operations(self)()
class CardsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):

    def deferred_date(self):
        deferred_date = Regexp(CleanText('//div[@class="date"][contains(text(), "Carte")]'), r'le ([^:]+)', default=None)(self.doc)
        assert deferred_date, 'Cannot find deferred_date'
        return parse_french_date(deferred_date).date()

    def get_card_summary(self):
        amount = CleanDecimal.French('//div[@class="montantEncours"]')(self.doc)

        if amount:
            t = Transaction()
   = t.rdate = self.deferred_date()
            t.type = Transaction.TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY
            t.label = t.raw = CleanText('//div[@class="date"][contains(text(), "Carte")]')(self.doc)
            t.amount = abs(amount)
            return t

    def format_url(self, url):
        cb_type = re.match(r'.*(UWCBEncours.*)/.*', url).group(1)
        return '/outil/UWCB/%s/listeOperations' % cb_type

    class iter_multi_cards(TableElement):
        head_xpath = '//table[@class="tagTab"]/tr/th'
        item_xpath = '//table[@class="tagTab"]//tr[position()>1]'

        col_label = re.compile('Type')
        col_number = re.compile('Numéro')
        col_owner = re.compile('Titulaire')
        col_coming = re.compile('Montant')

        class Item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            obj_type = Account.TYPE_CARD
            obj_balance = Decimal(0)
            obj_parent = Env('parent_account')
            obj_coming = CleanDecimal.French(TableCell('coming'))
            obj_currency = Currency(TableCell('coming'))
            obj__transfer_id = None

            obj__cards_list = CleanText(Env('cards_list'))

            def obj__transactions_link(self):
                link = Attr('.', 'onclick')(self)
                url = re.match('.*\'(.*)\'\\.*', link).group(1)

            def obj_number(self):
                card_number = re.match('((XXXX ){3}X ([0-9]{3}))', CleanText(TableCell('number'))(self))
                return[0:16] +[-3:]

            def obj_label(self):
                return '%s %s %s' % (

            def obj_id(self):
                card_number = re.match('((XXXX ){3}X([0-9]{3}))', CleanText(Field('number'))(self))
                return '%s-%s' % (Env('parent_account')(self).id,

    def get_single_card(self, parent_account):
        account = Account()

        card_info = CleanText('//select[@id="selectCard"]/option/text()')(self.doc)
        regex = '(.*)N°((XXXX ){3}X([0-9]{3})).*'
        card_infos = re.match(regex, card_info)

        coming = CleanDecimal.French('//div[@class="montantEncours"]/text()')(self.doc) = '%s-%s' % (,
        account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
        account.parent = parent_account
        account.balance = Decimal('0')
        account.coming = coming
        account.number =
        account.label = card_info
        account.currency = parent_account.currency
        account._transactions_link = self.format_url(self.url)
        account._transfer_id = None
        # We need to store this url. It will be useful later to get the transactions.
        account._cards_list = self.url
        return account

    def get_child_cards(self, parent_account):
        # There is a selector with only one entry when there is only one card
        # But not when there are multiple card.
        if self.doc.xpath('//select[@id="selectCard"]'):
            return [self.get_single_card(parent_account)]
        return list(self.iter_multi_cards(parent_account=parent_account, cards_list=self.url))

    class iter_transactions(TableElement):

        item_xpath = '//tr[contains(@class, "ligne")]'
        head_xpath = '//th'

        col_date = re.compile('Date')
        col_label = re.compile('Libellé')
        col_amount = re.compile('Montant')

        class item(ItemElement):

            klass = Transaction

            obj_rdate = obj_bdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_type = Transaction.TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD
            obj_raw = obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal.French(TableCell('amount'))

            def obj_date(self):

            def condition(self):
                if Field('date')(self) < Field('rdate')(self):
                        'skipping transaction with rdate(%s) > date(%s) for label(%s)',
                        Field('rdate')(self), Field('date')(self), Field('label')(self)
                    return False
                return True
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class BoursePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    ENCODING = 'latin-1'
Martin Sicot's avatar
Martin Sicot committed
    TYPES = {
        'plan épargne en actions': Account.TYPE_PEA,
        "plan d'épargne en actions": Account.TYPE_PEA,
        'plan épargne en actions bourse': Account.TYPE_PEA,
        "plan d'épargne en actions bourse": Account.TYPE_PEA,
        'pea pme bourse': Account.TYPE_PEA,
        'pea pme': Account.TYPE_PEA,
    def on_load(self):
        Sometimes we are directed towards a prior html page before accessing Bourse Page.
        Submit the form to access the page that contains the Bourse Page's session cookie.
            form = self.get_form(id='form')
        except FormNotFound:  # already on the targetted page

        super(BoursePage, self).on_load()

    def open_iframe(self):
        # should be done always (in on_load)?
        for iframe in self.doc.xpath('//iframe[@id="mainIframe"]'):

    def password_required(self):
        return CleanText(u'//b[contains(text(), "Afin de sécuriser vos transactions, nous vous invitons à créer un mot de passe trading")]')(self.doc)
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    def get_next(self):
        if 'onload' in self.doc.xpath('.//body')[0].attrib:
            return'"(.*?)"', self.doc.xpath('.//body')[0].attrib['onload']).group(1)
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    def get_fullhistory(self):
        form = self.get_form(id="historyFilter")
        form['cashFilter'] = "ALL"
        # We can't go above 2 years
        form['beginDayfilter'] = (datetime.strptime(form['endDayfilter'], '%d/%m/%Y') - timedelta(days=730)).strftime('%d/%m/%Y')

    class get_list(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[has-class("tableau_comptes_details")]//tr[td and not(parent::tfoot)]'
        head_xpath = '//table[has-class("tableau_comptes_details")]/thead/tr/th'

        col_titres = re.compile('Valorisation')
        col_especes = re.compile('Solde espèces')

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            load_details = Field('_market_link') & AsyncLoad

            obj__especes = CleanDecimal(TableCell('especes'), replace_dots=True, default=0)
            obj__titres = CleanDecimal(TableCell('titres'), replace_dots=True, default=0)
            obj_valuation_diff = Async('details') & CleanDecimal(
                '//td[contains(text(), "value latente")]/following-sibling::td[1]',
            obj__market_link = Regexp(Attr(TableCell('label'), 'onclick'), "'(.*?)'")
            obj__link_id = Async('details') & Link(u'//a[text()="Historique"]')
            obj__transfer_id = None
            obj_balance = Field('_titres')
            obj_currency = Currency(CleanText(TableCell('titres')))
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            def obj_number(self):
                number = CleanText((TableCell('label')(self)[0]).xpath('./div[not(b)]'))(self).replace(' - ', '')
                m ='(\d{11,})[A-Z]', number)
                if m:
                    number =
                return number
            def obj_id(self):
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Sylvie Ye committed
                return "%sbourse" % Field('number')(self)

            def obj_label(self):
Sylvie Ye's avatar
Sylvie Ye committed
                return "%s Bourse" % CleanText((TableCell('label')(self)[0]).xpath('./div[b]'))(self)
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            def obj_type(self):
                _label = ' '.join(Field('label')(self).split()[:-1]).lower()
                for key in
                    if key in _label:
                return Account.TYPE_MARKET
    def get_logout_link(self):
        return Link('//a[@class="link-underline" and contains(text(), "espace client")]')(self.doc)

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    class iter_investment(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@id="tableValeurs"]/tbody/tr[@id and count(descendant::td) > 1]'
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        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            obj_label = CleanText('.//td[2]/div/a')
            obj_code = CleanText('.//td[2]/div/br/following-sibling::text()') & Regexp(pattern='^([^ ]+).*', default=NotAvailable)
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            obj_quantity = MyDecimal('.//td[3]/span')
            obj_diff = MyDecimal('.//td[7]/span')
            obj_valuation = MyDecimal('.//td[5]')

            def obj_code_type(self):
                code = Field('code')(self)
                if code and is_isin_valid(code):
                    return Investment.CODE_TYPE_ISIN
                return NotAvailable

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            def obj_unitvalue(self):
                if "%" in CleanText('.//td[4]')(self) and "%" in CleanText('.//td[6]')(self):
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
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                    return NotAvailable
                return MyDecimal('.//td[4]/text()')(self)
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            def obj_unitprice(self):
                if "%" in CleanText('.//td[4]')(self) and "%" in CleanText('.//td[6]')(self):
Baptiste Delpey's avatar
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                    return NotAvailable
                return MyDecimal('.//td[6]')(self)
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    class iter_history(TableElement):
        item_xpath = '//table[@id="historyTable" and thead]/tbody/tr'
        head_xpath = '//table[@id="historyTable" and thead]/thead/tr/th'

        col_date = 'Date'
        col_label = u'Opération'
        col_quantity = u'Qté'
        col_code = u'Libellé'
        col_amount = 'Montant'

        def next_page(self):
            form ="historyFilter")
            form['PAGE'] = int(form['PAGE']) + 1
            return requests.Request("POST", form.url, data=dict(form)) \
                if'//*[@data-page = $page]', page=form['PAGE']) else None

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Transaction

            obj_date = Date(CleanText(TableCell('date')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_type = Transaction.TYPE_BANK
            obj_amount = CleanDecimal(TableCell('amount'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_investments = Env('investments')

            def obj_label(self):
                return TableCell('label')(self)[0].xpath('./text()')[0].strip()

            def parse(self, el):
                i = None
                if CleanText(TableCell('code'))(self):
                    i = Investment()
                    i.label = Field('label')(self)
                    i.code = unicode(TableCell('code')(self)[0].xpath('./text()[last()]')[0]).strip()
                    i.quantity = MyDecimal(TableCell('quantity'))(self)
                    i.valuation = Field('amount')(self)
                    i.vdate = Field('date')(self)
                self.env['investments'] = [i] if i else []

class DiscPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
            # when life insurance access is restricted, a complete lcl logout form is present, don't use it
            # and sometimes there's just no form
            form = self.get_form(xpath='//form[not(@id="formLogout")]')
        except FormNotFound:
            # Sometime no form is present, just a redirection
            self.logger.debug('no form on this page')
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class NoPermissionPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_error_msg(self):
        error_msg = CleanText(
            '//div[@id="divContenu"]//div[@id="attTxt" and contains(text(), "vous n\'avez pas accès à cette opération")]'
        return error_msg
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class AVPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def get_routage_url(self):
        for account in self.doc.xpath('//table[@class]/tbody/tr'):
            if account.xpath('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a[has-class("routageCAR")]'):
                return Link('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a[has-class("routageCAR")]')(account)

    def is_website_life_insurance(self):
        # no need specific account to go on life insurance external website
        # because we just need to go on life insurance external website
        return bool(self.get_routage_url())

    def get_calie_life_insurances_first_index(self):
        # indices are associated to calie life insurances to make requests to them
        # if only one life insurance, this request directly leads to details on CaliePage
        # otherwise, any index will lead to CalieContractsPage,
        # so we stop at the first index
        for account in self.doc.xpath('//table[@class]/tbody/tr'):
            if account.xpath('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a[contains(@class, "redirect")][@href="#"]'):
                index = Attr(account.xpath('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a[contains(@class, "redirect")][@href="#"]'), 'id')(self)
                return index

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Baptiste Delpey committed
    class get_popup_life_insurance(ListElement):
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        item_xpath = '//table[@class]/tbody/tr'

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            klass = Account

                if self.obj_balance(self) == 0 and not self.el.xpath('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a'):
                    self.logger.warning("ignoring an AV account because there's no link for it")
                    return False
                # there is life insurance detail page link but check if it's a popup
                return self.el.xpath('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a[has-class("clickPopupDetail")]')
            obj__owner = CleanText('.//td[2]')
            obj_label = Format(u'%s %s', CleanText('.//td/text()[following-sibling::br]'), obj__owner)
            obj_balance = CleanDecimal('.//td[last()]', replace_dots=True)
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            obj_type = Account.TYPE_LIFE_INSURANCE
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            obj__link_id = None
            obj__market_link = None
            obj__coming_links = []
            obj__transfer_id = None
Sylvie Ye's avatar
Sylvie Ye committed
            obj_number = Field('id')
            obj__external_website = False
            obj__is_calie_account = False
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Baptiste Delpey committed

                _id = CleanText('.//td/@id')(self)
                # in old code, we use _id, it seems that is not used anymore
                # but check if it's the case for all users
                assert not _id, '_id is still used to retrieve life insurance'

                    ac_details_page ='.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a')(self)).page
                    return CleanText('(//tr[3])/td[2]')(ac_details_page.doc)
                except ServerError:
                    self.logger.debug("link didn't work, trying with the form instead")
                    # the above server error can cause the form to fail, so we may have to go back on the accounts list before submitting
                    # redirection to lifeinsurances accounts and comeback on Lcl original website
                    page = self.obj__form().submit().page
                    # Getting the account details from the JSON containing the account information:
                    details_page ='av_investments')(self)).page
                    account_id = Dict('situationAdministrativeEpargne/idcntcar')(details_page.doc)
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Baptiste Delpey committed
            def obj__form(self):
                form_id = Attr('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a', 'id', default=None)(self)
                    if '-' in form_id:
                        id_contrat ='^(.*?)-', form_id).group(1)
                        producteur ='-(.*?)$', form_id).group(1)
                        id_contrat = form_id
                        producteur = None
                    if len(self.xpath('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]/a[has-class("clickPopupDetail")]')):
                        # making a form of this link sometimes makes the site return an empty response...
                        # the link is a link to some info, not full AV website
                        # it's probably an indication the account is restricted anyway, so avoid it
                        self.logger.debug("account is probably restricted, don't try its form")
                    # sometimes information are not in id but in href
                    url = Attr('.//td[has-class("nomContrat")]//a', 'href', default=None)(self)
                    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
                    params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)

                    id_contrat = params['ID_CONTRAT'][0]
                    producteur = params['PRODUCTEUR'][0]

                if self.xpath('//form[@id="formRedirectPart"]'):
                    form ='//form[@id="formRedirectPart"]')
                    form ='//form[@id="formRoutage"]')
                    form['PRODUCTEUR'] = producteur
                form['ID_CONTRAT'] = id_contrat
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Baptiste Delpey committed
                return form

class CalieContractsPage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    class iter_calie_life_insurance(TableElement):
        head_xpath = '//table[contains(@id, "MainTable")]//tr[contains(@id, "HeadersRow")]//td[text()]'
        item_xpath = '//table[contains(@id, "MainTable")]//tr[contains(@id, "DataRow")]'

        col_number = 'Numéro contrat'  # internal contrat number

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Account

            # internal contrat number, to be replaced by external number in CaliePage.fill_account()
            # obj_id is needed here though, to avoid dupicate account errors
            obj_id = CleanText(TableCell('number'))

            obj_url = AbsoluteLink('.//a')  # need AbsoluteLink since we moved out of basurl domain

class SendTokenPage(LoggedPage, LCLBasePage):
    def on_load(self):
        form = self.get_form('//form')
        return form.submit()

class Form2Page(LoggedPage, LCLBasePage):
    def assurancevie_hist_not_available(self):
        msg = "Ne détenant pas de compte dépôt chez LCL, l'accès à ce service vous est indisponible"
        return msg in CleanText('//div[@id="attTxt"]')(self.doc)

    def on_load(self):
        if self.assurancevie_hist_not_available():
        error = CleanText('//div[@id="attTxt"]/text()[1]')(self.doc)
        if "L’accès au service est momentanément indisponible" in error:
            raise BrowserUnavailable(error)
class CalieTableElement(TableElement):
    # We need to set the first column to 1 otherwise
    # there is a shift between column titles and contents
    def get_colnum(self, name):
        return super(CalieTableElement, self).get_colnum(name) + 1

class CaliePage(LoggedPage, HTMLPage):
    def check_error(self):
        message = CleanText('//div[contains(@class, "disclaimer-div")]//text()[contains(., "utilisation vaut acceptation")]')(self.doc)
        if self.doc.xpath('//button[@id="acceptDisclaimerButton"]') and message:
            raise ActionNeeded(message)
    class iter_investment(CalieTableElement):
        # Careful, <table> contains many nested <table/tbody/tr/td>
        # Two first lines are titles, two last are investment sum-ups
        item_xpath = '//table[@class="dxgvTable dxgvRBB"]//tr[contains(@class, "DataRow")]'
        head_xpath = '//table[contains(@id, "MainTable")]//tr[contains(@id, "HeadersRow")]//td[text()]'

        col_label = 'Support'
        col_vdate = 'Date de valeur'
        col_original_valuation = 'Valeur dans la devise du support'
        col_valuation = 'Valeur dans la devise du support (EUR)'
        col_unitvalue = 'Valeur unitaire'
        col_quantity = 'Parts'
        col_diff_ratio = 'Performance'
        col_portfolio_share = 'Répartition (%)'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Investment

            obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label'))
            obj_original_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('original_valuation'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_valuation = CleanDecimal(TableCell('valuation'), replace_dots=True)
            obj_vdate = Date(CleanText(TableCell('vdate')), dayfirst=True)
            obj_unitvalue = CleanDecimal(TableCell('unitvalue'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)  # displayed with format '123.456,78 EUR'
            obj_quantity = CleanDecimal(TableCell('quantity'), replace_dots=True, default=NotAvailable)  # displayed with format '1.234,5678 u.'
            obj_portfolio_share = Eval(lambda x: x / 100, CleanDecimal(TableCell('portfolio_share')))

            def obj_diff_ratio(self):
                _diff_ratio = CleanDecimal(TableCell('diff_ratio'), default=NotAvailable)(self)
                if not empty(_diff_ratio):
                    return Eval(lambda x: x / 100, _diff_ratio)(self)
                return NotAvailable

            # Unfortunately on the Calie space the links to the
            # invest details return Forbidden even on the website
            obj_code = NotAvailable
            obj_code_type = NotAvailable