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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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# Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Nicolas Duhamel
# This file is part of a weboob module.
# This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this weboob module. If not, see <>.
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# flake8: compatible

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from __future__ import unicode_literals, division
from weboob.exceptions import BrowserUnavailable, BrowserIncorrectPassword, NoAccountsException, ActionNeeded
from weboob.browser.pages import LoggedPage
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from weboob.browser.filters.html import Link
from weboob.browser.filters.standard import CleanText, Regexp
from import VirtKeyboard
from .base import MyHTMLPage

class UnavailablePage(MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
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        raise BrowserUnavailable()

class Keyboard(VirtKeyboard):
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    symbols = {
        '0': ('daa52d75287bea58f505823ef6c8b96c', 'e5d6dc589f00e7ec3ba0e45a1fee1220'),
        '1': ('f5da96c2592803a8cdc5a928a2e4a3b0', '9732b03ce3bdae7a44df9a7b4e092a07'),
        '2': ('9ff78367d5cb89cacae475368a11e3af', '3b4387242c42bd39dbc263eac0718a49'),
        '3': ('908a0a42a424b95d4d885ce91bc3d920', '14fa1e5083fa0a0c0cded72a2139921b'),
        '4': ('3fc069f33b801b3d0cdce6655a65c0ac', '72792dbef888f1176f1974c86a94a084'),
        '5': ('58a2afebf1551d45ccad79fad1600fc3', '1e9ddf1e5a12ebaeaea26cca6f752a87'),
        '6': ('7fedfd9e57007f2985c3a1f44fb38ea1', '4e3a917198e89a2c16b9379f9a33f2a1'),
        '7': ('389b8ef432ae996ac0141a2fcc7b540f', '33b90787a8014667b2acd5493e5641d2'),
        '8': ('bf357ff09cc29ea544991642cd97d453', 'e4b30e90bbc2c26c2893120c8adc9d64'),
        '9': ('b744015eb89c1b950e13a81364112cd6', 'b400c35438960de101233b9c846cd5eb'),
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    color = (0xff, 0xff, 0xff)

    def __init__(self, page):
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        img_url = (
            Regexp(CleanText('//style'), r'background:url\((.*?)\)', default=None)(page.doc)
            or Regexp(CleanText('//script'), r'IMG_ALL = "(.*?)"', default=None)(page.doc)

        size = 252
        if not img_url:
            img_url = page.doc.xpath('//img[@id="imageCVS"]')[0].attrib['src']
            size = 146
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        x, y, width, height = (0, 0, size // 4, size // 4)
        for i, _ in enumerate(page.doc.xpath('//div[@id="imageclavier"]//button')):
            code = '%02d' % i
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            coords[code] = (x + 4, y + 4, x + width - 8, y + height - 8)
            if (x + width + 1) >= size:
                y += height + 1
                x += width + 1
        data =
        VirtKeyboard.__init__(self, BytesIO(data), coords, self.color)

        self.check_symbols(self.symbols, page.browser.responses_dirname)

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    def get_symbol_code(self, md5sum):
        code = VirtKeyboard.get_symbol_code(self, md5sum)
        return '%02d' % int(code.split('_')[-1])

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    def get_string_code(self, string):
        code = ''
        for c in string:
            code += self.get_symbol_code(self.symbols[c])
        return code

    def get_symbol_coords(self, coords):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = coords
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        return VirtKeyboard.get_symbol_coords(self, (x1 + 3, y1 + 3, x2 - 3, y2 - 3))
class LoginPage(MyHTMLPage):
    def login(self, login, pwd):
        vk = Keyboard(self)
        form = self.get_form(name='formAccesCompte')
        form['password'] = vk.get_string_code(pwd)
        form['username'] = login
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class repositionnerCheminCourant(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        super(repositionnerCheminCourant, self).on_load()
        response ="")
        if isinstance(, Initident):
        if "vous ne disposez pas" in response.text:
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword("No online banking service for these ids")
        if 'Nous vous invitons à renouveler votre opération ultérieurement' in response.text:
            raise BrowserUnavailable()
class PersonalLoanRoutagePage(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def form_submit(self):
        form = self.get_form()

class Initident(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):"")
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        if self.doc.xpath("""//span[contains(text(), "L'identifiant utilisé est celui d'une Entreprise ou d'une Association")]"""):
            raise BrowserIncorrectPassword("L'identifiant utilisé est celui d'une Entreprise ou d'une Association")
        no_accounts = CleanText('//div[@class="textFCK"]')(self.doc)
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Baptiste Delpey committed
        if no_accounts:
            raise NoAccountsException(no_accounts)
class CheckPassword(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
class BadLoginPage(MyHTMLPage):
class AccountDesactivate(LoggedPage, MyHTMLPage):

class TwoFAPage(MyHTMLPage):
    def on_load(self):
        # For pro browser this page can provoke a disconnection
        # We have to do login again without 2fa
        deconnexion = self.doc.xpath('//iframe[contains(@id, "deconnexion")] | //p[@class="txt" and contains(text(), "Session expir")]')
        if deconnexion:

    def get_auth_method(self):
        status_message = CleanText('//div[@class="textFCK"]')(self.doc)
                'Une authentification forte via Certicode Plus vous'
                + '|vous rendre sur l’application mobile La Banque Postale',
            return 'cer+'
                'authentification forte via Certicode vous'
                + '|code de sécurité que vous recevrez par SMS',
            return 'cer'
                'avez pas de solution d’authentification forte'
                + "|avez pas encore activé votre service gratuit d'authentification forte",
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            return 'no2fa'
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        elif (
            'Nous rencontrons un problème pour valider votre opération. Veuillez reessayer plus tard'
            in status_message
            raise BrowserUnavailable(status_message)
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        elif (
            'votre Espace Client Internet requiert une authentification forte tous les 90 jours'
            in status_message
            # Only first sentence explains 'why', the rest is 'how'
            short_message = CleanText('(//div[@class="textFCK"])[1]//p[1]')(self.doc)
            url = self.get_skip_url()
            if not url:
                raise ActionNeeded(
                    "Une authentification forte est requise sur votre espace client : %s" % short_message
                # raise an error to avoid silencing other no2fa cases
                raise AssertionError("No 2FA case to skip, or new 2FA case to trigger")
        raise AssertionError('Unhandled login message: "%s"' % status_message)
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    def get_skip_url(self):
        return Link('//div[@class="certicode_footer"]/a')(self.doc)

class Validated2FAPage(MyHTMLPage):

class SmsPage(MyHTMLPage):
    def check_if_is_blocked(self):
        error_message = CleanText('//div[@class="textFCK"]')(self.doc)
        if "l'accès à votre Espace client est bloqué" in error_message:
            raise ActionNeeded(error_message)

    def get_sms_form(self):
        return self.get_form()

    def is_sms_wrong(self):
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        return (
            'Le code de sécurité que vous avez saisi est erroné'
            in CleanText('//div[@id="DSP2_Certicode_AF_ErreurCode1"]//div[@class="textFCK"]')(self.doc)

class DecoupledPage(MyHTMLPage):
    def get_decoupled_message(self):
        return CleanText('//div[@class="textFCK"]/p[contains(text(), "Validez votre authentification")]')(self.doc)